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النشر الإلكتروني

Our new program committee is endeavoring to introduce some new features in the exercises, thus giving a change without lowering the standard of benefit. We are frequently helped by outside talent, which is always appreciated. Sr. Frieda Klein and her brother are here on a short business trip from Honolulu, and being possessed of musical talent were at once booked for music next Sunday evening. So the good work moves onward and upward. J. M. TERRY, Correspondent.

Centralia, Washington.-Although we have not reported for some time, we, by no means," , want you to think we have quit working. Our Religio is still struggling to stay with the motto "Onward and upward," new names added, and interest maintained among the older members.

We have been profiting by suggestions received from the Religio's Arena about the spelling contest, and I am sure we are becoming quite proficient spellers. We also have The Northwest Religio Advance, edited by Leonard Rhodes, issued quarterly.

One program we found helpful, in getting timid ones to take part, was roll call response, with quotation from a favorite author. The quotation not less than eight lines.

We find our Religio map a great help.

HATTIE WARD, Corresponding Secretary.

Attleboro, Massachusetts.—At the last election of officers of our, Religio I was chosen correspondent, so I write to send you a few items concerning our society. The other officers elected are: president, Peter Whalley; vice-president, Emily Heap; secretary, Lillian M. Siddall; treasurer, George H. Heap; organist, Mildred I. Shallcross; chorister, John Siddall; member of library board, John Heap; janitor, Nathaniel Moore; critic, Edith E. Siddall; auditors, John A. Siddall and Nathaniel Moore. We have a membership of about thirty divided into four classes, two seniors and two juniors. The children form an important factor in our society, frequently taking part in the programs. We follow quite closely the programs outlined in the Quarterly, and derive much benefit from them. With the best of wishes for the success of the work, I am, your sister in Christ,



Tryon, Nebraska.-As you have never heard from our local before, perhaps but few of you know that we have a Religio organization at this place. Yet we were organized the 3d of July, 1908.

At the recent election the following officers were elected: Bro. Ralph L. Coleman, president; Bro. Frank Payne, vice-president; the writer, secretary; Bro. Will A. Stoddard, treasurer; Sr. Ida M. Stoddard, librarian, and Sr. Nellie I. Godfrey, organist. Although we are progressing rather slowly we hope to make our Religio a success. Hoping for the onward spread of the Religio work, I am, Yours in Christ,


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Published Monthly for the Youth of the Reorganized
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by

the Herald Publishing House, Lamoni, Iowa.
Entered as second-class matter at Lamoni post-office.

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