Of all Invention: for knowledge is the foundation of invention. Of all Perception: for by it and in it we can alone see and perceive. Of all Discrimination: for it only shows us the difference between thing and thing. Of all Discernment: for it is that alone in which we can discern. It is this blessed Light which causes the diversity of the seven beautiful colours, as we see by the rays of light passing through a prism, or prismatic glass. Of all aromatic plants, fragrant herbs, and the sweetness and deliciousness of ambrosial fruits and flowers, these receive all their life from the heat,* and all their sweetness, fragrance and beauty from the meek, gentle light. Look here, Infidels and Atheists-behold this Son of God, this Light of the world, that ye can both see and feel, acting within, without, and all around you. This Light is the very heart and essence, the very essentiality and life, of the Son of God. This constitutes the Spirit of Jesus Christ and his Body, that rose or ascended above the darkness of this world-was the very nearest aggregation or compact that could possibly be formed by the Light into a body, and this body only arose to its proper level or equilibrium, and therefore it arose above the darkness that necessarily constitutes the fallen bodies of this world, because it was the first born of the Sons of Light, and because it belonged to the regions of Light. * Fire. O glorious privilege! to behold thee, thou only "Living Child"-both as to spirit and body, of which Wisdom says, "Divide it not, but give it to its true mother." O! I shall soon see thee as God's King, sitting upon his holy hill of Zion, when Jerusalem will be the centre and joy of the whole earth; "when kings shall bring presents unto thee, because of the temple at Jerusalem." (Psalm lxviii. 29.) O! thou Pearl of great price-thou all-consuming sweet refining fire! Thou art indeed the Father and Creator of this Light, Life, Virtue, Wisdom, and Power! Can this God be denied, when he can be seen operating in the heavens and in the earth? Can weakness become effective and productive instead of power? Or can foolishness contrive, design, and adapt means to answer intended ends, instead of wisdom and understanding? This Christ, who declares himself the Light of this world, is therefore properly called the Wisdom and Power of God. Cast thy eye, O Infidel and Materialist, over E this vast universe-over the heavens, the earth, the seas, and the rivers of waters-yea, and over thyself, who art a microcosm of the whole concentrated,-view the wonderful formation, contrivance, relation, and adaptation of one part to the other, and of means to their intended ends, and say, if thou canst, that they are not the production of a superior, extraordinary power; - if they are not, find an inferior or ordinary power that can produce them. This thou canst not do; therefore they are the production of an all powerful understanding, wise influence, or spirit that is superior to thee. Thou must either own, or deny, the existing facts and works of a God made manifest to thy senses of seeing, feeling, tasting, smelling, and hearing; that "Warms in the sun, refreshes in the breeze, And the further the mind of man progresses in this light, he will see more light; for it is the way, the truth, and the light; for no way can be seen without it, nor any truth be made manifest, as truth, but by it, and no life sustained except with it. It is indeed the "Light of Life," (see John i. 4.) It was in the beginning of the world, therefore it was said in the beginning, "Let there be Light, and there was Light;" and this very light made all things discernible and manifest, that before were invisible and indiscernible in darkness; and, O rapturous and delightful thought! this glorious Light is just now on the eve of breaking forth upon this fallen and self-distracted world; and the certain and inevitable consequence must be, that just in proportion as this blessed Light increases, it must banish and diminish its opposite darkness, with all that has proceeded from it, which are the whole catalogue of human woes and miseries, and every thing that can hurt or destroy, -to their own level, limit, and repository. This is the glorious blessing of the Shechinah or cloud of Glory to the righteous, for this Shechinah is an all-consuming, all-devouring fire; in this fire is a light, yea, a sevenfold light; in this light a paradise; in this paradise saints, angels; and among the angels, joy. But alas! alas! for the wicked; for they remain in the fire of their own principle-they cannot reach, they cannot live in the light-it blinds them. "O! thou great Arbiter of Light and Life, The dust I tread on, high to bear my brow ; And triumph in existence; and could know E2 A rise in blessings, with the Patriarch's joy These blessings will all take place upon this world ere long, and blessed are they who have ears to hear, and a heart prepared to meet them with joy and peace, and to "Behold the measure of the promise fill'd, |