Arabs in the Shadow of Israel: The Unfolding of God's Prophetic Plan for Ishmael's LineKregel Academic, 2003 - 367 من الصفحات A thoughtful and well-documented call to rethink the role of Arabs in the plan of God. Western Christianity's long-standing support of Israel has, perhaps unintentionally, nurtured a prejudice against Arab people--the descendants of Abraham's first son, Ishmael. Author Tony Maalouf contends that this bias differs dramatically from the biblical portrayal of Ishmael and the nations that have sprung from him. With meticulous research and theological astuteness, Maalouf surfaces the positive portrayal of the Arab people in ancient and prophetic history, clearly showing that the Israeli-Arab conflict is a recent development in history. By bringing to light the nature of relationships that have prevailed among the Jews and Arabs throughout history, Maalouf strives to change the thinking of Bible believers to a more accurate understanding of this crucial contemporary issue. He traces the Abrahamic heritage of the Arab people and majors on the positive Arab-Israeli relationships in biblical history. The descendants of Ishmael have an important role in the sovereign plan of God--right up to the final moments of history. Provides a challenge to Christianity's interpretation of current events Outlines a thoroughly biblical view of the Arab people Meticulously researched and accessibly written Author is a Christian Arab with substantial theological training |
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النتائج 1-5 من 64
... Bible Institute " I am delighted to recommend with enthusiasm Arabs in the Shadow of Is- rael , written by my good ... biblical languages he shows the reader in con- vincing detail that God's original intent was for the sons of ...
... biblical roots , back to Abraham and his son Ishmael , recognized by both the Bible and the Qur3an as the ancestor of the millions of people who call themselves Arab . Reading the biblical text in fresh ways — ways possible , perhaps ...
... Bible Dictionary . Edited by David Noel Freed- man . 6 vols . New York : Doubleday , 1992 . American Journal of ... Biblical Archaeologist Walter Bauer , William F. Arndt , and F. Wilbur Gingrich . A Greek - English Lexicon of the ...
... Bible Encyclopedia . Edited by Geoffrey W. Bromiley . Rev. ed . 4 vols . Grand Rapids : Eerdmans , 1979–88 . Journal of the American Oriental Society Jerusalem Bible Journal of Biblical Literature Journal of Cuneiform Studies Journal of ...
... Bible Septuagint LXX MT Masoretic Text NAB NASB New American Bible New American Standard Bible NAV New American Version NCB NEB NICOT NIDNTT NIV NJB NKJV NRSV OBO Or PEQ RB REB RSV TB TDOT TOTC TSF Bulletin VT WBC ZAW ZDMG New Century Bible ...
43 | |
61 | |
80 | |
97 | |
109 | |
Job Son of the Arabian Desert | 120 |
Agur and Lemuel Wise Men from Arabia | 136 |
What Became of Ishmael | 149 |
The Nabataeans Ishmael Finally Settled | 171 |
Arab Messianic Expectations | 183 |
The MagiArab Worshipers of Christ Part 1 | 193 |
The MagiArab Worshipers of Christ Part 2 | 205 |
Arab in the Shadow of Israel | 219 |
Endnotes | 225 |
Bibliography | 337 |
General Index | 356 |