صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



وصیت دیگر انکه تزوکاتي که در امور سلطنت خود نوشته ام انرا در ذيل وقایع من ثبت نموده احکام انرا دستور العمل خويش سازيد و سرشته انرا دردست داشته باشید تا سلطنت و مملکت خود را بحال خود توانید نگاه داشت و این وصیت که درین وقت بشما کرده ام و به نصایح و اموري که شمارا مامور گردانیده ام تادم واپسين من هرچه از گفتار و کردار من بوقوع ايد در وقایع من از زبان من مندرج گردانید


و در تقویت دین و ملت محمدي صلي الله واله واصحابه و سلم و رواج مذهب برحق اهل سنت و جماعت و محو ساختن مذاهب باطله خواهید کوشید چه ملک و دین از یک شکم زاده اند



Continuation of the family of Timür to the present time, with the contemporary

Kings of England.

Moghul Emperors of Hindūstān.


Myran Hussyn,

Muhammed Myrza,

Abū Saied,

Omer Shykh,


Shāh Jehān,

Behader Shāh,
Muhammed Shāh,

Aalumgyr II.

Shah Aalum,

Akber Shāh,

Rulers of Ferghanā,


[blocks in formation]

Richard II. and Henry IV.

Henry IV. Henry V. Henry VI. Edward IV.

Henry VII.

Henry VIII.


James I.

Charles I.

Charles II.

William III.


George I.

George II.

George III.

George IV.

N. B. This is not meant to be a minute statement, but merely to give a general ADDEN DA.

outline of the subject.

SEVERAL months after I had commenced this Translation, I procured from my friend Major William Yule of Edinburgh, many years First Assistant to the Resident (Ambassador) at the Court of Lucknow, an authentic transcript of the Delhy Imperial copy, mentioned in Major Davy's letter, prefixed to the printed volume of Timūr's Institutes, and noticed in the Preface of this work, which he, Major Yule, obtained as a special favour from the Emperor, or Great Moghul. I also received from my friend Lieutenant Colonel William Franklin, a second copy of the above work, which had been procured by General Sir David Ochterlony, while Resident at the Court of Delhy, and Commander of the northern provinces of India.

- They are both large Quarto volumes, the former is neatly written, but the latter is most correct; they both contain the Memoirs of Timür till his death, but they are too voluminous for me to undertake the translation of them. I shall however compare them with Petis de la Croix's version of Sherif Addyn's History, and if they contain any thing new, will notice it. I have minutely compared them with Colonel Davy's manuscript as far as it extends, and find that the only additions they contain, are extracts from Sherif Addyn's History; an explanation of some particulars omitted in the Memoirs, and an attempt to prove that Timür was of the Sūny sect, although there is the strongest evidence that he was a very bigoted Shyā, (follower of Aly) as may be proved by-his destruction of the cities of Aleppo and Damascus, the account of which is to be found in the 65th Chapter of Gibbon's Roman Empire.

In order to enable the Public, and especially the Oriental Translation Committee, to judge whether it may be worth while to employ some younger person to continue these Memoirs, by a translation of the transcript of the Imperial edition, I herewith subjoin the Editor's Preface to that work, also that part of the Book which has given rise to the report that Timür had written an account of his own death, which has been erroneously quoted as a proof that the whole composition is a forgery.




HE commences with the usual form of praise of God, and blessings on Muhammed, on the four Khalifs, Abū Beker, Omer, Osman and Aly; he then repeats the account given by Abū Talib Hussyny of discovering the book in the library of Jāfer Pasha, and of its contents.

He then states that the Emperor Shāh Jehan of Hindūstān, having perused the book was not satisfied with it, and ordered him, Muhammed Afzel Bukhāry, to revise it.

" In the year 1047 of the Hejira, and tenth of his Majesty Shāh Jehān's reign, (A. D. 1637) the royal orders were issued to me, the meanest of the servants of the Imperial Court, (Muhammed Afzel Bukhāry) to read and revise this book from beginning to end, and to assimilate it with the Zuffer Nameh,* of the correctness of which no intelligent person can have a doubt, and compare it with some other trust-worthy histories, to omit some things which the translator had inserted, and to insert some occurrences which he had omitted; also to translate the Türky and Arabic sentences into Persian, and to correct several of the dates, which do not agree with the Zuffer Nameh."

"In submission to the royal order, the least of the servants of his Majesty, having bound round him the girdle of obedience, has exerted himself as much as possible in revising and correcting the said translation, and has thrown out all the unauthenticated passages which Abū Talib had inserted. He has inserted several passages that have been omitted by that translator, and he has thereby made the book conform with the Zuffer Nameh. Thus under the happy auspices of his Imperial Majesty, equal in dignity to Solomon, the Defender of the Faith, and the Protector of Princes, this work has been brought to a conclusion, and now only waits the stamp of approval of his Majesty (the King of the world)."

It appears in Dow's History of Hindostan, that Muhammed Afzel was the name of the Emperor, Shāh Jehan's preceptor; he was probably the person employed to revise this work, but he has not complied with his promise of translating all the Türky passages, although a native of Bokhārā, where that language was well understood.

* The Persian history by Sherif Addyn Aly Yezdy, and the work translated by Petis de la Croix.

The conclusion of the work states the arrival of the Emperor Timür at Atrar,* on his route to China; of his last illness; of his having assembled all his family, his ministers, and other principal personages, and of his having in their presence made his will, consisting of four clauses.

The two first clauses are to recommend union among his descendants, and loyalty to his nobles; the third clause appoints his grandson Pyr Muhammed Jehāngyr to be his successor and possessor of the kingdom of Samerkund, and that all his descendants should consider Jehāngyr as their superior. The fourth clause entreats his posterity to observe the rules and regulations that he had written during his reign, and to insert them as an Appendix to his Memoirs ; he further desires that they will continue his Memoirs to the last moment of his existence as if written or spoken by himself;

" I desire that this my Testament, and whatever I shall say to the last moment of my existence, shall be written in my Memoirs as if proceeding from my own mouth." (Appendix 11.)

He repeats his exhortation to his descendants to observe union, "to support the religion of Muhammed, to give currency to the tenets of the Sunies, and to exert themselves in eradicating every false religion." (Appendix 12.) He then forbids any one to speak to, or again disturb, him, but leave him to the mercy of God.

Shortly after this exhortation he resigned his soul to his Creator, on Tuesday the 17th of Shabān, A. H. 807, March 19th, A. D. 1405.

* Atrar was a large town situated two Parasangs or leagues north of the Sihūn, (Jaxartes).

† This distribution was conformable to the English law, Jehangyr being the heir of his deceased eldest son, but the throne was taken possession of by Khelyl Sultan, another of Timur's grandsons, the son of Miran Shah; he died at the end of three years, when Maveralnaher was taken possession of by Shāh Rūkh, the youngest son of Timur, but the other Princes having also seized upon the different provinces under their command, the mighty empire fell to pieces.

It may be interesting to some persons to know that the dominions of Timur were visited in the year 1812, by Izzet Allah, an intelligent native of India, whose journal has been published in the Asiatic Researches, from which we learn that the Chinese have extended their conquests as far as the Sihūn or Jaxartes, that the towns of Transoxiana are in possession of different Uzbek chiefs, and the country is occupied by the Nomade Kirghys hordes.



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