صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

pledge ourself to more than we can perform, and this the readers can have within reasonable limits, and in proper time, provided we are not

prevented by the evils incident to human life. Young exclaims, "How much is to be done!"

Life is brief, and yet

We have no monu

ments or pyramids to build in stone. Quarles well illustrates the life of man by the following poem, found in the first edition of his works:

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This volume, like it predessors, is filled with a large variety infor mation on familiar and unfamiliar subjects, and we trust it has been perused with pleasure and profit by the many thousand readers of NOTES AND QUERIES. This volume is accompanied with a very full cross-reference index to Volumes III and IV which are paged consecutively.

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Alchemical interpretation, Golden Fleece, 113. Black Jack, 224.

Alchemy and Golden Fleece, 114.

Alexandrian Library, 19.

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Black Republicans, 225.

Blank verse, earliest attempt, 1.
Bleeding Kansas, 225.

Blennerhasset an Englishman, 83.
Blue Bellies, 225, 287.

Blue-Book, 225.

Blue-Law State, 225.

Blue Laws of New England, 225.

Blue Lights, 225.

Blue Skins, 225,

Bode's Law, 435.

Bogus, origin of word, 30.

Bohemians, 89, 185.

Bonaraba, who was ? 26.
Boodle, 225.

Boodlers, 225.

Bolters, 225.

"Bonnie Blue Flag," 390.

"Bonnie Blue Flag," 390.

Books of the Bible, Divisions, 258.

Boscawen, a town, and island, 215. Boundary of Delaware, 46.

Bounty Jumpers, 225

Bourbon Democrats, 225, 287.

Border-Rumlans, 225.

Boycotting, burking, 182.

"Boys Are Marching," 390.

Answer to Puzzle by Bishop Wilberforce, 303. Boys-in-Blue, 225.

Anti-Federalist Party, 224.

Anti-Mason, 224, 287.

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Brachystochrone, Curve, 431.

Bridal veil, 123.

Brevet Hell, 225.

Briot Poem, 409.

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"Call me Daphne, call me Chloris," 335.

493,405.Canaille, meaning of word, 167.

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Cova, or Lineation of Fohi, 14.

Craftsmen, traditional names of, 167.

Credit Mobilier, 227, 288.

Crowning ceremony after death, 220.

Curioso in mathematics, 147, 199.

Curious anachronisms, 35.

Dighton Rock, 87.

Digital squares, (28), 153.

Digits, Curiosities of, 410.

Dimas and Gestas, the two thieves, 184. Discoveries, inventions, improvements, 27, 28. Divide an Arc or Angle into any number of equal parts, 312.

Divination, methods of, 190.
"Dixie" or "Lorena," 390.

Dog (The) in literature, 173, 202.
Dollar Mark, ($), 241.

Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do, 80.
Double Consciousness, 397.
Dough-Faces, 217, 227, 283.

Doxology, greater, and lesser, 124.
Dowry of a princess, 50.

Druzes, The, 374.

Dyed-in-the-Wool, 227.

Dying words of noted persons, 143, 292.

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Expansion of Railroad Rails, 245.

Extraordinary personages of history, 68.

Curiosities concerning celebrated persons, 41. Fallacy of a problem, 149, 198.

Curious wills, 35, 42.

Cursing by bell, book, and candle, 172, 198.

Dark-Horse, 227.

Darnation, 227.

Darwin, Erasmus, 65.

Date, closing the civil war, 45.

Date of the Sudbury fight, 167.

Darwiniem or Darwinianism, 395.

Dead-Lock, 227.

Debates of Lincoln aud Douglas, 402. Decalogue, 258.

Deep Sea-Soundings, 84,

Deltas of rivers, 45.

Democrate and Republican Government, 392Democritus "the Laughing Philosopher," 286.

Fallacy, A, 262, 325, 399, 400. "Fames's proud temple," 186.

Familiar quotations, 53, 109.

Farad, 246.

Fates, Furies, and Graces, names, 132, 192. Father Abbey's Will, 315.

Father of People and Freer of Country, 89.

Father Rasle's "strong box," 45.
Federal, 228.

Federal Currency, 228.

Federalists, 228.

Ferry-boats first mentioned, 90.
Fifth-Monarchy Men, 439.

Fiat Money, 228.

Fi to fum; Di do dum, 128.
Fight it out on this Line, 228, 288.
Fire-eaters, 228.

First Boat Driver on Erie Canal, 262.

Demonstrations of Pythagorean Proposition,340First cause, Sir Thomas Browne's, 216.

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Fohi's Cova, or Lineation, 14.

Holy-of-Holies Explained, 255.

Four greatest American, German, and French Homeric chances, 43.

thinkers, 213.

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Homer's epitaph, 11.
Homer's riddle, 10.

Honey-fogle, 229.

Hooiaoai, Honolulu word, 26. Hoops and Trails, 414. Hoosier, 229.

Hops, 125.

Horner, Little Jack, 312.
Horse-shoe and good luck, 163.
House that Jack Built, 243.

How much is a Billion? 245.

Human knowledge, sum of, 141.
Human Proportions, 259.
Hugh de Payens, 330.

Hume's Argument vs. Miracles, 391.
Hunkers, 229, 288.

Hungry ass between two measures of oats, 45.
Huxley's table of weight, 318.

Hymn to St. John, 315.

Hymns, 80, 135, 137.

"Ichthus," acrostical hynm, 136.

"lesous CHreistos THeou Vios Soter," 137. Illuminati, 261.

Imitation of Christ, or Shakespeare, 18, 113. Improvements, inventions, discoveries, 27, 28. Incidents and Reminiscences, 413.

Indian counting, 16.

Indian summer, 30.

Indian Liquor, 229.

Inhaling the breath. 1.

Inscription Stone Unearthed, 269,

Inscriptions on monuments, 211.

International questions, 50.

Inventions, discoveries, improvements, 27, 28. "In Xanadu did Kubla Khan, 132." Israel, twelve tribes of, 282.

"Irish Jaunting Car," 390.

Ireland's emblem, the shamrock, 90. 1ron-clad Oath, 229.

Italian translations of Paradise Lost, 50.

Jacques de Molay, 430.

J, history of the letter, 85.
Jannes and Jambres, 184, 293.
Jaw-bone twice (Judges XV, 16), 215.
Jay-hawker, 230.

Jeff-Davis Box, 230

Jethro's Seven Names, 438.
Jesus, Names of, 375.
Jeroboam's army, 284.

"Jimplecute," 265.

"Job Sass," Letters of, 18.

"John Brown's Body," song, 39. John, Prester, 44, 133.

Judas-colored hair, 164.

Judas Iscariot, descendants of, 150.
Judas Maccabeus, 106.
Judge Lynch, 220.

Judich, the Ethiopian eunuch, 121.
Jumping a Claim, 230.

"Just Before the Battle, Mother "490

Kappadocia, Kilicia, and Krete, 132. Keystone State, 230.

Kids. 230.

Kilkeney cats, 3.

King and the Spider, 242.

King's Chapel, Boston, 420.

King Solomon's Temple, Cost of, 366. Koheleth, 258,

Konx, Om, Paq, 306.

Know-Nothings, 230, 323.

Koran (The), 19.

Koran, Initial Letters in the, 379.

Krishna, 117, 164.

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Lecomptosite, 230.

Lee, Gen. Charles, 41.

Measures of Electricity, 246.

Meeting-house first applied to church, 84.
Megillioth, 258.

Methods of divination, 190.
Michelagniolo's name, 46.
Midrash, 258.

Milton's Bible, 266,
Minnehaha, 320.
Minocrans, 47.

Miracle at Cana in Galilee, 430.

Misquotations from Scripture, 385, 435.

Missourium, 16.
Miscegenation, 231.

Legend of Golden Fleece, interpretation, 113. Mnemonics, rule in, 74.

Letters of "Job Sass," 18.

Leviathan-Eolipiles, 119.

Liberty Caps, 189, 230, 288.

Liberty boys, 47.

Libration, 378.

Lin Coln, 266.

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MCCCCX L, 129.

Mad Stone, 270.

Modulus of Common Logarithms, 22.
Mohammed in prophecy, 74

Mohammedans' prayer, 71.
Money-Bags, 232.

Monroe Doctrine, 232.

Months, names of, 331.

Moss-Backs, 232.

Mottoes, Epithets Political, 223.

Mottoes of States and Territories, 56, 57.

Mothering Sunday, 284.

Mouse Tower on the Rhine, 305.

Mud-sills Clubs, 232.

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Nancy Taylor's Queer Eyes, 263.

Lamech's sons, 103.

Thor's hammer, 95.

Magic square, symmetrical, 152.

Naperian base, logarithms, 22.

Napier's Rule, sine and tangent, 74.

Magical Aphorisms, Eugenius Philalethes, 269. Native Americans, 232.

Magnifying power of optical glasses, 81, 87.

"Maiden," Prolific Word, 442.

Malachi, 407.

Malfatti's Problem, 272, 369, 437.

Mammoth Cave, 406.

Man-in-the-Moon, 399.

Manifest Destiny, 231, 437.

Man of Truth (The), 79.

Manuscript, Henry, VI, 42.

Manuscript, Shapira, 14, 15.

Mason and Dixion's Line, 231.
Masonic Rites.

Masonic Eras, 281.

March borrowing days from April, 118.

"Marching Through Georgia," 390. Marvellous Work, 257.

Martel (Marshall), Charles, 105.

Master's Mallet, or Hammer of Thor, 93.
Masterly Inactivity, 231.

Mathematics curioso in, 147, 161, 272.


National Party, 232.

"Nature formed but one such man," 45, 404.

Naroses, twelve Messiahs, 355.

Nebuchadnezzar, doorstep of, 303.

Niggerheads, 232.

Nine tailors make a man, 80.

Nine-Lettered Words, 249.

Ne Plus Ultra, 294.

New Names, 265.

New Rendering, 270.

New Scriptures, 34.

New York city, or New York City 18.

Noah prayer over Adam's body, 40.
Noachic Deluge, 337.

Noms de plume, 121.

Non-Slave-Holding, 232.
North Americans, 233.
Northerner, 233.

Notch in lappel of a man's coat, 127.
Notes on eccentric divines, 195.

problems, solutions, 147, 150, 161, Numbers, Properties of, 322.

171, 198.

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Numerals of the Bible, 888, 311.

Number: A link between Human and Divine,


Number "Seven" in Scripture, 311.

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