The Mulzufat Timūry Or Autobiographical Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Timūr, Written in the Jagtay Turky LanguageOriental translation fund, and sold, 1830 - 165 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 54
الصفحة 8
... attacking you . Farewell . " 12th . I asked the blessings of the Hermits , of the other inspired and holy persons , and besought their prayers ; I also protected the Anchorets and the Dervishes , I never vexed them , but captivated ...
... attacking you . Farewell . " 12th . I asked the blessings of the Hermits , of the other inspired and holy persons , and besought their prayers ; I also protected the Anchorets and the Dervishes , I never vexed them , but captivated ...
الصفحة 13
... attacked me suddenly with five thousand horse , and although I completely de- feated him , nevertheless at that time my troops were defeated in the desert , by * The late Tippoo Sultan probably took the idea of his dreams from this work ...
... attacked me suddenly with five thousand horse , and although I completely de- feated him , nevertheless at that time my troops were defeated in the desert , by * The late Tippoo Sultan probably took the idea of his dreams from this work ...
الصفحة 15
... attacked me suddenly with five thousand horse , and although I completely de- feated him , nevertheless at that time my troops were defeated in the desert , by * The late Tippoo Sultan probably took the idea of his dreams from this work ...
... attacked me suddenly with five thousand horse , and although I completely de- feated him , nevertheless at that time my troops were defeated in the desert , by * The late Tippoo Sultan probably took the idea of his dreams from this work ...
الصفحة 16
... attacked me with an army as numerous as the drops of rain ; I therefore wrote to him , " Whoever returns evil ... attack me , be assured you shall suffer for your bad intentions . " About this period I dreamed , that the sun arose ...
... attacked me with an army as numerous as the drops of rain ; I therefore wrote to him , " Whoever returns evil ... attack me , be assured you shall suffer for your bad intentions . " About this period I dreamed , that the sun arose ...
الصفحة 17
... cattle , and other animals , surrounded the tree , and voraciously began eating the fruit ; afterwards they violently attacked each other with their claws D and beaks ; when I had tasted the different kinds MEMOIRS OF TIMUR . 17.
... cattle , and other animals , surrounded the tree , and voraciously began eating the fruit ; afterwards they violently attacked each other with their claws D and beaks ; when I had tasted the different kinds MEMOIRS OF TIMUR . 17.
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Abū Alyas Khuajē Amyr Hussyn Amyr Kürgen Amyr Musā Amyr Timur Arabic arrived Arsuf attack Badukhshān Balkh bank Bart Behader Bughā cavalry chiefs command consequence defeated descendants desert division dream drew encamped enemy fortress gave orders governor Herat History hordes immediately informed inhabitants intelligence Jagtay Jehangyr Jelayr Jengyz Jete army Jetteh Jihun joined Karshy Kesh Khan Khuarizm Khujend Khulm Khurasan Khushm Kipchak Koran Kummer Addyn Ky Khuseru letter Lord marched Maveralnaher Melk Hussyn mounted Muhammed Muselmans night officers omen Oriental Translation Fund Persian Persian language person plain plunder possession prayer prelates Prince proceeded promise Prophet replied resolved returned Right Honourable Royal Royal Asiatic Society Sali Seray Samerkund seized Selduz sent Shadman Shāh Shykh Sihun soldiers soon sovereignty subdue Sufy sword Syed Syriac Termuz thousand horse throne took Transoxiana tribe troops Tugleck Timur Turky victory whilst wrote Yusury که