صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ciliatory measures were rejected, and the powers solicited by the Council of State, including approval of their past conduct in reference to the clergy, were granted by a large majority.

123 deputies voted for.


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sentences passed were considered by the ma- | jority of the Commission to be lenient; but, instead of these being submitted to, the ministers had even attempted to justify their conduct by an appeal to the public. The Report concluded by approving of the Council of State, and suggested that the power asked should be granted. M. Bory, who had been in the minority of the Commission, declared PUBLIC MEETING AT SOUTH SHIELDS that in his opinion the Council of State had exceeded its powers in requiring of ministers to read a political proclamation from the pulpit; and that there was no law authorising the punishment of those who had been acquitted by the Classes (ecclesiastical court). For these reasons he had dissented from the ma

jority, and considered that the Grand Council should refuse the power that had been soli




Ox Tuesday, the 6th January, an interesting Public Meeting was held in St. John's Church, convened for the purpose of drawing more special attention to the recent disruption of the Church in Switzerland. John Toshach, The meeting was opened Esq., in the chair. prayer by the Rev. J. M'Murray, of Seaton Delaval. Resolutions were afterwards adopted, expressing feelings of deep sympathy with the persecuted pastors and people in the Canton de Vaud, now faithfully witnessing against the unwarrantable interference of the civil power with the pastors, in the legitimate discharge of their ministerial functions; and only Head and King of his Church. the Rev. J. Storie, Minister of St. John's Appropriate addresses were delivered by

dency of which is to subvert our Protestant Church, and to eradicate all principles of truth and honesty from the minds of Britons! Why is this?

Two momentous questions occur to our mind on this subject. The first is, Do our bishops themselves really hold and love the doctrines of our Protestant Church, as they are set forth in the Thirty-nine Articles? Do we find that, in their sermons and charges, they plainly, unequivocally, and earnestly preach and maintain them? The second is, detect, expose, and denounce the various Are they qualified, as sound theologians, to forms of heresy which from time to time arise, and by which the truth of God is


We are not speaking of individuals. The case requires that the bishops should act as a body. And the questions just proposed are proposed with reference to the whole body of them, and not with reference to this or that individual; though every individual among them might do well to consider them. It may seem bold to ask them. But the time is come in which they must be asked. The truth of God in our land, and the existence

The discussion was then opened by M. Druey, President of the Council. He considered that the Council was fully justified in issuing the proclamation, and enjoining it should be read from the pulpit. The proclamation was no doubt a political one, but it had such a bearing on religion as to justify the order to read it. The State had duly respected the judgment of the Classes in coming to their decision; as but bearing a noble testimony for Christ as the of our Church, are at stake; and it is no

Shields, the Rev. W. O. Johnstone, of Blyth, Church, the Rev. G. J. Duncan, of North and Messrs. J. W. Lamb, J. Reay, T. Glover, and J. P. Elliott. At the close of the meeting in Switzerland, amounting to about £7. a collection was taken in aid of the Free Church

for that MM. Descombaz, Scholl, Bridel, Bauty, and Pradez, would have been deprived of their livings, which they had merited. (Bravo! bravo!) The Church is so united to the State, that either the one or the other must rule. Now, if as a divine institution the Church has no other head than Christ, as a human institution it has a temporal head, and the State, not the Church, must have the dominant power. Is the Grand Council to hold the stirrup of the Vaudois clergy, as the Emperor CHURCH PATRONAGE IN THE ENGof Germany did that of Pope Gregory VII? (No, no; bravo, bravo!) The Council of State must not succumb. It must maintain its rights; it must speed consecrations; and may be necessary, in present circumstances, even to devolve ecclesiastical duties on "Regents." If you continue to have the same confidence in the Council of State as in times past, you must grant us the powers we now solicit.



IT is high time that our bishops should do something to put down those Anti-Protestant doctrines and practices, by which the Church of England is so much distracted at present, and by which the minds of the simple are so grievously unsettled.

The question is, Why are they doing nothing? Why have they not long ago done M. Jaccard, member of the Tribunal of something, and something energetic and Appeal, though favourable to the State having effectual, to stop the progress of those who something to do with the government of the make no secret of their desire and purpose to Church, did not wish to see all religious power unprotestantize the Church of England? usurped by it. In his opinion the law of 1839 Here are those who have solemnly subscribed did not compel ministers to obey orders, unless the Articles of our Church; who hold the pothese were conformable to the laws of the Con- sition of accredited ministers of our Church; stitution; and though the Council had power who, in virtue of that subscription and as its to enjoin the reading of proclamations con- accredited ministers, are receiving the emolunected with religion, it was never intended that ments of our Church; and, enabled by the power should extend to political proclamations. position which they hold in our Church, to In fact, to read from the pulpit such procla- carry on their designs with a power and effect mations as the one issued in July last was a which they could not otherwise pretend to violation of law. The disinterestedness of the command; and, in the face of their subscripclergy in the step they have taken-(smiles tions, in direct violation of their ordination from many Members)-evidenced how con- Vows and engagements, in contravention of scientiously they were devoted to the course the rules of common honour and honesty, they had espoused. The members of the Na- they have been for ten years carrying on a tional Church loved their ministry, and would conspiracy against the vital doctrines of that follow them. Would the Council consecrate Church of which they are professed and aclaymen to dispense the sacraments, and to credited ministers! and thus endeavouring to tender consolation to the afflicted and dis-overthrow "the Protestant Reformed Religion


M. Muret-Tallichet expressed similar sentiments, mentioning at the same time the deep pain he felt, when allusion was made to the conscientiousness of the clergy, and the sufferings of themselves and families, that the statement had been responded to by smiles on the part of many Members in the Assembly. MM. Luquiens, De la Harpe, and Pidou, took Dart in the discussion, which was adjourned, and resumed on the following day, when all the Amendments proposed in the way of con

by law established in these realms!" By secret conspiracy first, and then by open and unblushingly avowed hostility, they have been, and are, undermining and assailing the best interests of that Church, whose bread they are eating, and whose doctrines, by the most solemn engagements, they are bound to preach and maintain! These things have been going on, and are still going on, and our bishops are doing nothing that is to say, nothing energetic or effectual to counteract these monstrous evils;—the direct ten

to mince matters, or to blink such questions longer the time in which it will avail, either out of professed or pretended respect for the stations which men hold. We would be very

tolic precept, to know them which labour among the first to insist upon the apos

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among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; and to esteem them very highly in love FOR THEIR WORK'S SAKE.' (See 1 Thess. v. 12, 13.) But, in this case, it is only too manifest, that THEIR WORK is not done. Error is not put down. Is it even, in good earnest, discountenanced ? whosoever and whatsoever they may be who desire to be honoured in their stations, they must take care to do honour to their stations, by faithfully discharging the duties of their stations. And what can be considered as more immediately and imperatively the work of a bishop than this,-To maintain the truth of God, and "to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrine contrary-to God's Word?" To this the bishop is bound by his ordination vow as a priest, and by his consecration vow as a bishop. And in spite of this double vow, which is binding upon the soul of every bishop of our Church, here we have "erroneous and strange doctrine contrary to God's Word" stalking through the length and breadth of the land, and increasing and multiplying day by day without anything like effectual opposition!

The only shadow of excuse which can be urged is this, that our bishops are so overworked with the ordinary routine of their official duties, that they cannot find either time or strength to attend to those extraordinary duties which peculiar emergencies require.

There is something in this, we are quite ready to allow. At the time of the glorious and blessed Reformation, we had in England two archbishops and four-and-twenty bishops: and now that the population has, we suppose, tripled, at least,-and therewith all the duties of the bishops are greatly increased, and a great portion of those duties actually tripled too, we have but two archbishops and fourand-twenty bishops still. In this, as in other respects, our ecclesiastical establishment has kept no sort of pace with our increasing population. The one goes on increasing in geometrical progression. The other stands still. This ought not so to be.

But, readily making the fullest allowance

you were to die to-day, what place would you
go to? If you are God's children, Christ,
when he calls you hence, will say "To-day
shalt thou be with me in paradise." If you
are not God's children, you have no hope.
O then, come to Christ! He loves little
children. He wishes you to be his, and so
has brought you up in this land of religious
knowledge; and to make you his, He has
sent you to this school.

that can be made on this account, we must
ask the question, Are the bishops doing all
that they can in this most important matter?
Most important, we say for what avails the
diligent discharge of all those duties which
have reference to the external order and dis-
cipline of the Church, if the truth of God be
not maintained?-if sound doctrine be not
preached? The bishops in our days have done
nothing for which they can be more worthily
commended, than for their exertion in promo- This leads us to ask, why do you come to a
ting the building and enlargement of churches, Lord's-day School? and why do you attend
and the multiplication of schools. But it is Church? Perhaps some of you have not
no purpose to build churches and multiply thought what is the reason why. We tell
schools, if the Gospel of Christ be not truly you what ought to be the reason. You ought
preached and taught in them, and the instruc- to come because you here will learn about
tion given be not truly scriptural. The God the Father, the Son, and the Holy
multiplication of duties, therefore, is no excuse Spirit ;-because you will here learn "what
for preferring the less to the greater-for neg-you are to believe concerning God, and what
lecting what is most important in order to is the duty God requires of you;"-in other
attend to (comparatively) minor matters. words, you should come that you may in-
Our Lord denounces a fearful wo against those crease in faith and holiness. You also should
who paid tithe of mint and anise and cummin, come, because here you can join some of God's
and omitted the weightier matters of the law, little flock in praising Him for his mercies,
judgment, mercy, and faith and He adds, and in asking Him to bless you and others
"THESE ought ye to have done, and not to whom you ought to pray for.
leave the other undone." And so we must Some of you may not yet have received
say, when the building of churches and schools Christ, you may still be rejecting and neg-
is attended to, but the maintaining of the lecting Him. Consider the guilt and wick-
purity and truth of the Gospel is neglected.
edness of such a state. It is also a state of
Moreover, if the weight of other duties in- frightful danger. Pray read carefully Heb. x.
deed be such, that the bishops cannot them- 28-31. Resolve at once to take Christ to
selves do what they would in opposing the fear- be your Saviour;-trust Him;-give your-
ful inroads of Tractarianism, do they counte-selves to him; he will welcome you;-he is
nance those presbyters of the Church who are
willing to devote themselves to the work of
opposing error and maintaining truth?-do
they endeavour to place such presbyters in
situations, in which they may have leisure,
opportunity, and advantageous position, to
give themselves to this important work? What
is the design and
of our cathedral
establishments? On what possible ground
can they be defended but this-that they are
establishments in which men of studious
habits and sound theological attainments can
both improve and employ their peculiar talents
for the welfare of the church at large? We
ask, therefore, are they used for this purpose?
Are men sought out for such preferments, and
placed in such dignities, because of their ma-
nifest zeal and ability to refute heresy, and
maintain sound doctrine against all im-

But this question would lead into the consideration at large, of the manner in which the patronage of the Church is bestowed. And this must be reserved for a second article, which will, we trust, speedily follow. V. D. M.

(From the "Protestant Magazine.")




DEAR YOUNG FRIENDS, AS A NEW YEAR has just begun, we wish to give you some


waiting to be gracious. He is the same now
that he was when on earth, as kind, com-
passionate, condescending, and as ready to
give access and hearing to young and old.
He loved children and invited sinners then;
do not doubt he loves such and invites such

There may be among you others who are
awakened, in some degree, to a sense of their
guilt and danger, and yet have not decided
whether they shall be Christ's or no. They
know that if they die in their sins they will
go to the place of woe; nevertheless, they are
unwilling to give up sinning. They love the
world, and will not yet obey Christ. Daring
sinners, who would act thus presumptuously!
You may be cut off before the time shall
come when you mean to repent; and even if
you are spared in life, you may be so hard-
ened in your hearts as to lose even the partial
concern for your souls that you now feel.
Therefore be earnest, and delay not in this
matter. Yield your whole selves to God from
this very time. You dishonour and disobey
him by deferring.

We call on those of you who have already embraced the Saviour, to praise God for his mercy. He has chosen you and drawn you to himself, you therefore love him; and the more you see and experience of his grace, you will love him the more. Love to God will lead you to try to please him, by doing those things that are according to His will. You will wish and endeavour to be like Christ-to be perfect, as our Heavenly Father is perfect. You will seek to have your heart cleansed

spirit who tempted Eve, still goes about seeking to seduce Christ's people into sin. He will endeavour to make you forget Christ, and grow careless or self-confident, and by and by may succeed in leading you into open sin, which would do dishonour to Christ and grieve your conscience. Be watchful, therefore! Remember that on earth we are, as it were, in an enemy's country, where we are not safe. Resist the first inclination to do what is evil. And, especially, beware of wicked or ungodly companions, for their conversation is extremely dangerous, and may gradually undermine your principles.

To watchfulness, join prayer. Dear friends, be convinced that God hears and answers prayer. If you feel your want of anything, tell God of it, and, be sure, if it is good for you, he will give it. Do not disbelieve such an assurance as that in Matthew vii. 11.

In your prayers, you will remember the wants of others as well as your own; you will plead for their welfare as well as your own. Not to be too particular in recounting those whom you will intercede for, let us just remind you how strong a claim on your sympathy your parents, brothers, sisters, and relations have; your companions, your minister and teachers;-your fellow-christians, especially those who are sick or anywise distressed :-unconverted men in a Christian land; the Jews, and the Heathen nations.

And we further invite you to a diligent use of the opportunities that the School presents, for benefiting yourselves or others. Be regular in your attendance, and always come early. Study the subjects brought under your notice by the Teachers. Make good use of the books you get from the Library. Help the Heathen by contributing to the Missionary Box. If you do not understand any passage from Scripture in your lessons, ask your teacher to explain it. If you are disturbed in conscience, and want relief, or are anxious to know the way of salvation, mention your case to God in prayer, and make it known to your parents, your minister, or one of the teachers, who, you may be sure, will take a kind interest in your state, and will pray to God for you.

We cannot at present take up the subject of Baptism as we would like to do. Allow us to remind you, that you are all thereby made members of Christ's Church on earth; and so you occupy a relation to the Church which secures you great and holy advantages, if you are truly born again of the Holy Spirit. This sacred ordinance also brings you under important obligations. You have been devoted to the Lord, and you must avow him to be your Lord,-His will is henceforth to be your will,-His honour, your delight-His people, your companions, and to bear His name, your highest glory. We presume you say a prayer every morning and evening. You have been taught to repeat the Lord's Prayer,

study it much; for many understand the words, who do not understand the meaning of the separate petitions; and many more there are who could explain these petitions very correctly, and who do not feel the sentiments

hints suited to the occasion. May God gra- from corrupt thoughts and vain desires; and of which these should be the utterance, and

ciously bless them to you, and make them a means of promoting your salvation.

First of all, we ought to thank God for sparing us till now. He has taken away two of your fellow-scholars by very striking visitations of his providence; and so, has been saying to you" Be ye ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh." Now, dear young friends, are you ready? If

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the holiness of your inward feelings will ma-
nifest itself by a corresponding holiness of
outward demeanour. You will be more hum-
ble and dutiful in all the relations of life.
Strive to adorn the cause you espouse; so
will you recommend the Gospel to those who
know you but do not know Christ. God calls
you to be very good-patterns to other be-
lievers. "Be thou faithful unto death, and I
will give thee a crown of life." How glorious
and gracious is this promise!

Allow us to remind you, that the malignant


therefore they do not pray, but only say, holy prayer. We hope you will ask Christ to teach you to pray. Certain birds can be trained to repeat a sentence of a prayer or sing a hymn; but they do not pray or praise when they do so, because they have no heart engaged in the service, and because they are not speaking to God.

Now the GOD OF PEACE, that brought again from the dead OUR LORD JESUS, THAT GREAT SHEPHERD of the SHEEP, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make

you perfect in every good work, that you may | library, "Marckii Opera Omnia," twenty
DO HIS WILL; working in you that which is vols., for which he has laid all the friend's
well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus of the Institution under additional obliga-
Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. tions.


O taste and see that God is good:
Who trusts in him is blessed.
Fear God, his saints: none that him fear
Shall be with want oppress'd.
The lions young may hungry be,
And they may lack their food:

But they that truly seek the Lord
Shall not lack any good.

1st January, 1846.


[THE following communication has been sent
us for insertion, which we most willingly
give it.-ED.]


REV. AND VERY DEAR SIR,—I am requested by the members and hearers of this congregation to present you with this "Bible and Psalm Book," as a small token of their esteem and regard, not only for your public ministrations, but also for your private worth: and the satisfaction which you have at all times given to the members of this congregation, by your unwearied and unremitting attention to their spiritual wants, and by your assiduous and persevering exertions in establishing a "Sabbath School" for the purpose of educating and confirming the rising generation in the principles of "our most holy faith.”

This gift, "The Holy Bible," the greatest and the best that man can bestow on his fellow-man, is now presented to you, for your acceptance.

And in conclusion, may Almighty God long preserve you to us as the pastor of this Christian congregation, and as you advance in days and in years, may you see the work of the Lord prosper more and more in your hands, is the affectionate prayer of

Rev. and dear Sir, ever faithfully yours,
Signed in behalf of the Members}
of the Presbyterian Congregation, by
ROBT. KEEN, Elder.

Lowick, Jan. 3, 1846.



You are not, though poor, shut out from
doing good, any more than you are from being
good. O! if you had a heart to be useful, you
might find abundant opportunities to employ
your energies. Many instances might be ad-
duced, if it were necessary, of persons in the
humblest walk of life doing great good; and
that not only by all kinds of ingenious devices,
but in the way of direct effort. Take the two
following as specimens: There was a member
of the Church under my care, who lived in an
alms-house, and was so distorted by rheumatism
as to be quite a cripple, and unable to walk or
stand; and withal, her fingers, through the
power of her disease, were twisted into all
kinds of shapes. On entering her apartment
one day, I found her with some religious tracts.
Well, Mrs. H, said I, what are you doing?
"O! Sir," she replied, "I am sorting my tracts."
What for? "To send out to my neighbours."
The fact was, that she had received these tracts
from richer friends from time to time, and then
employed some one to carry them round the
spacious court of alms-houses in which she
lived, and other dwellings in the neighbour-
hood, and her work was to keep up a regular
supply and exchange. Thus the poor old
Ellen, in the alms-house, could find some
way to be useful. To give one more in-
stance: I was visiting a brother minister a
few years ago with a view to assist him at a
missionary meeting which was to be held in
his chapel. While I was in his house he called
me into the kitchen, for what purpose I did
not know till the scene explained itself. There
stood an aged woman about eighty years old
talking with the minister, and looking with a
smiling countenance, and with sparkling eyes,
as far as such aged orbs could sparkle, upon
some silver which my friend at that moment
held in the palm of his hand. It might have
been supposed she was going to receive this
money to multiply her comforts; for all her
income was half a-crown a week from the pa-

which still remains upon the Presbyterian Church at Woolwich.

The above collection was transmitted to me by my valued friend, A. C. Dunlop, Esq., and should have been publicly acknowledged long


This is but one of the many acts of Christian when in Liverpool last summer, collecting conkindness and liberality experienced by me tributions towards the above object.

Believe me to be, my dear Sir,
Yours most truly,


Woolwich, Jan. 14, 1846.



THIS Presbytery held its ordinary Monthly Meeting at Exeter Hall, on the 13th January; the Rev. Wm. Nicolson, Moderator, in the chair.

Mr. Nisbet reported the diligence of the Commissioners appointed to prosecute the translation of Mr. A. Bonar; and expressed his regret that they had failed in attaining their object. But he reported, at the same time, that the congregation at Ranelagh Chapel were prepared to call another minister; and, in their name, he craved_the appointment of an early day for the moderation of said call. It was unanimously agreed that this request, be complied with; and Thursday, the 29th January, at seven o'clock p.m. was appointed for the purpose. Mr. Chalmers to preach and preside.

The Moderator was appointed to serve the edict on Sabbath, the 18th January.

In accordance with the prayer of a Memorial from the congregation at Hampstead, craving the appointment of an early day for moderating in a call from them to a minister, Thursday, the 29th January, at seven o'clock p.m., was also appointed for this purpose. Mr. Wilson to preach and preside.

edict on the 18th January.
Mr. Lorimer was appointed to serve the

The Presbytery appointed the sacrament of
the Lord's Supper to be dispensed to the
Church at Westminster, on the first Sabbath of
February. Mr. Fisher to preach and preside.

An application from the Rev. George Barrett Hunter, formerly a minister in connexion with the Independent denomination, to be the Presbyterian Church in England, was referred to a Committee, who were instructed to confer with Mr Hunter, and report to the Presbytery.

received as a minister in connexion with

rish, and what the kindness of her friends might occasionally bestow, out of which she paid eighteenpence for lodgings; but no, she DR. HENDERSON of Glasgow, who at concame to give, not to receive. That money; amounting to more than ten shillings, she had siderable personal sacrifices so very kindly earned by knitting various articles and selling undertook, and so very efficiently discharged the functions of one of the interim professors of them, and she was then in the kitchen, where doctrinal theology in our College, being about ister for the Missionary Society. So you see I saw her, to place it in the hand of her minto return home, the students have this day, the poor can do something for God's cause, if January 22, given him a public breakfast, Mr. William Hamilton, senior student, in they have "a mind to work." But they may rented for some years.


also do much in the way of direct effort for
the conversion of souls. Can they not warn a
profane sinner? or explain the way of salvation
to those that are ignorant and out of the way?
or distribute tracts, and talk about their con-
or invite the neglecters of public


Mr. Dowie stated that a chapel, conveniently situated for the congregation, presently worshipping at Leicester-square, has been He expressed a hope that they would be able to open it on or before the 25th January. And, in accordance with their agreement at last Meeting, the Presbytery appointed the following ministers to preach to said congregation on the evenings of the following Sabbaths, viz.-Mr. Chalmers on the first Sabbath of February, Professor Campbell on the second Sabbath of February, Mr. Nicolson on the third Sabbath of February.

the chair, as an expression of their esteem and gratitude for his personal urbanity, and his official services. Several friends of the College were present, among whom we noticed Dr. Clason, of Edinburgh, on his to the continent. Speeches breathing hope, regard, and affection, were delivered by the worship to the house of God? Let the poor last Sabbath of January, Mr. Hamilton on the Chairman, Drs. Henderson, and Clason, Pro-understand, value, and enjoy their privilege. fessors Lorimer and Campbell, Rev. James Memoir of Elizabeth Bales, by J. A. James, Hamilton, and Mr. Nisbet. It is due to Dr. Henderson, and less than the whole truth, to state that he has enshrined himself in the affectionate regards of the students, by the kindliness of his personal deportment, and the eminence of his official ministrations. We understand that Mr. Hanna, of Skirling, is immediately expected to succeed Dr. Hender


We take this opportunity of stating that Dr. Henderson has presented to the College


To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger. MY DEAR SIR, Will you allow me, through "The Messenger" to acknowledge most gratefully the receipt of £17 8s. 10d., being the amount of a collection made by the congregation of the Rev. J. R. Welsh, Liverpool, in aid of the fund for reducing the heavy debt

Mr. Samuel Philips Day craved and received permission to attend the Theological Lectures at the College.

The Presbytery adjourned, to meet at Exeter Hall on Monday, the 2d February, at three o'clock p.m.

PRESBYTERY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Blyth, Dec. 25, 1845. This Presbytery met at Blyth, on Thursday,

Dec. 25th last, Mr. Gillespie, Moderator, R.T. | of Laud, or Pusey, Popery, humanly speaking,
in the New Connexion Methodist Chapel, kindly would have been the established religion of
given for the occasion, for the ordination of the this country. But the Protestant spirit of the
Rev. W. O. Johnston. The Rev. J. Thompson Puritans survived in their pupils, and the
preached, the Rev. M. Edwards asked the polished weapons which those masters taught
usual questions and offered up the Ordination their scholars so skilfully to wield, through
Prayer, the Rev. A. Hoy delivered the charge the good hand of their God upon them,
to the minister, and Mr. Lennie to the people. gained the most glorious victory recorded in
The "Schedule of Queries" relative to day the annals of controversy.
schools in connexion with the congregations
of Warrenford and Seaton Delaval were sub-
mitted to the Presbytery, and recommended
to the School Committee. Notices of motions
to be brought before the Presbytery at its next
regular Meeting at Alnwick, were submitted
by Messrs. Thompson aud M'Murray; the
former in relation to the present suffering
state of the Vaudois, and the latter bearing on
the ordinance of public baptism.


The Doctrines and Practices of the Church of Rome truly represented, in answer to a Book entitled, "A Papist misrepresented and represented." By EDWARD STILLINGFLEET, D.D., Bishop of Worcester. With a Preface and Notes, by WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM, D.D., Professor of Divinity and Church History, New College, Edinburgh. A New Edition revised. Johnstone, Edinburgh; Groombridge, London: 1845,

pp. 381. 12mo. THE very high character of this work it is unnecessary to specify. It has been before the world for two hundred years, and notwithstanding the multitude of works upon the subject that have since appeared, it still stands as incontestably the best text-book on the popish controversy, which our language contains.

The work at the head of this article was written on that memorable occasion. Stillingfleet was decidedly the most eminently learned and successful champion of Protestantism that took part in the discussion. This work, although short, contains the essence of the whole controversy, and the man who has mastered its contents need not fear the assaults of any ordinary Papist.

Dr. Cunningham's notes are learned and ample, they constitute more than the one half of the volume, and certainly not the less learned or valuable half. They are full of most important information not very accessible to ordinary readers, and contain what is very valuable to those who desire to study the controversy at length, a reference to all the best works that have been written upon it. In these times, when Popery is making such determined efforts by "misrepresentations" and "all deceivableness of unrighteousness" to regain her ascendancy, we hail the appearance of such a text-book as this, which plucks the vizard from her haggard features, and exposes her in all her true and hateful colours, as "drunk with the blood of the saints," the enemy of God and his truth.

devotional and doctrinal papers, but containing also discursive and historical articles on the most interesting topics of the present day. The "Christian Treasury" occupies quite a distinct walk in periodical literature. Its subjects are well chosen and well treated. Its contributors are the leading men of all Evangelical denominations. Its tone is Christian and Catholic in the true sense of the word. Its material displays the usual good taste of its publisher. Its price is such as the poorest cannot feel at the end of the year. And the list of contributors for this year, displaying some of the best writers in the three kingdoms, affords the best possible guarantee under the able superintendence of its present Editor, that the "Christian Treasury" for 1846, will become quite a favourite with the public.


WE are grateful to learn that the new church in this place is roofed in, although not yet provided with the requisite pews and pulpit, Delighted at witnessing their neat little church so far advanced, the congregation held a social party there on new year's day. In the forenoon, the children attending the Sabbath school, to the number of ninety, were examined and afterwards received appropriate prizes and presents of little books. In the evening, 300 of the congregation sat down to tea, when eloquent addresses on interesting and appropriate topics were delivered by the Rev. Mr. M'Murray, Minister of Seaton Delaval (in the chair), and Messrs. Anderson, (Morpeth,) Storie, (South Shields,) Robertson, (Wallsend,) Gillespie, (Framlington,) and Johnstone (Blyth). We omitted to mention above that many who could not be present in time to partake of the social repast, crowded in afterwards till the church was overflowing. The proceeds, amounting to £16, were appropriated to the building fund. We understand that a day school has also been opened in connexion with this Church, under a properly qualified teacher, but unhappily there is no commodious school house accessible. If they had but funds to build such a house, a large population, at present destitute of the means of educating their children, would be furnished with one of the greatest blessings that can be conferred upon any parish. Mr. M Murray and his brethren and people must have looked around with much satisfaction on the scene and prossists of narratives, anecdotes, hymns, wood-pects of that evening. Ten months ago we cuts, missionary intelligence; in short, all had few, if any, members at Seaton Delaval. that can interest, and while interesting, im- Now there is a minister and a flourishing prove the child. We have often heard mo- congregation, with schools and teachers, and thers complain of the want of suitable and a neat and commodious church; we wish we proper books for little children. Whenever could add, and a school house. This is one of we now hear of such a complaint, we are rethe congregations that we owe to the operations solved at once to say, "Get the Children's of the Home Mission; and we hope this and Missionary Record." It is sold for one half-similar cases we could mention, will stimulate penny a number, published on the first day all our people to contribute most liberally to of every month, and will supply you and the funds of that most valuable institution. your interesting little charge with subjects of prattling and of prayer, with the germs of holy thoughts, and counsel for the most interesting and critical period of life, when the character is assuming the tone and complexion it will for the future present.

The Children's Missionary Record of the Free Church of Scotland. By authority of the Board of Missions and Education. Vol. I. Kennedy, Edinburgh, 1845. THIS is a very elegantly got up little volume, Stillingfleet was one of those great men bound in coloured cloth, gilt, lettered, and whom the Presbyterians, when the professors emblazoned with the singularly significant, and tutors in the Universities of England, yea, seemingly prophetic escutcheon and educated and sent forth into the world and motto of the Scottish Church. It would form the Church, thoroughly furnished for every quite an ornament for the drawing-room good work. Till this day we are accustomed table, or better still for the mother's or "the to hear loud wailings at the decay of litera- child's own library." It contains the first ture and science, during the period, when year's numbers of the "Childrens' Missionary Puritanism possessed the Church and the Record of the Free Church," a publication Universities, and angry vituperations against we take this opportunity of recommending the "illiterate fanatics" who then occupied in the strongest terms to all our juvenile the pulpits and the chairs of the kingdom.readers, and those who have the charge of Those accusers of the brethren very probably their education. It is admirably adapted to do not know (and that is their best apology, the parties for whom it is intended. It conand the most charitable supposition) that all the great divines who adorned the Church of England in the latter part of the seventeenth century (the greatest men beyond all comparison she ever produced) were all educated by the Puritans. Never were the English colleges in so flourishing a condition, never did they possess such professors and such students as when the Puritans occupied their chairs. By their fruits ye shall know them, and as their fruits we point, with a pride we are not anxious to conceal, to the Stilling fleets, Wakes, Tillotsons, Souths, Beveridges, Barrows, and other giants in literature, who were educated by men whom it has become the fashion to vituperate as fanatics, and enthusiasts, enemies of science and art, Goths, and Vandals, religious mohawks, and similar choice epithets. Well had it been for the Church of England, and well for the Protestantism of the world, that the Presbyterians when they had it in their power had trained such a band to fight the battles of the faith, when there was a Papist on the throne, and Popery put forth all her might to regain the ascendancy in this empire. Had the champions of that day been educated in the school

The Christian Treasury, containing Contribu-
tions from Ministers and Members of va-
rious Evangelical Denominations. Parts
IX. and X., for November and December,
1845. Johnstone, Edinburgh; Groom-
bridge, London; and to be had of all

THIS is a small weekly periodical for Sabbath
and family reading, devoted principally to

THE EDITOR'S OWN COLUMN. WE have received a letter from "a Member of the Rathbone-street congregation, Liverpool," (Mr. Welsh's,) animadverting on the following passage in the remarks in our last on the College donations and collections, viz., “Surely such congregations as Sunderland, North Shields, and Morpeth, will not content themselves with a mere collection, but add thereto, before long, a goodly list of annual subscribers. We apply the same remarks to St. Andrew's, Liverpool, which congregation, making every allowance for their recent trials and present circumstances, does not hold that position in the

list that they ought to do." We regret that our correspondent's letter is too long for insertion in the crowded state of our columns, otherwise it would appear. Our friend is far from being pleased with us, and he mistakes us if he fancies that it is with any other than painful feelings that we at any time admit into our pages aught but commendation upon all, and sundry of our congregations, and upon each and every one of their members. But we hope he will allow us to retain the opinion upon which we always act: that we should be worse than disqualified for our position, if we hesitated for one moment to express disappointment, disapprobation, or even censure, when that expression, in our solemn conviction, was deserved. Sure we are, that indiscriminate praise, or even silence where honest expression of opinion is required, is not the way to promote the interests of the Presbyterian Church in England; and our correspondent, we are thoroughly persuaded, entertains this conviction as strongly as ourselves.

But we must give our correspondent's explanations. They resolve themselves into the following particulars:-1st. The congregation is worshipping in a rented chapel too small to admit them all, which consequently requires a part of their funds for rent, while it excludes the numbers that would contribute to their funds:-2d. They are contributing towards the erection of their new church, for which they have already collected upwards of £2,000:-3d. They have been defraying the costs of a Chancery suit for their former church:-4th. During the past year they have contributed upwards of £200, including £20 15s. 6d. to the College fund, to objects other than congregational. These sums our correspondent thinks ought to exempt that congregation from the censure implied in the passage on which he animadverts."

Now we have no wish to get into a controversy with our good friends in Liverpool, but they will permit us to abide by our first impressions. We are fully sensible of the disadvantages under which they have laboured, and due allowances were made for them in the passage under consideration. Besides, it will be noticed, that no remark was made upon the amount of the collection. What was desiderated was this: that in addition to the collection there should have been a list of annual subscribers. For the last year we have been exerting ourselves to get associations formed in all our congregations. Collections, however liberal, will never support our schemes. Nothing can do this but annual subscriptions and active associations. Had we an association in each of our congregations, our funds would be doubled and trebled; and no one would feel the amount he contributed. Of nothing are we more thoroughly convinced, than that we never can prosper-that our resources will never be developed--our people never vitally interested in all our institutions, until we have an active association in every church. We have been, we must say, disappointed, that there has not been a louder response to our varied appeals on this head; but, if God spare us, we hope another year will grant us greater success. In the meantime, we rejoice to record that, in addition to those already announced, an association is in active operation in London Wall, and another in Douglas, Isle of Man. Need we say how delighted we shall be to announce the formation of an association in Mr. Welsh's congregation, when they take possession of their beautiful new church, which we so much admired when we saw it the other day. And then, although our friends are not very well pleased with us at present, should our remarks


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lead to such a consummation, they will be the | of February, or early in March, so as to comfirst to thank us. Our labours are designed ply with the Synod's regulations. to benefit the Church. In doing so we lay our account with being occasionally misapprehended and consequently condemned. But in the end, through the blessing of the great Head of the Church, we trust to see the fruits of our labour in an extending and prospering Church. And that sustains us amid all our trials.

The paper entitled, "Reasons for being a Presbyterian," we cannot find room for this month, in the present crowded state of our columns. A paper on the same subject, which we were obliged, although in type, to omit last month, appears in the present number. Our friend, who sent the communication, has our best thanks. He will hear from us privately. The report of the proceedings of the Presbytery of Northumberland was in type before the account from another correspondent of the ordination at Blyth was received. How often have we pressed upon our friends to send their communications in time. The present communication would appear had it arrived some days earlier; but now it is out of our power to give it insertion. All we can do is to express our gratification, in this place, that matters proceed so favourably at Blyth; and that our young friend (Mr. Johnstone) enters upon his ministerial labours with such bright prospects before him. May the great Head of the Church abundantly bless his labours! We rejoice to find that his ministrations have been already so successful; that such was the interest felt in the ordination services that the church could not contain the crowds that pressed forward to witness them; and that his people have made him a handsome present of a pulpit gown, Bible, and psalm book.

A very handsome donation of books to the College Library will be found acknowledged in the proper place, from the Rev. D. Fergusson, Liverpool, for which our friend has our best thanks.

The Report of the proceedings of the Presbytery of Lancashire arrived after almost this entire Number was in type. We are, therefore, compelled to condense them in this place:-"Mr. Speers, recently elected to Stafford, passed through all his preliminary examinations with credit, and his ordination was appointed to take place on the 28th ultimo Mr. Fergusson to preach and preside. It was agreed that the station at Chester should be opened, and thanks were voted to Major Anderson, Royal Artillery, for his valuable services in connexion with this place. An overture to the Synod was deferred. A communication was received from the United Secession Presbytery of Lancashire."


MR. GILLESPIE, the Treasurer of the Synod Fund, has received the sum of £16 19s. Od. being the collection made in St. George's Church, Liverpool.

We are informed that this is only the second collection in aid of Synod Fund that has reached the hands of the Treasurer since last meeting of Synod. We have reason to believe that a delicacy has been felt in bringing forward the claims of this fund, until the four collections specially appointed by the Synod had been made; but we would remind our friends that the collections for this important fund should be remitted to the worthy Treasurer, who has done so much for this scheme, not later than the 1st April; and we hope that the office-bearers of the Church will make their arrangements to collect in the end


Of the Presbyterian Association of the National Scotch Church,

Regent-square, for the Quarter ending 31st December, 1845.

OCTOBER. £. s. d.



£. s. d.

£. s. d.

5 5 5

4 12 4

13 3 6





[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Congregational School........

Church Extension Society for London .........

Synod Foreign Missions

Home Missions ...

Synod Schools .......

Public Collection for Congrega-
Free Church Missions .............
Various other Schemes......
tional Mission..............
Public Collection for College
Ordinary and Quarterly Collec-

College Fund.

ECCLESIASTICAL ESTABLISHMENTS, &c.— A Parliamentary paper, obtained by Mr. W. Williams, the member for Coventry, contains further returns of grants for support of all religious denominations, and for building The first part and repairing churches, &c. of the document has reference to all grants of public money for the support of all religious denominations in the united kingdom, and elsewhere, except the colonies, including expenses of visitation and excursions of bishops, archdeacons, and clergy, or connected with foreign embassies and missions, distinguishing the amount received by each denomination. It appears that from 1830 to 1844, inclusive (a period of fifteen years), the Church of England had grants of public money amounting to 4,441l. 3s. 2d.; the Church of Scotland, 349,908/. 10s. 9d.; the Church of Rome in Ireland, 136,1527.; Protestant Dissenters, England, 27,514/. 12s. 3d.; and the Protestant Dissenters, Ireland, 424,261l. 1s. 9d. In the same period the expenses of the clergy connected with foreign embassies and missions amounted to 88,7421. 17s. 5d., and the expenses of bishops and clergy on journeys of visitation and passages out and home, 7,1997. 1s. 10d. The expenses of building and repairing churches and chapels, including the drawback of duty on materials used, were in England, 226,9521. 188.; in Scotland, 65,7911. 5s. 9d.; and in Ireland, 2771. 7s. 9d. The amount received by the Church Building Commissioners for interest on Exchequer-bills, loans, &c., was 59,6651. 8s. 9d. The amount of the arrears of tithe and expenses, &c., under the tithe million and other acts for the relief of the clergy in Ireland, was 957,4961. 13s. 7d. The expenses of the commissions for building new churches in that period amounted to 56,349%. 16s. 10d., and the expenses of the commissions for the commutation of tithes in England and Wales were 317,8007. 10s. 3d., and those under the head of "Ecclesiastical Purposes," 23,300l. The result shows that, in the years mentioned, 2,745,8531. 8s. 1d., was expended for the purposes set forth. The second branch of the return shows the grants of public money for the "building and repair of churches and chapels" of all denominations from 1800 to 1829. In England, the total was, for Churches, 1,588,4017. 19s. 7d.; in

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