The Mulzufat Timūry Or Autobiographical Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Timūr, Written in the Jagtay Turky LanguageOriental translation fund, and sold, 1830 - 165 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 34
الصفحة xi
... throne of his father , in the king- dom of Furgauneh . The earlier part of his life very much resembled that of his great predecessor , Timour : and his abilities in the field and in the cabinet , his fortitude in distress , his ...
... throne of his father , in the king- dom of Furgauneh . The earlier part of his life very much resembled that of his great predecessor , Timour : and his abilities in the field and in the cabinet , his fortitude in distress , his ...
الصفحة xii
... throne , if divisions had taken place in his family , and his posterity had been scattered abroad , this valuable manuscript might have fallen into private hands , and have remained unknown for a century longer ; possibly , have been ...
... throne , if divisions had taken place in his family , and his posterity had been scattered abroad , this valuable manuscript might have fallen into private hands , and have remained unknown for a century longer ; possibly , have been ...
الصفحة xii
... throne, if divisions had taken place in his family, and his posterity' had been scattered abroad, this valuable manuscript might have fallen into private hands,' and have remained unknown for a century longer; possibly, have been ...
... throne, if divisions had taken place in his family, and his posterity' had been scattered abroad, this valuable manuscript might have fallen into private hands,' and have remained unknown for a century longer; possibly, have been ...
الصفحة 3
... throne , that during my residence in the two sacred cities of Mecca and Medina , I saw in the library of Jafer , Governor ( Hākim ) of Yemen , a book , in the Turky language , dictated ( mulfuzat ) by his Majesty , who now dwells in ...
... throne , that during my residence in the two sacred cities of Mecca and Medina , I saw in the library of Jafer , Governor ( Hākim ) of Yemen , a book , in the Turky language , dictated ( mulfuzat ) by his Majesty , who now dwells in ...
الصفحة 4
... Appendix No. I. * Sahib Keran , signifies Lord of the Auspicious Conjunction ; Sany , the second . Shah Jehan mounted the throne of Hindustan , A. H. 1037 , A.D. 1628 . 3 MEMOIRS OF TIMUR . BOOK I. - TEZŪKĀT . 2 PREFACE .
... Appendix No. I. * Sahib Keran , signifies Lord of the Auspicious Conjunction ; Sany , the second . Shah Jehan mounted the throne of Hindustan , A. H. 1037 , A.D. 1628 . 3 MEMOIRS OF TIMUR . BOOK I. - TEZŪKĀT . 2 PREFACE .
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Abū Alyas Khuajē Amyr Hussyn Amyr Jakū Amyr Kürgen Amyr Musā Arabic arrived Arsuf assembly attack Badukhshān Balkh bank Bart Bāyezyd Behader Behram Berlās Bughā cavalry chiefs command Committee consequence defeated descendants desert Desht division drew encamped enemy fortress gave orders governor Hajy Berlās Herat History hordes inhabitants intelligence Jagtay Jehangyr Jelayr Jengyz Jete army Jetteh Jihūn joined Kārshy Kesh Khān Khuarizm Khujend Khulm Khurasan Khutelan Kipchak Koran Kummer Addyn Ky Khuserū letter marched Maveralnaher Melk Hussyn mounted Muhammed Muselmans night officers omen Oriental Translation Fund Persian Persian language person plunder possession prayer prelates Prince proceeded promise Prophet replied resolved returned Right Honourable Royal Royal Asiatic Society Sali Seray Samerkund seized Selduz sent Shāh Shykh soldiers soon sovereignty subdue sword Syed Syriac Termuz thousand horse throne Timour Timur took Transoxiana tribe troops Tugleck Timür victory whilst wrote Yusury که