Complex Systems Theory and Development Practice: Understanding Non-linear RealitiesZed Books, 2002 - 280 من الصفحات This book could change Development. Here, for the first time, Development Studies encounters the set of ideas popularly known as 'Chaos Theory'. In the natural sciences these new ideas have usurped Newtonian certainties about the simple linearity of physical phenomena, causality and certainty. Samir Rihani applies to the processes of economic development ideas from complex adaptive systems like uncertainty, complexity and unpredictability. Well written and ranging widely over evolving economic thinking, specific country experiences and development issues, the book explains the key concepts developed by complex adaptive systems thinking and applies them, showing their power to explain. Rihani examines various aspects of the development process - including the World Bank, debt, and the struggle against poverty - and demonstrates the limitations of fundamentally linear thinking in an essentially non-linear world. Little wonder, he concludes, that the results of half a century of development effort have been so disappointing. Applying these ideas to the unpredictable social processes which development thinkers seek to understand and direct could make an unexpectedly important contribution not only theoretically, but to the actual policies and practice of development. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 26
الصفحة 48
... elite at the top and a concomitant quest by the rest of the community for equity and justice . Over the centuries , ideologies were invented to justify the privileged position of the elite , and to offer a glimmer of hope for the rest ...
... elite at the top and a concomitant quest by the rest of the community for equity and justice . Over the centuries , ideologies were invented to justify the privileged position of the elite , and to offer a glimmer of hope for the rest ...
الصفحة 51
... elite . The tension paved the way for the inevitable emergence of ' socialist ' revolutionaries . Uruinimgina ( c . 2355 BC ) led one such popu- lar revolt against Lugalanda , the despotic ruler of Lagash . A Sumerian socialist ...
... elite . The tension paved the way for the inevitable emergence of ' socialist ' revolutionaries . Uruinimgina ( c . 2355 BC ) led one such popu- lar revolt against Lugalanda , the despotic ruler of Lagash . A Sumerian socialist ...
الصفحة 54
... elite and those who championed the cause of the masses . Greek laissez - faire yields to socialist reforms Attica was progressively unified under the leadership of Athens between the eighth and the sixth centuries BC . The nobles , the ...
... elite and those who championed the cause of the masses . Greek laissez - faire yields to socialist reforms Attica was progressively unified under the leadership of Athens between the eighth and the sixth centuries BC . The nobles , the ...
حقوق النشر | |
9 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
achieve actions activity argued attractor basic basin of attraction behaviour billion Britain capitalism capitalist cent century chaos Chapter communism Complex Adaptive Systems conflict context cooperation Coveney and Highfield debt democracy developing countries developing world effect efforts egoistic individuals elite evolution evolutionarily stable strategy evolve example exports factors feature fitness landscape foreign frozen accidents fundamental Game Theory gateway events global patterns globalisation GNP per head governments growth hegemonic hierarchy Highfield 1996 human development Ibn Khaldun income industrialised inevitable instance interactions interests involved Islamic leading powers liberal linear paradigm loans Marxist ment mercantilist nations natural needs nonlinear organisations paradigm shift policies political and economic political economic population poverty practice predict present programmes progress punctuated equilibrium Quraysh recognised regimes Samuelson and Nordhaus scientific self-organised significant social stable survival tion topic trade underline UNDP UNICEF wealth World Bank