Law and Life: The Interpretation of Leviticus 18:5 in Early Judaism and in PaulMohr Siebeck, 2008 - 244 من الصفحات Preston M. Sprinkle examines the interpretation of Lev 18:5 (awhich if a person does he will live by them) in early Judaism and in Paul. This passage from Leviticus, used in later Old Testament tradition (Ezek 20:11, 13, 21; Neh 9:29), became one of the more important verses from the Hebrew Bible for early Jewish reflection on the notion that obedience to the Mosaic law will lead to eternal life. The apostle Paul cites the passage on two occasions (Gal 3:12; Rom 10:5) and his interpretation of it is highly debated. While scholars often discuss its meaning in Paul, a thorough examination of Lev 18:5 in the Old Testament and early Judaism has been virtually ignored. The author, then, seeks to contribute to our understanding of Paul's view of the law in relation to early Jewish soteriology through the lens of their respective interpretations of Lev 18:5. This is carried out by first examining the passage in its original literary context of Leviticus. Then, an examination is made of its later use in the Hebrew Bible (Ezekiel and Nehemiah) and the Septuagint. Following is a study of every citation of and allusion to Lev 18:5 in Early Judaism (ca. 200 B.C. to AD 100). Finally, the author takes a look at Paul's two citations of the text (Romans and Galatians). He concludes with a comparison between Early Jewish and Pauline interpretations of Lev 18:5. |
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النتائج 1-5 من 44
الصفحة x
... theology , ( " will live " ) 62 and the restoration of the faithful remnant 63 E. P. Sanders on grace and works in CD III . 66 3.2.4 Summary 68 3.3 Leviticus 18 : 5 in 4Q266 68 3.3.1 The Setting of the Expulsion Ceremony 69 3.3 ...
... theology , ( " will live " ) 62 and the restoration of the faithful remnant 63 E. P. Sanders on grace and works in CD III . 66 3.2.4 Summary 68 3.3 Leviticus 18 : 5 in 4Q266 68 3.3.1 The Setting of the Expulsion Ceremony 69 3.3 ...
الصفحة xi
... Theology and Its Scriptural Foundation 4.3 Leviticus 18 : 5 and the Sunday Prayer .... 4.3.1 Its Form and Biblical ... Theological Outlook ....... .......... 89 5.2.1 Eschatology in the Psalms of Solomon ..... ......... 89 5.2.2 ...
... Theology and Its Scriptural Foundation 4.3 Leviticus 18 : 5 and the Sunday Prayer .... 4.3.1 Its Form and Biblical ... Theological Outlook ....... .......... 89 5.2.1 Eschatology in the Psalms of Solomon ..... ......... 89 5.2.2 ...
الصفحة xii
... Theology and the Irrevocable Covenant of God ........ 117 7.3 L.A.B.'s Use of Leviticus 18 : 5 in Joshua's Address ( 23:10 ) 120 7.3.1 The Context of L.A.B. 23 7.3.2 Establishing the Allusion . 120 121 7.4 The Interpretation of ...
... Theology and the Irrevocable Covenant of God ........ 117 7.3 L.A.B.'s Use of Leviticus 18 : 5 in Joshua's Address ( 23:10 ) 120 7.3.1 The Context of L.A.B. 23 7.3.2 Establishing the Allusion . 120 121 7.4 The Interpretation of ...
الصفحة 2
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الصفحة 4
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The Use of Leviticus 185 | 27 |
The Use of Leviticus 185 | 55 |
The Use of Leviticus 185 | 77 |
The Use of Leviticus 185 | 87 |
The Use of Leviticus 185 | 101 |
The Use of Leviticus 185 | 115 |
The Use of Leviticus 185 in Galatians 312 | 133 |
The Use of Leviticus 185 in Romans 10 | 165 |
Comparison and Conclusion | 193 |
209 | |
229 | |
241 | |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
4QMMT Abraham alluded allusion to Lev antithesis antithetical argues Biblical blessing Brill Christ commandments Commentary context covenant covenantal curse Damascus Document Dead Sea Scrolls death deeds Deut Deut 30 Deuteronomic divine and human Dunn E. P. Sanders early Jewish early Judaism Eerdmans emphasis eschatological eternal Ezek 20 Ezekiel faith Fortress Press Galater Galatians Gathercole God's gospel grace Grand Rapids Habakkuk halachah Hebrew Hermeneutics human action human agency I-II idem interpretation Israel James D. G. Dunn justification Leiden Leviticus 18:5 Leviticus clause Leviticus formulation live Longenecker Martyn mercy Mohr-Siebeck Moses N. T. Wright Nehemiah Nomism obedience passage Paul Pauline Perspective Philo phrase prayer Psalms of Solomon Pseudo-Philo Qumran reading refers righteousness Romans salvation Sanders Scripture Second Temple Septuagint Sheffield soteriological statutes and judgments Testament Theology Torah translation Tübingen understanding Westerholm εἰς ἐκ ζήσεται καὶ ποιήσας τοῦ