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Orton's Family Exposition






HE importance of religious principles, as it respects the happiness, both of social and of individual man, is universally acknowledged. Impressed with this truth, learned and pious writers have, from time to time, employed their leisure and talents to elucidate the sacred pages of Revealed Religion, and to render the Book of Everlasting Truth intelligible and familiar. Among these, Doctor PHILIP DODDRIDGE holds an eminent station; and his FAMILY EXPOSITOR, received and prized by Christians of all denominations, has proved, perhaps, as extensively useful, as any religious treatise that ever came from the press.

The Rev. JOB ORTON, his pupil and admirer, a man not less distinguished for his learning and piety, has attempted to perform the same service for the OLD TESTAMENT, which his master had so successfully performed for the NEW. He has, accordingly, published it with a continued Commentary, so as to render the most difficult passages intelligible to the meanest capacity, and has added to the end of every chapter, REFLECTIONS, by way of improvement, well calculated to excite warm but rational feelings of devotion. As the work has been greatly admired and eagerly sought after, and has received the decided approbation of the best literary judges, the Editor flatters himself that he shall experience all the encouragement and support, which the excellence of the performance demand, and to which his own execution of it may entitle him.

1. THE work shall be ele-✔ gantly and correctly printed on a fine wove paper, and a new type, cast for the work.

2. The work will be comprised in six 8vo volumes, containing between four and five hundred pages each.

3. The price to Subscribers will be one dollar and 75 cents a volume, in boards, to be paid on the delivery of each volume.

On the delivery of the 5th vol. the 6th to be paid for in advance.

4. Those who procure nine subscribers, and will pay for nine setts, shall receive a tenth gratis, and in that proportion for any greater number.

Those who hold Subscription papers are requested to return them on or before the first of June next, at which time the subscription will be raised.

THE work above described was written by Mr. ORTON for the Pulpit, and delivered by him, at Shrewsbury (England) on the Sabbath, as part of the morning service, during a period of more than twenty-one years. In compiling it, he availed himself of the most celebrated critical and practical Expositors of the Old Testament Scriptures. The design of the Author was to furnish a short and plain EXPOSITION of the OLD TESTAMENT, with PRACTICAL REFLECTIONS subjoined to each chapter, somewhat similar to Dr. Doddridge's Family Expositor, for the use of Families, and private Christians. It is not, therefore, burdened with learned criticisms; and yet the critical reader will find many things in this Work, in the Notes especially, to satisfy his inquiries. The Author was of Bishop Wilson's opinion that, “Criticisms, finding out the meaning of difficult places, are not so edifying, as establishing the heart with practical truths." He used to say, that "EXPOSITIONS should be adapted to tradesmen, and farmers, to women, children and servants, as these are the persons who have most need of them, and generally make most use of them." With these views he evidently composed his EXPOSITION, and has executed it with great success. The subscriber has read it in his family, and in part from the pulpit to the people of his charge, as a part of divine service, with great satisfaction, and universal approbation. He can therefore, with confidence recommend it as highly deserving the patronage of his brethren in the ministry, and worthy a place in the library of every private family.

CHARLESTOWN, August, 1804.


Subscriptions received by the publisher; by the principal Booksellers throughout the United States, and by many of the Clergy of New England,

Neatly and correctly printed, on good paper, and a new and handsome type.


HAS lately published, editions of the BIBLE, in Royal 4to. at 9 dols. and a large Demy 4to. at 8 dols. handsomely bound. CONTENTS OF EACH EDITION AS FOLLOW, viz.

I. A Summary History of the Sacred Writings, from their first collection, until they were translated by order of King James, in 1613.

II. The Books of the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and the New Testa


III. A Chronological Table of the most remarkable events recorded in the Scriptures, fromthe creation to the death of Christ.

IV. A Table of the different characters and officers spoken of in the Bible.

V. A Table of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins, reduced to dollars and cents.

VI. An Alphabetical Table of the proper names used in the Old and New Testaments, with the meaning of the words in the original languages. VII. A Table of the divisions of time among the Jews.

VIII. A Chronological Table of the Apostles and their successors, who founded and presided over the five first churches.

IX. A Chronological Index of the years and times from Adam to Christ. X. A Table of kindred and affinity, within which, according to the Jewish and American laws, no person ought to contract marriage.

XI. A Clergyman's address to married persons, containing a seasonable and judicious sketch of the requisites to happiness in the married state.

XII. A curious analytical dissection of the Books of the Old and New Testaments.

XIII. A Geographical Sketch of the Boundaries, Rivers, Mountains, chief Towns, Population, and other particulars, respecting Palestine, with a view of the present masters and miseries of that once happy country.

XIV. Brown's Concordance of the Holy Scriptures, by which may be easily found the principal texts of Scripture.

XV. Family Record, being several pages neatly headed and divided, for the convenience of recording marriages, births, baptisms, deaths, &c. necessary in all families.

XVI. Nine neatly engraved Plates, descriptive of the most interesting events recorded in Scripture.

XVIL A handsome Map of Palestine, or the Holy Land.

Also-A compendious History of New England, designed for schools and private families, by Jedidtab Morse, D.D. and Elijah Parish, A.M. ornamented with a neat Map.

The Religious Tradesman, or, plain and serious hints of advice for the tradesman's prudent and pious conduct; from his entrance into business te his leaving it off. Says Dr. Watts in his recommendatory preface, " It is a book admirably fitted by its proper representation of the tradesman's duties, and close and warm enforcement of them upon the conscience, to do excellent service, under the blessing of God, to the shop, and to the world. It contains a rich treasure of wholesome instruction, such as every tradesman should write upon his heart, and practice in his shop and family."

Lately published, and for sale

by S. ETHERIDGE, Charlestown,

A neat and correct edition of Brown's Concordance, on a fine wove paper. A superior edition of the New Testament, on a a large and fair type, and well bound, for the use of schools; proper for charitable distribution, in the frontier settlements.

An elegant pocket edition of Watts' Psalms and Hymns.

Memoirs of eminently Pious Women, abridged, from the large work of Dr. Gibbons, London, by Daniel Dana, A.M.

Discourses to the Aged, on a variety of interesting religious subjects, by Job Orton.

Beauties of Nature Delineated; or, philosophical and pious contemplations on the Works of Nature, and the Seasons of the year. Selected from Sturm's Reflections, by the Rev. T. M. Harris. Extract from the Preface. The selection here offered to the Public, is made from Sturm's "Reflections, on the works of God and his Providence, throughout all nature, for every day in the year." Copious testimonials in favour of that work might have been extracted from foreign Journals and Reviews; but it will be sufficient to observe that its merit, and the high opinion which has been entertained of it, are sufficiently evinced in the numerous and large editions through which it has passed in the original German and in most of the languages of Europe. Though the English translation is inaccurate, inelegant, and frequently ungrammatical, it has been well received and frequently reprintSo interesting, entertaining, and instructive was the matter and the

sentiment, that the manner and the style was but little regarded.t

To every reflecting, serious person, this little volume will prove a valuable acquisition. It is eminently calculated to give enlarged conceptions of the works of Creation; and, by an easy transition, to lead the thoughts "from Nature up to Nature's God." It is particularly useful to young persons whom it will furnish with a just and rational knowledge of the various phenomena of nature, and the admirable economy of the system to which they belong: assisting them in the wisest reflections upon every thing around them, and inspiring them with the most exalted sentiments of the SUPREME BEING, all whose works proclaim and praise him.

" Who can this field of miracles survey,
" And not with Galen all in rapture say,
"Behold a God I adore him and obey."

The Holy Bible abridged; or, the History of the Old and New Testament. A Token for Children; being an exact account of the conversion, and holy and exemplary lives, and joyful deaths of several young children, by Rev. James Janerway. Dr. Watts' plain and easy Catechisms, for children; to which is added, the shorter Catechism, &c. Dr. Watts Divine and Moral Songs, for children.

Said E. also keeps constantly for sale, a large assortment of Cheap Religious Tracts, designed to furnish those persons who are in the practice of doing good by dispersing useful books among the poor, with a variety of the best kind, on the most reasonable terms.

Books in the various branches of science; Bibles of various kinds, large and small; Testaments, Psalters, Spelling, Reading, and Psalm Books; Children's Books, &c. with a variety of Stationary.

• Translated into English from the German, by a lady, in 3 vols. 12mo.

+ Since, a new translation, abridged, has been published by Hemet. 1798, in a 12mo. volume of 448 pages. And a little volume has appeared, called "The Beauties of Sturm, by Eliza Andrews." These the Editor has lately seen: but they could neither assist nor sus persede the present work.

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