THE TRUE DOCTRINE OF ORBITS. An original treatise on Central Forces. By H. G. Rush, of New Danville, Penn. 8vo. pp. 133. "I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself with now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." The author of this book says that the creation of this book is owing to a chain of those fortuitous circumstances to which science and art are indebted for so many of their treasures. In the face of prejudices the author has vividly pictured to himself the ridicule which will be his portion if he fails to establish his propositions. He is confident, however, that the correctness of his conclusions will be admitted. He says that an original investigation of the "Problem of Lights," conducted some seventeen years previous to the publication of his "True Doctrine," resulted in a series of conclusions which has suggested this work. His demonstrations are illustrated with diagrams and he invites a close observation of the mathematical results. We have not had time as yet to follow through the demonstrations of the author's propositions and cannot at this writing give our judgment of his conclusions, but shall exame his theory farther as it deserves. All new doctrines shold be examined and all newly discovered truths regonized. The author will send the book for 50 cents, and will no doubt be glad to receive any criticisms. The book should be examined thoroughly by professional men. THE LADY OF DARDALE, and other Poems. By Horace Eaton Walker. Manchester, N. H., Browne & Rowe, publishers. 8vo. pp. 608. cloth. Portrait of author. Dedicated to America with a poem of fourteen stanzas. The author, born in Claremont, N. H., Aug. 9, 1852, was Burns-like destined to a poetic existence in the then coming years. The published volume of "Lady's Cabinet of Polite Literature," 1808, was the star-book of his inspiration, and he commenced his poetic strains early in life. But only in 1886 did he collect the poem, and they are here brought out in a handsome octavo volume for his admirers and for preservation. The book contains 268 poems, illustrated with 23 cuts and portraits. The leading poem covers 123 pages and holds the reader to the end. The entire volume has the true poetic inspiration and will take its place in future among the farfamed volumes of gems of this and other countries. THE TEMPLE REBUILT. By "Vincit, qui se vincit," a Rosicrucian at the Metropolitan College, London, Eng. An address of 34 pages of grand thoughts on great subjects relating to-soul-truths. student of mystic lore should read it. From the author. Every THE ORBIS PICTUS. By John Amos Comenius. This book is, indeed, the first children's pircure book. A new edition of 500 copies, on large paper, price $3.00, is now being published by C. W. Bardeen, Syracuse, N. Y. 8vo. Early orders are solicited. The cuts are unusually clear copies of the copper-plates of the first edition of 1658, from which is also taken the Latin text. The text for the English translation is from the English edition of 1727. If this enterprise proves a success to the publisher, he will bring out also an edition of the "Vestibulum " and " Janua," by the same author. ON THE METHODS OF OBSERVING VARIABLE STARS. By S. Chandler, Jr. 12mo. As an easy mode of communicating such suggestions, now frequently asked for, this pamphlet, which was originally prepared for the Science Observer, nearly ten years ago, is now reprinted. From Prof. B. A. Gould, editor and proprietor of the Astronomical Journal, Cambridge, Mass. (For terms, see cover). CARPENTER'S JUVENILE JINGLES. By William Carpenter, author of "One hundred Proofs that the Earth is not a Globe." Part I, The "Old Organ Grinder." 8vo. pp. 16. 1223 Chew St., Baltimore, Md. THE WESTERN ANTIQUARY. Note Book of Devon, Cornwall, and Somerset. Containing original articles, Notes, Queries, and Replies. Illustrated. Edited by W. H. K. Wright, F. R. Hist. Soc., F. S. Sc., Borough Librarian, Plymouth, England. Monthly; quarto. Annual subscription, seven shillings; superior edition, ten shillings; postage, one shilling extra. Specimen numbers sent to subscribers who desire to make the journal known to their friends, or to any address. Volumes IV, V, VI, and VII (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5), received from the editor. CARPENTER'S" FOLLY." A magazine of fact. Monthly. Fifty cents a year. Motto "Prove all things, and hold fast that which is good." Devoted to the theory that the earth is flat. William Carpenter, editor and publisher, 1223 Chew St., Baltimore, Md. THE ARYA MAGAZINE. Devoted to Arya philosophy, art, science, literature, religion and Yoga Vidya, embracing the views and opinions of the Aryans on social, religious, and scientific subjects. Edited by R. C. Bary. Aanual subscriptions, Rs. 2-8-0; Foreign, 5 shillings; Single copies in India, As. 4. Address R. C. Bary, Said Mitha Bazar, Lahore, Punjab, India. Americans can address Thomas M. Johnson, Osceola, St. Clair Co., Missouri. THE BUDGET. Devoted to mental and moral culture, and the entertainment of its readers. Monthly; quarto. Terms, $1.25 a year. Address BUDGET, Box, 382, Marysville, Cal. SEVENTY LESSONS IN SPELLING. A complete collection of difficult common words, with definitions and pronunciations; also, an appendix containing rules for the use of capital letters, and a list of abbreviations. Arranged for the use of Business Colleges, Academies, High Schools, &c. 12mo. pp. 132. Supplied by William Heron, Jr., Principal of the Business College, Manchester, N. H. EXERCISES IN ENGLISH SYNTAX. 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"Platonism is immortal because its principles are immortal in the Human Intellect and Heart." This monthly octavo magazine is now in its third volume, and is edited by Thomas M. Johnson, Osceola, St. Clair County, Missouri. Terms, $2.00 a year, in advance. SMITH'S PLANETARY ALMANAC AND WEAther Guide. One of the best weather annuals in existence. Succeeded Vennor's Almanac. The eleventh year, 1888, now ready. Price twelve cents each, postpaid. Full of information. Walter H. Smith, 31 Arcade St., Montreal, Can. SOLAR BIOLOGY. A Scientific Method of Delineating Character; Diagnosing Disease; Determining Metals, Physical, and Business Qulifications, Conjugal Adaptability, etc., from date to birth. Illustrated with seven Plate Diagrams and Tables of the Moon and Planets, from 1820 to 1900. An elegant large octavo volume of 500 pages, heavy paper, clear type, with the author's portrait, and appropriate illustrations. Bound in superior cloth, bevelled edges, embel lished with symbolical designs in gold. Price, $5.00. Published by ESOTERIC PURLISHING COMPANY, 478 Shawmut Avenue, Boston, Mass. No elaborate study or preparation is required to enable one to read character, and otherwise apply the science. The key to the use of the science and tables will be found on pp. 274-278, and can be fully mastered in a few minutes. |