| Noël Sturgeon - 1997 - عدد الصفحات: 276
...which Agarwal herself allows at different points in her article). Other points of her critique, such as "the ecofeminist argument does not take into account women's lived material relationship with nature,"83 sound hollow in the face of an ecofeminism that frequently bases its arguments on women's... | |
 | York University (Toronto, Ont.). Faculty of Environmental Studies - 1998 - عدد الصفحات: 416
...able to bring about ideological shifts in their own favour and how such shifts get entrenched. Fourth, the ecofeminist argument does not take into account women's lived material relationship with nature. Fifth, those strands of ecofeminism that trace the connection between women and nature to biology may... | |
 | David Pepper, Frank Webster, George Revill - 2003 - عدد الصفحات: 612
...able to bring about ideological shifts in their own favor and how such shifts get entrenched. Fourth, the ecofeminist argument does not take into account...themselves might conceive that relationship to be. Fifth, those strands of ecofeminism that trace the connection between women and nature to biology may... | |
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