صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

other tables and ways and means of winning and loofing money. Though I would not wifh you to feclude yourself entirely from public recreations, or private amusements, as they are at times conducive to health, yet I ardently advise you to frequent thofe heart-knawing places of uproar and riot but seldom; and never to play for money, leaft you are bilked by fharpers; and what is vaftly dearer to you, your reputation alfo. If a young man, at his first fetting out, has not more virtue and prudence than his employer, God help him! He will cut but a poor figure in the Western hot world, and ftand a bad chance of preferment. Though great men, as they are stiled, gamble and revil to excefs on the properties of others, as they are not immediately under the eyes of their creditors, yet they don't like to fee their clerks addicted to thofe abominable vices, leaft when they loofe their money they fhould be tempted to act difhoneftly. I must contend, that it is impoffible for men who are fond of gambling to be honeft, confequently they must be rogues; the gamblers with to win, i. e. to impoverish their friends or neighbours. He is a rogue, in every fenfe of the word! for he not only injures, or breaks himself or friends, but violates three or four of God's commandments. A man who has been fuccefsful a few times at a hazard-table, cannot eafily relinquish gambling;

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"It grows with his growth, and ftrengthens with his ftrength."

Gamblers commonly exercife their right, against their left hands, when in private; and it would take a large volume to particularize (was I capable) one-tenth part of the various schemes and tricks which gamblers practice to deceive and cozen each other. So that thofe who are fond of gambling, or who don't practice it merely for their amufement, without base, mercenary views, but through avaricious motives, or for a livelihood, are the vileft of men, i. e. fharpers. Sharpers, in many places, have an engaging addrefs, and are polite and intelligent ;-fometimes they drefs themfelves like gentlemen of fashion; other times, like country bumpkins, to fuit the different companies they mix with; this commonly happens in large towns or cities, where they may frequent different Taverns a long time before they are detected; for which purpofe they have a good ftock of clothes. At cards and dice gan.blers have, in my opinion, of all the games I faw, the largest field for cheating.

When gamblers are not in conjunction, they purchafe packs of cards, and prepare falfe dice, which they manage with great dexterity or fleight of hand.

They, in private, put private marks upon the cards and feal them as before, which they deliyer to the waiters of the taverns they frequent,


or leave in fome place which, when wanted, they may be carelessly introduced; and though in. many places waiters do not know their marks, they are not ignorant of their intent, for they commonly get perquifites for their fecrefy and activity.

But when sharpers are numerous they form themselves into different parties, and have private fignals; thefe honourable gentry promifcuoufly meet at gambling tables, feeming ftrangers to each other, where, if a man who is not guarded against their villanous fchemes enters into play with them, and takes one of the fcoundrels for a partner, he is artfully drawn on by deceptions, fhew of honour and honefty, the winning a few small betts, and other mancevers, to rifque in the end all he has by him, or what he is worth, which of crurfe he loses, and goes home with an aching heart a beggar. I af fure you that numbers are daily ruined by fuch hypocritical villians.

In those days it requires time and penetration to diftinguish a gambler or sharper from a gentleman; where you find a man who has no estate or property nor profeffion whereby he may earn a livelihood induftriously and honeftly, and yet appears gay and haunts taverns and has an itching for gaming; or when you find a man whom you do not know, or are but flightly acquainted with, who at first or fecond meet


ing behaves uncommonly polite and civil to you, be guarded against him.

Gamblers and fharpers are baneful to fociety, and injurious to any community; in many places gambling is prohibited, and gamblers and sharpers feverely punished by the laws. What a pity that the Weft Indies are choked up with fuch poisonous weeds,—who,

"Like pikes lank with hunger, who mifs of their "ends,

"They bite their companions, and prey on their "friends."

At a gambling table all people are on a footing, without any diftinction of perfons; there the nobleman divefts himself of all honour, and levels with the vileft fwinge buckler; there the Chrift-murdering Shylock has as much influence as the brave general or valiant admiral.

Officers of the army are, to their difgrace, fond of gambling, therefore be cautious how you form connections with fuch: let your sphere of life be ever fo low, think it no honour to be parading at taverns or elsewhere with military gentry, leaft your friends think flenderly of your principles and induftry. Here I muft obferve to you, that the modern military bucks, particularly thofe who are fent abroad, do, in general, take ̄more pains to adorn their external than their internal parts; formerly the army was confidered

confidered a school for politenefs and good breeding, but latterly this academy is changed into fcenes of drinking, whoring, gaming, uproar and riot.

Their drefs and expence are commonly above their income, in which cafe they are excellent loungers, and behave with great freedom, familiarity and impudence in the house of every jolly fellow who gives them frequent dinners and liquors to get basely drunk, (for they think they are not made welcome if the glass is not pushed about until they are deprived of their reafon). This fort of gentry, in almoft every company, expose their ignorance and fhew their pedantry, by boafting of their great connections, courage and gallantry: even those who may not have a grain of merit in their grofs compofitions." I have the Kings commiffion, Sir." "Zounds, Sir,-Dare you presume to speak to me?"-" I am a gentleman, Sir."-And piftols is the next word, of course, and fo on, with every dafterly, ignorant, affrontful, litigious brat, who knows almost as little of what he fain would arrogate to himfelf as an ape or a wild goose.

You must know that I have always been averse to duelling and duellers; it is to be lamented, if nothing but death will protect good peaceable men from infults, in my opinion the practice is not only cowardly, but bafe and pedantic, and should not be excused in any but bedlamites;

a man

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