the course of a few weeks afterwards for less than first cost. Vendues are very hurtful to trade; there they are held daily, Sundays and Saturdays excepted, at which the Jews, a numerous tricking tribe, are permitted to exercise their talents, and are often a little roguish in money On every fide, their pliant tongues Roar out, "who bids;" the whole day long Thefe Chrift-killing dogs exert every base means to impose upon Chriftians; even their children are trained to villainy, keep pedling ftands in the ftreets from morning until night, and are keen, cunning little fharpers. Ever fince the murdering of God Almighty, they are remarkably fond of gold and filver, and very expert at mixing bafe metals together, and polishing and gilding the fame; thefe forefkinclipped fcoundrels have clipped and fweated almost all the coin, fo that every unmilled piece of gold is weighed and wrapped in paper, with the weight and value endorfed;-hear what Jeremiah fays of them: "For every one, from the leaft even unto the "greateft, is given to covetousness; from the "prophet even unto the priest, every one dealeth falfly." Be Be always cautious how you purchase gold or filver ware from them, leaft they impofe that which was ftolen, or bafe metal upon you; and take care how you deal in their ftores, for they delight in extortion; and beware of impofitions at vendues, for one or more of them commonly attend to foreftall at public fales; let your eyes, not their tongues, direct your judgment. There are feveral Jews all over the island, many rich merchants and planters; the whole tribe affift each other with money or credit; fo that in a very few years the pooreft wandering Jerufalemite will accumulate wealth; they all live miferably mean upon planting, and fome trash of damaged herrings, and other fait fish, until they get independent in the world. Although Jews are not permitted to reprenfent in affembly, nor to hold any public offices under government, yet they are suffered to give evidence among Chriftians, which I think is a dangerous fyftem, as it is well known they pay no regard to the Chriftian faith. I was credibly informed that the legislature, not twenty years ago, were about enacting a law to allow them no further privileges than mungrels; and it is to be lamented that it was not carried into execution, When a dishoneft per for they are a vile race. fon is involved in a law-fuit likely to go against him for want of a material evidence, he may for a fmall premium get a Jew to attend the courts, who who being properly inftructed, will fwear to, and prove affertions which he is totally ignorant of, to effect the acquital of the culprit in conformity with his engagement, fo that he may thereby the better with certainty ingrofs the prize. Jews are very remarkable; there is fomething curiously ill-looking in their tawny features; I once failed from Charlestown with a Jew pedlar, and several other paffengers; a copy of the Jews letter to his friend having fallen in my way, I tranflated it as follows: Dear Mofes, this chance is moft pleafing to me, And buoy'd myself up, that I wou'd not repent; My * My belt and my * girdle, and * leathern-horn, Or the wool of a goat, or the beard of a dog; That, alafs! I can't think which way for to cheat; Because I knew they were rotten as hell; A Frenchman juft bought them, "a pig in a poke," *When he prayed, he ftripped his arin naked and girded it, and wore a leathern horn on his forehead. Where Where, if I fucceed, I will fettle content, Where I'll meet a rich friend, Alexander Lindo. Executors, administrators, and attornies to eftates, often accumulate larger fortunes than the heirs or proprietors; their poor orphans are fadly cheated during their minority, their properties involved, abused and reduced, or totally swallowed up by greedy guardians. Cruel fofterors! There the executor, or adminiftrator, poffeffes himself at once of the European's property as his own; and, regardless of love, honor and gratitude, forgets every tie of friendship, and pays not the least attention to the last request of his nearest and dearest deceased friend, on the execution of the important truft repofed in him; but, on the contrary, bleffes the quack's poisonous pills and draughts, which hurried him away, and rejoices more at his own fortunate ftate than if he was made the heir: He feldom makes remittances; and when from importunities, or other circumstances, he is obliged to make any, they are but trifling, and are commonly accompanied with fpecious and easy framed apologies, to fcreen his. villainy; fuch as drought, hurricanes, bad debts, death of flaves and cattle, &c. &c. I have known many executors and adminiftrators, many attornies and guardians, (feeming honef |