صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

a man of fenfe and good breeding never will give offence; therefore when such a man is attacked by an ill-bred man, he should defend himself in the mean time as well as he is able, and look to the law afterwards for redrfs: furely it would be madness and folly for any man to risque his life with a mad bull. Besides, what a vain mistaken notion of every coxcomb, and every jackanapes, when once he gets the Kings commiffion, to think himself superior to those in the civil departments of life: it is well known that the Kings commissions are every day bought and fold for trash-for money is only trash.

It is also well known that many gentlemen do through interest get their illegitimate brats, who have been fathered on them, commissions, and that there are many of this kind in the army. It is also well known that the King does not enquire into the chara&er, family, or merits. of every young man who gets his commission; therefore, in my opinion, and I am sure I am right, a commission can no more entitle such to the appellation of a gentleman, than a red coat can make a coward valiant, or a pair of steel spurs make a dunghill cock true game.

I do not know any word fo much abused as that of gentleman; every groveling mechanic, every griping pedlar, every illiterate clown, though they know no more of politeness or good breeding than Hodge in the play, when they get poffeffion

possession of a little money or property, are termed Esquires, and Gentlemen.

A gentleman should have a mind adorned with all the fublimity of fentiment human nature is capable of pofieffing; his understanding should be found and clear; he should have an impartial reason, a firm and intrepid heart, free from every species of meanness, and overflowing with gentleness, benevolence, brotherly love and humanity; he should have an engaging and graceful address, and possess every bright accomplishments to render him an ornament to society; in fine, he should have an extensive knowledge, and be a composition of every thing amiable; a virtuous man who loved God, and kept his commandments.

I shall conclude my criticism on military gentlemen, with an extract or two from a poem I was induced to write when in Quebec.

In ev'ry corps you'll always find,
Some worthy men, humane and kind;

Poffeffing courage, honour, all


That we can great or noble call;
And men of learning, science, arts,
With judicious heads, and found hearts;

Strangers to pride and vanity,

An honour to fociety.

From enfigns low, to gen'rals great,.
Such men there are, but rare to meet;
Yet numbers are, I'll testify,
Of diff'rent stamp in crimfon dye;
The first of which mighty claffes,
Are vain, proud, imperious affes;






Blustering bucks over-bearing,
Haughty, proud, and domineering;,
Dependants vile on Ministry;

Mean men of no integrity.

The second set which does compose
The hopeful choir of scarlet beaux,
Are empty cyphers, mere scare-crows:

Whims of vanity, idle tools,
Pedantic fops, and filly fools;

Loungers without any spirit,

Striplings without sense or merit;
The fcum of pride and infolence,
And men of little consequence.

The third, a worthless class you'll find,
Compof'd of dregs of all mankind;
Puppies father'd upon others,

By their jilting artful mothers;

No doubt to noblemen allied,

" The daddy's picture," "daddy's pride;

Now, almost every fuch brat,

Wears a cockade and epaulet;


With scarlet coat, sword and rattan,
Lord! what a pretty gentleman!
As dunghills made of dirt and faggots
Breed a fort of filthy maggots;
When naked-hateful to our eyes,
Give them but wings-fweet butterflies;
Such dunghill vermin, meanly born,
Vile objects of contempt and scorn,
Are nothing better at the best,
Than catterpillers nicely dreft;
Like catterpillers, too, I think,
Tose servile buskind-ranters stink.


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Never, I beg and beseech you, for your own good, though you be ever so grossly insulted with virulent words, let passion irritate you fo far as to lift your hand to attempt to give the first blow to any man; always receive the first; and if you are able, let the aggressor be ever so great or mighty, beat him to your own heart's content: if you only lift your hand, and point and shake it in a bullying threatening manner at any person it is an affault. And this you will please to remember, that if you are perfecuted by the most nefarious scoundrel, nay, and that he horsewhips and shoots you dead with a murdering infamous tongue, if you give the first blow, or shake your fist at him, you may be assured that you are liable to be taken upon a warrant, and if you don't give two fufficient securities, te committed to a loathsom prison, among distempered negroes, there to remain 'till the Sessions, and then to be indicted and arraigned at the bar, "That not having the fear of God before your eyes, &c." and you will be found guilty of the affault; and though the provocation may mitigate your offence to have some weight with the Justices to fine you only fix-pence, you will have all costs to pay, which will be about 20l. Currency. Here I must observe, as I have before in page for, that Justices are too partial; but if a Justice should ever take too much upon himself, fo as to afflict a punishment too fevere for the offence fence you committed, they have not all the law in their power; twelve good honest freeholders, at common law, who regard their oaths, if you bring your action, will grant you redress.

Attorney-Generals, in fome of the British Islands, are originally only Attorney's clerks, who with a smattering of Latin, by some little interest procure those births; and they are as griping as the Bow-street Magistrates: Shakefpeare fays,

"For though I will not practice to deceive,
"Yet to avoid deceit I mean to learn."

By a strict attention to any business you enter into, you will in time attain a knowledge thereof; which should be an ambition to you to arrive at perfection:--but remember that you must break the shell before you get at the kernel; and by a modeft, respectful demeanor towards your fuperiors-an agreeable, good-natured, phiJantropic or friendly behaviour towards your equals, and a genteel, humane and charitable difpofition towards your inferiors, you will gain their friendship, love and esteem. Yet, avoid extremes in every thing; let your manners and behaviour be adapted as near as you can to the tempers and dispositions of your superiors and acquaintance, provided their tempers and morals are pure and uncorrupted; - and though modesty is very amiable in a young man, with all your modefty have a certain degree of manly affurance, without arrogance or infoleat pride: too much bashfulness or modesty makes a man appear

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