صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

eftates, they never think of narriage; their delicacy is such, for they are extremely proud, vain and ignorant, that they defpife men of their own. colour; and though they have their amorous defires abundantly gratified by them and black men fecretly, they will not avow thefe connections. It would be confidered an indeniable stain in the character of a white man to enter into a matrimonial bondage with one of them; he would be despised in the community, and excluded from all fociety on that account.

"All men fhou'd wed with their fimilitude;
"Like fhou'd with like in love and years engage."

When one of them gets a child as brown or browner than herself, it is confidered a very great blemish in her character; on the contray, if it chan ́ces to be fairer, it is her greatest pride and glory: her friends and relations rejoice-the bantling is handled and dandled-the father is flattered and praised-" a man, for true"-the mother is careffed-a joyful mother! On which account females ufe every art to fet themselves off to the best advantage, to make themselves pleasing and engaging companions for white men; and when one of them is disbanded by the man who had her in keeping, (or as they fay, fhe had in keeping) the plumps up her breafts like an innocent virgin, or wanton bashful bride, vifits balls and plays, and ftroles about until he is picked up by fomebody else. They are very artful,

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and difpofe of their ware to the greatest advantage; maidenheads are very inticing; and though their arms have been as common as the chairs of barbers for years, they will impofe themselves for maids; for in these cafes they are more knowing than whites. I have often met many fine' looking Mongrel girls, young and innocent to appearance, as deceptious as any Covent Garden country mifs.

Some men are fo weak and filly as to think that black girls will not fuit their purposes, and bargain with the parents of Mongrels to hire their daughters for the use of proftitution. Nay, even Creole ladies, as I have faid before, will hire their negroe wenches to white men for that ufe. If you wish to get a fine young Mongrel, you must folicit the favour of the mistress, or give five pounds to the black mother as well as to the tawny daughter. They fay in their fong,

"Come, carry me in a room;
"Come, carry me in a room;
"And give them five pound piece.

"Come, carry me in a room;

"Come, carry me in a room;

"And lay me on the bed."

The black women ufe every means to draw young men to their rookeries, in order to proftitute their daughters; I have been often compelled by the mother to fpend a whole night with


her gingerbread daughter.-Those gypfies have a wonderful afcendancy over men, and have injured many, both powerful and fubordinate; the poor flaves on a plantation are obliged to pay them as much adoration as the Portuguese do the Hoftefs or Virgin Mary; for the government of the cowkin depends in a great measure on their fmiles. or frowns; therefore I beg, whatever department of life may be your lot, that you will keep your employer's bofom-gipfy modeftly at a distance; that is, not to be free or familiar with her, and not to be respectful or impudent to her, whereby you will loose your confequence, and fhe will infult you; and do not quarrel with her if poffible.

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Never ftrive to feduce your friend or employer's kept-mistress, for it is mean, and will injure • you with batchelors in general; but if fhe haunts you, fo that you cannot well avoid her, do not be a Jofeph I was once plagued by a letcherous. tawny whore, who followed me in every private room, finging bawdy catches, with wanton geftures, and luring and lafcivious invitations; and because that I acted through principle, and had nothing to do with her, the deceitful Mrs. Potipher, the vile incendiary, the damnable dæmon of iniquity, artfully infinuated all the bafe ftratagems which her malicious heart could devife against me; by which means my employer treated me fo ill, that I was obliged to discharge myself..

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It was then I refolv'd evermore to beware
Of provoking the brown, as well as the fair;
But keep them my friends wherever I'd go :
For a gipsy when flighted's a dangerous foe.

O then I advise you, be brisk with each fair,
Nor reject a kind offer to grasp at a snare;
Yet, pray never strive to feduce the foft race,
But, when they invite-take care of your place.

In towns, Mongrels are commonly taught to read and write, when their parents can afford it i and every one gets more education in the heels than in the head, (for, like the white Creoles, they are amazing fond of dancing); when one of them makes a ball, as they frequently do on Saturday nights, the invites a number of her female acquaintance, also, such merchants and clerks as will honour her on the occafion, (none of her own coloured men are admitted); fhe engages a bands of music, and prepares an elegant fupper, with fweetmeats, wines, &c. &c. for which each gentleman pays three or four dollars: lawyers, merchants and clerks, &c, frequent fuch affemblies, and promifcuously meet and joftle each other: I have spent many merry nights at fuch balls. When you are fometime in the country, get yourself introduced by fome friendly acquaintance; the affectation of these gipfies will difpel care, and make you laugh heartily; befides, you will have opportunities of feeing and getting acquainted with fome of the finest girls in the


iland; groups of lamb-like laffes, decorated most curiously in filks, muslins and chintz, ornamented with ribbands, fafhes and coftly trinkets, fhining to the greatest advantage; there you may, if inclined for fport, dance the daughters of the most honourable gentlemen into love; and when the ball or rigadoon is over, efcort her to your house or lodging, and taste all the wanton and warm endearments she can yield before morn


Here I must give you fome néceffary cautions, leaft you be premature in your amours; as many infatuated men, of pimping jealous difpofitions, go to those balls merely to watch their girls, and to keep them chafte till they return. Be cautious and fecret in your intrigues, least you get into disagreeable and unneceffary broils; for, " he that is robbed, not wanting what is ftolen, let him not know it, and he is not robbed at all;" therefore, when you take a liking to one of them, enquire of herself, or of fome other perfon, whe ther the is engaged or not; they will tell you candidly, and direct you so that you may gratify your defires. Mongrel wenches from their youth up are taught to be whores: you cannot affront one of them more than to give any hint of her being dull and unskilled in the magical art; but if you wish to gain her favour, you must flatter and tell her the moves her body and limbs fo engagingly, that you are confident the must be very


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