Essentials of Community-based NursingJones & Bartlett Learning, 2003 - 574 من الصفحات Designed for use throughout the associate degree nursing curriculum, this textbook provides an overview of the registered nurse's role in the community, with attention to recent changes in the health care system, epidemiology, the factors affecting community health, and approaches to community health practice. Particular attention is given to issues related to diversity, the care of families, and individuals with special needs. A pocket guide presents details concerning musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and endocrine disorders. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR ( |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 57
الصفحة 12
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الصفحة 17
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الصفحة 20
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الصفحة 22
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الصفحة 23
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عذرًا، محتوى هذه الصفحة مقيَّد.
PART ONE CommunityFocused Nursing Care | 3 |
Health Care Systems in Transition | 28 |
Epidemiology of Health and Illness | 46 |
Factors Influencing Community Health | 65 |
Politics and the Law | 100 |
Transcultural Nursing and Global Health | 121 |
Communicable Disease | 138 |
Approaches to Community Health Nursing Practice | 175 |
Home Health and Hospice Nursing | 310 |
Disasters in the Community | 338 |
PART THREE CommunityBased Nursing Care | 369 |
Caring for the Family in Health and Illness | 394 |
Care of the Individual in CommunityBased Nursing | 413 |
Womens Health | 432 |
Adolescent Pregnancy | 454 |
Childrens Health | 478 |
Health Education in the Community | 191 |
Health Promotion and Wellness | 216 |
Holistic and Complementary Health | 238 |
PART TWO Diversity in CommunityBased | 255 |
The Home Visit | 296 |
Elder Health | 500 |
Community Mental Health | 544 |
Appendix | 561 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
abuse activities adolescent adolescent pregnancy adults agencies American assessment Association behaviors cancer caregivers Center child chronic client clinical community health nurse community-based cultural death disability drugs effective elders emergency environment environmental health erectile dysfunction evaluation exposure factors family members focus goals groups health care providers health care system health education health problems health promotion health services Healthy People 2010 hepatitis holistic home health nurse home visits hospital illness immunity increased individuals infant infection interventions issues Journal living managed care Medicare ment mental health Mississippi mother National needs nursing informatics nursing practice occupational health nurse organizations outcomes parents persons physical physician population prevention primary professional programs public health rates response result risk role school nurse settings sexual sexually transmitted diseases social Source symptoms therapies tion treatment U.S. Census Bureau United women