The Economic Implications of Social Cohesion

الغلاف الأمامي
University of Toronto Press, 01‏/01‏/2003 - 249 من الصفحات

There is a growing awareness among economists that social networks and trust have an important impact on growth and other economic and social outcomes. The essays in The Economic Implications of Social Cohesion examine the potential influence of social cohesion on population, health, the well-being of children, macroeconomic performance, voluntary activity, the role of community institutions, aggregate investment and regional development. By tracing the connections between social cohesion and these specific outcomes, the book contributes to our understanding of the interaction between economic processes and their social framework.

Although the authors recognize the complex implications of social cohesion and the possibility of ambiguous effects on economic development, the general conclusion is that social cohesion has significant economic implications and that there are significant potential gains to some types of cohesion and the collective action it enables. Distinct in its subject and approach, The Economic Implications of Social Cohesion covers new ground in an emergent field of study and will provide an invaluable resource for researchers wishing to pursue further work in this area.

من داخل الكتاب


Introduction LARS OSBERG
Do Borders Matter for Social Capital?
A Microeconomic Analysis
Social Cohesion and the Wellbeing of Canadian Children
Social Cohesion and Health
Making Connections
Exploring the Links
Social Cohesion and Macroeconomic Performance
How Social Cohesion Attracts Investment
حقوق النشر

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

نبذة عن المؤلف (2003)

Lars Osberg is McCulloch Professor of Economics at Dalhousie University

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