صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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(Continued from the Supplement.) Granting that this distinction is well founded, it might have been of some use had the question before the Synod been, What, reasoning abstractly, constitutes the essence of a valid ordination? But with this question the Synod had nothing whatever to do, because the only point before it was, not to make new laws, but to execute laws already passed. The simple matter with which the Synod was occupied was, not to exercise its ingenuity on scholastic distinctions, but to manifest its compliance with the plain requirements of its own standards. What is written in the law; how readest thou?-was the only question that concerned it, and it had nothing to do with another question, viz., What say the Schoolmen; how reasonest thou? But we do think, farther, that such distinctions are, to say the least of them, very dangerous. We hold, with Calvin, that whatever the apostles practised, we are bound to follow. If we are at liberty in one act to distinguish between what we conceive to be the rite and the substance, we must be so in all; and then we may dispense with water in baptism, and with the elements in the Lord's Supper; and so might the Israelites with the imposition of hands upon the head of the sacrifice. But let the distinction be well or ill founded, it did not at all affect the only question before the Synod, which, we repeat it, was not, What, in general, or abstractly considered, is essential to ordination? but What do the Westminster Standards require in order to ordination in this Church? And this question could be disposed of only in the way adopted by the Synod, viz., adhering strictly to its own Standards.

to state.

The judgment of Calvin, so justly and highly esteemed, it may not be improper here "The apostles (says the great Reformer). . . . used no other ceremony in appointing to the ministerial office than imposition of hands. . . . The apostles adopting this rite (from the Jewish Church) signified that he whom they received into the ministry by the imposition of hands was consecrated to God, and it was a solemn rite used as often as one was called to an ecclesiastical office. ... Although, therefore, we should grant that there is no precept commanding impoSition of hands, yet since we see it was Continually used by the apostles, their

rigid observance of it ought to be to us in | son to state the reference. Mr. Nicolson
the room of a command.
into consideration; when it was moved by
having been heard, the Synod took the case
Professor Lorimer, and seconded by Mr. Cou-
sin:-"That the Synod sustain the reference;
and, while holding it right and scriptural to
ordain by imposition of hands, yet distin-
guishing between the rites and the substance
of ordination, instruct the Presbytery of Lon-
don to receive and admit Mr. Hunter as a
minister within this Church, upon his signing
the formula."-It was also moved by Profes-
sor Campbell, and seconded by Mr. A. Munro,

without its utility, both to commend the
Nor is the rite
ministerial office to the people, and also to
admonish him who is ordained that he is no
longer his own master, but the property of
God and the Church. Nor is it a vain sign
if we trace it up to its true origin, for if the
Spirit of God has appointed nothing use-
less in the Church, then we cannot dream
that this ceremony which was instituted by
Him is fruitless. . . . And, finally, we remark
that it is not the multitude but the pastors
only who impose hands in ordination."
(Instit. 1. iii., c. 3., sec. 16.)

The Presbyterian Church, then, has adopted
for herself the rite of laying on of hands in
ordination, and she requires that it be ob-
served in the case of all her ministers. In
thus deciding, she pronounces no judgment
on what is essential to ordination, or what
ordinations are valid or invalid. She claims
to herself the right she concedes to all other
Churches of framing laws for her own govern-
ment. Her own laws she seeks to impose
upon no one who is not of her communion;
but, when any one desires to join her, she
deems it right and necessary that he should
submit to her laws and conform to her ritual.
With all the Churches of Christ throughout
the land it will ever be her endeavour to
maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bonds
of peace; but she has already suffered too
much from concessions to others not to have
good reasons for the future to maintain her
own principles inviolate, at whatever hazard
or even at whatever cost.]

"That the Synod sustain the reference, and approve of the proceedings of the Presbytery of London, but inasmuch as by the

Form of Church Government' imposition of hands is required in ordination in this Church, which imposition it appears Mr. Hunter did not receive, therefore, without at all denying the validity of the ministerial office among our Independent brethren, remit the case to the Presbytery of London, with instructions and power to admit Mr. Hunter if they see cause, according to the rules of the Church; and further instruct all the Presbyteries of the Church in the admission of ministers from other Churches to attend to the provisions laid down in that behalf in the Form of Church Government."-The time of adjournment having now arrived, it was agreed to postpone the farther consideration of this matter till the Evening Diet.


The Synod met again in the evening, The following is a short narrative of the and on being duly constituted, resumed proceedings of Synod in this case. The Sy- consideration of the reference from the Presnod called for the reference from the Presbytery of London in the case of Mr. Hunter, bytery of London in the case of Mr. Hunter, which was given in and read. The reference bore that Mr. Hunter, a minister of the Congregational body, had applied to said Presbytery to be admitted as a Minister into this Church: that the Presbytery had instituted the necessary inquiries into Mr. Hunter's character and status; that in the course of these inquiries they had obtained the most satisfactory information regarding Mr. Hunter's personal character, but had also ascertained that he had been set apart to the ministerial office without the laying on of hands. Whereupon the Presbytery, considering that in this case a new element existed which did not exist in any previous case of ministerial admission, agreed to refer the matter simpliciter to the Synod, and appointed Mr. Nicol

when it was moved by Mr. Lamb and seconded by Mr. Storie,-"That the Synod sustain the reference, and approye the diligence of the Presbytery of London; remit the matter to the Presbytery, with instructions to proceed according to the Confession of Faith and Rules of the Church; authorizing them, if they see cause, to admit Mr. Hunter to the status of a preacher in the Church, so that he may be eligible to a ministerial charge if duly called and ordained." It was furthermore moved by Mr. Murdoch, and seconded by Major Anderson,-"That the Synod sustain the reference, and approve the proceedings of the London Presbytery; but on account of the important and solemn consequences involved, remit the case to a Committee, with instructions, maturely to con

sider the point, and report to the Commission." These four motions having been made and seconded, and Professor Lorimer heard in reply, it was agreed that the last motion should be put as an amendment against the first; when the roll having been called, and votes marked, the last motion was carried by a large majority. The motion now carried, it was agreed should next be put against the second motion; when the roll having been called, and votes marked, the second motion was carried by a considerable majority. It was then agreed that the motion now carried, being the second motion, should be put against the third, when the roll having been called, and votes marked, the third motion was carried by a majority of one. Wherefore the Synod did, and now hereby do, sustain the reference, and approve the diligence of the Presbytery of London; remit the matter to that Presbytery, with instructions to proceed according to the Confession of Faith and Rules of this Church, authorizing them, if they see cause, to admit Mr. Hunter to the status of a preacher in this Church, so that he may be eligible to a ministerial charge, if duly called and ordained. From all which, Professor Lorimer in his own name, and in the name of so many as might adhere to him, dissented, for reasons to be given in in due time, and craved to have such reasons entered on the Record, which was granted; and Messrs. Cousin, Murdoch, Speers, Major Anderson, (Elder), Gordon, J. Anderson, and Dr. Paterson adhered to the said dissent; and Messrs. Gardner (Convener), Nicolson, Professor Campbell, and A. Munro, were appointed a Committee to answer said reasons, and to report.

At a subsequent part of the Diet, Professor Lorimer, with those that adhered to the dissent from the deliverance of the Synod in the matter of the reference from the Presbytery of London, in the case of Mr. Hunter, gave in the following reasons of dissent, which having been read, the Synod rejected the last reason assigned, inasmuch as it did not contain a reason founded upon fact, or upon the merits of the case, in which decision Dr. Paterson and Mr. Anderson acquiesced; and with the consent of the house withdrew their names from the dissent. The following are

the reasons:

"We the undersigned dissent for the following reasons:

"1. Because the said deliverance, in requiring that Mr. Hunter should be received as a preacher, and that before his appointment to a ministeriel charge in this Church he should be ordained by a Presbytery, virtually denies the validity of his previous ordination, which, if admitted at all to be valid, could not, consistently with Presbyterian principles, be repeated.

"2. Because the said declaration is, in our judgment, a departure from the principles of our standards in reference to the recognition and admission of the ordained ministers of other Reformed Churches, as set forth in the Form of Church Government' in the 'Directory for the Ordination of Ministers.'

3. Because, in attaching so much importance to the imposition of hands in ordination as to hold it essential to render ordination valid, or such as this Church can acknowledge, the Synod appears to us to be unduly magnifying what was declared in the First Book of Discipline' (chap. 4, sec. 10) to be unessential, in the following words: 'Albeit the apostles used imposition of hands, yet seeing the miracle is ceased, the using of the ceremonial we judge not necessarie.'

"Because the deliverance is, in our judg- | Standards as part of our Presbyterian polity ment, inconsistent with the distinction recog- and practice, it is not a thing to be set aside nised in the second book of discipline between by any who have subscribed with their hand, the substance of ordination and its attendant and confessed with the mouth, their purpose rites, in the following terms (chap. 3, sec. 6.): and promise to maintain these Standards and 'Ordinatione is the separatione and sanctify- that polity entire. ing of the persone appointed to God and his "4. Your Committee do not profess themkirk, after he be well tryit and fund qualifit.selves able to perceive the object to be served The ceremonies of ordinatione are fasting, by the reference which the Dissentients make earnest prayer, and imposition of hands of the to the Second Book of Discipline' in their eldership.' fourth reason, seeing that in the very quotation which they produce, imposition of hands is expressly specified. That this is to be regarded as a rite in distinction from the substance of ordination, is nothing to the purpose in the present question, so long as we stand bound by our ordination vows to maintain the form of Church government of our Church, and never endeavour, directly or indirectly, the prejudice or subversion thereof.'

"5. Because, as a subject so important in its bearings, and in which there was such an obvious and decided diversity of opinion in the Court, a decision come to, without full time allowed to arrive at a calm and dispassionate judgment, implies a precipitancy of procedure which we consider perilous to the interests of our Church.


(Signed) Peter Lorimer; John T. Paterson (for the last reason), James Anderson (for the last reason), W. C. Anderson, Elder, Alexander Murdoch, James Speers, William Cousin, Joseph Gordon (for the first four reasons)."

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"1. The Synod is not here called upon to pronounce any opinion upon the validity or invalidity of the forms of ordination practised in other denominations, but rather to preserve the integrity of their own. Neither could the ordination of Mr. Hunter as a Presbyterian Minister, and according to the Presbyterian form, be fairly called a repeating of such ordination, seeing it is admitted that Mr. Hunter has never yet been so ordained.

"2. How a strict adherence to the forms of ordination required by our standards, and universally practised in this Church, can be a departure from the principles of our standards it is somewhat difficult to perceive. Moreover the very authority referred to in regard to the admission of ordained ministers from other Churches, says not one word about dispensing with the imposition of hands, which being required in the Directory for Ordination' and not specified as to be dispensed with in the case of ministers from other Churches, must, upon every fair and logical construction of the language of the said 'Directory,' be held to constitute a part of the form of Scriptural ordination as recognised and required by this Church.

"3. Your Committee confidently believe that the time has not yet come, and they trust it is yet far distant, when a faithful and conscientious adherence to that form of Church order which all the ministers of this Church have solemnly sworn to maintain and defend, is to be accounted unduly magnifying any part of that form. Nor can they admit that anything contained in the 'First Book of Discipline' which may have been set aside or modified by the subsequent acts of the Church, by which the ministers and members of the Church are bound to abide, is to be put forth as the authoritative rule in our ecclesiastical procedure. In this way it would be no difficult matter to change our Church order into disorder, and to set aside as a thing of nought, our most solemn obligations. Whether the imposition of hands be essential or nonessential in ordination, may be a question for discussion by those who may question it; but assuredly it seemeth unto us that so long as it stands upon the face of our Records and

"5. The Dissentients complain in their fifth and last reason of the deliverance of the Synod, as implying a precipitancy of procedure which they consider perilous to the interests of the Church. This, of course, is a matter of opinion, and might perhaps be met simply by the expression of a contrary opinion. But your Committee cannot help expressing their regret that any of the ministers or officebearers of their Church, should require time and delay, in order to consider whether a plain requirement of our Church is to be complied with or no, especially seeing the subject was so fully discussed at two different sederunts of the Court. Nor do your Committee think that there can be any hardship in requiring any one applying to be received into our Church, to comply with the laws of that Church. It surely may be in all fairness expected, that any such applicant should come to us upon the principles of the Church he is to enter, rather than upon those of the Church he leaves.

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Professor CAMPBELL, after prayer, read the proceedings of the last diet. The Professor also read a petition from two ministers of the Presbytery of Northumberland, Messrs. W. O. Johnstone, of Blythe, and J. Macmurray, of Seaton Delaval, praying to be dis joined from that Presbytery, and to be joined to the Presbytery of Newcastle. He moved that the prayer of the petition be granted.

Mr. ANDERSON.-I second the motion. I hope that the petition will be granted, not because we are willing to part with these young ministers, for we have found much comfort from them since they have joined our Presbytery.

Question put and agreed to.


Church in Ireland, consisting of the Rev. Mr. The deputation from the Presbyterian White, of Bailleyborough, being presented, and having presented his commission, was introduced by

Mr. DONALD FERGUSON, who said, as one of the deputation to the assembly of the sister Church in Dublin in July last, I have to communicate the great pleasure which I had in attending the meeting of that Church; and I can truly say that, owing to the zeal and growing usefulness of that body, there are

few Churches which call for higher respect and greater sympathy than they. I must express the delight which I felt on that occasion, and at the brotherly addresses which we heard. At one time the taint of Arianism had affected the Presbyteries in Ireland. My friend, Mr. White, was Moderator of that meeting of the Synod of Ulster when the discussion took place between Dr. Cooke and Dr. Montgomery-a day of glory for our sister Church in Ireland. He is the father of a race of ministers; and that fact from me will be sufficient to let you know the value of such a man. I beg to introduce to the Synod the Rev. Mr. White, of Bailleyborough.

The Rev. Mr. WHITE.-I am quite unequal to the expression of my feelings on this most important occasion; and it devolves upon me to say that it is out of no disrespect to this Court that the other members of the deputation are not here. Dr. Carlile wrote me a

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tural authority for attending to your wants at home before you go abroad. I trust you will be able to accomplish the object you have in view. I have no doubt that this will be the fact. I have witnessed the piety, the zeal, and learning of the members of this Court; and when I consider the ruling elders who compose this court-when I see their extreme liberality, their great zeal, and ardent desire to promote the Church of their Zion, I have no doubt the time will come when the Irish and Scotch traveller will be able to say that this modest building and that modest church is the Presbyterian Church in England. I speak the sentiments of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland when I offer you this testimony of their affection and brotherly love. (Applause.)

Mr. MURDOCH. Moderator, we have listened with extreme delight to the statements that have been addressed to us by our letter; and at the time I received it I had respected and beloved father who has represtrong hopes that he would have been here: sented the Irish Presbyterian Church. I had and, as he has been so much more accustomed the pleasure of being a deputy from this to the business of speaking than myself, I Church to the Irish General Assembly; and hoped that he would have been here--but, as I shall never forget the kindness and that it is, I am obliged to address you single Irish hospitality which I met with on that handed. My friend who introduced me men- occasion. I shall ever retain a grateful retioned the circumstance that I had the honour membrance of the treatment I then expeof being raised to the chair seventeen years rienced. I am glad of the opportunity we. ago, when the great question took place be- have of expressing our most cordial satisfactween Arianism and our Church, and when I tion at the accounts of the success of the Irish was put in mind of what took place in the schools and Home Mission, and other things year of my ordination, when an individual in which that Church is engaged. My fervent first avowed himself an Arian in that court. hope and prayer is that the Home Mission After the year 1829, when the Church was may be the means of diffusing the beams of cleared of the plague-when that incubus the Sun of Righteousness through that bewhich hung upon our shoulders was removed nighted land. We wish them God speed in what has been the effect? The blessing of all their projects-their missions, both foreign God has attended our missions since; and I and home, and all their other matters conbelieve I am correct in stating we have added nected with their Church. I move, "That to our Church 160 congregations-and, in the Synod, having heard Mr. White with addition to these, we have several other con- much satisfaction, reciprocate the affectionate gregations in connexion with us. History regard expressed by him on the part of the tells us that in 1642 five ministers came over Presbyterian Church in Ireland; repeat their from Scotland, and, with four elders, met to- desire, often stated on former occasions, and gether at Carrickfergus, and constituted the often deserved, to do all that in them lie to first Presbytery in Ireland. Now, instead of testify their obligations to the sister Church five ministers, we have nearly five hundred, for the manifold benefits she has conferred and nearly one hundred licentiates; and, in- upon this Church, especially by permitting, if stead of four ruling elders, we have nearly not encouraging, some of her eminent minisfour thousand men whose hearts are im-ters to accept calls from congregations of this bued with the Gospel. Allow me to state Church. Further, instruct the deputation, the delight with which I have witnessed hereafter to be appointed to the next meeting your important proceedings, and the deep of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian interest I have felt in all your projects Church in Ireland, to convey these expres for the extension of pure and undefiled reli- sions of this Church's regard and affection; gion. You are determined, I see, from your and, finally, request the Moderator to return resolution to promote elementary education, the cordial thanks of the Court to the reto improve the rising generation. I trust you spected deputy from the sister Church in will go on prospering in this most interesting Ireland." and important work. We have in many of our congregations five or six schools. There are also five or six hundred schools in connexion with the National Board of Ireland; and I can assure this house, that in these five or six hundred schools the Bible and Westminster Catechism are daily read. We have REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN it settled that in one part of the day the Bible and Westminster Catechism are part of the instruction to be given in the schools. In the meantime, I must express what I believe is already embodied in the document you have just read. I have to express the readiness and great pleasure which the Irish Church felt in supplying men to fill your pulpits. We send you not only licentiates, but we send you our ordained ministers. Another of your projects that delighted me is, your zeal in the missionary cause. I conceive, under your existing circumstances, that you ought to be permanently occupied with your home mission. I believe that you have Scrip


Which motion, having been seconded by Professor Lorimer, was unanimously agreed to, and the thanks of the Synod conveyed to the deputation accordingly.


The Synod then called for the Report of the Committee on Foreign Missions, which was given in by Mr. Nicolson, in the absence of the Convener-Mr. Hamilton. The Report is as follows:


"This scheme received a great impulse last of our Church distinguished for his zeal in the year from the munificent donation of a member cause of Missions. The entire contributions of the year amount to 5311. 2s. 6d.

mission of Synod, your Committee has sought to "In compliance with instructions from the Com organize a mission to China. In the understanding that a devoted and accomplished minister of

the Free Church of Scotland had directed his thoughts to this field of labour, we opened a correspondence with him, but ascertained that, from his peculiar engagements at home, he no longer felt at liberty to go abroad. Through one of its number your Committee also learned that they could not hope to secure the services of another member of that Church+ whose medical skill and missionary ardour-already tried in circum-tances of unusual peril and hardship-seemed to indicate a special fitness for the work of the Gospel in China. Since that time one excellent minister has expressed a willingness to enter on the work, and we are happy to find that the subject has as also a medical gentleman of piety and talent; begun to awaken attention amongst our own

students. Considering the vast importance of an auspicious outset, we are sure that the Synod will not blame us for making the most extensive inquiries and exercising the utmost caution before recommending the first agent to its acceptance. "A Ladies' Society was formed last year in London, in aid of the Synod's Missions. Soon after its formation it was represented to this Society that the Island of Corfu afforded, amongst Jews and Greeks and British residents, a most important opening for a Missionary ninister. The Society resolved to take instant possession of the field, which needed a labourer all the more in consequence of the removal of the London Mis

sionary Society's faithful agent, the Rev. A. Lowndes. The ladies were providentially directed

to a probationer of the Free Church, Mr. William Charteris. After having been ordained by the Presbytery of London, Mr. C. sailed for Corfu in August last, and entered with much faith and

hopefulness on his multifarious labours. The only other missionaries on the island belong to the American Board of Baptist Missions, and these brethren have exhibited the utmost warmth and hospitality to Mr. and Mrs. Charteris. Through the kindness of Sir Reid, and the intro

ductions of the Hon. Mrs. Stewart Mackenzie, they have found many friends among the British inhabitants; and as a detachment of a Scottish regiment at present forms the garrison, Mr. Charteris's Sabbath congregation is more numerous than was expected beforehand. Among the troops he finds many a grateful recollection of our esteemed brother, Mr. Thompson, of Woolwich; and it ought to awaken our gratitude that not only has this Synod a Sabbath-Asylum for Presbyterian soldiers at the great English arsenal, but has now a sanctuary ready to receive them when they pass from Kent to Corfu. Mr. Charteris has also commenced a class for Jewish boys; and the Ladies' Society is anxious to find a qualified teacher for the Jewish girls. It is by education that the best opening presents itself to the Hebrew heart and the Hebrew home


Mr. NISBET then read the Treasurer's Accounts, which will be found in a subsequent page.

The Synod then resolved itself into its Annual Missionary Meeting, when the Rev. Mr. Welsh briefly addressed the Court.

The Moderator then called upon the Rev. Mr. Miller, who is about to take charge of a church at Cape Town, Africa.

Mr. MILLER.-My Christian Friends, this is a very unexpected place to me; and a very great privilege I esteem it-though a comparative stranger-that I have been present to witness the proceedings of the English Presbyterian Church. If my time permitted me to form a conjecture with respect to the future prosperity of your Church, from what my eyes have seen and from what my ears have heard with reference to your present condition, I would augur most favourably. The Church that has been planted here, and which has been watered by the tears of penitence and prayer, has taken deep root in the hearts, not only of Scotchmen, but in the hearts of Englishmen too. That plant I am persuaded will grow and expand its branches.

may say that it is your missionary operations that have most attracted my admiration and my regard. I heard the Report of the Home Missionary Society read by the brother

The Rev. George Smeaton, of Auchterarder.
↑ Rev. Dr. Kalley,

before me; and I have heard to-night, the | Report of the Foreign Mission Committee, and I have been delighted. Although the amount of contributions raised by your Church is small, yet it is great considering the time you have been at work. You have two or three Missionaries supported from your funds. You are a Missionary Church. I hope you will be able to appear before the world as a Missionary Church, and that whilst you attend to the cause of Home Missions, and fill up vacancies at home and attend to the spread of the Gospel at home, you will not forget the heathen abroad. I am glad you have good Sunday School Teachers, and that there is so excellent a Sunday School Superintendent as our friend Mr. Barbour. He requested me to attend this Meeting, and he said "You must call the attention of our people to the cause of Missions amongst the Heathen." You have listened to me with more attention than I deserve; and I will not occupy more of your time. Go forward in the good cause. It is the cause of God. It is the cause for which Jesus came from heaven to earth-the cause in which he laboured -in which he suffered, and in which he died. It is the cause for which the apostles of our Lord were ready to sacrifice all-even life itself.

Mr. FERGUSSON.--I cordially concur in all that was said by our brother who has just now addressed us, and I hope that our Moderator will call upon one of our brethren, Mr. Thompson, of Woolwich, to pray to Almighty God for his servant who has addressed you, and that the Lord would impress upon us more of a missionary spirit.-A collection was made for missionary objects. After prayer by Mr. Thompson, the proceedings of the Missionary Meeting terminated.

The House then resumed its sitting in Synod, when the following motion was made and seconded," Approve of and adopt the Report; and having heard of the various openings which, in the providence of Almighty God, have been made for the introduction of the Gospel into the dark places of the earth, and feeling that it is a bounden duty, as well as a high privilege to assist in the glorious work of Missions, this Church desire to go forward with increased diligence, increased liberality, and more fervent prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, than they have ever yet done, further appoint a large Committee of Missions to the Jews and heathen for this year; and request the Moderator to convey the thanks of the Synod to Mr. Nisbet for his invaluable services."

for mourning over the barrenness that exists | of such men, we should do much more in all our congregations, it is humbly over- to advance the kingdom of our Lord and tured to the Venerable the Synod of the Master. Presbyterian Church in England, that they appoint a Diet of special service for humiliation before the Lord, and for special prayer for the more abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our ministers, office-bearers, and congregations."

Mr. WELSH, in supporting the overture, said-The idea which we had, was that on leaving the Church, the fold of God, we might take advantage of having a conference and speak to each other as to what we gain by experience. I fear if it is very different we may tell what is a prevailing error, and how it must be met by the Presbytery. I am a member of the Evangelical Alliance. If we enter into this alliance we should ask our opinions on this subject. We have given this subject the consideration which is due to its importance, and we think the circumstances are sufficient to warrant us in saying that a day of humiliation and confession of sin and special prayer were necessary. It will be arranged to suit the convenience of members of the congregations.


Mr. GEORGE BARBOUR. - Moderator, I, in common with my brethren, rejoice at the gratifying statements which have been made to us, and I think that we have every reason to thank God, to take courage, and to press forwards in the various departments of our Christian duty which we are called upon to fulfil; for the exhibition of Divine power is the sure result and great object of all things on earth. I would have been delighted to have afforded our younger brethren, many of whom have recently entered the ministry and are going to various parts, an opportunity of hearing what the Lord was doing for them and their various charges. I am glad to hear that the members of our Christian Church are rousing themselves; and I shall rejoice to hear that every member of the Church is training himself and herself in those things which will be useful in their spheres of life. It will not only strengthen the Church but the ministers. It will strengthen their hands, and enable them to labour with greater vigour and zeal, and it will lead, under the blessing of God, to ultimate success.

Mr. SPIERS.-I am exceedingly delighted at having the opportunity of addressing a few words. The first time I had an opportunity of appearing before a Christian Church in England, I heard a remark which I shall not soon forget; it was a quotation from Baxter's Reformed Pastor,- Whilst ministers are asleep, hell is open; when ministers are asleep at their post, souls are lost."

The Moderator returned the thanks of the Court to Mr. Nisbet for the ability and attention which he had paid to his branch of the Synod's labours. He said, It has enabled you Mr. CowE. It has afforded me great satisto disseminate truth where there was igno- faction indeed, to witness the tone manifested rance of His name. You have taken up an by those who have expressed themselves on important position in this work; and we have this vital and all important subject. Whatbeen much indebted to you. You have been ever machinery we may employ, -whatever unable to report much to this House; but we Committees we may appoint,-whatever regutrust that what we have heard is but a fore-lations we may draw up, they should have taste of what the Foreign Mission may be



The Synod then called for the overture on the appointment of a day for Special Prayer and Humiliation in connexion with the state of religion, which is as follows:-"Whereas the glory of a Christian Church depends on the manifestation of the Divine favour in its congregations, and whereas the ministers and members of this Church have much reason

all one aim-the conversion of sinners, and the edification of God's redeemed people. There is one point which has not been adverted to, I mean, the confession of sin. I would speak of my own shortcomings in this matter. I do not speak of any feelings or any sentiments with reference to my brethren, for they may suggest similar things with reference to their own exertions; but when I read the biography of such men as President Edwards, Pierce, Charles, and Bayley, and the account of their exertions in this cause, I feel truly ashamed. I had great pleasure in perusing such works, and if we had only the spirit

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Mr. HUIE spoke, but was inaudible. Mr. D. FERGUSSON.-Moderator, this truly is a great question, and we have yet to grap ple with it; and, for my part, I cannot help feeling a sense of self-abasement. I wish that there should be more fruits from the labour of our ministers; and yet, during the statements that were made after the reading of that overture, I admit that I could not quite agree in the overture. I believe that the Spirit of the Lord is doing something in our congregations. We have reason to honour the great cause, because He doeth something, and we should be humbled because He is doing so little. I hope that all of us will make a motion in our hearts to support this proposition to the throne of grace, and that our prayers shall ascend more earnestly, that we should be earnest as a united Church, and . pray that the Lord will open the windows of heaven. The reason why we make so little progress is, that we pray so little, and we are not in earnest. We have a promise, that if we unite and do as we ought to do to others, it shall be done unto us. I therefore move-" Adopt and cordially approve of the overture; appoint, that the 14th day of May next be specially set apart in all the congregations of this Church, as a day of humiliation and of prayer for an outpouring of God's Holy Spirit on all the ministers, office-bearers, and members of this Church; and, farther, appoint Messrs. Welsh, Cowe, and Cousin, Ministers; and Mr. G. F. Barbour, Elder (Convener), a Committee. with instructions to prepare and issue a pastoral address on the subject, previous to the said 14th day of May; and, finally, that at next meeting of Synod, a special diet should be set apart for mutual conference regarding the state of religion in the Church.”

Major ANDERSON. -I hope that we shall meet in Conference before the coming Synod, and take this vital subject into consideration. I think we never ought to rest till we see family worship established in the houses of our people, morning and evening.

Mr. COUSIN.-Moderator, it is with feelings of deep solemnity that I approach this subject, and such has been its effect upon me, that my utterance has been checked. There seems to be a desire to lay upon the Church at large, the burden of doing that which can only be done by each individual in the closet. If we do pass this Motion, we shall find that we are not relieved in our individual capacity, but that we must carry the whole subject home to our closets, for there we shall be more earnest, and more humbled by God's grace; and as allusions have been made to the sovereignty of God, it is a matter of personal experience that we are in a state of absolute weakness and personal dependance on the grace of God. It is this which gives encouragement to go on working when we remember, that all things are of God-that the ministry of reconciliation is of God, in its origin and accomplishment ; and we ought to offer ourselves for acceptance, and if we are successful, we shall owe it to the grace of God the Father, through God the Son, embodied in our future lives by God the Holy Ghost.

The Motion for the adoption of the overture, &c., was then put, and carried; and, after prayer, the Synod adjourned to meet tomorrow at ten a.m.

[There can be no question that the great end for which the Church was instituted was the manifestation of the glory of God in the conversion and salvation of sinners. we would not say it was the only end. The



Saviour himself was set for the fall as well as the rise of many in Israel," (Luke ii. 34,) and his ministers are declared to be a " savour of death unto death to them that perish, as well as a savour of life unto life to them that are saved," (2 Cor. ii. 15, 16,) and in the one case as well as the other "a sweet savour of Christ unto God." As little would we say that all the instrumentality which does not produce immediate and visible fruit is valueless, nor will any man who knows the Bible, or the history of the Church, or even his own experience, commit himself to such an assertion. Many a noble martyr has had to work, and suffer, and die, seeing no fruits of his labours, and has gone to the dungeon and the block mourning, "Who hath believed our report, and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?" But who will say that he had "spent his strength in vain," or had "run unsent," or had "laboured for nought?" He sowed in tears, but others reaped with joy. He laboured in faith, and others gathered

the fruit of his toil. But what did it matter

which laboured and which reaped?-The seed was sown by one, and the harvest reaped by another, but the glory was God's, and both ought to rejoice. His sovereignty disposed the events, and both in the end will say, "He doeth all things well." Yet both they that laboured, and they that reaped, had cause for humiliation and searching of heart. Wherever there is love, there will be self-abasement. In exact proportion to a man's love to Christ, in direct ratio to a man's conception of what he owes to God, will be his humiliation. It is the same with a Church. No man can feel as he ought his obligations to redeeming love, and then look on the returns he makes, without being abased even to the very dust. We are therefore glad; we regard it as a token for good that our Church has passed such resolutions. We never knew a Church or individual prosper without selfabasement. "He that exalteth himself shall be abased, but he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." At the same time we agree with Mr. Fergusson, that there ought to have been some recognition of God's goodness, and an acknowledgment of his mercies. If humiliation is a duty, gratitude is a duty also: nor is it a less graceful or dutiful manifestation of a filial spirit than humiliation itself. If, when a Church looks at her own actings, self-abasement is the appropriate expression; gratitude is not less just or less appropriate when she looks at the way by which God hath led her. And assuredly there are few


MANCHESTER, 24th April, 1846.--At which time and place the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in England being met and duly constituted: Inter alia,-The Synod called for the second Report of the College Committee, which was given in and read; and is of the following tenour, viz.:— 1st. In regard to the person to be appointed to the chair of Systematic and Pastoral Theology, the Committee have to report, that, after much and anxious consideration, they have not been able to name any one individual whom they would recommend to the Court to appoint: they therefore beg leave to suggest, that this matter may be remitted to the Committee, with instructions to make the necessary enquiries, and whenever they are prepared to recommend a proper person for the office, that they be authorized to request the Moderator to convene a Meeting of the Commission of Synod, to be held in Manchester, which Meeting of Commission is to be empowered to make the appointment; and further, that such Professor, in virtue of his office, shall be Primarius Professor of the College. 2d. In regard to the annual salaries of the Professors, the Committee beg to recommend that the sum of £1000 be appropriated for that purpose, which sum shall be divided equally among the three Professors. 3d. In regard to the extra professorial duties of the present Professors, the Committee would recommend (1) that Professor Lorimer should occupy as much time during this summer as he can give, consistently with his professorial duties, in visiting our Churches and Schools, and in promoting the formation of associations; and (2) that Professor Campbell should continue for the present to take a general charge of the "Messenger," but to have a properly qualified person to act as Sub-Editor under him; such Sub-Editor also to be appointed to the office of Agent of the Church to superintend the Church's schemes. [At a conjoint meeting of Committee, held in London since the meeting of Synod, Professor Campbell consented to take the general superintendence of the Church Schemes, an Agent to be appointed to perform the practical details of the work. It may be also mentioned, that Mr. James P. Brown has been appointed to the office of Agent, and Sub-Editor of the "Messenger."] 4th. In regard to any extra professorial duties to be assigned to the Professor of Systematic Theology, the Committee

labour as a Minister of the Gospel, in connexion with the Presbyterian Church in Engand, he craved to be admitted as a minister within her pale.

The Presbytery agreed that this application should lie on their table till next ordinary Meeting.

In the absence of Mr. Welsh, Mr. Fergusson reported, that he (Mr. Welsh) had moderated in a call from the congregation now worshipping in Salford Town Hall, in favour of the Rev. John Walker, minister of the Free Church, at Newton-Stewart, in Scotland. The call, numerously signed and duly attested, was produced and sustained, and Mr. Cowe was appointed Commissioner to prosecute the translation.

In accordance with the prayer of a Memorial, from the congregation of Chalmers' Church, Manchester, craving the appointment of an early day for moderating in a call from them to a minister, Monday, May 11, at halfpast seven p.m., was appointed for the purpose: Mr. Munro to preach and preside.

The induction of Mr. Cross was appointed to take place at Crewe, on Monday, the 25th of May, at 2, p. m.: Mr. Wiseman to preach, Mr. White to address the pastor, and Mr. Magill to address the congregation.

Messrs. Fergusson and Gardner were appointed to draw up a recommendatory letter in favour of St. Peter's congregation, Liverpool, who had applied to the Presbytery for their sanction and recommendation of the application that congregation were about to make to the friends of Christ, and of Presbyterian Institutions in various parts of the kingdom, for aid to erect a new church.

The following members were appointed to represent the Presbytery in the next Commission of Synod, viz:-Messrs. Alex. Munro, Robert Cowe, Donald Fergusson, and John Gardner, Ministers; and Messrs. Amos S. Thornton, James Adam, John Sorley, and Walter Clark, Elders.-Adjourned.


Liverpool, March 21, 1846. REV. AND DEAR SIR,-Some of your friends, Members of your congregation, have purchased a few articles of plate to present to you on the auspicious occasion of your marriage. They have deputed me to send them to you, (which I have much pleasure in doing herewith,) and to beg your acceptance of them, as a small mark of their regard

Churches in the land that are under greater would recommend that for the present he and esteem for you, as their Pastor and their

obligations to God or more imperiously required to render him the thanks that are so justly due to His holy name. Who can recall the events of even a few years past, without feeling his heart burn in love and gratitude for such signal mercies? We trust next year the Synod will appoint a special Diet for thanksgiving and prayer for counsel and direction in our varied undertakings.

So far as we have heard, the appointment of Synod has been duly observed in

all the Churches. We have heard of no

instance in which the Diet was neglected, and the services, so far as we have learned, were appropriate, and will, we hope, be blessed.

[An esteemed correspondent, who takes a deep interest in this as in every matter that tends to the well-being of our Church, has sent us an excellent paper on this subject, which we are compelled from its length to postpone to our next number.]

should be confined to the duties of his office: which Report having been read, it was moved, "adopt the Report, agree to the suggestions and recommendations it contains, and grant the powers and instructions it prays for;" which motion having been seconded, was unanimously agreed to.



THIS Presbytery held its ordinary Monthly Meeting at Manchester, on the 6th of May; the Rev. D. Fergusson, Moderator.

The Rev. R. Cowe was elected Moderator for the current yalf-year.

friend; and to express their cordial wishes for the welfare and happiness of yourself and Mrs. Fergusson, and their earnest prayer that the richest blessings of our Heavenly Father may ever rest upon you both. I remain, my dear Sir, yours, faithfully,


The Rev. D. Fergusson.

LIST OF ARTICLES PRESENTED TO THE REV. D. FERGUSSON, 21ST MARCH, 1846. 12 Table Forks; 12 Table Spoons; 12 Dessert Forks; 12 Dessert Spoons; 18 Tea Spoons; 1 Gravy Spoon; 1 Soup Ladle; 2 Sauce Ladles; 1 Sugar Tongs; 1 Fish Knife; 1 Butter Knife; 4 Salt Spoons; 18 Pair Dessert Knives and Forks, in case; 1 Set of Castors; 1 Toast Rack.

Mr. Munro laid a communication before
the Presbytery from the Rev. James Radcliffe,
a minister of the Independent denomination
at Manchester, to the effect, that he (Mr.
Radcliffe) had come to the conclusion, that
Presbyterianism was in accordance with the
Word of God, and that, being desirous toing to me.

Liverpool, March 21, 1846. MY DEAR SIR, I have received your kind note, accompanied by the magnificent gift which you have been the medium of convey

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