صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

1st Administration. | 2nd Administration. | 3rd Administration.

until his crucifixion, and destruction of Jerusalem, when he said, "Behold, your house is left unto you desolate," (Matt. xxiii. 38.)

This is a time of mercy and partial reception of the Jews-"He came to his own, and his own received him not." (John i. 11.)



This began at the con- This begins when he version of Cornelius, comes in Glory and mawhen the Gospel wasjesty-when Jerusalem handed over to him by shall no longer be trodPeter, and will last until den down of the Genthe fulness of the Gentiles tiles, but when she shall come in. become the centre and joy of the whole earth. 3.


This administration is This administration is "a Light to lighten the" the Glory of my people Gentiles." (Luke ii. 32.) Israel." (Luke ii. 32.)

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This is the administra

During this period he This is the time when, only came to the "lost tion, when he is not a as Paul declares, the sheep of the house of Is-Jew who is one outward-Jews are much better rael," and told his dis-ly, but he is a Jew who" every way," (Rom. iii. ciples not to go "in the is one inwardly; whose 12,) because to them beway of the Gentiles." circumcision is of the longs the Glory -the (Matt. x. 5, 6.) heart, and not of the Shechinah, or Jehovah's This administration last-flesh. (Rom. ii. 29.) Glory, is made visible in ed until the Jews crucithe sight of all men. "I, fied him, and until the saith the Lord, shall be Gospel was handed by unto her a wall of fire, Peter through the house and the Glory in the of Cornelius to the Genmidst of her." (Zech. tiles. ii. 5.)

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This is an admistration


This is an administraThis is an administration of Christ as a Pro-of Christ as a Priest unto tion of Christ as Kingphet to the Jewish people. the Gentiles. "Thou art when there is a visible "A Prophet shall the a Priest after the order king, a visible kingdom, Lord your God rise up of Melchisedec," (Heb. and visible subjects unto you, like unto me; v. 5,)-when there only" when the kingdom and him shall ye hear in all exists an invisible King the greatness of the kingthings whatsoever he-an invisible kingdom, dom under the whole shall say unto you." (Acts and its subjects are not heaven shall be given into iii. 22.) visibly known.

This is an administration when the "kingdom of heaven was only at hand." (Matt. iv. 17.)

When this administration to the Jews was

the hands of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all nations serve and obey him." (Dan. vii. 27.)

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This is an administra- This is an administration when the invisible tion when the kingdom of kingdom only exists in heaven does not merely spiritual principles and exist in spiritual and inproperties, and is not visible properties, but is embodied. embodied and visibly made manifest.


This is the time when


This is the time when,

the "tares and wheat at the end of the age or

grow together."


This is an administra

Aion, the tares are sepa

rated from the wheat.


This is the administra

tion only in principle, tion when the kingdom and the kingdom at hand, of heaven is come. Preand we are taught to sent.

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pray, Thy kingdom

come." Future.


This is an administra


This is an administration of suffering under tion when Daniel's 4th Daniel's 4th Gentile Gentile monarchy is monarchy, and Daniel's ground to powder; and 6th kingdom of the Stone its place can no more be has not yet appeared. found; when his fifth kingdom, namely, the Stone, fills the whole earth.

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The appears in great sua-he appears as the Lion of

1st Administration. | 2nd Administration. | 3rd Administration.

vity and meekness, long-the tribe of Judah coming suffering and merciful, to from Bozra, travelling in the Gentiles. And when the greatness of his "if ye be Christ's then strength, "to take venare you Abraham's seed, geance upon the Gentiles. and heirs according to the

promise." (Gal. iii. 29.)

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In this administration In this administration it is the circumcision, the circumcision (the litethat is, the literal Jew, ral Jew) is saved by the who shall be saved by coming of Messiah as Faith, and the uncircum-their Deliverer, "For the cised through Faith. deliverer shall come out (Rom. iii. 30.) of Zion and turn ungodliness from Jacob; and this shall be my covenant with them, when I take away their sins." (Rom. xi.) 13.


During this administra- During this administration True Worship is not tion true worship will confined to this mountain, embrace Place, and State (Samaria), nor yet to Je-too, for it will be confined rusalem; but they that to Mount Zion and Jeruworship the Father, wor-salem: "For it shall come ship him in spirit and in to pass in the last days truth, (John iv. 4): it that the mountain of the only consists in state, and Lord's house shall be esnot in place. tablished in the top of the During this administra-mountains, and shall be tion, "From the rising of exalted above the hills, the sun unto the going and all nations shall flow down of the same, my unto it." (Mic. iv. 10; name shall be great Isa. ii. 2.)

among the Gentiles; and
in every place incense
shall be offered and a pure
offering." (Mal. i. 11.)

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During this administra- During this administration, "every creature of tion, or at the time of its God is good, and nothing being introduced, "The to be refused if it be re- Lord will come with ceived with thanksgiv-fire and with chariots, ing." (1 Tim. iv. 4.) like a whirlwind, to ren der his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire, and they that sanctify themselves and purify themselves behind one green tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, &c., shall be consumed together, saith the Lord." (Isa. lxvi. 15—17.) 15.


During this administra At the beginning of

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During this admistra

During this administration sacrifices cannot be tion sacrifices will be restored, because they restored and observed by have respect to place, the children of Israel, and to the Temple at for when the Temple is Mount Zion and Jerusa-rebuilt at Mount Zion lem, which now lieth and Jerusalem, the place waste and desolate.


that sacrifices have re

spect to will be again established. (See Jer. xxxiii. 17, 18; Ezek. xlvi. 19, 24.)


During this administra- During this administration the Feast of Taber-tion the Feasts will be renacles and the Feast of stored; the Feast of First Purim are to be observed Fruits, and especially the by the Jews, because it Feast of Tabernacles. is commanded them that (See Zech. xiv. 16.) it shall be a "statute for lever in your generation.'

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During this administra- During this administration the 7th Day Sabbath tion the antitype and must be kept both by substance of the Sabbath, Jews and Christians, having come, there will because it is not a Legal, be no necessity of any but Paradisical com-longer keeping the type, mandment, and has never or one day only as a Sabbeen changed nor ab-bath, because the rogated; and because it venth day-the seventh is "the Sabbath (not of thousandth year of the the Jews only, but) of Lord-will be one contithe Lord thy God." God nual Sabbath, and then did commence the week will be fulfilled what Paul on the first day, and not referred to in the former on Monday the second administration, as folday, "for the evening lows: "For if Jesus had and the morning were given them rest, then the first day."-(See would he not afterward Gen. 15.) It is absurd to have spoken of another destroy the type before day. There remaineth the antitype comes.

therefore a rest for the people of God." (See Heb. iv. 8, 9.)

During this administrątion the former Covenant will be abrogated. Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will

1st Administration. 2nd Administration.


During this administration circumcision is to be observed by every Jewish proselyte, by virtue of the Covenant made with their fathers; by virtue of which covenant they are never as a nation to be reckoned with the nations," but are to inherit the land and the Glorious Sechinah, and to have the pre-eminence above every Gentile.


3rd Administration.

make a "new Covenant with the House of Israel, and the House of Judah." (Heb. viii. 8; Jer. xxxi. 31-40.) This new Covevenant is distinct, and is in no wise applicable to the New Testament: for it is to be made with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.

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