Death, Dying, and Social Differences

الغلاف الأمامي
David Oliviere, Barbara Monroe
Oxford University Press, 2004 - 205 من الصفحات
Death, Dying and Social Differences addresses the importance of care of dying people in their social context. It focuses on the much neglected area of the social aspects of death and dying. It highlights the key ways that health and social care professionals who provide end of life care can cater for those from a variety of social circumstances and communities. It speaks about best professional practice that can balance the inequalities in society's structures and what that means for thedying and their carers. A first of its kind, the twelve chapters by leaders in their fields, are aimed at clinicians and practitioners from all disciplines, policy-makers and managers who are committed to palliative and good end of life care for all. A multi-professional and case-based approach underpins the principles and practices of innovative care. The book considers the differences in the palliative care of people with advanced cancer and other life threatening conditions, related to poverty, social class, gender, sexuality, age, ethnicity and religion, as well as the circumstances of patients and carers who have disabilities, experience psychiatric illness, are refugees, are subject to abuse or who are prisoners. It uncovers 'disadvantaged dying' and suggests appropriate responses. The physical, spiritual, psychological and holistic aspects of care are largely shaped by and intertwined with a person's environment and social experiences. The book unpacks this essential ingredient of care of the very ill and bereaved and those close to them. Although death can be a great leveller, it can also highlight great differences in the quality of the experience. This book offers a key to upholding maximum human dignity for dying people and those they leave behind.

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

نبذة عن المؤلف (2004)

David Oliviere is Director of Education & Training at St Christopher's Hospice, London and he is a Board member of the European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC). Barbara Monroe is Chief Executive of St Christopher's Hospice in London. She is also Director of Candle - a specialist children's bereavement project and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the leading journal "Palliative Medicine".

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