Physics & Metahhysics. An able exposition of the how and why of one of the marvels of this age, HEALING DISEASE WITHOUT MEDICINE. MRS. M. M. PHELON, C. S. B., 629 Ful- THE MATHEMATICAL MAGAZINE is the only elementary periodical published in the English language. It was commenced as an experiment, and the patronage already extended to it by the mathematical public shows the need of such a periodical. Professors of mathematics, teachers, students, and all lovers of the bewitching science," are invited to contribute Problems, Solutions, and Articles on interesting and important subjects relating to elementary branches. ARTEMAS MARTIN, Lock Box 11, Erie, Penn. Journal of Elementary Mathematics. Issued Quarterly. Terms: $1.00 a Year in advance. Single Numbers, 30 cents. Edited and Pub lished by ARTEMAS MARTIN, M. A., Ph. D., Member of the London Mathematical Society. The Mathematical Magazine is devoted to the Elementary Branches of Mathematics, viz.: ARITHMETIC, ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, TRIGONOMETRY, &c., and contains Problems, Solutions, and Articles on interesting and important subjects relating to the Elementary Branches. The Mathematical Magazine is issued in Quarterly Numbers of 16 to 20 quarto pages, and printed on heavy paper. THE PEACEMAKER. Seeks to promote peace and prosperity in all the relations of life. Separate departments are devoted to International Relations, European Progress, American Advancement, Interests of Industry, Church Interests, Educational Interests, Advanced Studies, Death Penalty, Penology, Social Circle, Home Life. Universal Peace Union. Young Readers, all Readers, etc., embracing everything calculated to advance mankind towards the conditions predicted by the prophets, heralded by the angels, and pronounced as a salutation, benediction and beatitude by Jesus Christ. Each number contains good engravings and much valuable information, usually about one hundred different articles, including poems, short essays, incidents, stories and editorial brevities, carefully compiled. Terms, $1.00 a year, in advance; single number, 10 cents. Monthly, a volume beginning in July. Address HENRY S. CLUBB, 404 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF AMHERST, Hillsborough County, N. H., (First known as Narraganset Township Number Three, and subsequently as Souhegan West), from the grant of the township by the Great and General Court of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, In June, 1738, to March, 1882, with genealogies of Amherst families, biographical sketches of natives and citizens of the town, and a shetch of the Narraganse Fort Fight, 19 December, 1675. Illustrated with a map of the town and engravings. y Daniel F. Secomb. Cloth, 8vo, pp. 978. Price, $4.00. Address the author, Concord, N. H. THE ALTRUIST. Is a monthly paper, partly in Phonetic spelling, and devoted to mutual assistance united labor, common property, community homes, and equal rights to all. Fifty cents a year; specimen copy, free. Address A Longley, editor, 2 N. Fourth Street, St. Louis, Mo. MIND IN NATURE. of Information regarding the relation of mind A Popular Journal to the body and their 1eciprocal action, with special reference to health and disease. It furnishes the most interesting facts of science and nature, the most striking discoveries in TeleAmong the special contributors are some of pathy and all branches of Psychical Research. the most eminent living Physiologists, Psychologists, Scientists, and Theologians. Published monthly by the CoSMIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 171 W. Washington St., Chicago. Printed on heavy, fine book paper, with Antique laid covers. Only one dollar per year. THREE MONTHS FREE. Weber's Illustrated Magazine of Human Culture, devoted to Physical, Mental, Moral, and General Improvement, will be sent three months free to any one who says where he saw this, and sends us his or her address together with 10 cents to pay postage, etc. This offer enables all to give this wonderful magazine a trial. $1.00 per year. 10 cents for agent's outfit. Address M. S. WEBER, Farmersville, Pa. DUTIES AND DANGERS In soeial life. By Prof. Jones, is worth its weight in pure gold. It is divided into six chapters. Love, Courtship, A Talk to Young Men, A Talk to Young Lrdies, Husband and Wife, and Marriage. Sent to any address on receipt of 30 cents. Address MS. WEBER, publisher, Farmersville, Pa. H. O. PERKINS & Co., Publishers. General Subscription Book-dealers and Book-binders. Fine Illustrated Standard Books a Specialty. Parties having books incomplete can heve them completed by us and bound in durable and handsome style. Our publications embrace the following subjects: Historical, Biographical, Scientific, Poetical, Musical, & Religious works; Natural History Reference Books, Fine Arts, Encyclopædias, Foreign & Domestic Works. Rare and choice books in serial form. Miscellaneous NOTES AND QUERIES, published by S. C. & L. M. GOULD, Manchester, N. H., furnished by the number, by the year, and full sets (Vols. I, II, and III). Rooms 18 & 19, No. 124 Seneca Street, GOULD'S ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL Has rerumed publication, having commenced again, November, 1886, after 25 years discontinuance. The 7th number of Volume VII was issued March 15th, 1887. Terms, $5.00 a volume (24 numbers), in advance. Address Prof B. A. GOULD, Cambridge, Mass. |