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with joy, in the light of his Glory, with the mercy and righteousness that cometh from him."

Professor Gaussen, after having adduced many signs of the times as proofs of the restoration of the Jews being about to take place, gives us the following:

"The increase of the number of Jews in Palestine. There was a time when the Jews could not live in the land of their fathers; they were massacred or carried into captivity. The Mahometans did not allow more than three hundred Jews to remain in Jerusalem, because they feared their spirit of revolt. Now, all is changed. There are now in the holy city nearly ten thousand Jews. If this movement continues without obstacle, they will soon exceed in number the Mussulmen. There, they form, in some respects, a distinct nation. They resume their ancient language, which has not been spoken in its purity since the Babylonish captivity. A missionary writes, that the Hebrew has become the language of conversation in Jerusa lem-a remarkable fact, after an interval of so many ages."

Professor Gaussen gives many proofs, as he supposes, of the Jews being evangelized before they are restored. If he means, as I understand him, that the Jews are to be converted as a nation to Christianity, before they are nationally restored; or if he believes that the nation of the Jews are to be evangelized or Christianized by the united efforts of Christian societies, in this he is much

mistaken. For they are only to become converted as a nation, as the Apostle Paul was, by the appearance of the Man-Child, their Messiah, in the Glorious cloud or Shechinah from heaven. Man's exertions, man's activity, man's hand, is never to do this; he has no warrant nor promise from the word of God for this. A nation is to be born at once, in one day. "Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child." (Isa. lxvi. 7, 8.) This can in no wise apply to the condition of the church when Christ was born, nor will it apply to the church at Christ's second appearance.

And man, and the societies of man, might as well (by his own hand) suppose that he can and will introduce the Millennium, or convert Rome and infidelity, which are foredoomed by the word of God, as convert the Jews as a nation. That a few, or even many of that nation, may be convinced and converted, I have not the least doubt; I sincerely believe, that "through our mercy they also may obtain mercy," (Rom. xi. 31); but remember, "they are enemies as touching the Gospel for our sakes," and will remain so, as a nation, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled; and then, and not till then, will the Redeemer (the great Deliverer) "come out of Zion, and turn away ungodliness from Jacob" (Rom. xi. 26). And this is the mystery, yea the great mystery, that Paul would not have

us ignorant of, "lest we be wise in our own conceits."


"Who then are this nation," asks Mr. Gaussen, "which have been hated and despised all over the globe? It is the nation to whom we owe all. Whom do we adore as the only name under heaven among men whereby we can be saved, as the only mediator between God and us? It is the man Jesus Christ. And who is this man?* was born a Jew. By whom was undertaken the first mission which brought us the Gospel? By Jews. Why are we Christians? Ah! it is because Jewish missionaries, burning with love, came even into our Europe. We owe every thing to the Jews.

'Salvation is of the Jews,' saith Civilization, country, education,

Jesus Christ. domestic bliss, consolations in life, hopes in death -what of all these should we have without Christianity? And what should we have of Christianity without the Jews? This people have given us the Gospel; we must give it in return to them."

Or I would rather quote and say what he says in the next paragraph: "Let us enter into the plans of Divine Providence; let us co-operate in accomplishing the prophecies, which announce so clearly the restoration of the Jews, and let us remember there are special blessings attached to this work."


But in the manner of this co-operation, I may, * "And it shall be said, This man was born there."

and do, differ from this writer. Not but that it is perfectly right to offer them, affectionately and devoutly, every blessing of the Gospel, until the time, the set time, to favour Zion is come ;-but, when this time has fully come, woe, woe to that man that is found fighting against God, by supporting their different Zions-one at Rome, another at Nauvoo, another at Sing Sing, another at Illinois, another at New Lebanon, another our Zion or Church, another in the heart, as all spiritualizers say. Woe! woe! be unto these when God is about to establish his Mount Zion at Jerusalem, and nowhere else. These will, like the Jews of old, not know the day of their visitation, and their house will be left unto them desolate.

For instead of regarding the prophets-and, above all things, knowing the designs of God in making Jerusalem the centre, and the only centre, of the whole earth-they will be found exercising all their powers, energies, and talents, in building and maintaining the respective centres and Zions of their different sects; they will be found fighters and opposers of God, and crying, "The Temple of the Lord are we! the Temple of the Lord are we!" and thus, like the Jews of old, they will shut their eyes to the coming dispensation of the Shechinah Glory, through and by the Jew; being, as Paul declares, the only proper recipient of it at first exclusively.

Be wise now, therefore, O ye kings! Be instructed, ye judges of the earth! Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling, for Judah is on his way, and the Lion of the tribe of Judah will first act through the Jews of the tribe of Judah, and consume all those who are found opposing him and them.

It has been the honest intention of the writer of this little work to give the plain, literal, written word of the Lord as given by himself, his prophets, and apostles; and great care has been taken never to take one word and transfer it over into the place of another, and say, by a system of spiritualizing, it means one and the same thing-thus destroying the legitimate use of one-half or three-fourths of the English language.

The writer sincerely believes that God has employed his infinite power and wisdom, and these have in an especial manner operated through his providence, in order to convey his will through the medium of man's language; and that every word is to be honestly kept and accepted only in its definite place and limit as a word, without destroying the definite meaning and sense by saying, Oh! it is only figurative, or this is certainly to be spiritualized-it can never be reasonably supposed that God will fulfil this in a literal visible way-and thus the Resurrection, Christ's second Personal Coming, Baptism, and the Lord's Supper, the New Heavens, and the New Earth, can never take place; and also the restoration of the literal Jew can never be effected. But the many and precious promises declaring and asserting

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