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النشر الإلكتروني

the case, and force of circumstances. It is, as was long since predicted by a Prussian journal it would be, "a decisive victory of liberty and humanity over the pernicious influence of prejudice and intolerance."

But let us not mislead our readers in this matter. The law stands precisely as it did before. That has not been repealed, nor will it be for at least seven years to come, if then. The Constitution of the Royal York Grand Lodge is revised but once in nine years. The last revision was in 1845,-the next will of course be in 1854. No amendments are allowed in the interem; though the Grand Master has the power of suspending such portions as necessity or convenience may require. It is manifest, therefore, that the objectionable article may at any moment be renewed. This, however, will not be done during the present Grand Mastership. We entertain no fears in this respect, and we will not prejudge the character of his successor.

But the obnoxious features of the law do not stop here. The clause suspended relates entirely to Jewish Masons, having the Certificates of foreign Grand Lodges, and presenting themselves as visitors at the Prussian Lodges. The refusal to admit them was equivalent to dishonoring the Certificates of the Grand bodies from which they hailed. This was the ground of complaint, and it was valid. But the law goes further, and prohibits the initiation and affiliation of Jews. For this, however unjust and oppressive it may be, there is probably no remedy, except in the Grand Lodge itself. It is not a question with which foreign Grand Lodges will be likely to interfere. Now, therefore, if the Prince Protector will take this matter in hand, and suspend the disqualifying and unmasonic section of the law, (for such it is,) until it can be repealed, he will not only be entitled to credit for his liberality, but will be rewarded by the gratitude of thousands of his fellow-countrymen, whose only offence is a difference of religious faith!

A Prussian Brother, writing on this subject, humanely remarks, that "it is possible that time may soften these feelings, and if many well educated gentlemen of the Hebrew faith become frequent visitors at our Lodges, no doubt some good will be effected. We feel certain that as Jews become known and understood, their social position will improve, and the bigotry of some of our countrymen will yield to the closer acquaintance of the manner, habits, and views of that people." We trust that the hopes of our Brother may be realised.




THE officers of Washington Lodge, Roxbury, were publicly installed on the evening of the 30th November. We are indebted for the following notice of the ceremony, to the Olive Branch, one of the best family papers published in this city, and which we heartily recommend to the patronage of our Brethren :

"There was a very respectable audience of ladies and gentlemen present, and considering the inclement state of the weather, the gathering was as large as could have been expected. The exercises consisted of-1. A Voluntary on the organ. 2. Prayer, by Rev. Br. G. M. Randall. 3. Chant by the Choir. 4. Installation of Officers, by R. W. George G. Smith. 5. Chant by the Choir. 6. Proclamation by the Marshal, Br. N. A. Thompson. 7. Ode, by the Choir. 8. Address by Rev. Br. G. M. Randall. 9. Anthem by the Choir. 10. Address by W. Luther Hamilton, the newly installed Master of the Lodge. 11. Prayer, by Rev. W. R. Alger. 12. Doxology by the Choir.

The address of Br. Randall was extemporaneous, and one admirably adapted to the occasion, and delivered in a style truly eloquent and effective.

The installation of the officers, by Br. Geo G. Smith, was performed in his usually happy and impressive manner, and was calculated to make the several officers feel that they were entering upon the discharge of high and responsible duties. The singing was performed by Mrs. Shirley, Mrs. Melcher, Mr. T. Proctor, and Br. Wm. B. Oliver. We need hardly add that this part of the ceremony was performed in a manner highly creditable to those engaged in it, and to the satisfaction of all present. Mrs. Shirley possesses a voice of extreme power and richness, and sings with a style and taste which would please the most fastidious musical connoisseur. Her rich treble, with Mrs. Melcher's fine alto, Mr. Proctor's full and heavy bass, and Mr. Oliver's pleasant tenor, formed a musical quartette to which it was truly pleasant to listen.

The company separated at an early hour, each one apparently pleased and edified with the evening's ceremony."


Monroe, Ind., Nov. 11, 1847.

R. W. BR. MOORE :-Being desirous of correct information on the following questions, your opinion on the same will be thankfully received:

1st. A Brother who is not a member of any Lodge, but resides under the jurisdiction of a regularly constituted Lodge, has become obnoxious; and the Lodge wishing to proceed against him, what is the most prompt and summary method for the Lodge to pursue, in order to expel him from all the rights and privileges of Masonry?

2d. Is it according to Masonic usage to arrest the charter of a regularly constituted Lodge, solely on account of an officer of said Lodge being an expelled Mason, previous to the organization of said Lodge, supposing that officer to be the Master? BENJ. CARTER.

Yours, fraternally,

1. It is immaterial whether the delinquent Brother be a member or not, he is amenable to the Lodge within whose jurisdiction he resides; and he must be arraigned and tried before that Lodge, unless there are

particular and forcible reasons to the contrary. In this case, the Grand Master will not hesitate to direct that the proceedings shall take place in another Grand Lodge, or he will appoint a special commission for the purpose. But before either of these last courses of proceeding is resorted to, it must be made manifest to the Grand Master, or to the Grand Lodge, as the case may be, that the prejudices existing against the accused, are such that he cannot, otherwise, have a fair and impartial trial, such as he is entitled to, and such as is guarantied to him by the principles of justice and the laws of Masonry. This will, however, rarely be the case; but if it should happen, the difficulty is removed in the manner described.

Our correspondent will agree with us, that, even in aggravated cases, such as we infer the one in question to be, the first inquiry is, not how the delinquent Brother may be most "promptly and summarily" disposed of; but how he may be most equitably and correctly proceeded against. However aggravated the offence, and however manifest the guilt of the accused, he is entitled to all the leniency, and to all the facilities of defence, which the liberal spirit of our laws guaranties to the least guilty. And whatever length of time may be required to effect his expulsion,-however desirable it may be to cast him off, as a diseased member whose presence is dangerous,-the rules of proceeding in such cases must be respected.

We have so frequently described the nature and operation of these rules, that it can scarcely be necessary that we should here notice them in detail. The accused is entitled to a copy of the charges alleged against him before the Lodge, and to at least fourteen days notice, to prepare himself for trial; with the privilege of introducing his own witnesses, orcounter testimony. He may answer for himself; or by counsel, if his counsel be a Mason,-not otherwise. And, (say the old Constitutions,) "if he be not satisfied with the determination of the Lodge, an appeal may be made to the Grand Lodge." But, in this case, he is required forthwith to serve the Lodge with a written notice of his intention to appeal. The appeal must also be made in writing, specifying the particular grievance complained of, and forwarded to the Grand Secretary, fourteen days at least before the ensuing communication of the Grand Lodge. If the deci sion of the Lodge be confirmed, it stands against the accused, whatever it may be.

When the decision of the Lodge is expulsion, it operates as a suspension of the delinquent, from the moment it is declared; notwithstanding he may immediately give the required notice of his intention to appeal to the Grand Lodge. But it is manifestly improper, in such cases, for the

Lodge to publish the decision,—even if it be proper in any case, (which we much doubt,)—before it is confirmed by the Grand Lodge.

2. We apprehend that the terms of the second inquiry proposed by our correspondent, do not indicate fully all the facts in the case on which he asks our opinion. We take it, however, as it stands, and give him a negative answer. The mere circumstance that an unworthy Brother has gained admission into a Lodge and been elected Master, does not, of itself, furnish sufficient cause for a revocation of its Charter by the Grand Lodge. But, if the Brethren composing the Lodge, have knowingly and wilfully, and in violation of their obligations to the Grand Lodge and the Fraternity at large, admitted an expelled member and placed him at their head, the proceeding not only furnishes justifiable cause, but renders it the imperative duty of the Grand Lodge, not merely to revoke the Charter, but to hold the members to a severe accountability for their conduct. We know nothing of the facts in the present case, farther than they are disclosed in the question submitted by our correspondent. On that alone we predicate our answer.


THERE are seven hundred and eighty Lodges on the Register of the Grand Lodge of England, viz:

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There are probably about four thousand Lodges at present in existence, in all

parts of the world.

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