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" Cholesterol and heart disease in older persons and women: Review of an NHLBI workshop. Ann Epidemiol 1992;2:161-176. "
Health and Social Organization: Towards a Health Policy for the Twenty-first ... - الصفحة 298
المحررون: - 1996 - عدد الصفحات: 326
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Guide to Clinical Preventive Services: Report of the U. S. Preventive ...

DIANE Publishing Company - 1997 - عدد الصفحات: 1038
...death in women. Arch Intern Med 1993: 153:2209-22 16. 23. Manolio TA, Pearson TA, Wenger NK, et al. Cholesterol and heart disease in older persons and women: review of an NHLBI workshop. Ann Epidemiol 1992:2:161-176. 24. Bengtsson C, Bjorkelund C, Lapidus L, Lissner L. Association of serum...

Report of the Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High ...

Scott M. Grundy - 1997 - عدد الصفحات: 182
...Med 1985;36:285-94. 248. Manolio TA, Pearson TA, Wenger NK, BarrettConnor E, Payne GH, Harían WR. Cholesterol and heart disease in older persons and women: review of an NHLBI workshop. Ann Epidemiol 1992;2:l6l-76. 249. Barrett-Connor E, Khaw K. Family history of heart attack as an independent...

Cardiorespiratory Nursing

Caroline Shuldham - 1998 - عدد الصفحات: 612
...rehabilitation programmes: are women less likely to attend? British Medical Journal, 305, 283—284. Manolio, TA, Pearson, TA, Wenger, NK, Barrett-Connor,...heart disease in older persons and women: review of NHLBI workshop (June 1990). Annals of Epidemiology, 2, 161—176. Mark, DB, Shaw, LK, DeLong, ER, Calf,...
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The Prescriber's Guide to Hormone Replacement Therapy

M.I. Whitehead - 1998 - عدد الصفحات: 224
...Development Conference, pp. 293-303. (Paris: Editions ESKA) 32. Maniolo, TA, Pearson, TA, Wenger, NK et al. (1992). Cholesterol and heart disease in older persons and women: review of an NHLBI workshop. Ann. Epidemiol., 2, 161-76 33. Slowinska-Srzednicka, J., Zgliczynski, A., Chotkowski, E. et al (1993)....
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Coronary Artery Disease in Women: What All Physicians Need to Know

Pamela Charney - 1999 - عدد الصفحات: 631
...Valley Diabetes Study. J Clin Epidemiol. 1992:45:1191-200. 7. Manolio TA, Pearson TA, Wenger NK, et al. Cholesterol and heart disease in older persons and women: review of an NHLBI workshop. Ann Epidemiol. 1992: 2: 161-76. 8. Kronmal RA, Cain KC. Total serum cholesterol levels and mortality...
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Women’s Health and Menopause: New Strategies - Improved Quality of Life

Roger Lobo, P.G. Crosignani, Rodolfo Paoletti, F. Bruschi - 2002 - عدد الصفحات: 444
...Adults (Adult Treatment Panel 111). JAMA 200l285:2486-97. 3. Manolio TA, Pearson TA, Wenger NK, et al. Cholesterol and heart disease in older persons and women: Review of an NHLBI Workshop. Ann Epidemiol 1992;2:16l-76. 4. Austin MA, Hokanson E, Edwards KL. Hypcrtriglyceridemia as a risk factor....
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Prévention secondaire des coronaropathies

Bernard Chanu, Bernard Jacotot - 2002 - عدد الصفحات: 230
...726:761-767. [5] Manolio TA, Pearson TA, Wenger NK, Barrett-Connor E., Payne GH, Harlan WR Cholestérol and heart disease in older persons and women : review of an NHLBI workshop. Ann. Epidemiol., 1992; 2 : 161176. [6] LaRosa JC Triglycérides and coronary risk in women and thé...
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The Many Faces of Health, Competence and Well-Being in Old Age: Integrating ...

Hans-Werner Wahl, Herrmann Brenner, Heidrun Mollenkopf, Dietrich Rothenbacher, Christoph Rott - 2006 - عدد الصفحات: 288
...studies. Lancet, 360, 1903-1913. Manolio, TA, Pearson, TA, Wenger, NK, Barrett-Connor, E., Payne, G. H, & Harlan, WR (1992). Cholesterol and heart disease in...NHLBI workshop. Annals of Epidemiology, 2, 161-176. Muntwyler, J., Hennekens, CH, Buring, JE, & Gaziano, JM (1998). Mortality and light to moderate alcohol...
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AACVPR Cardiac Rehabilitation Resource Manual: Promoting Health and ...

American Association of Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation - 2006 - عدد الصفحات: 236
...Cardiol 1993;71:1439-1442. 37. Manolio TA, Pearson TA, Wenger NK, Barrett-Connor E, Payne GH, Harían WR. Cholesterol and heart disease in older persons and women: Review of an NHLBI workshop. Ann Epidemial 1992;2:161-176. 38. Bass KM, Newschaffer CJ, Klag M], Bush TL. Plasma lipoprotein levels...
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Geriatric Diabetes

Medha N. Munshi, Lewis A. Lipsitz - 2007 - عدد الصفحات: 443
...Epidemiol 1991; 134(1):29-38. 24. Manolio TA, Pearson TA, Wenger NK, Barrett-Connor E, Payne GH, Harlan WR. Cholesterol and heart disease in older persons and women. Review of an NHLBI workshop. Ann Epidemiol 1992; 2(1-2):161-176. 25. Laakso M. Glycemic control and the risk for coronary heart...
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