Urban Problems and Community DevelopmentRonald F. Ferguson, William T. Dickens Brookings Institution Press, 01/01/2011 - 642 من الصفحات In recent years, concerned governments, businesses, and civic groups have launched ambitious programs of community development designed to halt, and even reverse, decades of urban decline. But while massive amounts of effort and money are being dedicated to improving the inner-cities, two important questions have gone unanswered: Can community development actually help solve long-standing urban problems? And, based on social science analyses, what kinds of initiatives can make a difference? This book surveys what we currently know and what we need to know about community development's past, current, and potential contributions. The authors--economists, sociologists, political scientists, and a historian--define community development broadly to include all capacity building (including social, intellectual, physical, financial, and political assets) aimed at improving the quality of life in low- to moderate-income neighborhoods. The book addresses the history of urban development strategies, the politics of resource allocation, business and workforce development, housing, community development corporations, informal social organizations, schooling, and public security. |
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النتائج 1-5 من 79
... example , a group or neighborhood is said to have greater social capital when more of its members have education , experience , and information , and perhaps more physical and financial wealth as well , to share . Other chapters in this ...
... example , until 6. On tics to the regional economy , see for example : Altshuler and others ( forthcoming ) ; Downs ( 1994 ) ; Harrison and Weiss ( 1998 ) ; Katz ( 1997 ) ; John , Brooks , and McDowell ( 1998 ) ; Pastor and others ...
... example , based on a series of interviews with CDC staff and directors , Herbert Ru- bin commented , The development of community wealth and personal assets synergisti- cally build upon each other . A small shopping center provides the ...
... example, Connell and others (1995); and Milligan, Coulton, and Register (1996). 24. On the Bronx, see Briggs, Miller, and Shapiro (1996); Sviridoff and Ryan (1996); and Donovan, Apgar, and Briggs ( 1 997). On the South Shore Bank and ...
... example , Jargowsky ( 1997 ) ; U.S. Congress , Office of Technology Assess- ment ( 1995 ) ; Kasarda ( 1993 ) ; and Mills and Lubuele ( 1997 ) . For a concise summary , see Committee for Economic Development ( 1995 , chap . 2 ) . less ...
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Urban Problems and Community Development <span dir=ltr>Ronald F. Ferguson</span> لا تتوفر معاينة - 1999 |