Donation for Tsunami and a Tsunami of Donation: How the Media Mobilized and Utilized Donation for Disaster : a Case Study of the 2004 Tsunami in Aceh and NiasPirac, 2006 - 75 من الصفحات |
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... tradition of giving in In- donesia . Without a doubt , however , the images the people saw and the stories that they read and heard through the media had moved them to make their donations , large and small . 4.3 Media Mobilisation of ...
... tradition of giving in In- donesia . Without a doubt , however , the images the people saw and the stories that they read and heard through the media had moved them to make their donations , large and small . 4.3 Media Mobilisation of ...
... tradition of paying compulsory and voluntary reli- gious dues called zakat , infak and sadakah ( ZIS ) .41 Dompet Dhuafa is of interest here because it has been innovative and profes- sional in raising , managing , and distributing ...
... tradition of paying compulsory and voluntary reli- gious dues called zakat , infak and sadakah ( ZIS ) .41 Dompet Dhuafa is of interest here because it has been innovative and profes- sional in raising , managing , and distributing ...
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
10 Agust 10 Agustus Aceh and Nias activities aftermath Anteve ANTV August August 10 Bakornas PBP Bali TV bantuan based bencana tsunami berbasis campaign Combined Media corporate daily Dana Tergalang dana-dana Disaster and Refugee Dompet Dhuafa donations emergency established Exxon Mobil filantropi Filantropi Media first Foundation fund fundraising Funds Raised Government Grup Kompas Grup Media Hamid Abidin harian help Indonesian media Indosiar Infak January January 17 Jejaring juta kampanye Kompas Kompas Group Koran Tempo korban tsunami Kuntoro Mangkusubroto m Rp media cetak media companies Media Group Media Philanthropy Metro TV miliar money nasional news organisations penanganan bencana penggalangan dana people perusahaan media perusahaan-perusahaan media Philanthropy Pirac's Piramedia Posko print media program programme Public Interest Research Radio Raising Funds RCTI rehabilitasi Republika Respon school SCTV sebuah sekolah services stage sumbangan televisi television three tion total Trans TV Tsunami di Aceh tsunami victims used worked Yayasan