Ideology, Curriculum, and the New Sociology of Education: Revisiting the Work of Michael AppleLois Weis, Greg Dimitriadis, Cameron McCarthy Routledge, 11/01/2013 - 282 من الصفحات For more than three decades Michael Apple has sought to uncover and articulate the connections among knowledge, teaching and power in education. Beginning with Ideology and Curriculum (1979), Apple moved to understand the relationship between and among the economy, political and cultural power in society on the one hand "and the ways in which education is thought about, organized and evaluated" on the other. This edited collection invites several of the world's leading education scholars to reflect on the relationships between education and power and the continued impact of Apple's scholarship. Like Apple's work itself, the essays will span a range of disciplines and inequalities; emancipatory educational practices; and the linkage between the economy and race, class and gender formation in relation to schools. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 87
... Theory , and the School Curriculum 17 MADELEINE ARNOT Chapter 2 Social Class , School Knowledge , and the Hidden Curriculum : Retheorizing Reproduction 37 JEAN ANYON Chapter 3 Schooling , Power , and the Exile of the Soul 47 Section II ...
... theory that had informed the so-called “new sociology of education” in the united Kingdom, starting with michael young's Knowledge and Control (young, 1971) and the subsequent work that michael young and i did together (Whitty & young ...
... theory with empirical data drawn from, for example, an ethnogra- phy of a kindergarten classroom, content analyses of science and social studies curricula, and historical studies of curriculum reform. much of this was due, as michael ...
... curriculum (3rd ed.). new york: routledge. apple, m., & Whitty, G. (1999). structuring the postmodern in education policy. in D. hill, P. mcLaren, m. Cole, & G. rikowski (eds.), Postmod- ernism in educational theory (pp. 67-87). London ...
... theory, practice, and policy), but the work of scores of students, broadly construed, who pursued one or more aspects of this intellectual project. a corpus of critical knowledge both in and outside the united states has evolved over ...
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15 | |
Contemporary Theoretical Challenges | 67 |
On Spaces of Possibility | 143 |
Critical Education Politics and the Real World | 203 |
Interviews with Michael W Apple | 219 |
Contributors | 251 |
Index | 257 |