wealth, it may be considered the largest collection ever made in the Free Church, and gives evidence of the value the people have been taught to set on a faithfully preached Gospel, and of their faithful adherence to Free Church principles. The church is built near Tayvallich, on a site granted by the Hon. | Colonel Elphinstone, is capable of accommodating a congregation of 1,100, and is now free of debt. We understand that the people of North Knapdale, not being in a situation to give a call to a minister, feel deeply sensible of the very great obligations they are under to the congregation of the Rev. Mr. M'Bride in Rothesay, in allowing Mr. M'Bride to labour so frequently in the districts of North and South Knapdale, where his labours have been eminently blessed in producing a general awakening among the people, which appears, under the blessing of God, to lead to convictions and conversion of souls from the power and dominion of sin to the light and influence of the Gospel. [In the above notice which we extract from livered by Dr. Brown and Messrs. Armstrong The benefits to be derived from having such BAZAAR AT MARYPORT. A BAZAAR for the sale of ladies' work was a Free Church paper, it is said that the col-opened in Maryport on the 18th ult. The POPISH SUPERSTITION. AT the Roman Catholic Cathedral in this city, on the 23d inst., the solemn translation took place of the relics of Saint Sotique, brought out some time since from Rome, the great mart of such spiritual wares. An immense crowd assembled to witness the ceremony. What this new saint was, the Melanges does not say, but "the precious remains of this martyr enclosed in glass bottles and encased in a wax effigy of the saint of "astonishing perfection," is now deposited on an altar for the "veneration of believers." On the 20th inst., two Jesuit missionaries left for Red River, to form a settlement there. This will be the fourth establishment formed in British America since 1841. Two young women, novices, and a servant woman, proceed in the same canoe to join the nuns who last year established a nunnery in that distant region.-Montreal Paper. success. friends in other quarters, will be sufficient to SABBATH SCHOOL IN CONNEXION Manchester, April, 1846. PRESBYTERIES' PROCEEDINGS. PRESBYTERY OF LONDON. THIS Presbytery met, by appointment, at Professor Campbell gave notice of an overture to the Synod on the subject of the designation which our Church, at present, bears, and the propriety of changing it to the "Presbyterian Church of England." At the request of the congregation of the Ranelagh Presbyterian Church, the induction of Mr. Cousin was put off till Friday, the 10th of April next, at twelve o'clock noon. the answers that were returned by the as the different matters involved required on The Presbytery met accordingly at 16, Exeter Hall, on the 24th of March. The Rev. William Nicolson, Moderator, in the Chair. Ox Sabbath evening, the 5th of April, the Annual Examination of the Sabbath School in connexion with the Scotch Church, St. Peter'ssquare, took place in the presence of the Rev. Mr. Munro, and an audience of Professor Lorimer read the Report of the upwards of two hundred of the congregation, Committee appointed at last meeting, to composed, for the most part, of the children consider the answers of the students, and school. attending this excellent and well-conducted other relative matters. The Report was unanimously approved of, and the clerk was instructed to transmit a copy of it to the ensuing meeting of Synod. Before the examination commenced, the Superintendent, Mr. George F. Barbour, explained shortly the course of lessons which had engaged the attention of the elder classes during the past twelve months, and shewed the connexion between the lessons of the and various quarters. Seven separate sections, After the examination was concluded, It is but seldom that such an interesting spectacle presents itself as that afforded to the St. Peter's-square congregation on the evening in question, and it will perhaps afford some encouragement to those of our friends who are engaged in this work, to persevere in their labours of love. Professor Campbell read a set of regula tions in reference to the qualifications, that should in future be required before applicants are admitted as students to our theological College. It was agreed that they should lie on the table till next ordinary meeting. The Committee appointed last year to superintend the studies of the students during the summer, was re-appointed with former instructions, and requested to report again to the Presbytery at their convenience. Agreeably to notice formerly given, Professor Campbell moved that the following overture be transmitted to the Synod, viz. "Whereas it is of importance that this Church shall assume a designation sufficiently descriptive, yet withal so simple that all may easily understand and bear it in remembrance. And whereas the present designation is wanting in descriptiveness, and is consequently liable to be mistaken or forgotten: It is therefore humbly overtured to the very Reverend the Synod of the_Presbyterian Church in England, by the Presbytery of London, to pass an Act declaring that the designation of this Church shall for the future be "The Presbyterian Church of England.". Which Motion having heen seconded, it was unanimously agreed to transmit the said overture. The Presbytery appointed a Committee to meet with the students at 16, Exeter Hall, on Monday next, at six o'clock, p.m., to exhort, counsel, and encourage them in the prosecution of their studies during the summer. The Presbytery met again, by appointment, at the Presbyterian Church, Edward-street, Wardour-street, on the 2d of April, for the ordination of Mr. Macaulay and other business. The edict for the Ordination of Mr. Macaulay was produced, duly executed, and endorsed. Intimation was then given to the congregation assembled that the Presbytery were met with a view to the ordination of Mr. Macaulay. And that, if any one or more of them had any objection to offer against the life or doctrine of the said Mr. Macaulay, they should forthwith repair to the vestry where the Presbytery were sitting, and declare the same. No objections were offered. Whereupon the Presbytery proceeded to the church, and, after praise and prayer, the Rev. W. M. Thompson preached from Matthew x. 32. The Rev. Josias Wilson expounded the principles Presbytery. The Rev. James Hamilton, after having intimated that all the preliminary steps had been regularly gone through, put the usual questions to Mr. Macaulay; and having received satisfactory answers to the same, he proceeded with the rest of the brethren to the solemn work of setting apart the said Mr. James Macaulay, by prayer, and the imposition of hands to the office of the holy ministry, and the pastoral charge of the congregation at Edward-street, Wardour street. of Mr. Macaulay then received the right hand of fellowship from the brethren present. Thereafter, Mr. Fisher gave the charges to the minister and people respectively, And after Mr. Macaulay had judicially signed the formula, his name was ordered to be added to the roll. In accordance with the prayer of a Petition from the Kirk Session of the Presbyterian Church at Birmingham, the Presbytery fixed Thursday, the 16th of April for the moderation of a call from that congregation in favour of a pastor. Mr. Lewis, of Dudley, to preach and preside. The Presbytery met again by appointment, at the Ranelagh Presbyterian Church on the 10th of April, for the induction of the Rev. Mr. Cousin, and for other business. The church was very well filled. The solemn services on the occasion, were very appropriately conducted by Mr. Hamilton, who preached in his own striking and graphic style. Professor Campbell, who gave a clear and able exposition of the principles of Presbytery, and Mr. Chalmers, who put the usual questions, inducted Mr. Cousin by prayer, and delivered impressive addresses to the minister and people respectively. Mr. Cousin will be introduced to his people on Sabbath the first, by Mr. Bonar, of Kelso. Mr. Bryson has accepted the call which he has received from the Presbyterian congregation at Wolverhampton. The Presbytery held its ordinary monthly meeting at 16, Exeter Hall, on the 14th of April. The Rev. Wm. Nicolson, Moderator, in the chair, Commissions were produced, read, and sustained in favour of the following ruling elders, viz., Mr. Mr. Hunter's call was referred simpliciter to the Synod. Mr. Lorimer gave in a verbal report from the Committee appointed to aid the congregation at Westminster, in their endeavours to obtain a more suitable place of worship. The Presbytery approved of the report, and re-appointed the Committee with former powers. The Rev. A. L. Gordon was appointed to dispense the communion at Westminster on an early day. The Presbytery then resumed consideration of Professor Campbell's regulations for the admission of Students to the Theological classes. After a few of them had been slightly altered, they were unanimously approved of, and the Clerk was instructed to transmit a copy to the Synod. transmit an On the Motion of Professor Campbell, the Presbytery agreed to overture to the Synod on the subject of the constitution and powers of the Commission of Synod. On the Motion of Mr. Wilson, the Presbytery agreed to transmit an overture on the subject of Presbyterial visitations. The Moderator reported that the Committee formerly appointed to meet with the students, to exhort, counsel, and encourage them in the prosecution of their studies during the summer, had discharged the important duty with which they were intrusted by the Presbytery. The Clerk produced and read a Memorial from Millwall, setting forth the distance at which the inhabitants are placed from the means of enjoying gospel privileges, and moral and religious education, and the prospect which they now have of getting a Day and Sabbath School established in the island. And, at the same time, craving that the Presbytery would be pleased to take the direction of the said school, and appoint to co-operate with the Memorialists, or to do otherwise, as they may deem best for the attainment of this object. a Committee On the Motion of Professor Campbell, it was unanimously agreed that the Presbytery deeply sympathize with the Memorialists, rejoice that there is such a prospect opening up for them, and appoint a Committee with full powers accordingly. The Presbytery adjourned to meet at 16, Exeter Hall, on the second Tuesday of May. The Presbytery met again, by appointment, at the Presbyterian Church, Hampstead, on April 16th, for the induction of the Rev. James McLymont to the pastoral charge of that congregation. The temporary place in which this interesting congregation have, for some time, been accustomed to meet, was crowded. The induction services were very appropriately and ably conducted by Messrs. Wilson, Nicolson, and Lorimer. The newly inducted Minister was cordially welcomed by his flock. And we trust that, by the blessing of the Great Head of the Church, he may prove to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 66 a workman that needeth not PRESBYTERY OF NORTHUMBERLAND, MARCH 25, 1846.. The which day the Presbytery met here by adjournment, and after a sermon by the Moderator, was duly constituted. Sederunt, Rev. Mr. Huie, Moderator, Dr. Hutchinson, Messrs. Anderson, Edwards, Gillespie, McMurray, Lennie, Thomson, Ministers, and the Clerk. The minutes of former meetings being read and approved of, Mr. Edwards was chosen Moderator, and Mr. Blythe re-elected Clerk. The Commission of Mr. Thomas Hall, ruling Elder for the Presbyterian Church, St. James's, Alnwick, was handed in, and sustained, whereupon Mr. Hall took his seat as a member of Court. Motion of which he formerly gave notice, Mr. McMurray brought forward the that this Presbytery recommend its several members to use congregations to have the ordinance of means to persuade their baptism, so far as practical, administered in the public congregation, to which the Presbytery agreed. An overture to the Synod anent the suffering brethren in the Canton de Vaud was brought forward by Mr. Thompson. An overture to the Synod anent the state of religion within the bounds thereof was brought forward by Mr. Huie. An overture to the Synod anent the augmentation of stipends Anderson, all of which being cordially brought forward by Mr. approved of, were appointed by the Presby tery to be transmitted to the Synod. was A petition was handed in from the Elders and Deacons of the congregation at Birdhope Craig, praying the Presbytery immediately on the demission of Mr. McLymont, to appoint one of their number to moderate in a call in favour of the Rev. K. Johnson to be their minister. The Presbytery appointed Mr. Huie to preach at Birdhope Craig, and declare the church vacant, so soon as the Clerk of Presbytery shall have been advised of Mr. McLymont's induction to the congregation at Hampstead, and also appoint Mr. Huie on same day at Birdhope Craig, immediately after divine service in the forenoon to moderate in a call in favour of the Rev. K. Johnson, or any other probationer or minister of this church who may then be proposed. Applications were made by the congregations at Blyth and Seaton Delavel to be permitted to connect themselves with the Presbytery of Presbytery of Newcastle, which were agreed to. The following collections had been made in behalf of the schemes of the church, by the different congregations :-Warrenford, for the College, 21. 10s., for Foreign Missions, 27. 10s.; St. James's, Alnwick, for the Home Mission, 37. 8s. 4d.; Framlington, for the Home Mission, 17., for the school scheme, 17. 15s.; Morpeth, for the Home Mission, 174.; Wooler, for the College, 67. 10s., for the Home Mission, 47.; Glanton, for the Home Mission, 4., for the College, 31.; Widdrington, for the Home Mission, 1, 11s. 2d.; Branton, for Foreign Missions, 67, 16s. 6d., for school scheme, 57. 6s. 7d. Mr. Thomson gave notice of a Motion at next meeting anent drinking customs at baptisms and funerals. exercises, and Conference on ministerial work Meeting of Presbytery for devotional to be held at Felton on the last Wednesday in June, at eleven o'clock, the Moderator to preach. Next half-yearly meeting to be held at Wooler, on the last Wednesday in September, at eleven o'clock. Mr. Thomson to preach. Sederunt closed with prayer. LONDON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EXTENSION SOCIETY. On the evening of Wednesday, March 11, the first Annual Meeting of the London Presbyterian Church Extension Society was held in the Lower Room, Exeter Hall. A few minutes past six, P. M. Stewart, Esq., M.P., accompanied by the gentlemen of the Committee and other friends, took the chair, and called upon the Rev. Joseph Fisher, of Southwark, to open the meeting with prayer.. The Chairman, after apologizing for the absence of Mr. Fox Maule, who, but for a public engagement of long standing, which he could not break, would have presided on that occasion, and for the necessity under which he himself was laid of soon retiring, owing to an engagement of considerable importance, stated briefly the object and claims of the Society, showing, by a reference to the appalling condition of Westminster, the absolute necessity of doing something towards meeting the evil. After expressing his conviction that the Society only required to be better known, in order to ensure for it the unanimous support of the Presbyterians in London, and that its claims would be ably set forth by his Reverend and other friends around him, called upon Dr. Stewart, one of the Secretaries, to read the Report, of which, as it is now in circuDr. S. read letters of apology from Thomas lation, we need not here give any abstract. Farmer, Esq., and George Hitchcock, Esq., the latter enclosing a cheque for 501. | amounting to 385, received their annual en- The utmost order and harmony prevailed The teachers and choir of the congregation, CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE MORPETH PRESBY- OF THE SYNOD AND HOME OBJECTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL 1846. SCHOOL PUND. Collection COLLEGE. Association ........................ Collection G. H. G. HOME MISSION. ........... ....................... 4 2 10 600 4 15 0 850 3 15 0 5 0 0 Association ..... Collection, &c. SYNOD FUND. FOREIGN MISSIONS. The Rev. William Nicolson moved, and THE young people attending the Sabbath the charms of fiction with all the force of History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth We have no intention of reviewing us the trouble, or rather prevents our having any pretext for indulging the pleasure. Our only object is to call attention to this edition. We have no desire to depreciate any of the very many translations that have appeared. But not one of them can pretend to rank with the present, if indeed this can be called a translation at all, and not rather, as at least some parts of it are, an original work. The been revised by the author. This is consewhole volume in its present English form has quently the only edition that can pretend to originality and genuineness. The first three volumes are immediately to appear translated under the eye and revised by the pen of the author, indeed the first price of these three volumes is so exceedingly volume has already appeared, and the second and third are immediately to follow. The low, only a few shillings each, that even those who possess another translation, cannot but possess themselves of the present. This we strongly recommend to all our readers, and it is what we have done ourselves. We have two reasons for thus acting and recomThe first we have mentioned mending. already, viz., the superior excellences of this edition. And our second is that this is the only edition from which D'Aubigné derives any pecuniary remuneration. D'Aubigné is far from being in independent circumstances. The emoluments derived from his office do not support him. We do therefore think the reading public of this country are bound to 10 15 0 | make him some return, and it would be only an act of bare justice that they should pay for the pleasure and profit they derive from his labours. Let such of our readers then as have any other edition, do as we have done, make a present of it to some friend, and 0 | purchase Oliver and Boyd's edition, and let such as have not yet obtained it forthwith purchase the same edition. 18 8 5 £58 16 3 ARTILLERY VERSUS INTELLIGENCE. Ir appears by a calculation founded on the expenses of the American Navy, that the average cost of each gun, carried over the ocean, for one year, amounts to about fifteen thousand dollars; a sum sufficient to sustain ten professors of Colleges, and equal to the salaries of all the judges of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts and the Governor combined. - True Grandeur of Nations, by Charles Sumner. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, CHESTER. ON Sabbath, the 5th of April, the Rev. Joseph R. Welsh, of the Canning-street Presbyterian Church, Liverpool, kindly officiated in the Mission Station lately opened in this city. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the attendance in the afternoon was highly encouraging, while the DONATIONS, COLLECTIONS FOR THE COLLEGE interest evinced in the services of the day SUBSCRIPTIONS, gave evidence of the kindly feeling entertained by many in Chester towards the cause of Presbyterianism revived in this ancient city. The quarterly collection made to assist in defraying the general expences of the station, amounted to 13-(Thirteen!) which, under the circumstances, affords cheering token of sympathy and good will. The associations of by-gone days connected with the scene of Matthew Henry's long ministerial labours impart a peculiar interest to this incipient effort to raise once more within these urban walls, the true banner of our Presbyterian Zion. While the Gospel of Christ is preached in simplicity and faithfulness, may the Spirit from on high give it marvellous effect! FUND. Amount already advertized .£1052 0 4 Synods' Schools.. 200 Agnes Knox, Newcastle-on-Tyne........ann. BELFORD, Presbyterian Church Association, by Wm. Berwick, Esq. ....... MORPETH (additional), Presbyterian Church NORTH SHIELDS (additional)- 1 .............. ann. Mr. George Hale ..............do. Rev. G. J. Duncan ............do. 0 5 0 0 5 0 ST. GEORGE'S, LIVERPOOL (additional)- ................do. Thomas Turner................do. Peter Nairne ........................................do. Robert Lang ..................do. R. Y. Manson..................do. 0 5 0 REV. J. R. WELSH'S CONGREGATION, LIVERPOOL (additional) A. C. Dunlop Rev. J. R. Welsh ..............do. 656 Contributions for benevolent and missionary purposes have been also made by the ladies of the congregation in needlework and materials for missionary boxes. WM. STEVENSON, Elder, and Treasurer of Missions. Butler's Sermons. Whitby on the Five Points. Baird's Dissertations. Grotius on War and Peace, 3 vols. Calcott's Thoughts, Moral and Divine. Plutarch's Lives, 5 vols. Ray's Discourses. Locke on Government. Locke on Education. Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws, 2 vols. 16 5 0 From C. J. STEWART, Esq., King William 13 9 1 £1098 7 11 Printed by ALEXANDER MACINTOSH, of No. 20, Great Newstreet, Fetter-lane, London, and published by JAMES MACINTOSH, of No. 47, Church-road, De Beauvoirsquare, in the parish of Hackney, at the Office, No. 16, Exeter Hall, Strand, London, by whom communications to the Editor (post-paid) and advertisements are received. Friday, May 1, 1846. Sold by HAMILTON, ADAMS, and Co., Paternoster-row; and JAMES NISBET and Co., 21, Berners-street. PRICE PER ANNUM. Stamped (to go post-free).... Four Shillings. Unstamped ....... ..... Three Shillings. Advertisements received not later than the 20th of each month. MEETING OF SYNOD. ib. 213 ACCORDING to the announcement made in last number, we now proceed to give as full an account of the proceedings of Synod as our space admits of. As we purpose to offer some remarks upon the various decisions of the court, as they occur in the course of procedure, it is not our intention in this place to enter into any detailed observations. It may be enough here to state, that this was one of the most important and gratifying meetings of Synod which has yet taken place. From all quarters we continue to receive cheering accounts of the favourable impression it produced. True, the business transacted may not have been of a character to excite general interest. There was, perhaps, nothing to arrest the attention of other denominations, or Occupy a prominent place in the future history of our own Church. But, as has been observed in the case of nations, it is equally true in regard to the Church-that the events and the seasons which figure least in history, may yet have been the most conducive to the prosperity of the body, and marked by the largest amount of internal improvements. It is not war or controversy, however successful, which most contribute to the advantage of a community, but peace, harmony, and brotherly love;—the silent progress of truth, the noiseless dissemination of religion, the rearing and improvement of social institutions, and the consolidation of the interests of the social system. The questions that occupied the attention of Synod, pertained entirely to its own economy and internal condition. It had to form no new relations, or to adjust disputes with other bodies. It is at peace with all the sister Churches-seeing no reason for interfering in their internal affairs, presenting no apology for their intermeddling in its own, and anxious to cultivate the most amicable relations with those Churches with which it has entered into friendly alliance. The subjects brought under deliberation related to our own affairs-the consolidation of our institutions, the extension of our interest, the improvement of our machinery, and the perfecting of all parts of our system. The attendance of members was larger than has yet assembled at a meeting of Synod, and we were specially gratified to witness the very large number of elders who, from all parts of the kingdom, abandoned for the time their personal business, in order to render their invaluable counsel and co Report to Synod of Presbyterian Church in England from Home Mission Committee..... Treasurer in Account with Home Mission Fund 215 217 operation to the conducting of the affairs of our Church. There is no part of our system we more highly prize, than the admission of the scriptural element of the ruling eldership into our counsels; and there is no one symptom of a sound condition of the body that we deem more cheering and more infallible, than their presence and their active co-operation. The spirit that pervaded the meetings was altogether such as became the character of the court. Not one word was spoken from beginning to end that could give personal offence. Nor did this arise from any lack of interest in the subjects under deliberation; the interest was lively throughout. But all the members had been baptized into the same spirit of brotherly love, and were so convinced of one another's soundness in principle, and were withal so actuated with one overmastering desire to forget self, and devote all their energies to promote the interests of their common mother-the Church-that those little manifestations of self-love, which frequently mar the harmony of popular assemblies, were entirely avoided; and from the opening to the close of its sessions, the Synod presented the pleasing spectacle of brethren dwelling together in unity and love. There was only one vote throughout the course of procedure, and even on that subject, which led to this division, we feel satisfied the minority will, on reflection, rejoice that they were outvoted. | Nothing could be more cheering to an enlightened Presbyterian, familiar with the history, and attached to the principles, of his own Church, than the stern determination to maintain all our distinguishing peculiarities which the Synod displayed. From nothing do we augur more hopefully for the prosperity of the Presbyterian Church in England, than its adherence, in all their integrity, to our time-honoured standards. Whatever be our failings, the world has given us credit for "dour obstinacy," in other words, unyielding pertinacity in adhering to and contending for our own principles and forms; and long may we deserve the character. There is nothing more destructive to a Church or an individual, than a trembling anxiety about not giving offence, a morbid sensitiveness to the remarks of others, a desire of conciliating by concessions, a wish to gain popularity by conformity to those that are without:-the Church that has recourse to such expedients to avoid censure or procure applause, will lose, and deserves to lose, the respect and attachment of old friends, and will never procure the esteem of new ones, at least of new ones worth conciliating. Vacillation in fact never can command respect. It is not in human nature to esteem a changling. The principles that sit so lightly upon ourselves we cannot commend to others. Our real strength in this country, under God, is the known orthodoxy of our standards, the disciplined organization of all our forces, the stability of our forms, and our historical character for a well-ordered government, a well-regulated authority, and though last not least, our love of our distinguishing rites and ordinances. We repeat it, nothing so gratified us in last meeting of Synod, as the hearty attachment on all hands displayed towards our own Presbyterianism in all its integrity So long as the Presbyterian Church in England is enabled, by the grace of God, to persevere in this course, her success is certain. But let different counsels prevail, and her habitations will soon become desolate. The Synod has now done its duty, and done it nobly: it only remains that presbyteries, and sessions, and deacons courts, and committees, and associations, and all entrusted with the practical conduct of our affairs, do theirs. The Synod has acted nobly, but its measures will be of little use unless all will put their shoulder to the wheel; unless, to use another homely expression, all will bend themselves to the work, and give a strong pull, a long pull, and a pull altogether, and urge on with a steady pace, and with accelerated speed the chariot that bears the ark of the covenant. Let no time be lost. All the members had their hearts warmed in the fraternal intercourse of Synodical communion. Let the warmth be diffused, perpetuated, rendered operative, and let the experience of the year, in all departments of our affairs, evince that the Church has responded to the call of its supreme court. Our friends in Manchester have laid us all under special obligations. The admirable arrangements of the Committee for local preparations, the hospitality which made every member of Synod feel himself at home in the bosom of a family till then strangers, the generous liberality expended in ministering to the furtherance of our cause, the catholic sympathy at various seasons of our proceedings manifested by members of other Churches, and the hearty co-operation of all parties in contributing to promote the inter |