The preceding prefcription is one vomit, two bolufes, one phial of injection, an electuary and a purge, all marked thus, and you are to be rigidly ftrict in taking them as follows; The first night you are to take the vomit by fwallowing a table spoonful every ten minutes by a watch until it operates, then to work it off with large and repeated draughts of luke-warm water, until you puke feven or eight times; the whole being over, and your ftomach at ease, drink fome thin water gruel, which probably will work you downwards; next morning take the purge diffolved in a cup of warm water, and work it off with thin gruel or weak tea; at night, when going to bed, take one of the bolufes next day, take every third hour about the fize of a nutmeg of the electuary, and continue in like manner each day taking the fame (the day you take a purge excepted); at night repeat the bolus, and the third day repeat the purge; if in fix days you do not find the running and inflammation mation much abated, repeat the bolufes and electuary. You must not omit every day to bathe and wash the parts two or three times, and to use the injections with a handy penis fyrenge; and every night when going to bed to rub a fmall bit of the ointment to the but and under-part of the penis. In the course of this disease you are to avoid very ftudiously all greafy food, fuch as butter, cheese, and fat; all windy and flatulent food, fuch as vegetables of all kinds, falt and smoked meats, fpirits, beer and fpices, and to live as temperate and low as poffible; bread, penada, barley gruel, lintfeed tea, and fuch like, fhould be your only nourishment for a few days; you will find the good effect of living sparingly and abftemious; for be affured, and remember it, that the best medicine in the univerfe, administered by the most skilful physician, will not have the defired effect, if the patient lives intemperately whilft he is taking them; I was informed by medical gentlemen of judgment and veracity, that half the cure depends upon this. Buboes, fhankers, &c. &c. are the effects of ill-cured venerials; fhould you at any time be affected with thefe ftages of the p-x, be very ftudious to get yourself, if poffible, properly cured; it is then you will need the affiftance of fome skilful physician: for fhould it by tampering and quackery, and long continuance, corrupt your blood, even falivations may prove ineffectual; at leaft, only give you fome temporary relief, fa that your conftitution will for ever be impaired, and your children, fhould you have any, will intail the infection. Wild thoughtless youth, poor dupes to fenfual love! Thus far I have faid of difeafes peculiar to the West Indies, and of phyfic, though I know no¬ thing of the latter but what I experienced from obfervations on the treatment of myself and others; and if I had a little more experience, which I hope I never fhall, I fhould think myself intitled to the honorable appellation of a quack! I shall now proceed to give you a fhort difcription of the island of Jamaica, and of the people thereof, their manners and cuftoms. "Curft be the lines, how fmooth fo e'er they flow, "Give virtue fcandal, innocence a fear, POPE. Jamaica Jamaica is the richeft of all the British WeltIndia islands, and is fituated between 17° and 180 north latitude, and between 75° and 79° weft longitude; it is about one hundred and fifty miles long, and ffxty broad, containing about fix thoufand fquare miles, and is about four thousand five hundred miles from England, and was difcovered in the year 1493, by Chriftopher Columbus, a very enterprifing and indefatigable gentleman, a native of Spain, who was famous for many difcoveries, and ill rewarded for all his fervices notwithstanding. Jamaica was taken from the Spaniards under the command of admiral Penn, in 1655. This ifland is compofed of huge and lofty rocky mountains, hills, valleys and plains, and is in three divifions, viz Middlefex, Surry, and Cornwall; thefe are fubdivided into twenty parishes, trees and fhrubs of various kinds, wearing perpetual verdure, veil all the mountains and craggy rocks, fave only fome fmall spots here and there, which are cleared for guinea grafs, corn, and other provifions; the fmall hills, valleys and plains, are calculated by nature for fugar plantations, pens and farms. There are about farty towns and villages, amongst which none are worthy of note but Kingston, Saint Jago de la Vega, vulgarly called Spanish Town, Port Royal, and Montego Bay, the reft hardly deferve the name of villages, only fmall places of fhipping around the ifland. Kingston Kingston is about a mile long and the fame in breadth, containing about two thousand houfes, befides negro huts; the number of white inhabitants are about three thoufand, free people of colour twelve hundred, and eight thousand slaves, the harbour is very commodious for a thousand fhipping; and as the carce ebbs or flows, fhips at all times float, load and unload, alongfide the wharfs the church, barrack, and theatre, ftand on a large airy plain, on that end of the town called the Parade, leading to Spanish Town, and Liquanea; the church is a tolerable elegant building; it is a pity that the morals of the people are not corrected, so as to have it as much frequented by the living as the dead. The theatre is a little, mean, narrow, close, fabrick; there is also another public building, called Ranelagh House, in which ladies and gentlemen. hold publick balls and affemblies; there are also two free mason lodges, to wit, Saint Andrew's and Saint Patrick's; both Scotch and Irish keep up that ancient, honourable, and friendly fociety monthly, and celebrate Saint Andrew's and Saint Patrick's days yearly, by going in proceffion to church, and having fermons preached on the occafion, and afterwards dining all together, and paffing the evening in mirth and chearfulness. In the morning early it is pleasant to take a walk to Putney Lodge, which lies at the east end of the town; but it is dangerous to bathe in the fea, as many young men do, as there have been feveral |