cases, as they shall be applied unto by them for | that effect. 4. The Commission are empowered to cognosce and finally to determine, as they shall see cause, in every matter referred to them, by any act or order of the Synod, and to do every thing contained in and conformable to the instructions given them by the Synod. "5. The Commission are to give special care that the interests of this Church shall not suffer or sustain any damage or prejudice which they can in any manner prevent, as they will be answerable; provided always that this clause be not extended to particular affairs or processes before Presbyteries, regarding which their counsel has 6. In the management of their business the Commission are enjoined to adhere to the forms and order of business observed in the Synod, in so far not by such Presbyteries been desired. as the difference in the constitution of the two Courts may permit. 7. The Commission, in all their acts and proceedings, are to regard themselves accountable to, and censurable by, the next Synod; and are, therefore, required to bring up their records for confirmation or otherwise, as the Synod may see cause. 8. The Commission are empowered to admit, or authorize Presbyteries to admit, Ministers or Probationers of other Churches, according to the rules of the Church; but are strictly inhibited, in this or any other matter, from violating or dispensing with any of the rules or laws of the Church. 9. It is a special instruction to the Commission to enquire into the condition of the schemes of the Church-the mode in which they are ations and omissions made upon the overture; "That this overture be sent down to Pres- manded by their sacred profession. These men There were two classes of your Ministers to which labourers in the vineyard, whose decaying powers your Committee felt their sympathies peculiarly drawn forth; these were aged men,-grey-headed were no longer adequate to the performance of the arduous duties of the ministry-such men the Committee have felt anxious to relieve, and in some cases they have been able to open up to them a door of withdrawal from active duty, leaving their functions to be performed by younger And it was further agreed that the overture labourers: and your Committee have met with be printed in the appendix to the abstract of another class of Ministers most deserving of symminutes, and the Clerk was instructed accord-pathy, who, finding themselves unable to subsist ingly. The Synod at the same time repealed on the pittance supplied by their Congregations, that part of the act of last year on the Com- of other duties, which have not merely divided have been compelled to engage in the performance mission of Synod, which required that the the attention, but also distracted the hearts of Commission should meet within three months of the rising of Synod; the other parts of that act still remaining in force. It being now four o'clock, the Synod adjourned till six o'clock in the evening. [The long intervals that occur between the meetings of Synod render it essential that some provision be made for disposing of such questions of general interest as, during such intervals, may arise, but which cannot be disposed of by Presbyteries. It was therefore felt that the Constitutional Court of Commission of Synod should not only be appointed, but should have its powers and its province accurately defined. The regulations as passed are for the present a law of the Church. Before they become permanent laws, however, men whose whole heart and attention are de- Deferring, however, a statement of the fruit of their labours to a subsequent stage of their Report, your Committee would give some more detailed account of the measures which they have em worked and managed-their receipts and disburse- it is necessary that the provisions of the Bar-ployed for carrying their objects into operation. ments and to do what in them lies to promote the efficiency of the same. And in order to this, the Committees appointed to superintend such schemes are enjoined to make interim reports to the annual meeting of Commission of their receipts and disbursements, and the general condition of such schemes. Presbyteries also are required to transmit to the Commission a report of the state of the Congregational Associations within their bounds, and to receive instructions from the Commission thereanent.' "Which motion having been seconded, the Presbytery unanimously agreed to transmit the said overture." [N.B. The regulations are printed here not as they were originally introduced to the Court, but as they were altered and finally passed by the Synod.] Professor CAMPBELL.-Moderator, the importance of this overture I think it would be difficult to exaggerate. Impressed though I have very strongly been with the conviction that such a measure is essential, I know not it that I should have undertaken to prepare it if some friends had not very urgently pressed upon me. The provisions of this measure are taken principally from the act of the Scottish Church in 1717, altered in a variety of particulars, so as to adapt them to our condition and circumstances. No general remarks can do justice to a series of regulations all so important, and some of them so minute. It would require that one should take each section and each clause and make it the basis of observations. Perhaps, therefore, the best plan would be that I should read the various sections seriatim, offering upon each such observations as occur to me; and then, after hearing the objections or remarks of my brethren, I may, perhaps, be allowed to offer some reply or explanation. I may, however, state that this measure was subjected to a very lengthened and critical examination, at two several meetings of the London Presbytery, before they agreed to transmit it to the Synod. If the house consents to the plan which I have ventured to suggest, perhaps I may be now allowed to read and support the first section. The plan suggested having been adopted, a very animated and lengthened debate, or rather conversation, ensued, which lasted for some hours, and in which almost every member in the court took part. Each section was discussed clause by clause, and various alter rier Act should be applied to them. The wis- Churches has been directed to the destitution In a certain measure the notice of the Sister of Presbyterian ordinances in this land, and to the means whereby the Synod is endeavouring to give increased efficiency to the Presbyterian Ministry, as well as to add to the number of its labourers in England. In the Supreme Judicatories of the Sister Churches, both in Scotland and Ireland, your deputations have not failed to represent your circumstances; and from both Churches they have received expressions of affecThe Synod reassembled at six o'clock, the tion and sympathy, betokening the readiness of Moderator presiding. EVENING SEDERUNT, APRIL 22. The Rev. Mr. Stuart, of Ballycarry, was requested by the Moderator to sit with the Court. your brethren to minister to the necessities of this Church and your Committee would strongly reputations to keep the circumstances and prospects commend that the Synod would instruct its de of the Synod's missionary schemes prominently Professor CAMPBELL read the minutes of before the attention of the brethren of other Churches, in order that the Synod may continue the last diet. and the benefit of their prayers. to enjoy the encouragement of their sympathy The MODERATOR called for the Home Mr. FERGUSSON, of Liverpool, read the fol- the Treasurer's accounts: REPORT TO THE SYNOD OF THE PRES- IN submitting a statement of their operations To consolidate and extend the interests of Pres- hopeful promise; but during the season now In so far as regards the supply of labourers, your Committee feel called upon to renew their testimony of gratitude to the Free Church of Scotland which, since last meeting of Synod, has parted with some of her tried Ministers to your Congregations, as well as to the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, for the invaluable labours which, by their Ministers and Licentiates, they have supplied to the Synod: and your Committee trust that England has only tasted the first-fruits of a benevolence to be yet exercised on a scale far more extended. Your Committee would wish to impress upon the Synod the necessity of not merely sustaining but of increasing the resources out of which the demands on the Home Mission Treasury are to be responded to. These claims are rapidly increasing, and to meet these, the resources must grow in proportion; and vigorous efforts must be employed, in order to secure a steadily increasing revenue. Your Committee have no doubt that the liberality of Scotland and of Ireland would not be appealed to in vain, were the Synod to send forth deputations to represent the Synod's necessities; but it must be borne in mind that Home efforts alone can insure permanent success. As long as the Church is dependent she can never do anything great: in the matter of ministers, the Church is for the present dependent upon foreign Churches, and she must continue so until the students now training in your own theological seminary are qualified for entering upon the work of the Lord. But while this Church cannot at once escape from its position of dependence on this head, let her at least show her desire to do her own work, by endeavouring to find within her own congregations the pecuniary resources which are required for conducting her operations. And your Committee are persuaded that, by so doing, the Church will gain confidence in her internal energies, and win the respect of the sister Churches, proving that she at least deserves to succeed in her endeavours to rouse English Presbyterianism from the ashes amid which it has lain so long dormant. Your Committee have, therefore, laboured specially at the arduous, and often thankless, task of awakening the Church to something like an idea of what it is in her own power to do; and there is nothing which the Committee have found more difficult, than to convince ministers and congregations that they are not the poorest and the most helpless congregations in the Church, already straining their strength to its very extreme effort, while perhaps they have given little symptom of vitality, beyond the infantile cry for nourishment. And where, again, some efforts have been used, it is next to impossible to convince pastors and people that all the stores have not been exhausted, while their whole contributions have been little more than the untoiled for gleanings of stray pieces of ore, left by the torrent on the mountain-side or in the stream's channel, while the vein beneath has never been pierced or reached at all. Your Committee have grounds of thankfulness for the progress that the Church has made, and for the efforts which her congregations have put forth during the last year. That the revenue of your Committee should have increased fourfold, is an encouraging symptom of the growing interest which the members of our Church are beginning to take in the Lord's work. Still there is deep reason for humiliation, because of the ignorance which yet prevails in the Church respecting the Christian graces of liberality and self-denial; much need have we all to learn the lesson of looking, not at our own things only, but at the things of others, and of feeling it to be a privilege as well as a duty to give to the Lord who has given us all. And not until the congregations of the Church are brought to abound in the frequency and in the amount of their gifts, can they expect much of the blessing upon themselves. when the cases from any one Presbytery are so nu- But your Committee take leave to observe, that The Committee are impressed with the absolute Your Committee have received with peculiar delight contributions from the Sabbath-Schools In order to awaken and cherish a spirit of more connected with several congregations. Your Comgeneral liberality, your Committee issued addresses, mittee long for additional manifestations of youth; diffused information, distributed circulars, and ful benevolence: apart altogether from the aid sent forth deputations to most of the presbyteries that is thus given to the funds, your Committee of the Church. The results are very marked know of no more promising feature in any congrealready; and, although yet far from being ade- gation, than the appearance of its youthful memquate to the wants or expectations of your Com-bers in the Missionary field; for, while such efforts mittee, they are such as to give promise of a are evidences of present vitality in individual congregations, they give promise of continued activity and zeal in the generation following. liberal harvest to the reapers of a future day. In order that the Synod should learn the financial results that have attended the labours of your Committee, they refer to the Treasurer's Report. In submitting the financial statement, your Committee feel assured that the Synod will survey, with gratitude to the Lord, the success which has attended the Committee's labours; but if the Church is to be instrumental in supplying Presbyterian ordinances to localities yet remaining destitute, there must be a greater extension of liberality exercised. It is true that certain congregations are likely to be soon selfsupporting, which have long been a burden on the funds; and it is also true that demands have during the bygone year been made which will not be repeated; but while this is so, there are new fields of operation opening up, calling for new and increased expenditure, and to meet this, there must be new and increased efforts, in order to put it in the power of your Committee to extend their labours. It ought to be remembered that your Committee's means are made available not merely by adding to them, but by sparing them; not merely by contributions to the treasury, but by limiting the solicitations for grants from the treasury. And your Committee would wish to observe different congregations and Presbyteries vying with each other, first, as to the amount of their contributions, provoking one another to liberality in the Lord's service; and second, as to the moderation of their de mands. And your Committee are persuaded, that poor congregations which, by a hard struggle have relieved the funds from all charge, often make greater efforts and sacrifices than the wealthy congregations, which, out of the abundant means of their members, have poured liberal gifts into the treasury; for while these congregations exhibit the laudable desire not to be burdensome to others, they, by the exercise of such self-denial, become positive benefactors of localities more helpless than their own. While treating of this subject, your Committee would wish to impress upon the Synod the desirableness of a scrupulous investigation, on the part of Presbyteries, of all cases recommended to the favourable attention of the Committee; and In connexion with these topics, the Committee would mention that the Treasurer of the Home Mission Fund, during the first six months of the year, only received 67. 16s. 10d.; but, since then, he feels truly grateful in recording the spirit of liberality which has been exhibited towards this important scheme. About 300l. was received as a response to the Treasurer's Circular, issued in October last, in order to meet the immediate exigencies of the case; £208 ls. 1d. was afterwards collected by 14s. has since been received, making £573 15s. 1d. Messrs. Murdoch and Anderson, in London; £65 in donations; £295 19s. 11d. has been received from Associations (which includes 361. of donations subscribed to Messrs. Murdoch and Anderson), and £469 0s. 9d. from collections, making the receipts, throughout the year, £1,302 15s. 9d. During the present year a considerable increase in the contributions from the Presbyteries of Cumberland, Northumberland, and Berwick-onTweed, may be looked for, as most of the nume rous vacancies in these Presbyteries have now been supplied with efficient ministers. The new congregations also, recently formed in the Presbyteries of London and Lancahsire, as they grow in strength and stability, may be expected to be able to extend their liberality. The payments by the Treasurer, throughout the year, in addition to a large amount raised by private contributions, more especially in the Presbyteries of London and Lancashire, for the support of new congregations, and stations which have not applied for assistance from the Funds, will be found in the annexed Statement: £. s. d. 110 15 5 185 0 0 Lancashire Northumberland 147 0 6 99 £605 12 5 Those on behalf of the Presbytery of Lancashire It is gratifying to be able to record the fact, that are greater than was anticipated at the comsixty-six congregrations have made collections, that mencement of the year; two of the stations on a collection is promised from another, and that, in the fund, Stafford and Crewe, having required a another instance, where the congregation is meetsuccession of supplies until lately that ministers ing in a hall, a collection has not been taken, from were appointed: and it is expected that the grant the temporary pressure of local circumstances, but to Bolton will be materially reduced, if not exa liberal response has been made through the As-punged, in the course of the present year. sociation. looked to from the Associations and Collections; It is pleasing to observe, that our Sabbath Some current claims remain undischarged, but these do not exceed 501. It is creditable to the Presbytery of Newcastleon-Tyne, that its congregations appear in general to be self-supporting. It must be kept in view, that the collection in behalf of the Home Mission has just been made, which will account for the considerable balance on hand, but no further funds can be calculated upon, except from Associations, for nearly a year. would allude to a subject that has occupied much Before closing their Report, your Committee of the attention of their Treasurer during the bygone season. For some time past he has been Stipend to each of the ministers of the maturing a plan for securing a minimum Annual Church, and it is expected that a draft of the proposed scheme shall be laid on the table before the The amount of contributions from each Presby-rising of the Synod. Should this scheme be tery is as follows:brought into operation, your Committee feel as Manchester. sured that its projector will require no other monument of his many benefactions to the interests of English Presbyterianism. In looking to the past, your Committee have much to deplore of declension as regards the Church, much want of efficiency as regards themselves;-in looking to the present, they have much ground for encouragement;--in looking to the future, there is much to stimulate and to hope for. Your Committee feel that a glorious career is opening upon the Church: there is a career of labour, but how can the servants of God be better employed than in such labour? a career of sacrifice, but how can men that love souls better expend their substance than in such a service? and there are prospects of glorious success, if the Church but exercise faith in the promises, and go forward in the strength of the Church's living Head. Let it, however, be remembered, that triumph is only achieved as the Church depends on an arm stronger than her own. Soon shall all labours prove but folly, soon shall all liberality appear no better than so much gold cast into the ocean,and soon shall expected success vanish like a dream of the night, if the Church engage not in her work with a single eye to the advancement of Christ's honour, and a simple reliance on His strength. Let not the brethren give effort alone, but consecrated effort; let them not give offerings alone, but let the offerings of their benevolence be sanctified by the spirit of prayer,-and to prayer let them add a patient waiting for the answer,-and oh, shall not all your toils, and all your prayers, and all your patience, be more than recompensed, even although your watchmen have had to go seven times to the mountain top, and to sigh, at each return," There is nothing," if, in the end, the little cloud be seen rising out of the sea no bigger than a man's hand,-telling of the coming shower of the Spirit, which will make the waste places of our Zion to blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing, when they shall see the glory of our Lord, and excellency of our God. In name of the Committee, D. FERGUSSON, Secretary. THE TREASURER IN ACCOUNT WITH £ s. d. 10 4 4 1302 15 9 £1313 0 1 £32 0 0 28 15 5 Presbytery of Lancashire. ... ... 40 0 20 0 0 Presbytery of Cumberland. ... ... 15 0 0 £475 11 11 energy and fraternal feeling that has been exhibited, I thank God for it; and I feel sure that in every other part of the country God is opening the ways of usefulness before us. In one part of the country, four years ago, this 40 00 subject of Presbyteries was little known; but now there is one of our most faithful, devoted, young servants of the Lord labouring there. When I tell you that the descendant of the sainted Matthew Henry, aspiring to apostolic fame, is now there, you will readily believe me when I tell you that our prospects are cheering. ... 10 0 0 0 36 Messrs. Foster and Gardner's Mr. COUSINS.-Moderator, permit me also to express the unmitigated delight that I feel this day at the Report which has been read. We owe a debt of thankfulness to God that at a time when there are so many things to draw away the attention of the English Presbyterians, who have been called upon in reference to other subjects, so much attention has been given to the immediate thing for which God has established his Church in the world. It is a blessed thing for us directly and immediately to begin and act upon man as a spiritual being. It is a blessed thing to direct one's attention to that which constitutes the very end for which Christ in ascending up on high hath given amongst us the ministry of reconciliation. A Church, if it will fulfil the end for which it is intended, must have a missionary spirit. We are every one of us much indebted to Mr. Fergusson for the admirable Report which he has made to us. The MODERATOR.-Mr. Barbour, Mr. FerManchester, 14th April, 1846. gusson, and Mr. Munro, I know not in what Mr. WILSON, of London.-Moderator, I terms I should give vent to the feelings that beg leave to move that the Report be received. are now in my bosom, especially to the feelI think that I need occupy very little of your ings which I entertain with respect to the time in moving its adoption; for without ut- Treasurer of this Mission, and likewise with tering a single word in advocacy of the adop- reference to him who presented to us that tion of such a Report, the style in which it is most eloquent, exemplary, and Christian Rewritten, the delightful and interesting state-port that last night we were permitted to hear. ments that it has put forward, commend it to the attention and cordial approbation of all those who have had the good fortune to hear it; and this permit me to say, that, without intending any disparagement to any document that has been brought before you, or any business that has been brought before you, I look upon this subject of the Home Mission as the most important that has yet been brought before us. I look upon it as one of the most important things that belong to the 110 15 5 Church of Christ. I have much pleasure in moving the adoption of the Report, and the appointment of the following Committee:Messrs. Hamilton, Wilson, Nicolson, A. Munro, Cowe, D. Fergusson, Welsh, White, 185 0 0 Gardner, Blackwood, Duncan, Dr. Paterson, J. Anderson, Murdoch, and Burns (Ministers); and Hamilton, Stevenson, Barbour, Parlane, Major Anderson, Waddell, Greig, 32 16 0 Burt, jun.. Lang, Adam, Dunlop, Hood, Lamb, Cowe, Alison, Ferguson, and Glover; Rev. Alexander Munro, Convener; Rev. D. Ferguson, Secretary; and Mr. Robert Barbour, Treasurer. MAJOR ANDERSON.--Moderator, agreeing in the Report that has been submitted to this Court, and participating in the feeling that has been raised by my reverend brother, I joyfully rise to second the adoption of that Report. I have long felt persuaded, Moderator, that the land of England is open to us: the Lord has opened it, and he calls upon us to take possession. One part of the Report spoke of new stations. When I look back a 147 06 few years ago, and think of the small number in the Church and Presbytery with which I was associated, and now when I look at the great increase that has taken place in the £475 11 11 number of faithful Ministers, and the spiritual | I think I shall best convey to Mr. Fergusson the thanks of the Synod, by expressing a fervent hope, that next year we shall be permitted to hear even greater encouragement than this year. With respect to Mr. Barbour, I feel that it is far beyond my power to say that which will adequately express our thoughts to him. I dare not commit myself so far as to bring forward the many circumstances that have come to my knowledge with respect to his services as connected with this important Institution. His name is known to us everywhere; it is known through the length and breadth of the land-his name is familiar to us all, from the hoary-headed Minister, who has for years laboured in the vineyard of the Lord,-it is familiar to us and also to the young children of our members, and I dare not trust myself with language sufficiently adequate to express the admiration which I have felt for him. I shall conclude by returning the thanks of the Synod to Mr. Barbour, Mr. Fergusson, and Mr. Munro, were he present, for the admirable manner in which they have discharged the duties of their office. (Applause.) The MODERATOR put the question, which was agreed to. DEPUTATION FROM THE FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. Professor CAMPBELL read the commission of the deputation from the Free Church, and then said-Moderator, I believe that as Convener of your deputation last year to the Free Church of Scotland, the honour falls to my share of introducing the deputation sent in return to this Church this year. In doing so I place considerable restraint upon my own feelings when I resolve at the outset that I shall say very little. The history of that Church, its struggles, its adherence to principles, its trials, and its success-its high rank, not only in Scotland, but among the Churches of the Reformation, are known everywhere; and leaves no person anything like an apology, especially in such a Church as this, for saying anything of their affairs. They have established for themselves a name and character of which it were vain for me to attempt to say anything. But permit me to say, with respect to the members whom the Free Church of Scotland has deputed to represent them here this year, I am bound to say that had she looked through all her muster roll of great and learned names she could not have found men better qualified to represent her, nor more highly and justly esteemed in this house, than the men I now have the honour to introduce to you-the one the soundest constitutionalist in all Scotland, the other (not to allude to himself or his learned father) the grandson of Sir Harry Moncrieff, to whom Scotland owes so much-viz., the Rev. Dr. Cunningham and the Rev. Henry Moncrieff. (Applause.) The Rev. William Cunningham, D.D., Professor of Theology and Ecclesiastical History in the New College, Edinburgh, and the Rev. Henry Moncrieff, A.M., Oxon., Minister of East Kilbride, Scotland, were then introduced. The Rev. Dr. CUNNINGHAM.-Moderator, it gives me great pleasure to attend this meeting of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in England; and in all its proceedings there has been much to gratify all who take an interest in its prosperity and welfare, and all who desire to see it grow in usefulness. I have been present in England at one of your previous meetings of Synod, but under different circumstances. I was the last time present as a deputation from the then Estabfished Church of Scotland in April, 1843, just one month before the disruption of the Church of Scotland. I found that there was considerable doubt, and misrepresentation, and alarm, as to what might be the result of the changes that were manifestly imminent. You were then not all of one mind. You looked as well as we to see what might be the result of the changes that were to take place. After that-in a short time after that the ecclesiastical establishment of Scotland was broken asunder; and in looking back upon those three years, both the Free Church of Scotland, and the Presbyterian Church in England, have abundant ground for thanking God for the provision which he has made for their support and usefulness, for all the means of usefulness which he has afforded, and for the measure (scanty as it is) in which he has allowed them to improve these opportunities. After many struggles the Free Church came out of the ecclesiastical establishment of Scotland; and the result has been such, that upon it we can look back with no small measure of thankfulness to God. Our ministers and people were called upon to make efforts not occurring every day, resting themselves more firmly upon the foundation which has been laid in Zion; and with this, it may be supposed, have been subject to a course of training and discipline that may be hoped to have stirred them up with zeal and energy in the work at which they are now labouring. We have been enabled to carry on all our missionary operations in Scotland with greater energy than ever before. That we have lost the countenance of the great body of the wealthy and powerful is quite true; but, notwithstanding this, we have set on foot several very large schemes for missionary operations both at home and abroad. Indeed, our schemes | opened. You have devoted yourselves to the are larger than ever they were before-much object of qualifying for the work of the larger than were set on foot by the old Church ministry the members of your own congrebefore the disruption. I cannot help, while wit- gations. This, my friends, was manifestly a nessing this result in Scotland, expressing an work of great importance, and indispensably equal satisfaction at the same results having necessary to carry out fully this great work. been accomplished by Presbyterianism in You were recognised as an independent and England; and we think that we have some distinct branch of the Church of Christ, over ground for asserting that your circumstances which none of the other portions of the were not so advantageous as ours in Scotland, Churches of Christ had any claim of jurisand that you have felt the consequences of dictional control. Such is the state of the the disruption as fully as we have done. God Presbyterian Church in England. It was, has blessed to you and he has blessed to us indeed, independent before, and the only the work that we have been doing; and, in point that produced any difficulty on the looking back on the last few years of Eng-question of your practical independence was land's history, the Presbyterian might say that you were still in a sense dependent,-dethat the proudest period of his life is to be pendent upon Scotland and Ireland for a dated from the age of our disruption. It supply of candidates for the work of the seems to be a new era in English Presby- ministry. This was a condition of things terianism. I do not say it was the commence- in which so numerous and so energetic a ment of it. I remember the valuable address body as the constituted Synod of the Presbywith which this meeting was opened. I know terian Church in England ought not to be you are an historical Church; for two hundred placed, and I rejoice to hear that you have years ago the Presbyterian Church was the provided for the work of training up men Established Church of England. This cir- for the work of the ministry, and that cumstance suggests many important reflec- you are determined to complete your theotions, and it produces encouragement for the logical faculty. It is surely possible that the labour in which you are engaged. It Presbyterian Churches in the United Kingdom affords us some salutary admonitions. While can be at more pains than they have been to Presbyterianism was in the ascendant the cultivate a kind of fraternal relationship with features of England were entirely changed; each other, and to consider more carefully and this is a branch of the history of English than they have done in what way the PresbyPresbyterianism upon which you have a right terian Churches of England, Scotland, and to look back with some complacency. When Ireland may do something in their peculiar you compare what you have been doing during spheres towards advancing the cause of Christ the last three years, and look back upon what and promoting their own interests. There is was done in the last century by the English not one of them that might not learn somePresbyterians, we must perceive that the dis- thing from the others, and might not on the ruption of the ecclesiastical establishment in other hand be the means of communicating Scotland was a sort of connecting link in some useful and valuable information; and, I the process, and has had a most beneficial think, we would do well if we adopted some effect on the English Presbyteries. You provision whereby we could do something are now cordially united. There is one better than the mere appointment of an service that the disruption has rendered to annual deputation. The business of a depuEngland. In virtue of the cause to which I tation is, after all, nothing more than a adverted the representatives of the Scotch mere formal annual ceremony. I think it Establishment are now almost wholly, with would be worth while considering whether one or two insignificant exceptions, entirely the three Courts of the three different Presswept away from the soil of England; and byterian Churches might not appoint a Comthe Scotch Establishment has scarcely any mittee of Correspondence to correspond upon representatives in the great Kingdom of any thing that might arise of interest to these England; and with your great zeal and bodies throughout the empire. I think that energy this result has been effected. I am this would tend to make the capabilities of aware that there are two or three ministers the Churches for doing good somewhat more and two or three congregations. I have extensively available than they are. There is nothing to say about them. They are not an advantage in ascertaining the views of men very numerous, and they are not very likely who are settled in different and distant points to become much more numerous than they of the nation. I can tell you nothing more are; and there is no reason to fear that than what is now well known, and with which, in anything like zeal and energy in pro- I dare say, most of the members of this Synod moting a Presbyterian spirit, and in promoting are not already familiar; there is, however, the interest of Christ's cause, will they be one matter rather interesting, not merely to enabled to enter into anything like formidable the Free Church of Scotland, but to Presbycompetition with the highly talented body terians all over the world; I mean the prowhich I have now the honour to address. posal that has recently been broached to build On this body, humanly speaking, rests the two churches, two manses, and two schools in burden and the prospect of doing anything Edinburgh as a monument to John Knox, on for promoting Presbyterianism in England. the spot where John Knox himself lived when This is a work which, in God's providence, he was there. We propose to erect two has been put into your hands. There is a churches in that part of Edinburgh where noble field before you; and delightful must they are much needed. We venture to believe, it be to the Church to see the spirit and zeal and it has been stated by those who may not with which you entered on the work. You concur in all our views, that John Knox's have attempted much; and your large plans house and corner have now fallen rightly and have showed that you are not insensible of conclusively to the right party (applause); the magnitude of the work and the difficulties that those who inherit the principles of John with which it may be attended. I think, that Knox and assist in carrying out the policy in virtue of what lies before you, that you are for which he suffered have now obtained a fully warranted in expecting much, and you right to the place in which he lived, and will wisely and judiciously lay your plans, not laboured, and died. It will, to a considerable with reference to what you now are, but with extent, be a Free Church in connexion with reference to what lies before you, and in the Free Church of Scotland. But we purwidening the door of usefulness that God has pose to have a splendid tower, which will be move That the Moderator be requested to return the cordial thanks of the Synod to the Members of the Deputation, and to express the gratification which their presence has imparted to all the members; appoint a Committee to draw up a fuller deliverance on the sentiments cherished by this Church to the sister Church in Scotland; and also to frame a measure by which a more frequent interchange of sentiments may be conducted between the two Churches.” Mr. FERGUSON.-Moderator, I recognise among the deputation an old friend and a highly esteemed minister, whose sermons I have often listened to; and I cannot refrain from taking the privilege of seconding this motion. more immediately the monument of John | for by so doing, they are able to promote | large a debt of gratitude; and this without Knox, and which will afford a good oppor- their Evangelical objects more definitely any allusion to my hopes, that if we contunity to all Presbyterians who might not and at once, without abandoning their cha- tribute largely now, we shall be able with a identify themselves with the Free Church to racter as members of the Church Courts, than better grace to ask our friends to bestow aid in the erection of it; for although we have those of other denominations. I rejoiced to liberally, to do honour to men who have laid got possession of the place, we have no wish hear the remark, and it afterwards struck me, Presbyterianism throughout the whole world to monopolize the right, without aid, of build- that in witnessing the efforts made by Evan- under eternal obligations. Leaving the ing the monument in memory of John Knox. gelical men who were placed in other circum- House at a future diet more fully to express (Applause.) In conclusion, I beg to express stances, and work together for Evangelical its mind, I beg leave for the present to my great satisfaction at the interest which ends, that they were acting on Presbyterian the Free Church of Scotland takes in your principles, namely, that if you are in England affairs, and to give you their assurance of to succeed in increasing the stamen of Presbytheir readiness to render you all the assistance terianism amongst you, it must be by the in their power, inasmuch as they believe that fruits that come out of your Presbyteries by you have good and substantial reasons for electing Evangelical men. I feel that, if our maintaining the ground you have taken, and efforts are to be exhibited as the fruit of Pres. that your labours have been blessed and will byterianism, it must be produced by the syscontinue to be so. (Applause.) tem being fully carried out; for, from my own experience in attending to the concerns of a country congregation, in indifferent circumstances, I am satisfied that, if we had turned to the right hand or to the left out of the path of Presbyterianism,—if we had neglected to have observed the rules laid down by our Church for the guidance of our ministers, and our Sessions, and our Presbyteries, we should have come to complete confusion, if not destruction. I am satisfied, that the Episcopal principle would not have succeeded with us; and I am satisfied, that the principles of Independency would not have succeeded either. We have found it is better to attend strictly to the operations of our Church according to laws laid down for us in the Assembly, and by the constant superintendence thereby carried on, with reference to every part of her proceedings, by never allowing any proceeding to take place without its being carefully digested, in accordance with the laws and regulations of our Church. I would conclude by expressing it as my earnest prayer, that the effect of your proceedings here may be, that the following out of the very admirable suggestions which I have heard stated in the Report that has been read this evening, may be to increase that feeling to which pure Presbyterianism ever tends, and to increase a simple-hearted dependence on Jesus Christ, the great Head and King of His Church and people. (Loud applause.) Mr. NISBET (in allusion to some remarks of Dr. Cunningham explaining why it was that difficulties arose in the way of translating ministers to England) said,--Moderator, I have no doubt the venerable professor alluded to my claim that we should have two or three industrious ministers in this emergency. The Free Church have duties connected with England. The members of the Free Church must always bear in mind that they have sons and daughters, and sisters and brothers in England; that they still do continue to send their sons and daughters here; and that every steam-boat and packet that comes to London brings some of them. And who is to attend to their spiritual instruction? We have enough to do for our own; they must send instructors to instruct their children; for who in the world is to look after them? I do hope that they will carry home this message, and that they will appoint some one to come and look after their sons and daughters here. The Rev. Mr. MONCRIEFF.-Moderator, I feel it a high honour to have been selected as one of the representatives of the Free Church. I also feel it is a high honour that I am permitted to address this assembly, and am grateful that a kind Providence has permitted me to enjoy these advantages. I feel quite assured, that there is a work before this Synod, in all probability, more important than any that has been carried out in England since the day when the assembly of divines met at Westminster; for, apart from any thing this Synod can do,-apart from any thing the Free Church can do,-apart from any thing the Evangelical members of the three denominations can do,-events are likely to take place that will bring to the test the value of all our systems. Being impressed with that conviction, I cannot but feel earnestly desirous that those vigorous efforts which you are preparing to make, shall be carried out on as large and extensive a scale as Providence can give you the means of doing. I feel that it is of the utmost importance, that every effort should be made to impress upon the minds of the people of England, the value of our Presbyterian system,-its foundation on the Word of God, and its especial tendency to enable Evangelical men to carry into effect those objects which they have a right to do. I certainly do not mean or wish that this should be done, either in England or in Scotland, in Professor CAMPBELL. Moderator, there any spirit of opposition to the efforts or views has been some difficulty in framing a resolu- MODERATOR.-I presume that it will be of other bodies of Evangelical men. I was tion sufficiently full and explicit to express merely a matter of form that I should put led, in the year 1843, to entertain a deep feel- the sentiments that have been excited in our the question, Do you desire that I should ing of gratitude to the members of the various minds, by the addresses of our respected return thanks to the Free Church deputaEvangelical denominations in England when, brethren of the sister Church of Scotland. tion? (Applause.) Dr. Cunningham and in connexion with the disruption of the Church I had drawn up a resolution myself; two Mr. Moncrieff, it is with no ordinary feelings, of Scotland, they gave to us aid, counsel, and others have been handed to me, and it has my dear brethren, that I address you upon co-operation, with a view to the accomplish- been suggested that I should incorporate the this most exciting, and to me deeply interestment of what was deemed absolutely essen- three resolutions, but this there is at presenting occasion. At this time of the night it tial to be carried on; and, as the minister of no time to do. I shall therefore move a would be inconvenient to occupy much time a congregation in a country district, and as temporary motion upon the subject, leaving in this address; but to the declaration, that the minister of a congregation but poor in its the impression of the mind of the Synod to we look upon you as deputies of the Free resources, and standing in need of the aid be more fully expressed at a future time. Church, and that in so doing, we look upon that was so generously given, I feel called Without entering into the discussion which you as representatives, I cannot help saying, upon in England to acknowledge the fact. took place in the earlier part of this day's that in looking over the history of the Church Early associations led me to take great in- proceedings, between some judicious and wise of your fathers and our fathers, whether we terest in the proceedings of the Evangelical members of this house, as to the advantages look so far back as the year 1638, or whether truly Evangelical-members of the Church of and disadvantages of sending begging depu- we consider the troubles of the reigns of the England; and, therefore, I could not desire to tations into Scotland, lest they might return first and second Charles, or whether we come see any of our objects carried out in a spirit of the compliment, I should be inclined to say down to more modern times, the historian opposition or hostility to them; and I would that there should be a special exception made is called upon to contemplate Presbyteriandesire that, in a scriptural way, I might be in favour of John Knox's monument, to the ism, if at any time crumbling down into dust, permitted to have intercourse with them, that completion of which I mean myself to contri- only like the phoenix to arise out of its own we might profit by that intercourse, and by bute, and have no doubt many more will do the ashes. Men are everywhere looking upon the the explanation of our several views. I will same. I beg, however, to say farther, that we position which you now occupy, and watch honestly confess, that I have a far stronger will soon afford our Scottish friends an oppor- the issue of the contest in which you have inclination now to express myself as I am do-tunity of practising the principles of giff-gaff, been engaged; but God is now permitting ing, to indicate the views I have alluded to, you to say that he hath led you by the right than I should have had four or five years ago: way. We sympathize with you in your contentions for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. We bid you God speed, and we shall be glad year after year to hear of a similar amount of success on your part; different circumstances have led to that change of impression on my mind. I rejoice in what I have heard this evening with reference to Presbyterians acting up to their principles, of which I am very fond, for it is our intention |