صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

signal for the exercise of the kindest feelings
towards the sufferers themselves, and the
greatest zeal for the protection of their
property. The Falcon, the Sir Charles Price,
and several other vessels, have been cast
away at or near such stations: and not only
have the captains and others atttested that
"not a nail was lost," and that all the
attention was given to their personal comfort
which kindness could bestow, but thousands
of pounds have been transmitted to England
and America as the proceeds arising from
the sale of property saved on such occasions
by native activity and zeal. Thus, many a
Christian missionary is, in effect, a British
consul of the most unexpensive and efficient
kind; and his congregation a society for the
protection of British lives and property.
While the missionary enterprise itself, by
finding new havens at the antipodes for our
fleets, opening new channels for our com-
merce, and everywhere multiplying the
friends of our country, is eminently con-
ducive to the prosperity of its temporal

constitution of the general body; and fur-duced, the occurrence of a wreck is the
ther, that it conducts its affairs for the
good of the whole. The central authority
has the right, and it is its duty, to see that
each local department administers its particu-
lar interests according to the most judicious
plans; and thus, while it secures the greatest
good of its own members, conduces, at the
same time, to the highest advantage of the
body of which it forms a part. And our dis-
tinguishing excellency it is that we combine
local freedom with central authority.
Every individual Presbyterian is as free as
a member of the Presbyterian Church, as he
is as a subject of the British Crown. In both
capacities he has rights and liberties guaran-
teed to him, not by the caprice or partiali-
ties of his fellow-subjects, but by the laws
and constitution under which he lives. In
neither instance may he violate the laws with
impunity; but this restraint is imposed for
his own good, as well as for the good of his
neighbours: and here, as in a still higher
department, laws are not for the good, but for
the evil. In both capacities the laws under
which he lives are passed by himself
sonally, or by representative, and the object
and result of those laws are his individual
good as well as the general benefit of the
whole body.

But though the benefits we have now specified possess all the importance attached to them, and though they are among the first to catch the eye in a survey like the present, we conceive that there are others of the same class of greater moment still. We cannot but avow our belief that their chief national value will hereafter be found to have consisted in the influence which they have shed on such questions as negro emancipation and general colonization. The full and distinct proof of this would, doubtless, require a large induction of historical facts. We will only ask, however, where now are the possessions of that kingdom, whose armies and governors, with savage cruelty, exterminated the Caribs, the Mexicans, and the children of the sun? In whose hands are the Floridas, Mexico, Darien, Terra Firma, Buenos Ayres, Paraguay, Chili, Peru, and California? But if there be any truth in the doctrine of Divine TEMPORAL BENEFITS OF CHRISTIAN retribution, or anything fearful in the Divine

Such, then, is the constitution under which you live, A representative constitution embodying the accumulated wisdom and experience of centuries, the scriptural constitution revealed of God to the Apostolic Church, and reduced to practice in the earliest and purest age of Christianity. Study its principles, conform to its precepts, never violate its forms, never transgress its laws. You will find it the firmest guarantee of your rights, the surest palladium of your liberties, the most vigilant guardian of your interests, and while the most compact and centralized polity, at the same time the most conducive to well-ordered liberty the Church of Christ has ever enjoyed.


displeasure, then every one admitting the
guilt of slavery and the criminal spirit of our
colonial conduct, will instantly grant that the
missionary enterprise, by powerfully tending
to abolish the former, and to ameliorate the
latter, has instrumentally averted a great
national curse, and has proved a proportionate
national blessing. The magnitude of the
blessing, indeed, is unknown; for its moral
influence will continue to extend through
every coming generation of mankind, and its
value to increase with every moment of time.

THE shipping of our country derives as
much advantage from Christian Missions
as its commerce. This will appear, if it be
recollected that intercourse between Euro-
peans and the untaught islanders of the
Pacific is always dangerous, and has often
proved fatal. The adventurous Magellan
fell at the Ladrone Islands; Captain Cook
Was barbarously murdered at the Sandwich
group; the ship Venus was taken at Tahiti;
M. de Langle and his companions were killed-Dr. Harris. The Great Commission.
at the Samoas; the Port au Prince was seized
at Lefuga; and the crew of the Boyd were
Massacred at New Zealand. And now at all
these islands, with the exception of the
Ladrones, there are missionary stations, where
between two and three hundred vessels
annually resort; the crews of which look
forward with delight to the hour when the
anchor shall be dropped in the tranquil
lagoon, and they shall find a generous welcome
and a temporary home. Here, at the smallest
possible expense, the captains can obtain
a supply of fresh meat and provisions, refit
their vessels, and recruit their crews.

Formerly, also, when a wreck occurred, the natives hastened to plunder and murder; or reserved those who escaped from the sea for sacrifices, Witness the unhappy sufferers of the Charles Eaton, and the still more recent massacre of Captain Fraser and his crew on the Coast of New Holland. But now, wherever Christianity has been intro


with lists fabricated by a person named Brennan, who had been a very short time in the employment of the Mission, until the Directors saw reason to dispense with his services. The priests could easily procure rolls of names from a person of this description, read them over at public Meetings, and then declare that no such individuals as those named were to be found in their respective districts. Their object could only be attained if they persuaded their audience that no Irish teaching was carried on under the Home Mission. They had to prove that the Irish schools alluded to existed only in reports. They had to show that they were merely the creation of fancy and fiction. They engaged to prove the reports of tolerably good business men to be groundless romances. They promised to disclose the most singular cases of deception recorded in modern times. They journeyed to Scotland for these purposes; and: the Scotch part of their audiences of course the smallest portion, for in the large towns of that country there are always numbers of Irish Roman Catholics were surprised that, if there were no such schools, the priests should have gone to the charges, and undergone the fatigue, of a mission to prove that statement. The Scotch hearers, naturally enough for them, at least, argued-If there be no Irish schools, there can be no harm doing in that way; but, if there be, then these priests cannot be adhering to truth exactly. They could not comprehend the patriotism that induced these men to travet hither and thither for the purpose of persuading the public not to pay small sums of money to their own hearers for doing nothing, although they are not always in the best circumstances. They did not understand the virtuous indignation of these gentlemen at the idea of a few poor men, in the Glens of Antrim, receiving half yearly a few shillings in an absolute gratuity. They naturally said, "If these priests are determined to put down the payment of this money on a false pretence, they will communicate the facts in their possession to the Directors in Belfast; and if afterwards they continue these payments, there can be no great harm done." Farther, even than this point, their reasoning led them : and they became suspicious that "the virtuous indignation" of the Catholic priests was assumed, and that in reality there had been schools, scholars, teachers, and Bibles in their parishes-altogether interfering with their pretensions and superstitions-to excite these unwonted efforts. The journeyings of the priests into Scotland became thus useful to the Home Mission in Ireland. They agitated successfully in its favour. They accomplished what they meant not, and failed in that they wished. The Rev. Luke Walsh, P.P., of Culfeightrin, and Rev. J. Fitzsimons of Cushendall were the priests to whom we refer. Father Walsh was the chief speaker. This reference to the past has a present use and

(From the Banner of Ulster.) IN the month of October, 1844, two Irish priests visited Glasgow, Edinburgh, and other Scottish towns, called Meetings of the inhab-purpose. itants, and delivered addresses, for the During the last week, parties who are in purpose of exposing, as they said, the decep- the habit of attending the Carrickfergus tions of the Irish Home Mission. They did Assize observed an unusual number of priests not allege that any money received for the among the audience, and passing in and out objects of the Mission was not fully ex- of court. Two or three of them seemed to pended by its Directors. They did not even keep closely together, and were regular say that it was misappropriated for the benefit morning and evening passengers to and from of Protestants; but they asserted that mem- Belfast. They were men well advanced bers of their own communion-Roman Ca- in years, and their official costume alone tholics-received payments from the Mission betrayed their profession. They did not for doing work which they did not attempt; seem pale with close and toilsome study for teaching their Irish neighbours while they they did not look like men worn out did not try to instruct them; and for reading the Scriptures to scholars, while, in fact, they had no scholars. The charges were supported

with the study of the fathers-they were not pale or worn with anything, but had all the symptoms of men who keep

the warm side of the world, as they pass this way much good has been done in this | through it, and manage to collect around country. Many individuals, we believe, have them a fair share of what they deem its com- read the Word of God, and derived much forts. They were evidently of the old-spiritual benefit from its perusal, while still fashioned school of priests, who were more they have remained in connexion with the prone to prescribe than to endure penance. Church of Rome. To them, as to Charles Even their Lenten seasons were apparently M'Loughlin, and others, in Culfeightrin, there not altogether cheerless; and there was good may come seasons of severe trial. But, prereason to suppose, that they could turn fasting vious to active persecution being raised itself into some account. We would not dare against him, he had seen the errors, and left to insinuate that they stopped at a recom- the communion, of that Church. He was, we mendation of Father Mathew's precepts. It understand, a member of the Presbyterian is not our business to do that. One of them Church before his excommunication and the we afterwards learned was famous from his fulmination of the "Priest's Curse" against exertions for suppressing shebeens in his him from the altar of the chapel in Culparish; and we would naturally suppose that feightrin. he had little love for regular taverns. Facts of this kind are of more importance than appearances in estimating character; for even the lines that nature writes are not to be always literally read.

One of these priests was Father Walsh of Culfeightrin, celebrated for his agitation in heretical Scotland against the Home Mission and all its delusions, as he termed its practices. In going there, Mr. Walsh professed to have no other object than to save the transmission of heretical money to the pockets of his own hearers. He assumed, while there, great liberality of opinion, and evidently wished to be considered an intelligent, enlightened, liberal man; possessed of a meek, and charitable, and Christian spirit; incapable of harshness and oppression, and not to be roused to indignation by anything short of dishonesty and corruption.

This concourse of priests at Carrickfergus originated in a case entered in the Record Court, "M'Loughlin v. Walsh." The defendant is this Father Walsh. The plaintiff is a man in comparatively humble circumstances a parishioner of Culfeightrin.

Charles M'Loughlin holds a few acres of land attached to a corn mill, which he rents in the parish. He holds the mill on lease; and as there are several townlands attached to it, on the old system of multure, he pays a considerable rent. We are informed that, for a number of years after he entered on this lease, he derived a fair livelihood from his mill, and maintained his family in comfortable


Several years since, he became an Irish Scripture reader; and, as subsequently appeared in evidence in this trial, he was in the habit of reading the Bible in their native language to the farmers and others whilst they were occupied in drying their oats at his kiln. He was thus endeavouring to use his own and his neighbours' leisure hours on a good account. He was no agitator of extreme political views. He was not employed in disseminating treasonable and seditious opinions amongst his customers. He did not read to them articles from papers expressing gratitude for the calamities of the country, and anxiety that Irishmen, in other parts of the empire, might be defeated, cut down, and slaughtered by its invaders. Had he confined his reading to matters of that description, he would never have experienced the results of "the priest's But he was a safe man for his country, for its Government, its institutions, his neighbours, and his family-for all except the priest, and Rome and its superstitions-therefore he was denounced. He was employed by the Irish Home Mission of the Presbyterian Church in one of its departments, and for a considerable period he continued to read the Scriptures, and to teach others, without being dissatisfied with his Church or disconnecting himself from its communion. There is reason to hope that in


The case raised by him against the Rev. Luke Walsh came on for trial on Friday. The Record Court at Carrickfergus is a small and inconvenient building. The Judge's seat occupies the centre of one side of the court. On the right and left, occupying with that seat three sides of the room, there is accommodation for the public; and beneath that, occupying in the same way three sides of the building, are seats for the officials of the court and the barristers. A corresponding range of seats is occupied by the attorneys, the parties in the cases, and partially by the reporters. The witnesses' table occupies the space between the seats, and the jurors' gallery is in front of the bench. We are minute in describing a building that does not greatly deserve description, because we noticed a judicious arrangement of priests on Friday.

The witnesses were principally Roman Catholics; and the priests had placed themselves at the back of plaintiff's counsel, and another body fronting the defendant's side, so as effectually to command the witnesses' table, and keep their people under their own inspection. The case was founded on acts alleged to have been committed on Sabbath, the 18th August, 1844. We are desirous to note this date particularly, because the journey of Father Walsh and his companion to Scotland occurred just six weeks afterwards; and if it appear that he was engaged on the 18th August, 1844, in an act of the most atrocious tyranny that man could commit, his liberal professions in Scotland, during October of that year, will be deemed of little value; while if, in August, he issued the "greater excommunication" against four Irish teachers in his parish, of what worth were his declarations in Scotland during October, that there were no such schools in the Glens?

The evidence afforded most distinct proofso distinct that the defendant's counsel attempted to cast no doubt over the fact, but strongly condemned the proceeding that Father Walsh threatened to put every man, woman, and child from speaking to Michael Butler if he would not quit reading and teaching the Irish language. Such was the expedient adopted by this man to suppress the Irish schools. But when his congregation were collected on Sabbath the 18th of August, 1844, after the celebration of mass, he delivered an address to them, and, naming Charles M'Loughlin and three other persons, pronounced on them this malediction


My curse and God's curse on Charles M'Loughlin, Hugh Shields, and John M'Cay, and on all who shall hold any communication with them, or eat at the same table, or work in the same field with them." The bell was rung, the book was closed, the lights were extinguished, the social curse was completed; and three men, with their families, were excluded from the society, the business, and the charities of earth, and consigned to eternal

perdition, in the opinion of those who heard that curse, by a man who professed to be the minister and the servant of Him who, in His word, has commanded his followers to bless even those who curse them, and do good to to those who despitefully use them.

Thus, in the year 1844, we have had the greater excommunication fulminated in the middle ages, by Popes from the Vatican against kings and kingdoms, renewed from the altar of the chapel of Culfeightrin, by a parish priest, against an humble miller, his family, and friends, on an autumnal Sabbath, within forty miles of Belfast, the centre of Irish Protestantism. From one part of the Scottish coast, persons going to and from their churches could, and no doubt did, see this parish of Culfeightrin, without imagining that there, within a short distance of their homes-separated from them by a channel of only a few miles-amongst a people evidently of the same race-this frightful power could be successfully exercised, and was being exercised, by one man.

The curse was successful. The first witness placed on the table, Archibald Laverty-a man who came there capable, evidently, of remembering little, or suffering under the doom of social excommunication-swore that he had to ask permission from the priest before he could grind his corn at M'Loughlin's mill; and that permission was not apparently conceded, for there was to be a consultation with the Bishop at Belfast, of which Archibald Laverty did not give the result. Then William Butler, one of the most intelligent looking men we have ever seen as a witness, swore that he could not remember the curse, the bell, the book, the candles, in the extraordinary proceedings of that 18th August, although in the chapel during the whole service, for William Butler evidently had neither eye nor ear for the marvellous, and no memory for the oppressive, although he told its results.

Michael Butler was a superior witness. He had been an Irish teacher, and the priest had put him down. His fears had overcome his principles, for in a Roman Catholic district this priest's curse this exclusion of a man from his home and friends, it may be, from work and intercourse, and every means of support, is an affliction that cannot be easily borne. Still, he gave his evidence distinctly and plainly, and somewhat graphically. Even countrymen who had come to sell, would not take money from the accursed of the priest. They abandoned their carts as he approached. They fled as from a leper. They could have neither dealings nor communication with the spiritually-outlawed miller. And Michael Butler, still lingering in his old opinions, still defying priests and priestcraft in his soul, had to buy corn for his old friend.

Father Walsh had brought Brennan and his rolls of fabricated returns, in bulk like a monstrous indictment, to court, with the hope of again using his person against the Home Mission. He forgot that the man and his papers were alike exposed; and Michael Butler had to do the work quietly again. "He is cut off, Sir," said Michael, "and is with the priests now"-and we heard no more of Brennan.

The trial proceeded on the assumption that M'Loughlin was a Roman Catholic at the period of the curse, and the issue (the issue is a verdict of damages for seventy pounds against the priest, and "sixpence costs"-a technical phrase in Irish law, and an absurd onewhich means "all the costs") is in the highest degree important to the interests of the Roman Catholic. It will stand between them

[blocks in formation]

"We have been at some pains to ascertain the composition of the Carrickfergus jury, and we find that it was composed of four Episcopalians, four Presbyterians, and four Unitarians. One or two Roman Catholics were called to try the case, but did not answer to their names. It is well known that, in the county of Antrim, comparatively few persons of that communion are qualified to serve on a record jury; and when it is remembered that the Unitarians as a body are the determined foes of the Assembly's Home Mission, as well as the political allies of the Roman Catholics, it must be apparent that Priest Walsh appeared before a more favourable tribunal than he could have expected in the north of Ireland. Had not the case been very plain, a jury so fairly constituted would not have consented to a verdict against his Reverence."-Banner.



[THE following we extract from the "Record" Newspaper. We have made enquiries of the parties entrusted with the case upon our side, and find the statements contained in the

extract are substantially correct. Some remarks of our own we append, but first let our readers peruse the simple facts of the case, which are as follows, as given in the "Record."]:

It is very generally known to our readers that amongst the charitable foundations usurped by the Socinians, the valuable library and rich endowents of Dr. Williams stood pre-eminent. After the decision of the Court of Chancery in regard to Lady Hewley's charity had been confirmed by the House of Lords-and every tribunal before which the cause had been carried, up to the court of last appeal, had with one voice, pronounced against the Socinian usurpation-after it was thus established that the manifest wrong done by the usurpers could not be tolerated by any jurisdiction in which equity is administered, it was resolved by certain charitable and public-spirited individuals, that Dr. Williams's endowments should not be left in the hands of men holding religious sentiments diametrically opposed to those of

the pious founder.

The Whigs were too weak to attempt such an outrage on the established laws of the land, when confronted by a Conservative opposition, willing to avail themselves of the religious feelings of the nation in their desire to vanquish their opponents. But the Whigs retired, and, strange to tell, the cause of the Socinians, which had been bequeathed, as a legacy, by Lord Holland to his immediate partisans, was espoused by Sir Robert Peel!

At first this could hardly be credited, and yet in 1843 it became too evident that the Right Hon. Baronet was negociating

with those to whom it might have been the Socinian body, once more has he now
supposed he was, on every principle of earned a new reward from the Trustees of
politics and religion, decidedly opposed. Dr. Williams's Library. But what are we to
It is known, however, that while Sir think of trustees who, holding Socinian
Frederick Pollock, the present Lord Chief opinions, can think it right and honourable
Baron, was his Attorney-General, there was to retain and administer a trust intended only
a considerable obstacle in the way of any for those who rightly believed concerning the
Act for quieting the Socinians in the Godhead of our blessed Saviour? What
possession of their ill-gotten endowments. are we to think of men who can adopt the
That obstacle was removed by the death of Assembly's Catechism to serve a purpose, and
Lord Abinger, and the promotion of Sir shape their course so as to keep out of sight,
William Follett to the vacant Attorney-as far as possible, evidence that they are
Generalship. But while Sir Frederick Pollock not the parties to administer the Charity?
was Attorney-General, he gave his official Is this deemed fair, upright, conscientious,
sanction to a bill filed against the trustees or worthy of honourable men? Upon the
of Dr. Williams's Library. On hearing principles they seem to have adopted,
of this act of his Attorney-General, Sir Dwarkanauth Tagore, or any other Hindoo or
Robert Peel is known to have expressed his Mahomedan, provided they will use the
mortification and chagrin; but Sir Frederick Assembly's Catechism, as a matter of form,
Pollock had only discharged his duty. That may be the trustee of Dr. Williams's Library,
distinguished individual, probably, little and obtain the countenance of Her Majesty's
anticipated the course that would be Attorney-General.
adopted by his immediate successors in office.

First of all, Sir William Follett himself,

nearly allied to the Socinian party by
family connexion, lent them the aid of all
his talents and influence. In close and
constant communication with Mr. Edwin
Field, of Bedford Row, the able and
indefatigable solicitor for the Socinians, the
Endowment Bill was framed, altered, and
amended, until it became the law of the
land. But something more has been done
within the last few weeks. The legal
proceedings intended to rescue Dr. Williams's
Library and endowments from the hands
of Socinians have been quashed by Sir F.
Thesiger by the strong and unusual step
of withdrawing his sanction to the suit as
Attorney-General. Such a step as this
displays an animus on the part of Sir Robert
Peel, which we deeply regret.

In all such cases the name of the Attorney
General is usually conceded as a matter of
form, and it is left to the Court to do justice
in the case.
But, in the present instance,
although a man of Sir Frederick Pollock's
weight and character had lent his sanction,
Sir Frederick Thesiger takes it upon him
to withdraw that sanction!


We understand that the course pursued was this:-The Attorney-General summoned to his chambers the counsel and solicitors for the relators in the suit, and in their presence, and that of the indefatigable Mr. Field, the solicitor for the Socinian defendants, stated that as the Trustees for Dr. Williams's library had of late years conformed to all the wishes of their founder, even to the extent of using the Assembly's Catechism and other orthodox works, he no ground for disturbing them in their trust, as nothing more could be required of trustees than well to administer their trust; but, granting that the trustees could be removed on the ground of their personal religious opinions, the trust would then be exposed to the same contest as had taken place in regard to Lady Hewley's-namely, as to which or how many of the different sects should be entitled to the custody of the library and the distribution of the funds. He, therefore, deemed it expedient to avoid litigation and loss to the Charity, to decree that his sanction as Attorney-General should be withdrawn from the suit, all costs on both sides being paid out of the funds of the Charity, up to the period when the suit should be thus prematurely terminated.

This is a new triumph for Mr. Field and his clients. If, for his exertions in obtaining the Socinian Endowment Act, he was thought to have merited a splendid testimonial from

[Our readers are aware that Dr. Daniel Williams was a wealthy, pious, and distinguished English Presbyterian Minister. He lived after Socinianism had began to shed its withering blight over the English Presbyterian Church, and exerted his distinguished talents and great influence to crush that soul-destroying heresy, and expel all who held it from the Church of which he was a minister and an ornament. At his death he left his library in Red Cross-street, the best Nonconformist library in England, so rich in books and manuscripts, and which now might be made so invaluable to our College. He left also exhibitions in perpetuity to send several students annually to Glasgow College, which also might now so usefully be employed to train young men for our ministry. And further, he bequeathed a considerable sum to be expended annually in disseminating the gospel at home and abroad. All these properties, however, have been seized hold of by Socinians. These parties employ the funds thus placed in their hands in supporting a cause which the donor deemed subversive of that Christian faith he so ardently loved and made such sacrifices and efforts to propagate.

We have read the Attorney General's reasons for the most unusual step he has taken, and we must say more flimsy attempts at assigning reasons for a predetermined act we never witnessed. He does not deny that Dr. Williams was a Trinitarian, and that he consequently held views diametrically at variance with those who claim to act as his trustees. He does not pretend that the Williams' Charity is affected by the Chapels' Bill grammatically construed. In short, he does not enter into the merits of the case at all, but on the ground or pretended ground of reasons (most of them alluded to in the “Record”) which cannot stand one moment's

investigation, he takes the very unusual step
of preventing the case from ever being
tried. There is, however, one consolation.
Thesiger is not immortal, and his successor
be a man of more orthodox faith.
We are glad to inform our readers that the
Hewley Charity is expected soon to come to
a hearing, we need hardly gay with what


success. We have just one remark to offer on this subject. Should those Independents who have raised the present question continue their opposition longer, it may become a farther question whether we ought not to open the whole case anew for the purpose of depriving the Independents of any part of the Charity. We are firmly persuaded they have no right whatever to one single farthing of it, and think that could be very easily proved.]





similar movement in regard to Constantinople. | acquiring proficiency in the Italian and
They declined, therefore, to avail themselves Hebrew languages, and in availing himself
of the opening presented in Corfu and of such opportunities of usefulness as
the Committee rejoice that your Association intercourse with the Jewish inhabitants might
were thus almost shut up, by the Provi- afford him. Mr. Charters, too, alternately
dence of God, to undertake for itself this with Mr. Arnold, conducts divine worship in
"work of faith and labour of love." They the English tongue, in a chapel, the use of
hail it as a token for good, that the first which has been unanimously and cordially
independent effort which the English Pres- granted by the Government. The attendance,
in the missionary field, should be in behalf sons, is on the increase, and, among the Euro-
byterian Church has been called to put forth which varies from seventy to a hundred
of God's ancient Israel. May it not be pean residents, and especially the military,
regarded as an earnest and assurance, that there is a most encouraging field for Christian
this Church shall yet be permitted in large exertion. By intelligence which has reached
measure to realize the faithfulness of Jehovah your Committee during the current week, Mr.
to his word of promise,—“Blessed be he that Charters has opened a class for the instruction
blesseth thee."
of Jewish youths, another for soldiers of the
garrison, and a third for young men connected
with the civilians of the station, among all of
whom his labours are appreciated, and the
number of his pupils is on the advance. May
He who causeth the "earth to bring forth and
bud that it may give seed to the sower, and
bread to the eater," vouchsafe His blessing
on the "good seed of the kingdom." It
cannot be expected that, in so short a time
as has elapsed since the establishment of
your mission, and, indeed, almost before the
field of labour has been entered upon, the
Committee should be able to report any very
definite or marked results. They have reason,
however, to believe that, even in its very
infancy, the enterprise does give promise of
future blessing to the chosen race, while a door
of immediate usefulness among the European
residents, the civilians, the military, and their
children, has undoubtedly been opened. For
the behoof of their countrymen and their
little ones, your Committee have furnished to
Mr. Charters, on his request, 300 copies of
the Scottish Psalms and of the "Shorter
Catechism," and they have also aided in the
preparation of elementary Italian works for
the use of the native population. They
are, at present, on the outlook for a qualified
female teacher to whom they trust they shall
ere long be directed by the great Teacher
Himself, and whose appointment and
entrance upon the work in Corfu, are eagerly
desired by Mr. Charters and the other friends
of the Jewish population in that island.

No sooner, however, had the resolution
THE first Annual Meeting of this Society was been taken to establish a school for Jewesses,
held in the Marylebone Presbyterian Church and efforts been made to secure a qualified
on the evening of the 8th April. It was teacher, than a Christian lady, whom circum-
addressed by the Rev. Ridley Herschell, Rev. stances had deeply interested in the spiritual
Horatius Bonar, of Kelso, J. Nisbet, Esq., welfare of the population of Corfu, suggested
Dr. Alex. Stewart. The Rev. W. Chalmers the appointment of a missionary, and, with
read the annexed Report, which was adopted, distinguished liberality, engaged to contribute
and ordered to be printed. We could have towards his maintenance the sum of 100%.
wished that the attendance, both of the for three successive years. And accordingly,
office-bearers and members of the different your Committee, by the good hand of their
Presbyterian churches in London, had been God upon them, were placed in circumstances
larger. The particular evening selected for to determine on sending out, not merely a
the Meeting, it seeems, interfered with pre-qualified female teacher, but also a missionary
vious congregational arrangements. We sub-
mit, however, that once a year, at least, these
ought, if necessary, to be made subordinate
to the only missionary enterprise in which
the English Presbyterian Church has hitherto
been enabled to engage.

The Committee of the Ladies' Association in aid of the Missions of the English Presbyterian Church, in presenting to the Society their first Annual Report, desire to express their fervent gratitude to the Most High, for the tokens of his favour which they have hitherto enjoyed, and for the encouraging circumstances in which your infant Association now finds itself placed.

Originally instituted in aid of the Schemes of the Free Church of Scotland, your Society has been led, in the Providence of God, to assume an independent position, to enter for itself upon a separate missionary enterprise, and, as its name indicates, to embrace a wider range of objects than was at one time contemplated.

A visit paid to the island of Corfu, in the summer of 1844, by the Rev. Robert W. Stewart, then Secretary of the London Board of Missions of the Free Church, and the account given by him of the condition of its Jewish population, first directed the attention of your Committee to that particular field of


The Jewish population of Corfu is about -3,000 souls, while the only means of Christian instruction was found to be one female school for young Greeks, maintained by the American Baptist Mission. Into this school a limited number of Jewish females were admitted; but the bitter enmity unhappily subsisting between the Greek and Jewish population in that island appeared to -render the establishment of a separate school for Jewesses extremely desirable, while their great anxiety to receive instruction encouraged the belief, that such a measure would, with the blessing of God, be followed by the happiest results.

A proposal was accordingly made to the Ladies' Association in Edinburgh for the establishment of such a school, your Society engaging to bear its part in meeting the necessary expenditure. The Edinburgh ladies, however, had, in the meantime, resolved on


to the adult population, as soon as suitable
parties could be procured.

To the latter, a missionary, they were
speedily directed, in the person of a licentiate
of the Free Church of Scotland, the Rev. W.
Charters, a correspondence with whom issued
in his placing himself at the disposal of your
Committee. Having passed through the
ordinary examination by the Presbytery of
London, Mr. Charters was, on the 29th of
July, 1845, solemnly ordained to the office of
the holy ministry, in the National Scotch
Church, Regent-square, on which occasion
several members of the Presbytery took part
in the services, and much interest was excited
on behalf of your cause.

The Rev. Mr. Charters, along with his wife, sailed for Corfu on the 12th of August last, followed by the best wishes and fervent prayers of your Committee and friends. After a somewhat tedious, though a prosperous voyage, on the 21st of September, he arrived, in perfect health and safety, at the island of his destination, where a most cordial and gratifying welcome was given to him and his partner, by Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, of the American Baptist Mission to the Greeks, and by Mrs. Dickson, teacher of the female school in connexion with the same Trans-Atlantic Society. To these Christian friends, whose labours in Corfu they have reason to believe have been much blessed of God, your Committee rejoice in this opportunity of tendering the grateful thanks of your Society, for the kindness and hospitality shown by them to Mr. and Mrs. Charters. And they would express the fervent hope, and lift up the earnest prayer, that both these missionaries, though differing in belief regarding the administration of a Christian ordinance, may still be one in zeal, in devotedness, and in brotherly affection; and, though occupying distinct fields of labour, among the Jews and Greeks respectively, yet cooperating with cordiality in every good work, may be honoured with abundant success by that divine Saviour, in whom "there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision," but who is "all and in all." Since the date of his arrival at Corfu, Mr. Charters has been chiefly employed in preparing himself for his missionary work, by

Your Committee have to return their best thanks to their friends for the exertions already made in support of this branch of the missions of the English Presbyterian Church. Their expenditure during the period of their labours has amounted to the the sum of 2381., while their receipts have been 2601., leaving a balance in hand of 224 Having however the prospect of sending out in the course of the next few months another labourer, and of equipping the female teacher and school, they have no doubt that all who have already taken an interest in this movement will feel the necessity of increasing their exertions. And they invite their friends to aid them in preparing and forwarding to Mr. Charters, a box of articles of needle and fancy work, such as may be sold in Corfu for behalf of the projected schools, at once to meet the expenses of its establishment, and to attract the attention both of the natives and of the European residents.

Your Committee need hardly remind their brethren and sisters, that the reasons for faithful and zealous efforts in the cause of Israel remain in full force, nay, become stronger every hour. Unbelieving Jews are rejecters of the only "name given under heaven and among men whereby we can be saved." Their condition, therefore, is infinitely perilous. In this respect they occupy the same melancholy position with the heathen

world; and hence there is an urgent call to send to them that Gospel which is "the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." But they have claims on Christian sympathy and effort that are peculiarly their own. "Salvation is of the Jews." The Messiah himself, "the Lord our Righteousness," was of the seed of Abraham. It was that race, too, which furnished the apostolic men, through whose faithful labours we who were "afar off have been brought nigh." The fall of them has proved the riches of the world, and "the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles." The debt, therefore, under which we lie to the Jews can never be cancelled, so long as we enjoy "the root and fatness of the olive tree." God forbid that there should be indifference to the condition of the scattered, and peeled, and dead, but, still, the natural branches! By every obligation, then, of gratitude for benefits received,-of sympathy for fallen greatness,—and of benevolent regard for their future welfare; by the tears and sorrows of him who wept over the Jewish people, saying, "How often would I have gathered thee!" as well as by his last command to "preach the Gospel to every creature," your Committee would urge their brethren and sisters to aid them in sustaining the hands of their missionary, while beseeching

the Jews of Corfu, in Christ's stead, to be while communicating saving truth to some of those very Jewish children, in regard to whom, when he was on earth, the Saviour said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

reconciled unto God, and of their teacher,

The list of subscribers will appear in our



THE Rev. T. S. Guyer, as a minister of the Gospel, laboured faithfully in this town for more than twenty-eight years. About twelve years since the late Mrs. Guyer choose Binstead as the place of interment for an infant daughter that died, and she was buried there. About four years since another daughter died; she was twelve years old. She was buried by the present minister at Binstead without objection. Accordingly, Mr. Guyer long since fixed on Binstead as the place where he and his family should be buried. Those who attended his ministry know that he has often spoken most touchingly of the spot where the babe and the daughter rest, expecting his dust would mingle with theirs. A few days before he died, he "gave commandment concerning his bones," and requested to be buried at Binstead. Arrangements were made accordingly, and notice was given to that effect on Sabbath last. On Monday the undertaker, who is the deacon of the Independent Church at Ryde, applied to Mr. Hewett, the Rector, in the usual way, for leave of interment, but was refused; he assigned as the reason that the late Mr. Guyer was a Dissenting minister, and that he had preached against the Church of England; assuring the applicant that no consideration (for many were urged) would induce him to alter his decision; that, if the family wished, he would raise no obstacle to their moving the ashes of the children, to facilitate which the Reverend gentleman offered to forego his fees. At the request of the widow and family it was then arranged that the remains of the beloved minister should be interred in a vault to be prepared in the chapel where he had so long laboured. On Friday the remains of the

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Reverend gentleman, amid a vast concourse | tuitously thus to interfere to heap indignities
of spectators, were borne to their resting- on the dead, and lacerate the affections of the
place, and deposited in a vault prepared for living, is an outrage so gross and wanton that
them at the foot of the pulpit of which for
twenty-eight years he had been the orna-
we cannot find words sufficiently strong to
ment. A deep feeling of regret pervades the express our abhorrence of it.-ED.]
whole town, and more especially among the
members of the Established Church, that
such an uncalled for attempt to taint the me-
mory of such a man as the deceased should
emanate from a minister of the Church of
England.-Hampshire Independent.-A Cor- ON Thursday, the 16th ult., the Presbytery
respondent of the Patriot remarks:-"The of London inducted Mr. M'Lymont, formerly
sensation produced throughout the whole of Birdhope Craig, Northumberland, into the
island, in consequence of the abominable in-pastoral charge of the church and congrega
tolerance displayed by the Rev. Philip Hewett, tion of Hampstead. The Rev. Josias Wilson
is beyond what I can describe. The funeral preached in his usual spirit-stirring and elo-
solemnities were of an overwhelming cha- quent strain; the Rev. Wm. Nicolson
racter, and never have I witnessed such deep delivered a clear and convincing address on
and universal sorrow as was manifested on the principles of Presbytery; and the Rev.
that occasion. Mr. Binney's allusion to the Professor Lorimer delivered a deeply solemn
feelings of David towards Jonathan (2 Sam. and affecting charge to pastor and people.
i. 26), and the 'twenty years' uninterrupted On the Sabbath following, Professor Lorimer
friendship between himself and the dear de- introduced Mr. M'Lymont to the people of
ceased minister, was peculiarly affecting. his charge. To Professor Lorimer the oc
Three clergymen and fifty-nine of the most casion was one of high satisfaction. He took
influential churchmen in Ryde signed the charge of the congregation from its very for-
letter of condolence to the widow and mation; laboured gratuitously, zealously, and
successfully, and now he sees them constituted
into full Church order. The spirit, zeal, and
energy displayed by the congregation through-
out have been most praiseworthy, and we trust
that God will smile on their undertaking. It
affords us no small satisfaction to learn that
the congregation of Birdhope Craig are about
to give a call to another minister, one worthy
of their choice, who will follow out in
doctrine and in life, the example of their late

[Did our readers ever witness the consecration of a church-yard, and if so, what did they think of the ceremonial? Whether did it partake most of the pious or the superstitious, of the scriptural or the Popish? We have, however, no objection whatever to the Church of England's performing any ceremonies she pleases over or in ecclesiastical edifices or sepulchral yards. But we have a most decided objection to allowing any of her forms and ceremonies to outrage human nature, to lacerate domestic feelings, and stir up

feuds and animosities in every parish in the kingdom. Is not the parish church-yard the common property of all the families in the parish?

And does a mere life render a

stranger, and it may be a hireling who is
fishing for a richer living, a right to declare
that families shall not be gathered to their
fathers in the property they had themselves
bought? The whole thing is so monstrous, it
so outrages every feeling of our common
nature, that the worst enemy of the Church
of England cannot but wish that such scenes
should become common, because they will do
more to pull her down than 400 volumes of
controversy. Why the very Indian will
resist every temptation to settle in distant
lands that he may linger near the ashes of his
fathers, and at last lay his head in the grave
of his ancestors. But the Church of England
says, that because of some ceremonies per-
formed by a prelate walking through the
ground, husband may be separated from wife,
and children from parents. Well then we say,
let the ceremony be prevented by Act of Par-
liament. Had the curate been asked to read
the funeral service, we could imagine some
ground of objection-although even hen the
man who can read the service over the body
of every Atheist and profligate in the parish,
we should fancy had little ground for consci-
entious objections to perform the same cere-
monial over the corpse of a pious Dissenting
minister: but when he was not required to
take any part whatever in the obsequies, gra


ON Friday, the 10th ult., the Presbytery of
London inducted the Rev. Wm. Cousin, for-
merly of the Free Church, Dunse, into the
pastoral charge of the church and congrega-
tion at Chelsea. The Rev. James Hamilton
preached in his usual style of eloquence and
impressiveness. The Rev. Professor Campbell
expounded the principles of Presbyterianism
in an address which will be found in another
page; and the Rev. William Chalmers de-
livered a solemn and judicious charge to the
minister and congregation. The audience
was large, and among them we noticed the
Marquis of Breadalbane, Lady Hope, and
many other titled personages. The Rev. Mr.
Shepherd, the former much-respected pas-
tor of this charge commenced the services
with prayer and praise, and delivered a short
but deeply affecting address, recalling to re-
collection his thirty years' connexion with
that congregation, and the feelings of com-
bined sadness and joy with which he resigned
the charge into the hands of his younger
brother. The congregation were deely
affected during this address, many of them to
tears. Mr. Cousin commences his labours in
this place with bright hopes, which may God
realize. The Rev. Horatius Bonar, of Kelso,
preached on the Sabbath following and in-
troduced Mr. Cousin. The Church at Chel-
sea was recently purchased for the London
Presbytery, and no sooner has it been provi-
ded with a minister than a church in another
part of the city is offered to the same body.
We heard a person remark that the Presby-
tery ought to institute a Church Buying, as
well as a Church Building Society, and if we
only had ministers of the right sort, we could
easily fill as many churches as could be bought
or built.

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