Israel Alive Again: A Commentary on the Books of Ezra and NehemiahW.B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1987 - 162 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 59
الصفحة xiv
... leaders were optimistic ; they believed that they had a future because God was working with them to accomplish his ... leaders in this pioneer community , the principal leaders among the returnees were Ezra and Nehemiah . We do not ...
... leaders were optimistic ; they believed that they had a future because God was working with them to accomplish his ... leaders in this pioneer community , the principal leaders among the returnees were Ezra and Nehemiah . We do not ...
الصفحة 72
... leaders ( e.g. , Joseph and David ) are not denounced in the Bible , these alliances were not considered normal practice in Israel . It was , however , a constant temptation for Israel . Even Moses , the great lawgiver , took a woman ...
... leaders ( e.g. , Joseph and David ) are not denounced in the Bible , these alliances were not considered normal practice in Israel . It was , however , a constant temptation for Israel . Even Moses , the great lawgiver , took a woman ...
الصفحة 82
... leaders of a much larger group that has taken exception to the viewpoint of the majority . The word " only " in the RSV should not be taken to mean " only these four men . " The Hebrew term in the text ( ak ) signifies an adversative ...
... leaders of a much larger group that has taken exception to the viewpoint of the majority . The word " only " in the RSV should not be taken to mean " only these four men . " The Hebrew term in the text ( ak ) signifies an adversative ...
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Abraham action Amos ancient Artaxerxes Babylon Babylonian believe Bible biblical books of Ezra books of Haggai called celebration character Christian Chron Church commentary concerning confession covenant danger Darius David declares decree of Cyrus Deut Eliashib enemies Exod Exodus Ezek Ezekiel Ezra and Nehemiah Ezra-Nehemiah Ezra's faith foreign future Geshem God's Haggai and Zechariah heart Hebrew Hebrew Bible hemiah holy hope intermarriage interpretation Israel Israelites Jehoiachin Jeremiah Jerusalem Jesus Jewish Jewish community Jewish tradition Jews Joshua Judah Judaism land leaders Levites live LORD marriage Matt Moses munity offered opposition oracles passage Passover Paul Persian government Persian king postexilic prayer prophecy prophets relationship religious restored community returned exiles ruler Sabbath sacrifice Sanballat Scripture Second Isaiah servants Sheshbazzar sins speaks teaching Tobiah Torah verses wall words worship Yahweh Zadokite Zerubbabel Zerubbabel and Jeshua