iv. 10, y Vigil; thence "p & äro, fuperior in Time, Place, Power, or, &c. And this they us'd fingular or Plural, as the Name or the Names. And they had Towers and Obfervers, doubtless with neceflary Inftruments, by which they thought they could difcover hidden Things, the Intentions of their Overfeers, Guardians in this Covering. The Obfervers were call'd by the Name, and the Places of Obfervation, which were many, have a prefixed; fo Pharaoh call'd JoSeph ny ny The Revealer of Secrets. This Act of feeing or overfeeing is one of the highest Attributes in Divinity, emblematically represented by Eyes in the Cherubim, Exek. x. 12, And their whole Bo dy (Heb. Flefh) and their Backs, and their Hands, and teir Wings, and the Wheels, were full of Eyes round about. This Crime is referr'd to under this Word, Hof. v. 1, Because ye have been a Snare on Mifpah, the Place of Obfervation. So the Claims under thefe Words exactly defcribe this Affair, Prov. xv. 3, The Eyes of Jehovah are in every Place, beholding (fpeculantes) the Evil and the Good. Ib. xxxi. 21, She looketh well to the Ways of her Houfhold. Job xxiv. 1, Times are not hid from the Almighty. Mm 3 550 mighty. Mich. vii. 7, I will look unto בית במות M من Ention'd 1 Reg. xii. 31. xiv. 23. & al. A Queftion was put what this was, Ezek. xx. 29, And I faid unto them, what is an, this High-Place, whereunto ye go? So the Name of it is called Bamah for what?) to this Day. The Latins knew not what this Word mean'd, fo had no Subftantive for it. Our English Tranflators have made the Word always fignify High Places, im defpight of common Senfe. There were other High-Places than they dreamed of, 7 Ifai. xiv. 14, I will afcend above the high Places (Heights) of the Clouds; I will be like the most High. The Objects of their Worship were fome Things or Powers which they imagined were at these Heights, and fo muft not be Heights; but, if we had a fubftantive, Highs, or, as we have not, high Ones, only other c. To this refers בעל מלך Words for Sanchon. cited in the second Part of M. P. p. 281. "he mentions a God called Elios or the most High; who lived near Biblus, and begat Ouranos, from whom the atherial Region received the Name of Ouran or Calum, that is Heaven." They had Priests to thefe Powers, 1 Kings xii. 31, Priests of Bamoth. Ib. xiii. 2. & ver. 33, Made again the lowest of the People Priests of Bamoth. 2 Chron. xi. 15, Priests mp to Bamoth & y to Devils (to Tempefts) They had Images or Representations, whether for their uncommon Height, or what, appears not But I take them to be fome Figure of the Heavens as their Molochs and their Succoths were. Levit. xxvi. 30, And I will deftroy your High Places (S. Statues) and cut down your Images, and caft your Carcaffes upon the Carcaffes of your Idols. Ezek. xliii. 7 Nor by the Carcaffes of their Mm 4 their Kings, their high Ones. ver. 9. Now let them put away their Whoredoms, and the Carcaffes of their Kings far from me. Ezek. xvi. 16, And of thy Garments thou didst take and deckedft thy high Ones with divers Colours, and played the Harlot thereupon. That they were either Mountains or Pyramids, or any larger than a high altar or Image, is impoffible. Numb. xxi. 20, And from Bamoth in the Valley. Jer. vii. 31, And they have built the high Places of Tophet, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to burn their Sons and their Daughters in the Fire. Ib. xix. 5, They have built also the high Places of Baal to burn their Sons with Fire for Burnt-Offerings unto Baal, &c. 2 Kings xxiii. 10, And he defiled Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Children of Hinnom, that no Man might make his Son or his Daughter pafs through the Fire to Molech. 1 Kings xi. 7, Then did Solomon build (form, frame, after an Idea) a Bamah for Chemosh and for Moleck. Ib. xiv. 23, And they also built them Bamoth-on every high Hill, and under every green Tree. 2 Kings xvii. 9, And they built them Bamoth in all their Cities. ver. 11, And there they burnt Incenfe in all the Bamoth. Jer. Jer. xlviii. 35, Him that offereth to Bamah, and him that burneth Incense to his Aleim. 2 Kings xvii. 29, Every Nation made them Aleim of their own, and put them in the Houfe of the High Ones. Numb. xxxiii. 52, And quite pluck down all their Bamoth. 2 Kings xxiii. 15, Both that Altar and, the Bamah he brake down, and burnt the Bamah, and ftampt it to Powder. 2 Chron. xxi. II, Moreover he made Bamoth in the Mountains of Judea. Ib. xxxiv. 3, To purge Judah and Jerufalem from the Ba moth, and the Afrim, and the carved Images, and the molten Images. They had Abundance of Temples to these Powers. 1 Kings xii. 31, And he made a Houfe of Bamoth. ib. xiii. 32, Against the Altar in Bethel, and against all the Houfes of the Bamoth. 2 Kings xxiii. 19, And all the Houfes alfo of Bamoth that were in the Cities of Samaria, &c. The true and false Worfhippers facrificed on the Tops of Mountains call'd by this Name, I Chron. xvi. 39, Before the Tabernacle of Jehovah in Bamah that was at Gibeon. Ib. xxi. 29, For the Tabernacle of Jehovah which Mofes made in the Wildernefs, and the Altar of the Burnt-Offering were at that Seafon in the high Place |