Pensions in DevelopmentRoutledge, 29/03/2018 - 772 من الصفحات This title was first published in 2001. Challenging conventional approaches to the delivery of sustainable "social protection" to the elderly in developing countries (DCs) and assessing their implications, this work discusses the appropriateness of the public management of funded systems in DCs with relatively large formal sectors. The combination of social assistance approaches to social protection for the elderly facilitates the formation of an original unbiased "pensions in development" approach. Arguing for expeditious implementation of non-contributory tax (or aid) financed universal old-age "pensions" provision in all DCs and advocating industry flexibility and inclusivity, the book provides a treatment of a growing issue in worldwide development. |
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النتائج 1-5 من 88
... income countries , particularly those in sub - Saharan Africa and , second , in those of middle income countries . In pursuing this developing country ( DC ) focused agenda , the book is structured as follows : • Part I overviews and ...
... income countries ( MICS ; LICs ) , seeks to build greater flexibility into fashionable ' pillared ' proposals , specifically advocating the continuing relevance of public management . Part III , presents pension system options for LICS ...
... income support, the elderly poor. Our third contention is that a policy priority for DCs should be to provide regular, even if small, cash incomes, preferably on an individual, not simply a household, basis, universally to all the ...
... Income Country Human Immunodeficiency Virus Hong Kong Special Administrative Region High Performing Asian Economy ... Income Country Monetary Authority of Singapore Multidisciplinary Advisory Team (ILO) Middle Income Country MPF ...
... income, economies. This book is largely unconcerned with the specifics of this debate since ageing of populations does not yet constitute a key issue for most low income countries (LICs). In particular, 'Africa will remain young well ...
1951 | |
1967 | |
PublicPrivate Partnerships in Pillared Pension Provision | |
Reform | |
Epitaph | |
Trends and Issues in Social | |
Alternative Agendas for Least Developed Countries | |
The Pension FundCapital Market Nexus | |
From Monologue to Dialogue | |
Appendix | |
Bibliography | |
Index | |