صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

suite of rooms in Exeter Hall, admirably | logue, without delay, with a view to such a
adapted for the purpose, and combining the grant. The Committee are persuaded, that
advantages of being at once central and much may yet be done to enrich our collec-
commodious, and from their religious as- tion, in the way of donations, both among our-
sociations not unmeet to be the temporary selves and elsewhere, and they trust that the
locality of a theological school. For this Synod will not omit to issue some recom-
excellent accommodation, the Committee, mendation to the Church upon this important
or rather the Synod, is indebted to the matter.
practical wisdom and liberal enterprise of
Mr. Nisbet a name so well known to us,
and held so much in honour-who, in the
course of last summer, had rented at his own
risk, the whole suite of apartments, under the
idea (and the thought was a very happy one)
that they would form an excellent place of
meeting for Presbyterian purposes, in con-
nexion with the Synod and the Free Church;
and who has allowed your Committee to
occupy two of these rooms for the uses of
the College, on the most liberal terms. For
these services to our cause, Mr. Nisbet recently
received a cordial vote of thanks from the
Committee, in which they are persuaded the
whole Synod will concur.

The time at which the classes were taught, was in the evening of five days of the week. There were reasons of the strongest kind for this somewhat unusual arrangement. Our students, as has been already reported, are all self-supporting; but, in order to enable them to be so, it was found indispensable that they should not be required to attend during the day; and no inconvenience or disadvantage is known to have resulted from the classes being taught in the evening.

The course of study in the Divinity class has embraced the following branches:-Hebrew; the Greek Testament; New Testament Greek Grammar; Calvin's Latin Commentaries; the Authenticity, Integrity, and Credibility of the New Testament Books; Church History and Government; and Pastoral Theology. The attention of the preparatory class was confined to the study of Latin and Greek; and this department was confided, along with the Hebrew class, to the charge of the Rev. John Peter Menge, from Germany, an excellent linguist, and a gentleman of sincere piety and Evangelical principles.

For the progress and improvement which the students have made under these arrangements, the Committee must refer the Synod to the Interim Professors; but there is one fact which they must not omit to mention, as it bespeaks the desire of the students both to improve themselves in Divine knowledge, and to be helpful in diffusing that knowledge among others, viz., that they have formed themselves into an Association for the study of the Scriptures and for missionary purposes. This Society meets once a-week, and is obviously fitted to be very beneficial in its influence upon the members.

The Session closed on the last day of


With regard to the College library, the Committee have to report, that already it contains 666 volumes, of which about 500 have been contributed by ministers and members of our own Church, and the rest have been purchased by votes from the funds.

As yet very few donations of books have been received from other quarters, either in Scotland or Ireland. The Committee, how ever, have reason to expect contributions soon from our brethren in both these countries. In particular, the Curators of the Free Church College library have entertained very favourably an application which we have recently made to them for a grant of duplicates or triplicates from their numerous collection; and have promised to look through their cata

It is no more than an act of justice and gratitude to the Rev. James Hamilton to mention, in this Report, that through his disinterested liberality, the library will be materially enriched during the present summer. The Committee had assigned to him the sum of 60l. for his services as Interim Professor of Pastoral Theology, but this sum he declined to receive, and begged that it might remain in the funds of the Institution. The Committee did not succeed in inducing him to alter this generous determination; and it appeared to them to be the best way of recording their gratitude for this munificent donation, to lay out the sum in the purchase of books for the library; the works to be selected by Mr. Hamilton himself, and to be inscribed as his donation.

Having submitted to the Synod this narrative of the progress of the Institution during the past year, the Committee would now remind this venerable Court, that all the arrangements, appointments, and regulations, which have yet been made, are of an interim kind. Nothing has yet been placed upon a permanent basis. The authority vested in the Commission and Committee was insufficient for this purpose. It will, therefore, be the immediate and very important duty of the Synod to give its attention to this whole subject. It will be its duty, at the present Meeting, to give a constitution to the College, to fix the salaries of Professors; to appoint Professors; and to sanction a body of rules in regard to the admission of students, the course of study, examinations, and fees. It would be inexpedient for the Committee to introduce suggestions upon all these points into the body of this Report, but they have prepared a body of such suggestions which they will be ready to submit to any Committee which the Court may appoint to consider all these important matters.

submitted, separately, to the Court by these gentlemen; and the Committee have only to express the earnest hope, that the statements of that Report may lead the Synod to adopt some energetic and permanent plans for securing a sufficient and a steady revenue to the Institution.

In conclusion, the Committee feel confident that the Synod will be prepared to agree with them in thinking that the success and progress of the College during the first year of its existence, have been extremely encouraging. In some things, indeed, the desire of our hearts has not been fulfilled. We were tried at the very outset of our efforts with repeated disappointments. But in other respects, the Great Head of the Church, whose glory we are seeking to promote, has been better to us than our own fears and hopes. We have had an ample supply both of students and of funds to begin with. And while we have enjoyed the warm interest and support of our own people, we have also experienced not a little of the approbation and the sympathy of our sister Churches. Let us thank God, then, and take courage. Let us take counsel at this our Annual Assembly, to place our young Institution upon a broad, effective, and permanent footing. Let us take steps for drawing out the resources of our Church more fully for its support; and let us offer to the Lord our special thanksgivings for the past, and our special supplications for his blessing for the future. Above all, let us pray that the Holy Ghost himself may descend upon all our Professors and students, that they may have an unction from the Holy One, which may sanctify all their studies, and make all their attainments holy to the Lord. May this school of divinity ever approve itself a school of Christ! may it become a fountain-head of pure and spiritual teaching to our Church! and may many yet go forth from it, who shall be acknowledged to be men of God, thoroughly furnished unto all good works!

In name of the Committee,

The Annual meeting of the Supreme Court of the Presbyterian Church in England, was held this year in Birmingham. The Court met in the Presbyterian Church, Broad-street, on Tuesday, April 15, at two o'clock, P.M. Besides the usual attendance of members, the Rev. Dr. Wilson, from Bombay, and a deputation from the Free Church of Scotland, the Moderator of the Irish Presbytery, and the Rev. Mr. Milne, from China, were present, and took part in the proceedings.

There are also a few other points not included among these particulars, which the Court will require immediately to consider; one of these is the question, "Whether, and to what extent, the practice of partial or irregular attendance is to be allowed? and if so, whether, and to what extent, the curriculum is to be lengthened in such cases." Another point of importance is, the institution of a uniform system of examination, both in reference to admission, and also, after admission, in reference to the studies of the students during the summer recess, and while they are under the The opening sermon was preached from superintendence of Presbyteries. And a third Isaiah li. 1, first clause of the verse, by the point must also be immediately attended to, Moderator of last Synod, the Rev. Robert viz., the effecting of some understanding Wallace. The Synod was then constituted by between the Synod and the Free Church of prayer, and after the roll of members was Scotland, and the General Assembly in Ire-made up, proceeded to the election of a Modeland, with regard to the mutual recognition of the certificates issued by the Theological Professors of the three Churches. Already inquiries begin to be made, whether an attendance at our Hall and the delivery of trial discourses there, would be sustained by the Free Church; and it is highly important that this point, and the same in reference to the Irish Assembly, should be settled without delay.

In reference to the financial condition of the College, the Treasurers have drawn up an interesting and important Report, which has been adopted by the Committee, and will be

rator for the present year, when the Rev. Hugh Campbell, of Manchester, was elected by a large majority. Mr. Campbell having taken his seat as Moderator, returned thanks to the Court for the honour conferred upon him, and the meeting then adjourned till six o'clock in the evening.


The Synod met at seven o'clock. After the Court had been constituted by prayer and praise, the minutes of the former meeting were read and sustained. The Committee on bills and overtures gave in their Report, and asked leave to sit again.-Agreed.

The Rev. Mr. MURDOCH, of Berwick-on- | degraded his countrymen in the scale of Tweed, remarked, that before they proceeded humanity. He asked, who were the men who to the consideration of the overtures, it would proposed this obnoxious support to Popery? be well to remember the solemn services of the Not Duncombe, nor Roebuck, nor Wakley, morning. He would therefore move that the but that pet of high Churchmen, Sir Robert thanks of the Synod be tendered to the Rev. Peel, whose political tergiversation in times Mr. Wallace, for the admirable and scriptural past was notorious, but who had now degraded sermon with which he had opened the sittings | himself for ever. It was creditable to the of the Court. country that only one petition had as yet been presented in favour of the grant, and though that solitary one was from the Remonstrant Synod of Ulster, the value of it would easily be estimated when he stated that this Socinian body was the one which had been favoured by the Government in the Dissenters' Chapel Bill of the preceding Session. He had no fear, however, for Protestantism in Ireland. The Irish mind was fast opening up to its genial influence, and he doubted not that if political agitation ceased, Ireland would be what nature has given her the elements for becoming

The Rev. Mr. HAMILTON, of London, in seconding the motion, remarked, that the sermon referred to was just what a Presbyterian discourse should be, so full, so clear, so logical, and so scriptural in its exposition, and in its application so appropriate and edifying. He therefore trusted that a cordial vote of thanks would be passed to Mr. Wallace for this sermon, which he had delivered with so much modesty, and yet with so much earnestness. Mr. W. HAMILTON thought that one point had been omitted by the speakers. He referred to the admirable manner in which Mr. Wallace had discharged his duties as Moderator of the Synod, in the peculiar circumstances under which it met at Berwick last year.

"Great, glorious, and free, "First flower of the earth, and first gem of the sea.

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The MODERATOR then, in a feeling address, The Rev. Mr. CHALMERS, of London, could conveyed to Mr. Wallace the unanimous thanks have wished that the petition which accomof the Court, and eulogised that gentleman's panied the overtures had been more compreconduct in the Chair at the preceding meeting hensive. The endowment of the Popish Church, of Synod, specially adverting to the ability not a mere grant of 20,000l. or 30,000l., and judgment with which he had conveyed the was evidently the ultimate intention of Gofeelings of the Court to the various deputa-vernment; and he therefore wished that the tions from other Christian bodies which were present on the occasion.


The Synod called for the overtures from the Presbyteries of Lancashire and Northumberland, anent the grant to Maynooth.

prayer of the petition had been directed not merely against this particular measure, but against any public support or countenance to that religion. He had the honour to belong to an Executive Committee organized in London for opposing this grant, and. if the Ministry, in the face of the country, and against its recorded will, did press the obnoxious measure, it was the intention of that Committee to call on the country to demand a dissolution of Parliament, that the sense of the country might be taken on the whole subject.

The Rev. D. FERGUSON, of Liverpool, in supporting the overtures, which prayed the Synod to petition immediately against the measure, remarked, that it would be unnecessary to occupy the time of the Court with any lengthened argument in favour of the overtures. It was undoubtedly the duty of the The Rev. Mr. HUIE remarked, that this procivil magistrate to give his support to true posal was the crowning act of an unchristianreligion, but while he admitted that the civilised Legislature. Within three years Ministers power should search out and endow such religion, it was only true religion which should be so endowed. He would simply add, that the grant proposed by the Legislature was essentially different from that of former years. It was, in fact, a permanent endowment of Popery.

The Rev. Dr. HUTCHISON, of Warrenford, in seconding the motion, observed, that this grant, against which the overture prayed, was an insult to the Protestants of England. He regarded it as the first step to an endowment of Popery. Lord John Russell publicly avowed this in Parliament. To what purpose was the grant of 28,000l. to be appropriated? Not to the support of the walls and buildings, but to the support of the young men educated there. And why should this be so? Look to Scotland, and to England; every one there had to pay for his own education. Was that fair to Protestants? It was another manifestation, and one which could not be mistaken, of the leaning of the Legislature towards Popery.

The Rev. Mr. WILSON, of London, in supporting the overtures, said, that it was singular, this being the first time he had appeared in that Court, that the first business taken up by the Synod should have reference to the unhappy country of which he was a native a country not unhappy in the north, where Protestant principles were in the ascendant, but kept in a state of ferment by the Popery of Leinster, and Munster, and Connaught. He referred to the doctrines which the Church of Rome taught with respect to venial sin, and argued that those loose principles of morality

had aimed three deadly blows at the interests of vital religion. First, there was the refusal to acknowledge the claims of the Free Church of Scotland; next, the passing of the Dissenters' Chapels Bill; and, lastly (he wished it was lastly), the grant to Maynooth. There was, therefore, now no hope for the country, unless Christian congregations would band themselves together, and determine only to return Christian men to Parliament. Forty or fifty such men would do the State and the Church also good service; and he was certain that if Dissenters, throwing aside their trifling differences of opinion on matters non-essential, would combine, such a plan as he proposed would be easy of consummation, and lead to the best results.

Some conversation relative to the prayer of the petition ensued. It was ultimately adopted, signed by the Moderator, and ordered to be transmitted to the Marquis of Breadalbane for presentation to the House of Lords; that to the Commons to be entrusted to the Right Hon. Fox Maule.

INSTITUTION OF DEACONS' COURTS.-Mr. WILLIAM HAMILTON, of London, moved the reception of an overture from the Presbytery of London, recommending to the Synod the institution of Deacons' Courts, for the government of the financial affairs of the Church. In urging its reception, he referred to the order of deacons as one incorporated with their Church. He believed that much good might be done by the institution of such a Court. It was necessary that the minister of the Church and the elders should give their


undivided attention to spiritual matters. would be the province of the deacons to attend to the pecuniary interests of each congregation. He had no doubt that such a body would also add greatly to the funds of the Church, by going from house to house, and explaining to the inmates in a familiar manner the nature of the schemes they were solicited to support, and the duty they owed to the religion of Him who gave himself for them.

The Rev. J. HAMILTON, in seconding the adoption of the overture, remarked, that it was only by the instrumentality of such a Court that the various schemes of the Church could be supported, and the strength of the Church, so to speak, "used up." It was intended to embody the principle, "let each do what he can." It was only by the assiduity of such men that the resources of the Church could be sustained. It was necessary to meet the demands of their position as engaged to do a great work, and they could only do it in this way. Collections were very good in themselves, but they were uncertain; and if the man who put in a half-crown one day, told the world of his liberality weeks or months afterwards, woe be to them who received it. The half-crown would soon dwindle down to sixpence, and finally cease altogether. He would have the Presbyterian Church take a lesson from the Wesleyan body, whose vast apparatus was sustained and moved by the weekly small sums of the poorer members.

The overture was adopted, and on the suggestion of the Rev. Mr. CHALMERS, the Synod agreed to instruct the various Presbyteries to take the subject into consideration, and report their progress in the formation of Deacons' Courts within their bounds, to the next Meeting of Synod.


The Rev. J. HAMILTON appeared in support of an overture from the Presbytery of London, recommending the Synod to adopt some means for making the peculiarities of their Church more generally known. He considered that the best way to do this was to publish a brief and popular statement of the constitution, history, and scriptural warrant of the Presbyterian Church. This publication would be useful, not only to their own people, but to the world without. A good deal of attention was turned at present towards the Presbyterian Church, and it was very desirable to have something to put before their friends and neighbours, by reading which they would know what Presbyterianism was, as compared with other systems of Church government. The information abroad on the subject of the real nature of Presbytery was very defective, and, when explained, the system met with very general approbation, commending itself to every class of Christians. He was convinced that such a publication as the overture pointed at, would greatly extend the boundaries of the English Presbyterian Church.

Mr. W. HAMILTON seconded the motion, and recommended that the Moderator, Mr. Chalmers, and Mr. J. Hamilton, be requested to draw up a statement for publication.

The Rev. D. FERGUSON spoke in favour of the resolution, and recommended that the statement should be followed up by addresses from the various pulpits, explanatory of the Presbyterian form of government and worship.

The Rev. Mr. HUIE suggested that in the statement some reference should be made to the causes which had prevented the Presbyterian system from taking root in England, after the Westminster Assembly. He apprehended that among these should be stated the Erastianism with which the English Presbyterians

were chargeable at the time, their inferiority in systematic Theology, and their neglecting to hold forth Presbyterianism as founded upon the word of God. The time-serving and Erastian form of worship which many of their predecessors had pursued, he considered one of the great hindrances to the increase of Presbyterianism.

The MODERATOR, having left the Chair, said, he would not have troubled them with any observations on the subject, had he not feared that Mr. Huie's remarks would go abroad, tacitly assented to by an English Presbyterian Court. He was compelled to leave the Chair, and trouble the Court with a word or two in answer to the grave charges brought against their fathers in the Church-charges, he was prepared to prove, not one of which was historically correct. The Moderator repelled, at great length, the charge of Erastianism, all the temptations to which the noble army of Presbyterians of former times had been enabled, through the help of God, to overcome. The charge therefore, that the Church was then Erastianised was unfounded; and if their form of government was pure, the name of English Puritan was sufficient to prove that the doctrine also was untainted, whilst their standards had ever been precisely the same with those of the Church of Scotland.

The Rev. Mr. MURDOCH supported the overture, which was agreed to, and the Synod, having appointed Messrs. Campbell, J. Hamilton, and W. Chalmers, to prepare a popular statement on Presbyterianism, adjourned till the next day.

[We regret our inability to furnish our readers with a full report of the very masterly speech made by Professor Campbell in this discussion. But we rejoice to think that the pages of our periodical will often be enriched with valuable papers on these and kindred topics from his pen.]


one of the most masterly documents he had |
ever heard read, and the Treasurers' was no
less admirable. He had no fear for the future,
for taking his own congregation as a criterion,
though the members of it were comparatively
poor, he had no doubt that by next year their
subscriptions would be doubled. There was
one point, and a very material one, to which
he would refer before sitting down, and it was
the interchange of licentiates between the
Free Church of Scotland and their own com-
munion. He had no doubt that the utmost
harmony would prevail between them on this
point, and he might take that opportunity to
state to the meeting, that when he was in
Edinburgh lately, Dr. Cunningham remarked
to him, though non-officially, that students
educated at the English Theological College
would be admissible to communion with the
Free Church of Scotland. He would beg to
move that the cordial thanks of the Synod be
tendered to Mr. Lorimer, the Convener, and
to Messrs. William Hamilton and Alexander
Gillespie, Treasurers.

The MODERATOR then tendered the thanks of the Synod to the Convener and Treasurers, and on the motion of the Rev. Mr. MURDOCH, Mr. THOMPSON, of Woolwich, offered up prayer for the signal favour which had been shown them in their exertions to institute the College.

EDUCATION.-The Rev. Mr. LORIMER moved the adoption of overtures on the institution of day-schools in connexion with each Presbyterian congregation, from the Presbyteries of London and Northumberland. In support of the overtures, he thought it would be sufficient to refer to the example of the Free Church of Scotland. No sooner had they determined to erect five hundred churches, than in the true spirit of Presbyterianism, they determined to erect five hundred schools also. That was an act worthy of the descendants of Knox. They should profit by such an example. They had now a College, and it would be ne

The Synod met at eleven o'clock, and after the usual devotional exercises, the minutes of the former meeting were read and sustained. The Committee on bills and overtures reported that they had refused to transmit an overture on intercourse with ministers of other denominations, presented by the Presbytery of New-cessary to have preparatory schools as feeders castle.

THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE.-The CLERK read the Report of the Commission of Synod of last year, and the Report of the College Committee, which were approved of. [We give this Report at length in another part of our number.]

Mr. HAMILTON, one of the Treasurers, then read their Report. It appeared that the receipts of the College fund amounted to 1,1737. 15s. 4d.; the disbursements to 6121. 2s. 4d., thus leaving a balance in hand of 5611. 138. Mr. Gillespie remarked, that much of the funds collected were donations, and the proceeds of collections; this was an uncertain source of revenue, and he urged the necessity of supporting this scheme by annual subscriptions. He also impressed on the members of Synod the importance of increasing the library of the College. They had effected an insurance of 500l. on the books, and it would be well for members to consider if their books would not be quite as safe in the library of the College as in their own domiciles.

The Rev. D. FERGUSON remarked, that the scheme was one of the greatest importance to the future prosperity of the Church. Without such an institution they could not supply their pulpits with men; and it would be unwise as well as impolitic to depend on Scotland or Ire land for a supply of licentiates. The Report of the Convener of the College Committee was

of that College. Almost all the supplies of
students as yet belong to Scotland and Ireland,
and sound policy required them to sanction and
encourage that onward educational movement.

Presbyterians must therefore keep hold of the lambs of their flock during the week, if they wished to keep hold of them on the Sabbath; and the only legitimate way to do this was to open schools in connexion with each congregation, where a basis and substratum of sound education would be laid. The schools must be open to all, and by a graduated scale of charges, cheapen the education even to poverty. The great problem was, how were the funds to be raised? It was the duty of the Synod to solve that problem; and if they agreed to recommend the formation of an educational scheme, that was the only practical solution.

The Rev. Messrs. BLYTHE and DICKSON supported the overtures, and remarked that, though they found no difficulty in bringing back the old members of the Church to communion and fellowship with them, great_difficulty was experienced in gaining the attendance of the young who were attending other schools, and were imbued with the peculiar doctrines of the Church with which these schools were connected.

The Rev. J. WILSON seconded the motion, The Rev. Mr. M'CLYMONT spoke as folspeaking in high terms of the exertions of lows:- Moderator, as reference has been the Committee, and anticipating great advan-made to our school at Birdhope-Craig, by my tage to the Church from the institution of the Rev. friend, Mr. Anderson, and as it is right College. that our brethren in the towns should know something of what is going on in the rural districts, I shall shortly state our case to the Synod. My chief difficulty, since I came to England, has been not with the old, but with the young. A few years before I came to this country, my predecessor and the congregation had made considerable subscriptions, along with the Episcopalians of the neighbourhood, to buy a house for a school, which was to be alike open to both parties. As the number of Presbyterians is greater than that of Episcopalians with us, the greater part of the money collected was from Presbyterians. Rules and regulations were drawn up for the mutual examination of teachers before appointment, and for the mutual examination of the school at certain periods, as well as at other times when convenient. No preference was to be given to the Episcopalian over the Presbyterian minister. But, as no apprehension was felt of such trying times as the present, no legal deed was sought or obtained for the securing of the mutual arrangements. It was thought that honour and kindness would render such a document useless. On the first favourable opportunity, however, attempts were made to get the school wholly into the hands of the Church of England. The appointment of the teacher, the examination and visitation of the school; all was exclusively laid hold of. tempts were then made to induce the Presbyterian children to learn the Church of England Catechism, and to go to the Church of England to say it. This I most vigorously opposed, showing the parents, in public and private, the unscriptural nature of baptismal regeneration, and the sin of those who had solemnly undertaken the education of their children in their baptismal engagements, teaching these children, or allowing them to be taught, lies in fact and errors in doctrine, such as that they had godfathers and godmothers, who gave them their name in baptism, and that then they were made "children of God, members of Christ, and inheritors of the kingdom of heaven." A bitter persecution arose against me in consequence. I succeeded, however, in getting another school built, but the difficulty was," How are we to get our children?" Most of the labour, and most of the money, and most of the land, are in the hands of Episcopalians; and such was the zeal with which these influences were brought to bear on our people, both by bribery and threat

The Rev. Mr. ANDERSON, of Morpeth, on behalf of the Presbytery of Northumberland, seconded the adoption of the memorials. In 1638, when Prelacy was laid prostrate in Scotland, the first step taken was to educate the children. This was a measure of sound policy and prudence; and what Henderson and the body of Reformers did, they, as a Synod, should do now. It was lamentable to look around their Churches, and see no young suckers springing up to replace the old trees which were fast dying away. A desperate conspiracy of Puseyite and High-Church clergy was formed to strike at the vitals of Presbyterianism, by drawing off the young of the congregations-the raw material, as it were, of their future Church. By the institution of National schools in connexion with Episcopalian worship, and the absence of them in connexion with the Presbyterian Church, the children were being weaned from the faith of their fathers, and the education they received was given on the condition that on the Sabbath they should bow before other altars than those at which their fathers knelt. The Rev. Gentleman here instanced the efforts made at Birdhope-Craig, to bring the Presbyterian children under Episcopal influence.


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part of our flocks, and on their minds are often | wick, on the subject of slavery, was, with the made the most hopeful impressions for eternity. permission of the Court, withdrawn. And, moreover, if we do not seize hold of them when they are young, how do we know that we shall have them when they are old? Let congregations bestir themselves, and build schoolhouses, and in many places, especially in such towns as Manchester or Birmingham, enough of support might be got from the numbers attending, to keep the school without any aid. In other places assistance might be required and given according to their necessities. I do trust, then, that some energetic and active measure will be adopted, and adopted immediately, if we have any regard to the cause of God, to the cause of truth, and liberty, and righteousness, as well as to the cause of Pres


The Rev. Mr. STORIE moved that a Committee be appointed to draw up a practical scheme and report to the Synod.-Agreed. INTEMPERANCE. Mr. MURDOCH, on moving the adoption of overture from the Presbytery of Berwick-on-Tweed, on the subject of intemperance, regretted that the overture he supported was the only one before the Synod. He held that intemperance was the monster evil of the day. He was not prepared to advocate total abstinence on Scriptural grounds, but as a matter of Christian expediency he would press it on his brethren. He then moved a Resolution to the effect that the Synod deplore the wide-spread evil of intemperance, exhort their brethren to godly jealousy over themselves in regard to it, and the faithful exercise of discipline in their Churches, and appoint a day whereon each clergyman should address his congregation on the subject.

Mr. WILSON seconded the motion.

ening in private, that we have never been able to get above the half of our children. I have the best of evidence-that of a most respectable member of the Church of England, a curate of that Church, and two farmers of our Presbyterian Church-for saying, that it was declared in private that, if a labouring man sent his children to our school, he would not get another day's work, and if a farmer did it, they would remember him at May-day, or that his next term would be his last! These threatenings were circulated, and universally understood, and the consequence has been that, even where they were most willing, parents have declared they durst not send their children to their own Presbyterian school. By agitating the matter, however, and interesting in it some gentlemen in the neighbour-byterianism. hood, I gained so much as to succeed in getting the shorter catechism introduced into every school in the parish. The Rector himself was at last obliged to yield this point, and to bring in the shorter catechism into his own school. But I understand that it is not taught as we would wish, a question or two being asked only one day in the week. At the same time, even when getting this point secured, I took care to let it be known, that it was only the half of our just rights,―aye, and that the half which we had not got, was the better half of the two. We have a right to see how the children are treated and taught in any school to which they are sent. Acting, therefore, upon the principle that, if we want any part of our just rights, we must demand the whole of them, I asked the right of visiting and examining our own children at proper seasons in the school. If a child or a parent belonging to my congregation were in prison, I would have the right, on proper application, to visit them and see how they were treated there; and it is a strange thing if the schools in this country are to be worse than our prisons. Any other privileges which the Church of England may profess to give, in regard to schools, if it withhold this, the right to visit and examine our own children there, are in a great measure useless, at least very suspicious, and not to be trusted. Thus, Sir, you may see from this statement, how that, although the educational clauses of the Factory Bill were, by the pouring in of petitions, obliged to be withdrawn, an attempt is now making in various parts of the rural districts to force the educational clauses still upon the people of England by the influence of landlords and of priests. There are many other places situated like ourselves. There, for instance, is the case of Crookham, in the same Presbytery. A school was built there by the united subscriptions of Episcopalians and Presbyterians, and these subscriptions were paid on the express condition that the school was to be alike open to both parties. Yet no sooner was the school built, than the door of it was shut in the Presbyterian minister's face. He, along with his congregation, immediately set themselves to build another school, and in a short time were successful in building one free of debt. And I am told that they have collected a large number of children, and that the school is prospering. If we have any regard, then, either to our civil or our religious liberties, and those of our children, we must do something in this great and important matter. Congregations will soon be drained empty, unless we take active steps to keep hold of our young. But I do not look on this matter in the light of mere expediency. I look upon it in the light of a great duty. He, from whom we received our commission said to us not only, "Feed my sheep," but also, "Feed my lambs." I look upon the young as the most hopeful

Some objection was taken to the motion, on the ground that it enjoined the principle of total abstinence on the members.

Mr. NISBET, of London, feared there was much of infidelity connected with the Total Abstinence movement. Many of its supporters seemed to put it in the place of the Gospel.

Mr. HAMILTON was of opinion that a Sabbath passed in the way the motion contemplated, would be a Sabbath lost. He considered that they could check the evils of intemperance better by elevating the character of their people in general godliness, and thus place them beyond the reach of vice.

The Rev. Mr. LORIMER Concurred with Mr. Hamilton, and thought they would occupy their time better by striking at the root of evil, rather than waste their energies in lopping off the twigs and branches.

On the motion of Mr. CHALMERS, a modified motion, deprecating generally the prevalence of the evil, was agreed to. The Synod adjourned till six in the evening.


DAY OF HUMILIATION. The Synod being met and constituted, the Rev. J. HAMILTON moved the adoption of overtures from the Presbyteries of London and Northumberland, recommending the appointment of a day for thanksgiving and humiliation. He was sure that the overtures were sufficient to induce the Synod at once to adopt the suggestion. The present and the former meetings of the Synod were great causes for thanksgiving, and at the same time they had great cause also for the deepest humiliation.

The motion was seconded by Mr. HUIE, supported by Mr. M'CLYMONT, and agreed to. The Synod directed the first Thursday in November to be set apart for this duty. An overture from the Presbytery of Ber

THE SYNOD FUND.-ALEXANDER GILLESPIE, jun., Esq., Treasurer, gave in his Report. It was his duty to report that last year the sum of 100l. was due to their Treasurer. It had been recommended that collections should be made in order to liquidate this sum, but that recommendation had been very imperfectly attended to, only 577. 11s. 9d. having found its way to him, and the greater portion of that sum had been collected by one Church. Through the liberality, however, of several individuals, the sum now due, after deducting the payment of printing accounts, was only 19. 10s. 7d.; they were therefore in as good a position as ever they were in any former year, and there was great hope of a gradual augmentation, as the collections from many congregations had been nearly doubled; and some congregations had subscribed now which had never done so before. He was happy to inform them that the subscriptions and collections for defraying the expenses of the attendance of members of the Synod, amounted to 1647.; so, after deducting the 197. to which he had already referred, there was a clear balance for the purposes of the Synod, of 145.

On the motion of Mr. MURDOCH, the thanks of the Synod were tendered to Mr. Gillespie.

PRESBYTERIAN MAGAZINE.-Mr. CHALMERS remarked, that by way of giving publicity to a contemplated publication, he would then state, that it was proposed to issue a monthly magazine, to be called the "Presbyterian Messenger." He trusted the members would take a lively interest in its behalf.

DEPUTATION FROM THE FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND.-The Rev. D. FERGUSON intro duced the Rev. Dr. Wilson, of Bombay; the Rev. Alexander Beith, of Stirling; and the Rev. Mr. Macbeth, of Glasgow, as a deputation from the Free Church of Scotland.

[We regret that we must postpone the interesting addresses of these gentlemen, and of Dr. Brown, from the Irish Synod, till next number.]

Thanks having been returned to the Deputation by the Moderator, the Synod adjourned till next day.


The members of Synod and a number of Christian friends in Birmingham, took breakfast together this morning in Dee's Royal Hotel. Deeply interesting addresses were delivered by Dr. Wilson, of Bombay, Rev. J. Angell James, and Rev. J. Hamilton, London. Our limits compel us to postpone our Report of the speeches of these gentlemen.


The Synod met at eleven o'clock. first business brought before it was a reference from the London Presbytery, in the case of the Rev. John Wiseman, formerly a minister of the Independent denomination at Arundel, who applied for admission into the Presbytery.

On the motion of the Rev. Mr. MURDOCH, it was resolved-"That the Synod having had before them the reference from the Presbytery of London, in the case of the Rev. John Wiseman, and having been satisfied as to his religious character, and his having been solemnly and regularly set apart for the office of the ministry by prayer and the imposition of hands, sustain the reference, and remit to the London Presbytery with instructions to receive him as a minister within their bounds, and within the bounds of this Synod, on his subscribing the confession and formula of faith required to be subscribed by this Church."

On a reference of the Presbytery of Berwick, it was resolved in the case of Mr. Kidd, licentiate of the Secession Church, that a Committee

be appointed to examine the documents connected with the case, and report.

The MODERATOR, having left the chair, moved for a Committee on the organization of machinery to collect funds for the various schemes of the Church.-Agreed.

BARRIER ACT.-An overture from the Presbytery of Northumberland was presented, recommending that no measure be entertained by the Synod before it had been submitted to the various Presbyteries, and had received the sanction of a majority. After some conversation, leave was given to withdraw the overture, the Synod at the same time concurring in the necessity for some such arrangement.

CODE OF DISCIPLINE.-The Rev. Mr. BLACKWOOD reported, that the Committee appointed to draw up a code of discipline had only been able to collect materials for, and mature, four chapters. Report ordered to be recommitted. -The Committees on irregular marriages, and the pastoral letter, were re-appointed. The Report of the Committee on Presbytery records was sustained.

On the motion of Mr. J. HAMILTON, the Synod resolved to hold its meeting of next year in Manchester.

Mr. GILLESPIE, who, in accordance with the instructions of the Synod, had visited the Welsh Church, made his Report. The Synod adjourned till six o'clock.

The absence of any representative of that body, it was presumed, was owing to some unavoidable necessity, and a deputation was appointed to visit Bala at the next assembly of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodists.


MISSIONS OF THE CHURCH.-A public meeting, in connexion with the subject of missions, was held at six o'clock; the Moderator in the

chair. After the usual devotional exercises,

The Rev. Dr. WILSON, of Bombay, brought before the meeting the claims of India on the sympathy of Christians in a deeply interesting address. He founded his appeal on the vast amount of the population of India, nearly two

hundred millions of souls, with no obstacle to missionary enterprise-on the singular history of this country's connexion with India, and the providential steps by which it had acquired a sovereignty over that vast territory-on the important pecuniary benefits which accrued to Britain from that connexion-on the valuable

co-operation in missionary efforts that could now be obtained from numbers of pious Christians in the civil and military service there on the fact that India is the fatherland or asylum of the greatest systems of religious error that ever existed in the world, that of Buddhism, of the Brahmins, of Zoroaster, and of Mahomet, whose influence was wide spread, and had affected even the Christian Churchand on the great success which had hitherto attended missionary labours, enough to establish the soundness of their principles, and to encourage to increased exertions.

[This deeply interesting address of Dr. Wilson, we shall take another opportunity of bringing before our readers.]

The TREASURER, Mr. NISBET, then read his Report of the collections for the various schemes of the Free Church of Scotland, from which it appeared that there had been collected, and remitted to Scotland, the following sums:Foreign Missions .£786 5 8 Jewish Scheme 337 3 9 Colonial Missions 66 7 9 42 9 8 46 10 8

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Home Missions Educational Scheme

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Making a total of nearly 1,2807. To the Church building and sustentation fund, a sum exceeding 2,300l. had been transmitted to

the Treasurer of the Free Church, making a grand total of upwards of 3,500l.

The Rev. Mr. MILNE, from China, was then introduced to the meeting, and said, that from a desire to bring the claims of China before that Synod, he had risen from a sick bed to appear before them on behalf of that great nation. It was now forty years since the first Protestant missionary was sent to China, and in the course of the forty years only sixty-six missionaries had been sent amongst three hundred and sixty millions of people. The Free Church of Scotland had already sent missionaries to India; would it not be well for them to consider if that Synod would not Occupy China? Through the providence of God the late war with the people had resulted in much good, for besides the liberal treaty which had been agreed to between this Government and the Chinese Executive, the more free and unrestricted intercourse between the natives of Britain and those of that country had brought about a more cordial mutual understanding. The wall of political restriction was thus broken down. The Lord had converted the spears of Britain into pruninghooks, and their swords into ploughshares, to break up the fallow ground of that great country. If the British Government sent out their goods and their soldiers, should they not send out their Bibles and their ambassadors of Christ also? The Rev. Gentleman adverted to the provisions of the treaty, and the removal of much of the personal prejudice which the Chinese had formerly entertained towards the English, and urged upon the Synod the necessity of immediately resolving to supply the wants of that great people.

The Rev. J. HAMILTON enlarged on the obligations they lay under to prosecute the missionary cause, and trusted that no meeting of Synod would pass without a missionary meeting.

nounced on the part of his pastor, (the Rev. A. C. DUNLOP, Esq., of Liverpool, anMr. Welsh,) that in the event of the Synod agreeing to appoint a missionary to China, and one to the Jews, a member of his congregation would contribute one hundred guineas to the support of each.

A collection was then made in behalf of the

missionary schemes, and on the motion of the Rev. Mr. CHALMERS, Seconded by Mr. LORIMER, the MODERATOR conveyed the thanks of the Synod to Dr. Wilson and Mr. Milne.

the Report of the Committee on The Rev. D. FERGUSON brought forward Missions. It was adopted by the Synod, and Home the thanks of Court given to the Rev. Mr. Ferguson and the Committee, for their admirable Report; and the Synod also expressed its gratitude in an especial manner, to Robert Barbour, Esq., of Manchester, for his exertions in behalf of the Church. [This Report we shall bring before our readers in a future number.]


o'clock, and were engaged in receiving Reports The Synod met this morning at eleven from the various Committees. The Report of the College Committee on the appointment of professors, the course of study, the qualifications of students, the fees, and other matters, were given in and adopted.

In terms of the Report, the Rev. Hugh Campbell of Manchester, was appointed by the Synod, to be professor of Church History, in the Divinity College; and the Presbytery of Lancashire was directed to loose him from his present pastoral charge. The Rev. P. Lorimer was appointed professor of Hebrew and Biblical Criticism.

Both gentlemen declared their acceptance of

their respective appointments, and in appropriate terms acknowledged the honour conferred upon them by the Synod.

The Report of the School Committee was also sustained.

The MODERATOR brought forward the Financial Report, recommending that four collections in the year should be made in support of the various schemes.

Mr. LAMB suggested that they should have a fixed collection for the Synod fund, and moved that there should be a collection on the second Sunday of every alternate month, throughout all congregations.

The Rev. J. HAMILTON was convinced that four collections in the year were amply sufficient.

The MODERATOR concurred, and four separate days were named for taking collections in behalf of the Church's various schemes.


Mr. GILLESPIE, in presenting this Report, remarked, that although he had the pleasure of apprising them on a former day that the Synod fund had nearly doubled, still he was bound to inform them that the claims had far exceeded those of any former year; and, although he did not regret this, seeing it was caused by the attendance of members, still he was bound to mention it, to show the importance of attending to the collections for this fund. The claims for travelling expenses to this Synod amounted to upwards of 150l., and the fund, after discharging these claims, would still be in debt to the Treasurer. The importance of the fund was very evident. Without its aid he knew that many ministers could not, in justice to themselves and their families, have borne the burden of travelling expenses, while their presence contributed materially to the conduct of business, and tended to inspirit their exertions in the common cause. trusted, therefore, that the Church would retions in behalf of this fund. gard it as a point of duty to attend to collec


and Committees formed. Deputations were Several Reports were read and adopted, appointed to attend the Meetings of Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, the Irish, and the Welsh Presbyterian Churches. The overtures on Missions to China, and on Colonial Churches, were remitted to the Commission of Synod.

On the Motion of the Rev. J. HAMILTON, the thanks of the Synod were tendered to the Rev. Robert Wallace, and the managers of the Church, for their attention to the comforts and the Synod closed its sittings with prayer. of the Synod, and their courtesy to its members,

necessary for us materially to abridge our [We regret that our limits have made it Report of the interesting proceedings of the Synod; but we hope to supply deficiencies in our next number.]

In consequence of the great length at which we have given the Reports of the PresbyApril, and of the meeting of Synod at terian meeting held at London, on the 11th Birmingham, and considering the interest and importance of the Report of the College Committee, which we are unwilling to defer, we have been obliged to omit from our present number several articles which we had intended to appear. Amongst these are the Report of the Treasurers of the College, and the detailed statement, that should have accompanied it, of the contributions towards the support of that Institution, received from the various Presbyteries of the Church, together with some matters of Local Intelligence. These, however, we trust, to find room for in a future number,

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