صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

has kindly undertaken to prepare for publication by the Oriental Translation Fund, a Continuation of the History of India, known as the Seyer ul Mutakherin, of which a translation was published in Calcutta about forty or fifty years ago, by a French Renegade Mussulman named Mustafa, in very indifferent English, and of which the greater part of the impression was lost in its passage to Europe.

The Committee have sincere satisfaction in announcing the following flattering additions to the list of Subscribers to the Oriental Translation Fund since the last anniversary; viz.


His Majesty the KING OF THE NETHERLANDS, Twenty Guineas.
And the following distinguished Individuals and Institutions Ten Guineas each :

His Imperial Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany

His Serene Highness the Grand Duke of Hesse

The Most Noble the Marquess of Hertford

The Most Noble the Marquess of Northampton
The Right Honourable the Earl of Shrewsbury
The Right Honourable the Earl of Lonsdale
The Right Honourable Lord Burghersh

The Right Honourable Lord Prudhoe

The Right Honourable Sir R. Gordon

The Right Honourable C. R. Vaughan

The Honourable Mount-Stuart Elphinstone

The Honourable George Fortescue

The Honourable Edward Monckton

Sir G. J. Duckett, Bart.

Sir Robert Lawley, Bart.

Sir C. T. Metcalfe, Bart.

Lady Chambers

The Imperial Library, Vienna

The Imperial University, Dorpat

The Royal Library, Berlin

The Royal Library, Dresden

The Royal Library, Hanover

The Royal Irish Academy

The Royal University, Leyden

The Literary Society, Bombay

The Provost of Trinity College, Dublin

The Rev. E. Burton, D.D.

Lieut. Col. Caulfield

J. L. Cox, Esq.

R. W. Cox, Esq.

J. B. Elliott, Esq.

Hudson Gurney, Esq. M.P.
F. J. Halliday, Esq.

Lieut. Col. Vans Kennedy
J. Leard, Esq.

Lieut. Col. J. Macdonald
W. H. Macnaghten, Esq.
Captain J. W. J. Ouseley
The Rev. Dr. Nott
John Penn, Esq.

H. Preston, Esq.

Professor Rosen

A. Stirling, Esq.

Dr. John Tytler
H. H. Wilson, Esq.

The Committee, in concluding their Report, hope that they may be allowed to offer their congratulations to the Subscribers upon the flourishing state of the Institution which their protection and encouragement has formed and fostered, not only in relation to the state of its funds and on the works already before them, but also on those most important works which are in progress of translation and publication.

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£ 1,459 10 0


26 50

850 4 7

For Printing



Gold Medals and the Die for them......

Salary and Transcription..
Petty Expenses


£ 2,394 1 7



[blocks in formation]

Audited June 11th 1830,



[blocks in formation]







His Most Gracious Majesty KING GEORGE THE FOURTH, Fifty Guineas. His Majesty the KING OF THE NETHERLANDS, Twenty Guineas.



£. s.d.
His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence 21 00
His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex 10 10 0
His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge.. 10 10,0
His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester.. 10 10 0
His Royal Highness Prince Leopold of Saxe

His Imperial Highness the Grand Duke of

[blocks in formation]

10 10 0

[blocks in formation]

The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Peterborough

10 10 0

The Right Hon. Lord Southampton ........

10 10 0

10 10 0

The Right Hon. Lord Grenville

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

His Grace the Duke of Wellington.......... 10 10 0
The Most Noble the Marquess of Lansdowne 10 10 0
The Most Noble the Marquess of Hertford.... 10 10 0
The Most Noble the Marquess of Bute ...... 10 10 0
The Most Noble the Marquess of Northampton 10 10 0
The Most Noble the Marquess of Anglesey 10 10 0
The Most Noble the Marquess of Cholmondeley 10 10 0
The Most Noble the Marquess of Londonderry 10 10 0
The Most Noble the Marquess of Donegall 10 10 0
The Right Hon. the Earl of Shrewsbury
The Right Hon. the Earl of Cassilis
The Right Hon. the Earl of Darnley ........10 10 0


The Right Hon. Sir R. Gordon .............

10 10 0

The Right Hon. Henry Goulburn, M.P.
The Right Hon. Sir G. Murray, Bart., M. P.

10 10 0


G. C. B.

10 10 0

The Right Hon. Sir Gore Ouseley, Bart..... The Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., M.P. The Right Hon. C. R. Vaughan

10 10 0

10 10 0

10 10 0

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Admiral Sir C. M. Pole, Bart., G.C. B. F.R.S. 10 10 0

Sir Culling Smith, Bart.

10 10 0


Sir H. Halford, Bart., M. D., F. R.S.

10 10 0


Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart., F.R.S.......

10 10 0

Sir J. W. Waller, Bart.

10 10 0

Sir Edw. Kerrison, Bart., M.P.............

10 10 0

Sir E. H. East, Bart., M. P. F. R.S.
Sir Francis Freeling, Bart.
Lady Chambers

10 10 0



10 10 0

10 10 0

Lieut.-Gen. Sir Herbert Taylor, G. C. H.
Sir W. Sidney Smith, K. C. B. F. R. S.
10 10 0
Sir A. Johnston, Knt., F. R.S............... 10 10 0

10 10 0



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It is requested that those individuals or Institutions who are willing to subscribe to the Oriental Translation Fund, will send their names and addresses to the Secretary, Mr. WILLIAM HUTTMANN, at the house of the Royal Asiatic Society, No. 14, Grafton-street, Bond-street, London; and inform him where their subscriptions will be paid. Subscriptions will also be received by the Branch Committees at Calcutta, Madras, and Rome.

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1st. THE Committee which is attached to the Royal Asiatic Society, for the purpose of selecting and superintending the translation and printing of Oriental works, is to be called the "Oriental Translation Committee."

2d. The object of the Committee is to publish, free of expense to the authors, translations of the whole or parts of works in the Oriental languages, accompanied occasionally by the original texts, and such illustrations as may be considered necessary. These translations are to be generally printed in English, but in peculiar cases may be printed in Latin or French.

3d. The Committee is empowered to add to its number, to purchase Oriental MSS. or printed books, to present copies of the works printed at the expense of the Oriental Translation Fund to Learned Societies and individuals, and to adopt all the means that it may consider to be necessary for promoting the objects for which it was appointed. No payment, however, exceeding twenty-five pounds, is to be made, until approved at two successive Meetings of the Committee.

4th. The Meetings of the Committee will be held as often as the Chairman or Secretary, or any two other Members of it, signing a requisition for that purpose, deem it necessary. All the Members of the Committee, resident within one hundred miles of London, are to be summoned to attend each of its Meetings; and five Members, including the Chairman or a Deputy Chairman, and the Secretary, are to constitute a quorum.

5th. The Secretary is charged generally with the business of the Committee, and is to record all the votes of the Committee in a Minute-Book, which every Subscriber has the right of inspecting, on application to him.

6th. For the purpose of directing the attention of scholars to the literature of the East, and encouraging translations, the Committee is empowered to give annually, for such works as it may consider deserving of distinction, four rewards in money, in sums not exceeding £100 each, and four gold medals, of the value of twenty guineas each, inscribed with the names of the individuals to whom, and the titles of the translations for which, they are presented. Any Member of the Committee who sends a translation for approval, whether to obtain a reward or medal, or merely to have it printed at the expense of the Oriental Translation Fund, is to cease to act on the Committee until the adoption or rejection of his work is decided on.

7th. No work, although prepared for the press at the expense of the Oriental Translation Fund, is to be printed, until the imprimatur of the Chairman or a Deputy Chairman, and at least eight Members of the Committee, is obtained. The Translators of such works as are printed by the Committee are entitled to twenty-five copies of their Translations for presentation.

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