6 then. The "blowing of the great trumpet," drew forth every feeling of his mighty mind. He did blow it, indeed, with power and sweetness too. It was the trumpet of the Gospel. It suited him. He loved it. It was sweet melody from his lips. It proclaimed salvation! After expatiating for some time on this particular, he raised his voice with uncommon energy; his eyes flashed fire as he spake; he seemed as if he would have sprung over the pulpit to his auditors, while he exclaimed, "We want men of God to blow this great trumpet to the heathen, and we must have them! The heathen are ready to perish; and they will perish if the great trumpet does not bring them the joyful sound. I say again, We want men of God to blow this great trumpet, and we must have them!" Then, after this peal of thunder, he paused, and, in a softened melting tone, inquired, "Is there not one young disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ present, who has love enough in his heart to his Divine Master to volunteer his services, and to say, 'I will go?"" This word reached my heart; it penetrated my inmost soul. I silently said, "Yes, Lord, if thou wilt help me, I will go. There is not in this congregation a greater debtor to mercy, and, perhaps, there is not one present who has more ardently longed to be engaged in missionary work. If thou wilt accept me, O Lord, I will go." GAP-MEN. OUR readers may think this a quaint title, and if they never heard the expression, may ask its meaning. The term comes from God's word, and has a meaning that deserves to be deeply pondered in the present state of the Churches. Let us see what is its authority. "Woe unto the foolish prophets," says Ezekiel, "that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing; ye have not gone up into the gaps, nor made up the hedge for the house of Israel, to stand in the path in the day of the Lord." Here is a very high and solemn definition. A gap-man, then, means one who is found in the front rank of the conflict between the powers of light and the powers of darkness; one who is ready in an instant to step into the place of any front-rank man who is shot down; one who stands, as Milton says, on the perilous edge of battle where it rages, and is careless of his life for Christ's sake. It is such gap-men that we need. It is for want of just such gap-men that a nation and a Church sometimes perishes. What awful truth does God speak as to the dearth of such men among his old people! "I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none." Not one man like Abraham, who could arm in defence of Lot. Not one gap-man, who could supply the place of a thousand faint-hearted, and by his courage and address, save a thousand such from the enemy? Not one who could chase a thousand, nor two who could put ten thousand to flight. Not one man to come up at a crisis and stand his ground! Little wonder that a nation so destitute of gap-men had to be deserted of God! It is just such gap-men that we need, men prepared by prayerful habits, by self-denial, by strong faith, by much spiritual discipline, to step into posts of danger, and take strong ground in trying questions, and meet and turn the positions of the adversary. Men for a crisis of danger and conflict are needed, to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord. M. BOURDALOUE. THE different effects produced by pulpit eloquence are well described by the following anecdote of two French preachers. Le Pere Arrius said, When Le Pere Bourdaloue preached at Rouen, the tradesmen forsook their shops, lawyers their clients, physicians their sick, and tavern-keepers their bars; but, when I preached the following year, I set all things to rights--every man minded his own business!" A false prophet proclaims "Peace, peace, when there is no peace;" a true minister of Christ "turns the world upside down.” THE PRESENT STATE OF PALESTINE. 66 PALESTINE is a country for which Providence has done everything we should say, rather, the Holy Land," that is, Palestine and Syria. We behold her now in the days of her desolation. She is groaning under the yoke of a hard master, and we can form no idea, by what we now see, of what she once was, and of what, we have the strongest assurances, she will again become. Unquestionably, she has no need of foreign aid; she possesses all the germs of greatness within herself, and requires only the genial influence of the Sun of Peace to resuscitate her; the once rich plains of Jordan will then look green again, the pastures of Mamre will team with lowing herds and bleating flocks, and the happy days of Abraham and Isaac will return to bless the industry of man. The shell which produced the Tyrian dye may still be found. Hermon and Tabor are still moistened with the balmy dew of heaven; the plains of Esdraelon and the heights of Carmel are still bedecked with roses; at Sechem the swarthy Bedouin drinks of the same spring with Jacob, and his great progenitor Abraham, and feeds his flocks, like him, on the flowery banks of Jordan and Tiberias. Then, if we turn to the east and north, the Haouran and the Bekaa are still rich in corn. The seven-eared wheat of Egypt, too, is sometimes seen. Lebanon is laden, as heretofore, with luscious fruits and herbs, cedars and stately pines. Mount Cassius is clothed with lofty sycamores and oaks, and other forest trees, from the summit to the waters of the Mediterranean, which sparkle at her base. The finest silk is annually exported from Suedia; and the shelving shores of the Orontes produce gums, cotton, indigo; and sugar, oil, rice, and other grain; there is excellent pasturage for cattle, and the neighbouring districts abound in stone, coal, and iron-in fact, there are the same germs of prosperity and wealth now as at any former period; the climate is healthy, the diseases few, the seasons are well marked, and there are no fogs; the scenery is the finest that can be conceived; communication with Europe is easy, and the people are talented, hospitable, and brave, and for the most part well-disposed; but the country is distracted by political and religious intrigues, which compromise the happiness of the rayahs, and curtail the resources of the Government.-Dr. Yates's Lecture at the Syro-Egyptian Society of London. BRAINERD'S COMMUNIONS. APRIL 27, I administered the Lord's Supper to twenty-three persons, about five or six being now absent at the Forks of Delaware, who would otherwise have communicated with us. It was remarkable, that in the season of the performance of the sacramental actions, were especially in the distribution of the bread, they seemed to be affected in a most lively manner, as if Christ had been really crucified before them. But their affections, though considerably raised, were agreeably regulated. When I had rested some time after the administration, I walked from house to house, and conversed particularly with most of the communicants, and found they had been generally refreshed at the Lord's-table, as with new wine. And never did I see such an appearance of Christian love among people in all my life. It was so remarkable, that one might well have cried, with an agreeable surprise" Behold how they love one another!" Towards night, discoursed again on Titus ii. 14. The religious people were much refreshed, so that some of them told me they never felt the like before. Convictions were revived in others, and some awakened; and the congregation, when dismissed, although it was almost dark, seemed loath to leave the place. Upon the whole, I must say, I had great satisfaction with regard to the administration of this ordinance. God himself, I am persuaded, was in the midst of his people; and, I doubt not, many could say in the conclusion, with their whole hearts-Verily, " a day thus spent in God's house is better than a thousand." was the liveliest emblem of heaven I had ever seen. April 28,-Concluded the solemnity with a discourse from John xiv. 15, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." There appeared a very agreeable tenderness, especially among the communicants. They seemed willing to have their ears bored to the door-posts of God's house, and to be his servant's for ever. Observing numbers in this excellent frame I thought proper to improve this advantageous season, to engage those that appeared serious and religious to persevere therein; and accordingly proposed that they should further covenant to watch over themselves, and one another, lest they should dishonour the name of Christ by unbecoming practices, and particularly by drunkenness, their darling sin. They cheerfully complied, and explicitly joined in that covenant. I then proceeded in the most solemn manner, to call God to witness to their sacred engagement, and minded them that God would be a terrible witness against the violaters thereof in the great and notable day of the Lord. It was a season of amazing solemnity.—Gillies' Collections. A CHRISTIAN COLPORTEUR. It As an instance of the devotedness of this good man (Louis Marie), we may mention, that when he began in the city of Montreal, where he chiefly labours, he was subjected to very injurious treatment, of which, however, he did not complain. One evening, when he returned home, he was asked what kind of a day he had had. He replied, with a face full of quiet Christian joy, that he had had a very good day, having only been kicked twice.→→ Rev. Mr. Arnot. PRESBYTERIES' PROCEEDINGS. PRESBYTERY OF LONDON. THIS Presbytery met by appointment, at the Presbyterian Church, Edward-street, Wardour-street, the Rev. James Ferguson, Moderator pro tempore, in the chair. Mr. Fergusson reported that, after Divine service, and after the edict had been returned, duly executed, and endorsed, he had moderated in a call to a minister of this church, and pro duced a call to the Rev. James M'Aulay, | to us that there is something erroneous in its | Mr. Hamilton to put the questions, and which was read and unanimously sustained." Mr. M'Aulay gave in a document from the Free Presbytery of Edinburgh, which was sustained by this Presbytery as evidence of his license. And, after the call had been put into his hands, he declared his acceptance of the same. The usual subjects of trial were then prescribed for him by the Moderator. Mr. Nicholson read a letter from Wolverhampton, giving an encouraging account of the congregation there, and renewing the request that the Presbytery would appoint an early day for the moderation of a call to Mr. Bryson. Whereupon Thursday, the 5th March next, at half-past six o'clock, p.m., was appointed accordingly. Mr. Chalmers to preach and preside, and Mr. Lewis to serve the edict on Sabbath first. In the meantime Mr. Bryson's services were continued at Wolverhampton. The Presbytery held its ordinary Monthly Meeting at 16, Exeter Hall, 10th March. Rev. W. Nicholson, Moderator, in the chair. It was agreed that the annual election of the Moderator should hereafter take place at the first regular Meeting of Presbytery after that of the Synod, and that the same rule should be observed in regard to elders, and come into operation next year. The Induction of Mr. Cousin was appointed to take place at Ranelagh Church on Thursday, the 9th April, at half-past six o'clock, p.m. Mr. Hamilton to preach, Mr. Chalmers to give the charges, and Professor Campbell to give an address on the principles of Presbytery. The Induction of Mr. M'Lymont was appointed to take place at Hampstead, on Thursday, the 16th April, at half-past six o'clock, p.m. Mr. Wilson to preach, Professor Lorimer to give the charges, and Mr. Nicholson to expound the Presbyterian system. The Committee, in Mr. Hunter's case, reported, and bore a very high testimony to that gentleman's personal and ministerial qualifications. But as the terms on which applicants from other Churches may be admitted into the Presbyterian Church, have not in all cases been yet fully defined, the farther consideration of the subject was deferred till next ordinary Meeting of Presbytery. Agreeably to notice formerly given, Professor Lorimer moved, and the Presbytery unanimously agreed, that the following overture be transmitted to the Synod at its Meeting in April next, viz. : : constitution, and we would beg leave respectfully to submit to the consideration of the brethren our views upon the subject. "(1.) First of all we think the present mode of supporting that fund ought to be relinquished. It has hitherto been upheld by levying a stated payment of 5s. a-quarter of 17. a-year from the several members of Presbytery. It appears to us that this is a burden to which the individual members of Presbytery ought not to be subjected. When the members of Presbytery are employed in those services by which the expenses are incurred, which it is the object of this fund to defray, they are in the service of the Church, and ought not to be called upon to perform those services at their own expense, which they actually do, so long as the fund itself is upheld by their subscriptions. 66 (2.) Hence, secondly, we are of opinion that such a fund ought to be supported by contributions from the several congregations of the Presbytery, as it is in their interests, or in those of the Church generally, the fund is expended. 66 (3.) We think this fund ought to be charged with the payments of the clerks' salary, instead of making it a separate levy as heretofore, and that this be taken into account in estimating what each congregation ought to pay. "(4.) According to these suggestions let it be supposed that the sum requisite to defray all the items of expense with which the Presbytery fund may be, under present circumstances, chargeable, shall be 507.; then let this sum be allocated among the congregations of the Presbytery according to a fair reckoning of the numbers and ability of each, as the Presbytery may judge fit. "(5.) That the sums assessed on each congregation shall be subject to revision at the stated Meeting of Presbytery in March each year. 66 That the ruling elder from each congregation should then be informed of the amount for which his congregation is rated, and should be called upon to pay over to the clerk the sum in question. " (Signed) "ALEX. GILLESPIE. "WM. NICOLSON." The following scale was also suggested for he present year, viz. :— 9. Greenwich 10. Southwark 11. Hampstead .. 12. Edward-street........................................ 13. Westminster 14. Dudley ....... 15. Wolverhampton 16. Brighton ............. The Presbytery, having considered the above suggestions, unanimously approve of the same, appoint the different congregations within the bounds to be rated according to the above scale, and instruct the clerk ac "That whereas it is highly necessary and important, in order that the Church may derive the full benefit which she desires and expects from the institution of the College, that Bursaries should be instituted for the encouragement of deserving students, so as to enable them to devote their undivided time and energies to the prosecution of their studies. It is hereby humbly overtured to the Venerable the Synod by the Presby-cordingly. tery of London to take this subject into their immediate consideration, to sanction the institution of such Bursaries in connexion with the College, and to recommend this important object to the liberality of their people." The Committee appointed to audit the accounts of the Presbytery fund, gave in their Report, accompanied by the following suggestions, viz.: "Having had our thoughts directed to the state of the Presbytery fund, it has occurred A Committee was appointed to consider the practicability of obtaining a more suitable place of worship for the Westminster congregation. It was Mr. M'Aulay, being called, appeared, and underwent the whole of his trials. agreed that the Presbytery should meet at the Presbyterian Church, Edward-street, Wardour-street, on Thursday, the 2d April, at half-past six o'clock, p.m., for the ordination of Mr. M'Aulay. Mr. Thompson to preach, ordain, Mr. Wilson to expound the principles of Presbytery, and Mr. Fisher to give the charges to the minister and people respectively. Mr. Chalmers produced and read a set of queries which he submitted might with advantage be put to the different students in our College, at the close of the different sessions. The Presbytery unanimously approved of the same, and requested Mr. Chalmers to get them printed, with a view to their being in the hands of the students by the beginning of next week. The Presbytery farther agreed to meet with the students at 16, Exeter Hall, on Thursday, the 19th inst., at four o'clock, p.m., to inquire into their past progress, receive answers to the foregoing queries, and make arrangements for their future studies. The Presbytery then adjourned, to meet at 16, Exeter Hall, on the second Tuesday of April, at three o'clock, p.m. PRESBYTERY OF LANCASHIRE. THIS Presbytery held its ordinary Monthly Meeting at Manchester on the 4th of March; the Rev. A. Munro, Moderator pro tempore. The call from the congregation at Crewe to Mr. Cross was taken up, and sustained. The clerk was instructed to correspond with Mr. Cross, and ascertain whether he will accept of the said call. The consideration of the form of bond for minister's stipend was deferred till a future Meeting. In accordance with the prayer of a Memorial from the congregation of Trinity Church, Manchester, craving the appointment of an early day for moderating in a call from them to a minister, Thursday, the 12th of March, at eight p.m., was appointed for the purpose. Mr. V. M. White to preach and preside. Mr. Magill, of Bolton, applied for the advice and direction of the Presbytery, in reference to a child of eight years, who had been baptized by a Socinian minister, and whose father, now a member of his congregation, was troubled with doubts as to the validity of the baptism, and had expressed a wish to have this ordinance administered by Mr. Magill. After reasoning, it was agreed that the following direction be given, viz., that the Presbytery authorize Mr. Magill, in the circumstances, to baptize the child, provided the parent be qualified in other respects. The Committee appointed to wait this day upon the United Associate Presbytery of Lancashire, reported that the Secession brethren could not meet the Committee to-day, because they had been appointed, along with members of the Glasgow Secession Presbytery, to take part in the ordination of an assistant to Dr. Crichton, of Liverpool. Mr. Shaw, Probationer of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, at present officiating as missionary, preached from Col. iii. 11, previous to his being received as a Probationer within the bounds. He thereafter reported the present state of the preaching station at Chester as very favourable. The Presbytery met by appointment at Trinity Church on the 12th of March. The Rev. V. M. White, Moderator pro tempore. The Moderator reported, that in accordance with his instructions, he moderated in a call from the congregation of Trinity Church, in favour of the Rev. Alexander Fleming, minister of Cookstown, Ireland. The call, which was numerously signed, was sustained, and Mr. White appointed Commissioner to prosecute the translation, Messrs. Munro, Cowe, and R. Barbour, | Moderator, having left the chair, expressed were intrusted with the charge of providing a temporary supply of preaching for the congregation at Crewe. The Presbytery adjourned to meet at Liverpool on Wednesday, the 1st of April, at eleven, a.m. PRESBYTERY OF NEWCASTLE. THE Presbytery of Newcastle having met on Tuesday, the 3d of March, in the Groat Market Church, Newcastle, and been duly constituted, inter alia, the Moderator produced a letter addressed to him and to the communicated, from the Presbytery of Berwick, in which statements are made by way of complaint in regard to certain transactions said to have taken place in that Presbytery during and after the time of Mr. Storie's ministry at North Sunderland, involving charges against the said Mr. Storie. Mr. Storie being present, was asked if he had any explanation to make, whereupon he made the following statement, "That this was not the first of a series of public and private letters which had come from that Presbytery and various members of it, in which serious charges were brought against him in a shape which totally prevented the subject being dealt with by the Church courts in an orderly way, and his character and conduct being vindicated; and that if this system of attack and annoyance were not discontinued, he might feel himself put into the painful necessity of seeking protection in a Court of justice." It was moved and resolved that the Presbytery do not find that these charges are in such a form, that they can be taken up and prosecuted in an orderly manner, and the Moderator is authorized and directed to write to the above effect to the Moderator of the Presbytery of Berwick-upon-Tweed, that that Reverend Court may be duly apprized of this finding. PRESBYTERY OF NORTHUMBERLAND. THE Presbytery met here on March 3d, and was constituted. Present, the Rev. J. A. Huie, Moderator, Messrs. Anderson, Gillespie, Lennie, Ministey, Hood, Elan, and the clerk. A letter was read from Rev. J. Paterson, intimating his dimission of his charge at Harbottle; and further stating, that the Home Mission had provided his people with a temporary supply, of which they had accepted, till such time as the congregation may be properly consolidated. The Presbytery accorded their sanction to the interim arrangement, and appointed the clerk to write to Mr. Johnson, the minister at present officiating at Harbottle, that the Presbytery consider him under their superintendance while within their bounds. himself as unable to acquiesce in the same. It was then moved, seconded, and carried, that the Presbytery agree to the translation of Mr. Maclymont to Hampstead; that the clerk give due intimation of this deliverance to the clerk of the London Presbytery, that they may take the necessary steps towards his induction; that Mr. Maclymont shall continue his pastoral relation to the people of Birdhope Craig till such time as the clerk is advised of his induction to the congregation at Hampstead. The same being intimated to the parties, Mr. Fraser, on behalf of the congregation at Hampstead, acquiesced, took instruments, and craved extracts. Mr. Anderson gave notice of an overture to the Synod, anent the augmentation of stipends, to be brought forward at next Meeting of Presbytery at Alnwick on 25th March." PRESBYTERY OF CUMBERLAND. After THIS Presbytery met at Workington, on PUTTING RESOLUTIONS INTO THE CHRISTIAN WATCHWORD. "Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward." Than can be found below earth's changeful sky; Of happier climes and days, that ne'er may come ; O'er whose pure blossoms falls no withering blight; AT a Missionary Meeting held amongst the Manchester, Trinity Church, per Mr. Long- 1. We will all give something. 2. We will all give as God has enabled us. X.Y.Z., London Jessie Rose, per Rev. Wm. 1 10 4 0 18 6 10 10 0 1 10 0 3 16 10 4 5 4 500 0 10 0 5 17 0 So soon as the Meeting was over, a leading negro took his seat at the table, with pen and ink, to put down what each came to give. Many came forward and gave, some more and some less. Amongst those that came was a rich old negro, almost as rich as all the rest put together, and threw down a small silver coin. "Take dat back again," said the negro that received the money, "dat Woolwich Church, additional, Major Andermay be according to de first resolution, but The Presbytery then proceeded to take up it is not according to de second." The rich the call from the congregation at Hamp- old man accordingly took it up, and hobbled stead in favour of Rev. J. Maclymont; where- back again to his seat in a great rage. One upon Mr. Blythe intimated that he had duly after another came forward, and almost all served the edict at Birdhope Craig on Sab- gave more than himself, and he was fairly ashamed of himself, and again threw down a bath 15th February, and laid on the table a copy thereof, duly certified. The clerk, at piece of money on the table, saying, "Dare, the same time, read a copy of reasons from take dat!" It was a valuable piece of gold, the Presbytery of London, in favour of the but it was given so ill-temperedly that the translation. The case being called, compeared negro answered again, "No; dat won't do for the Presbytery of London, Rev. W. yet. It may be according to de first and Chalmers; for the congregation at Hamp-second resolution, but it is not according to stead, J. Fraser, Esq.; for the congregation de last;" and he was obliged to take up his at Birdhope Craig, Messrs. E Anderson and coin again. Still angry at himself and all the Stafford, per Mr. George Brown W. Brown; and Mr. Maclymont for himself. rest, he sat a long time till nearly all were Parties having been heard and removed, Mr. gone, and then came up to the table, and Anderson, at the request of the Presbytery, with a smile on his face, and very willingly engaged in prayer for the Divine guidance; gave a large sum to the treasurer. Very whereupon the several members declared well," said the negro, "dat will do. Dat themselves in favour of the translation. The according to all de resolutions," 0 2 6 3 8 4 4 0 0 24 7 6 0 5 0 3 18 0 1 3 0 100 0 10 0 100 100 096 .......... 10 0 .......... .... 6 6 1 0 ...... 1 3 300 North Sunderland, per Rev. D. Munro ........ 6309 SUBSCRIPTIONS, DONATIONS, AND COLLECTIONS FOR THE COLLEGE WILL. HAMILTON, 127, Cheapside, London, March 21, 1846. £994 13 2 100 8 24 Hooker, Luther, &c. With a Preface by A friend to whom we have been often in- 300 20 14 4 "The grand tence immediately preceding. Now the principles of representation, inherent self-jurisdiction, and popular election, or, at the least, popular consent to the ap Mr. Disney's object is very friendly. "I con- pointment of all orders of ecclesiastical ceive (says he) that the best and most effec-officers, we hold to be essential, if not to the tual means of concentrating those efforts existence, at the very least to the well-being (viz., 'to resist the combined forces of Popery of any Church. But surely our author must and Infidelity') would be by promoting, as far be aware that not only the want but the total as it can be done, consistently with the main- abnegation of all these--the want of all "power tenance of truth, an union between the of control" on the part of the Church in matChurch of England and the Church of Scot- ters the most vital and sacred; of "repreland-between the Episcopalian and the Pres- sentation" either on the part of the clergy or byterian communions." the people, in the administration of ecclesiastical affairs; of the "right of the laity to choose" their own ministers-is such an ob jection to an union with the Church of England as, even were everything else compatible with their principles, would for ever prevent Presbyterians from uniting with her. Our author himself is utterly "at a loss to conceive how without these a Church can be fixed upon the only firm basis upon which alone a Church can be established;" he knows, moreover, that the Church of England does not possess a shred or semblance of any one of these, and yet he questions "if her principles are in any respect defective." Our author has much yet to learn, and more perchance to unlearn, before he become qualified to assume the office of mediator between Presbyterians and Prelatists. To this proposal we can of course have no objection. It was the design of our fathers in the Westminster Assembly, and is still 12 0 6 dear to our hearts. But in order to the accomplishment of this design our Episcopalian friends must not assume as a point conceded on all hands, that everything is right on their side, and everything wrong upon ours-that every concession is to be made by us, and none by them; that renouncing our most cherished associations, our most conscientious convictions, we are now to embrace those principles and submit to those forms, the attempt to impose which drove our fathers from the Establishment; principles and forms which even those who would impose them in other days and persecuted all who would not conform to them, acknowledged to have no warrant in the Word of God, and which the present generation of Episcopalians regarding, we trust as mere human inventions, ought at once to abandon, in order to the accomplishment of the proposed union. 8 3 0 1 0 0 £1052 0 4 Treasurers. Such would appear to us to be a mere preCOLLECTIONS IN AID OF THE SYNOD result or measure, but which it was essential liminary step, which might lead to no ulterior FUND. 37 19 0 1 33 12 4 1 0 11 9 on their part to take before even the project of an union could be so much as mooted. But if all the members of the Churches of 9England and Ireland are at all of the same 9 3 4 opinion with Mr. Disney, our anticipations 30 0 0 seem destined to a speedy annihilation. He appears at one time to have entertained the idea, that the Church of England might by possibility be improved, but on second thoughts he retracts the concession, and maintains the optimism of all things just as they are. "It appears to me (he says) that what the Church of Scotland wants the Church of England has, and that what the Church of England is deficient in (if her principles are in any respect defective) the Church of Scotland is now earnestly aiming £126 8 7 Our author's acquaintance with the prin ciples of Presbyterianism may be judged of from the following passage:"It is indeed (as the preface to the Ordination Forms states) evident to all men diligently reading the holy Scriptures and ancient authors, that orders of ministers in Christ's Churchfrom the apostles' time there have been these bishops, priests, and deacons. The Church of Scotland (he continues) has, I conceive, felt, and is now feeling, the evil and bitterness of departing from this scriptural and apostolic principle of the Catholic Church, and the Free Church of Scotland partially acknowledged, at its late and first Synod [Assembly] that she felt it; for she adopted an overture recommending the re-establishment of the ancient order of deacons in that Church, (thus) giving up a very favourite principle of Presbyterianism-the parity of all ministers; and surely, as it never was intended that there should be one Church for the rich and another for the poor, if she carries out the principles which dictated the recommenda tion concerning the restoration of the office of deacon, she will go still further, and adopt an overture for the restoration of the office of bishop." This is a very singular passage, the full meaning of which, as intended by our author, many of our readers, we suspect, will be un able to comprehend. A few remarks, however, will not only explain our author's meanng, but expose his misapprehensions, and efute what of argument is here contained. And, 1st, We cannot imagine where our author discovered that the Presbyterian Church denies that in Scripture and in early antiquity there were three orders of ministers in the Church. Sure we are that her formularies and standard writers all maintain that she possesses the three apostolic, scriptural, and primitive orders of bishops, presbyters, and deacons. The apostolic bishop, our writers have demonstrated, was the prototype of our ministers or pastors. Our ruling elder is the successor of the second class of Scripture Presbyters, (1 Tim. v. 17,) and our deacons are the true representatives of the apostolic officers, who administered the pecuniary affairs of the Church. (Acts vi. 1-5.) The "three orders of ministers in Christ's Church in the apostles' times," our Church has always possessed. "Priests," indeed, in "name and thing," we disown. We acknowledge but one priest in the Church, the "High Priest of our profession," whose "one sacrifice, once for all offered," has "finished transgression, and made an end of sin, made reconciliation for iniquity, and brought in an everlasting righteousness." 66 66 HIGH BRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN give up" our "favourite principle- the parity of all ministers." The solution of the whole difficulty is this:-Our curate falls into a very common mistake, from which many THE Presbytery of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, lamentable and some ludicrous consequences met in the above church on Wedneshave often resulted; he translates our Presday, the 25th February, 1846, for the purbyterian terminology by the aid of a prelatic pose of ordaining the Rev. Josias Leslie vocabulary; and because deacons are "minisPorter, M.A., of the University of Glasgow, ters of the word," in the Prelatic Church, he to the pastoral charge of that congregation. fancies they are so in the Presbyterian also. The building was well filled with a very Deacons, however, are in our Church, we beg respectable audience. Amongst the ministers leave to inform him, what they were in the present were the Rev. Messrs. G. J. Duncan, apostolic, curators of the poor, and adminisof North Shields (Moderator); J. Storie, of trators of the funds of the Church. "Minis-South Shields; J. T. Paterson, D.D., of Sunterial parity," is certainly, and has ever been, derland; J. Gordon, of Hexham; J. Fisher, a favourite and an essential principle of Pres- of Monkwearmouth; T. K. Anderson, of byterianism. But this means only, as all our Gateshead; W. O. Johnston, of Blyth; J. people know, the official parity of "ministers Gillespie, of Framlington; H. Marshall, of of the word and sacraments." No Presbyte- Falstone; Mr. M'Coll, of Ireland; and J. rian has ever fancied that there was a parity Cross, W. Blackwood, J. Pringle, and D. among ministers, elders, and deacons. "The Adam, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The Rev. elders that labour in word and doctrine," W. Blackwood opened the service with (i. e., ministers in the Presbyterian sense) were prayer; and the Rev. G. J. Duncan preached even in the Apostolic Church, especially an eloquent and impressive sermon from entitled to double honour," even when comTitus i. 5, and put the usual questions to Mr. pared with "the elders that ruled well," Porter, which having been answered satis(1 Tim. v. 17,) and they are so still among factorily, the Presbytery immediately ordained us. The truth is, we have the "three orders" him pastor of the said congregation. The of bishops, presbyters, and deacons, as well Rev. Dr. Patterson then gave the charge to as our Prelatic friends. We, too, maintain the minister, and the Rev. J. Storie addressed that there is a gradation in the offices, the people. although not the same sort of gradation as in the Church of England. In both cases there is a jure divino parity among the officers of the same order; but there is no parity between the second and the third, or the first and the second. 66 2d. As the Presbyterian Church thus has not departed from this scriptural and apostolic principle of the Catholic Church," she has not "felt, and is (not) now feeling the evil and bitternes " of such departure. But we could mention who have "departed from the scriptural and apostolic principles of 4th. Mr. Disney conceives he has urged an Christ's Church," and who have felt and are argument which must be irresistible when he feeling, and must ever feel, the evil and the appeals to the Free Church against there bitterness of having innovated upon the con- being "one Church for the rich and another stitution of the Church, having set aside for the poor." And he was right. One of Christ's institutions for human inventions, de- the proofs of our Saviour's Messiahship, apprived the Church of her liberties, and placed pealed to as such by himself, was that "to her jurisdiction in hands to which Christ the poor the Gospel was preached;" (Luke never committed it. Is it not amazing that a vii. 22;) and the Presbyterian Church has writer who confesses and deplores the ex- ever possessed that mark at least of a Church tension of Puseyism in the Church of Eng- of Christ, that she has never made a distincland, and cannot but acknowledge that this tion between the poor and the rich. But our has arisen either because there is no autho- readers will be at a loss to understand what rity in that Church which could arrest the force our author attaches to this appeal. We evil, (in which case she must be deficient in shall attempt to enlighten them. We have the most essential elements of self-govern- already said that Mr. D. fancies the deacon ment,) or because the parties to whom that with us exercises the same functions as in the authority is committed failed of their duty, (in Prelatic Church. In the Church of England, which case the Church lies powerless, wit- the deacon is a minister of the word, who nessing her own decay, and weeping over but preaches, and baptizes, and assists the utterly unable to arrest the disease that wastes "priest" at the "Sacrament of the Altar." away her life,)—is it not truly lamentable that This our author fancies he does also in our a man who can compare such apathy or in- Church. Proceeding upon this assumption ability on the part of a Prelatic Church with he next imagines that when the Free Church the vigilance and the vigour of the Presbyte-ordained deacons, it was in order to place rian, which at one glance can detect and with one effort crush or expel every noxious element that may have crept, however stealthily, within her pale, should yet be so blinded by his prejudices as to labour to deprive the vigilant and vigorous guardian of truth and righteousness of her powers, and place her under the apathetic or inefficient jurisdiction, or want of jurisdiction rather, which has wrought such evils elsewhere? 3d. Our author fancies that the introduction of deacons into the Free Church is "giving up a very favourite principle of Presbyterianism-the parity of all ministers." Our readers will be very much puzzled to conceive why or how the introduction of deacons should interfere with any principle of Presbyterianism, seeing that our Church has possessed deacons from the very first. But it must be specially puzzling to conjecture how the introduction of deacons should them as ministers over poor congregations; We owe our readers an apology for having In the evening, the members of the church and their friends, amounting to upwards of six hundred, sat down to tea in the Musichall, Nelson-street. The Rev. G. J. Duncan presided. The Chairman having briefly stated the object that had brought them together, the Rev. W. Blackwood introduced Mr. Porter, who addressed the Meeting in eloquent terms. Speeches were also delivered by the Rev. Messrs. J. Storie, J. Robertson, J. Pringle, G. Bell, and J. Gordon. The Meeting, which had been characterized by the utmost cordiality and good feeling, broke up at nine o'clock. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at eight o'clock. The Sabbath-school is open at nine in the morning and one o'clock in the afternoon for religious instruction. A Bible-class for young men on Monday evenings at eight o'clock, and for young ladies on Wednesday evenings at seven o'clock. that our friends of the High Bridge Church MEETING OF THE ELDERS AND |