thens, much more, the Divine Writers, understood all the Powers which have been lately attributed to Projection, Attraction, Gravity, and the Uses of the Loadstone, &c. and fince all Disputes of that Kind have been fettled near four thousand Years ago: And fince you fee there has been no uninterrupted Succeffion of Philofophers; and fince the Neft of the present ones is but from a modern Grant, and fo a Creature of the Crown: And fince 'tis pretty plain, that Plan was projected, and that Grant obtain'd by those who were no Friends to the Church of England, whose Design is to disparage the Scriptures, to regain the Supremacy, and is carry'd on by those who know not what they are doing: And fince they follow the Doctrines of Men, and not those of the Scripture: Since we could not produce an immediate Reformation, I have done as my Neighbour Wycliff of glorious Memory did by the Romish Church here, expos'd their Errors, want of Learning, Ignorance, &c. by fhewing the Truth. Tho' the first Part of his Cafe, that he referr'd to Scripture, and that Poffeffion and Prepoffeffion was against what he advanc'd, be mine; I am not under the Difficulties the Reformers in the Church were. We We want no Ordination from the Chiefs in Being; though if we did, enow of their Body have recanted, and would, if it were neceffary, ordain others. And I hope, the latter. Part of his Cafe will not be mine. Sure their Charter will not exclude the Benefit granted to new Inventors. Since our Laws have tolerated Diffenters in Religion, they will not reftrain us from fetting up fomebody in an Academy, with neceffary Apparatus to fhew the Scripture Philofophy; fince we are willing to be determined in every Article, not only by Scripture, but by the Evidence the Pretenders have appeal'd to, but never produc'd, Demonftration to Sense. And perhaps it may be as much for the Honour and Intereft of the Kings of GreatBritain, &c. to be Governors of a Society, which will confirm their other Titles, as of one which contradicts them. FINI S explained in this Volume. 435 שטה 403 492 דגון + מלאכת השמים 294 שמש 521 מני 28 שם שמים 21 & 349 מעזים 420 הנע 5oz.דבלתים 478 המון 459 מעוז 538 שעירים 440 הקיץ 415 מעכה 269 תמונה 426 הרם 461 מפלצת 298 המז 466 הדן 557 מרדר 419 תמר 429 זבוב 397 תפוח 425 מרכבת 319 זר זרים 446 נבו 451 חרפים 432 חגלה 447 נבחז 434 תרחק 278 חמה 445 נמרה { 531 חננאל ? חנן It may be difputed, whether be not Weftward in the Place מלכת N.B. The Author has mistaken the Word here ; it is * Fer. vii. 18. |