my father and mother, and all the attendants wept bitterly; after this, a physician of Türkestan seared me with a hot iron, upon which I came to myself; they afterwards gave me some Yelmak broth, and other food, and I became convalescent. In gratitude for my recovery, I made valuable offerings of sheep and horses; thus I gave an hundred camels in honour of the Prophet, and fifty more in honour of the illustrious Khalifs, and gave ample charities to the poor, the hermits, and dervishes, through whose prayers I entirely recovered. CHAPTER IV. In this year A. H. 756, Amyr Kezān Sultān, son of Sür Aghlan, held the standard of sovereignty over the tribe of Chagtai,* and for fifteen years had extended the hand of oppression over the people of Maveralnaher, and placed his feet out of the path of justice and equity: in consequence of his tyranny, his subjects were in a state of despair, confining themselves to their houses, and praying for his death. I was also much incensed by his bad conduct, and felt every inclination to rebel against him, and take revenge of his cruelty, but I could not find any body of consequence to join me; nor until I had distributed all my wealth among them, could I prevail upon any person to unite with me, whilst I was very much affected at the sight of their oppressed state. At length Amyr Kürgen, who was one of the greatest chiefs of the tribe of Jagtay, rebelled against him, and in the year 746, (A. D. 1345) fought with him in the desert of Derreh Zengy, but was defeated. The tyrant having been successful, renewed his oppressions, and returned to Kershy; this astonished the people, who expected that Providence would have interfered in their behalf. In consequence of such evil conduct, a Syed of Termuz said, " that as long as Amyr Kezān retains these habits, he will never be conquered;" the people therefore began openly to curse him, which only stimulated him to fresh acts of injustice. Some of the effects of the malconduct of this worthless monarch were : Istly. A very severe frost, which destroyed the cattle. 2ndly. A total want of rain, in consequence of which the cultivation was quite dried up, and the fruits were annihilated. 3rdly. A famine which swept off the people. During the following year, Amyr Kürgen having again recruited his army, * See Note to page 28. advanced towards Kershy, and having engaged the tyrant, defeated and took him prisoner; he at first confined him, but at the end of two years put him to death, and relieved the kingdom of Maveralnaher from his oppressions.* Amyr Kürgen then took possession of the kingdom, restored much of the property that had been unlawfully seized, and conducted himself with equity; but as the nobles would not acknowledge his authority, I had some intention of taking the sovereignty upon myself; however the chiefs anticipated my design, and raised Danishmundchē Aghlan, one of the descendants of Jengyz Khān, to to the dignity of Khan, to whom they vowed fidelity, and made him monarch of all Maveralnaher. Amyr Kürgen, with the title of Commander, ruled the kingdom in the name of Danishmundchē Khan, for the term of ten years, with great propriety; reestablished the laws, and gave encouragement to the Muhammedan religion. A. D. 1356. When I had attained my twenty-first year, I wished to have united all the tribe of Berlās, and to have rebelled; I was joined by forty of my school-fellows, and we consulted upon taking possession of the mountain of Kāān; but at this time my mother was called to the divine mercy, and my sister Türkān Akā took charge of my household; I was for some time very melancholy, and gave up my ambitious intentions. After the days of mourning for my mother were accomplished, my father betrothed me to the daughter of Amyr Jakū Berlās. About this time, my father deputed me to Amyr Kürgen, on some business respecting our tribe and clan, by which means I became acquainted with the Amyr, who took a great liking to me, adopted me as his son, and gave me one of his grand-daughters in marriage, with great honour and much wealth, and seated me near himself in the assembly. After the death of the Amyr, as his son was not equal to the duties (of Vizier), I had some wish to take the office myself, and had got the consent of several of the chiefs; but recollecting my debt of gratitude to the father, I said to myself, " better be patient," and took patience. In this year, I one day went into the desert to hunt, when we came to the hunting ground, a violent storm of both snow and rain came on; afterwards the snow being very deep, I lost my road, and wandered about; at length I saw something dark, when I approached it, I found it was a hill, at the bottom of which there was a great cave, in which some families of the Arlat clan had * He was the last of the descendants of Jengyz Khan, who actually reigned over Transoxiana, although several young men had the empty title of Khan conferred on them, but they were mere puppets in the hands of the powerful chiefs. † This was a boast of Timur, as he was then very young; Aghlan signifies both a boy and a Prince. taken shelter from the inclemency of the weather, had formed chambers in the rocks of the cave, and had pitched their tents in its vicinity; as I was nearly dead with cold, I got off my horse, and entered the cave without ceremony; I there saw a good fire, with a pot well filled with broth hanging thereon; as I was very hungry, the sight of it delighted me; the owner of the room was very kind, he pulled off my coat and boots which were wet through; he also unbound my quiver, and bringing some horse rugs, made a bed for me; he then brought the hot soup, of which I eat a quantity, and became warm and refreshed: I passed the night there, and in return to the family for their kindness, I took their eldest son home with me, and introduced him to the Amyr. Another time I went a hunting and met with a very serious accident; I was pursuing a deer at full speed, when I unexpectedly came to a dry well, the horse was very active, and attempted to jump the well, but although his fore feet cleared it, his hind legs fell in; I vaulted from the saddle, and tried to get over, but did not succeed, and both horse and man went down; my companions thought I was killed; but when they found me alive, they were much rejoiced, and made offerings for my lucky escape, which was considered as a fortunate omen, and gained me many followers. A. D. 1357. In the year 757, an army from Irāk invaded Maveralnaher, and collected much plunder; I was then just twenty-one, and was sitting with Amyr Kürgen, when intelligence of the invasion was brought; he instantly ordered me to take command of a detachment, and pursue the enemy; I followed the Irakians twenty-three (Fersukh) parasangs, and having made a forced march, came up with them at mid-day; the enemy were divided into two parties, one of which protected the plunder, while the other prepared to oppose me; my officers advised me to attack the plunder, but, I said "no, let us defeat the fighting part, and the other will soon disperse;" I then gave orders to charge, and putting spurs to my horse, rushed on; the Irakians stood their ground, and we came to blows; but after a few cuts on each side, they fled, upon which I took possession of the plunder, and having restored it to the owners, waited on the Amyr, who praised me exceedingly, presented me with his own quiver, and appointed me (Beglerbeg) Commander of the tribe. At this time, I was very anxious to rebel against the Khan, and to assume the power myself; but when I mentioned it to Amyr Kürgen, who was then very busy, he said, " cannot you wait, it will be yours some time or other:" I therefore relinquished my intention. About this time, I went again to pay my respects to the Kutb al Aktab Shaikh Zyn Addeen Shady; at the time of my arrival, he was seated with some of his F disciples reading the Koran, and had just repeated the verse, "Is not the conquest of the kingdom of Rūm (Anatolia) in my power;" as soon as he perceived me, he compared the circumstance of my arrival, with the moment of pronouncing the above verse, and finding a great accordance between them, he received me with the utmost respect and honour, and seated me opposite himself. When he finished reading the prescribed portion of the holy book, he said to me, "God hath decreed the downfall of Rūm, and as I perceive in you the signs of royal dignity, perhaps you are to be its destined conqueror;" he further added, " as the final letter of the word (Arz) kingdom, signifies eight hundred, I predict that you will conquer Rüm in the year 800." I was very much encouraged, and rejoiced by this auspicious prediction. At another visit that I paid the Saint, he bound round my loins his own shawl, put on my head his own cap, and presented me a cornelian, on which was engraved (Rāsty va Rūsty) righteousness and salvation; I considered this also as a fortunate omen, added my own name, and had it made into a seal-ring; and from this time placed my entire confidence and faith in the Shaikh. [Here the Shaikh entertains him with a story of his having been very ill, and that he had been directed in a vision to visit the tomb of Aly Iben Mūsā, at Tūs, now Mushehed, in Khorasan; that he walked barefooted, and was seven years on the pilgrimage, and got perfectly well as soon as he arrived at the tomb; but the story being very prolix and not interesting, I have passed it over.] A. D. 1358. CHAPTER V. During this year, several complaints were received by Amyr Kürgen, against Melk Hussyn Ghoury, Ruler of Herat,* who had exceeded his authority, and oppressed the people, on which account the principal personages of that city, wrote a petition, requesting the Amyr to come thither, and redress their wrongs. The Prince however thought it better to write a letter of exhortation to Melk Hussyn, commanding him to refrain from oppressing the people of Khorasan, and to alter his conduct, otherwise he should be under the necessity of marching against him, and depriving him of his government and dignity. But as Melk Hussyn would not take warning, nor alter his conduct, nay for a long time did not acknowledge the receipt of the Prince's letter; the anger of * Herat, the Aria of the Greeks, long the capital of Khorasan, situated on the Jihun, Lat. 34, N. 50. See Edinburgh Gazetteer. the Amyr was roused, and he gave orders for assembling the army, with the intention of invading Khorasan; but when he shewed his chiefs the letters from Herat, and asked their advice, they replied, "that they did not consider the persons who had signed the petition as sufficient authority for proceeding to harsh measures, and that it would be better again to ascertain the disposition of the other inhabitants;" this reply vexed the Amyr, he began to hesitate, and asked my opinion, I said frankly to him, " you should not have assembled the army, till you had determined this point, but having done so, you should not now procrastinate, lest the enemy impute it to weakness, but let us manfully attack them, if victorious, we shall gain the object, and at all events fill the bellies of our hungry soldiers, for ' in exertion there is prosperity.' " Amyr Kürgen approved of my advice, and instantly gave me the command of a thousand horsemen. I fed these thousand cavaliers daily, and never sat down to a meal without (some of) them; on this account they all became much attached to me: we formed the advanced guard, and marched forward with great confidence; many of the tribes and clans having assembled in hopes of plunder, I induced them also to join me. When I had got my army well equipped and arranged, they were quite unanimous in acknowledging my authority, so that I began to have a prospect of the gate of sovereignty; I wrote a list of the names of the cavaliers, and kept it folded up in my pocket; I also resolved in my own mind, that when I should have dispossessed Melk Hussyn, I would keep the country of Khorasan for myself. Having thus determined, we moved forward, we crossed the Moorghab river, and marching by the route of Bashtan, we encamped on the mountains, in the vicinity of Herat. The next day I mounted and rode to a bleach-green, which was situated on a hill, from whence I determined on the field of battle; I then waited on Amyr Kürgen, and pointed out the field of battle to him. Amyr Kürgen having arranged the army, rode up to the bleach-green, and having minutely examined the field of battle, highly extolled my judgment, as we had our backs to the sun, it was consequently in the face of the enemy; the Prince said, "the rays of the sun will blind our foes, and give us an easy conquest." Soon after this, the first line of army of Melk Hussyn, which was drawn up behind a low wall, advanced boldly into the plain, but they were unskilfully drawn up. At this time Amyr Kürgen called me, and said, " my boy, see how ill their army is arranged, we shall soon defeat them;" I replied, " have a little patience till they advance further from the wall;" I then sent orders to our front |