NEGATIVE RELIGION. IN these latter days of ease from persecution, a profession of religion may be made, and a decent outside may be preserved, without much cost. There is one class of professors, and that by no means a small one, made up of those who have received a religious education, have been trained up to an outward conformity to the precepts of the Gospel, who abstain from the open follies and corruptions of the world, but remain quite satisfied with a NEGATIVE RELIGION. They do not profane the Sabbath; They do not live without a form of prayer; They are not drunkards; They do not cast off the fear of God. BUT They do not love Him; They do not enjoy vital, heartfelt religion; They do not love the habitation of his honour, and the place where his honour dwelleth, though they attend it; COTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITU No. 14, ST. ANDREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH. London Board of Directors. Peter Bell, Esq. (Scott, Bell, and Co.). Alderman's-walk. W. Scott Binny, Esq., 37, Bryanston-square. Thomas Fowlis, Esq., 19, Abchurch-lane. Wm. Hamilton, Esq., 127, Cheapside. Captain Alexander Nairne, late H.E.I.C.S. Robert Wrench, Esq., London Bridge. Secretary and Agent. J. R. Leifchild, Esq., 12, Moorgate-street. THE SCOTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITUTION IS THE ONLY OFFICE IN WHICH THE BENEFIT OF PARTICIPATION IN THE WHOLE PROFITS CAN BE OBTAINED AT A MODERATE PREMIUM. ere he fell backwards. There, under a tree (Zwingle's pear-tree), in a meadow, he remained lying on his back, with clasped hands and eyes upturned to heaven. Two of the soldiers, who were prowling over the field of battle, having come near the reformer without recognizing him, "Do you wish for a priest to confess yourself?" asked they. Zwingle, without speaking (for he had not strength), made signs in the negative. "If you cannot speak, (replied the soldiers) at least think in thy heart of the mother of God, and call upon the saints!" Zwingle again shook his head, and kept his eyes still fixed on heaven. Upon this the irritated soldiers began to curse him. "No doubt (said they) you are one of the heretics of the city!". One of them being curious to know who it was, stooped down and turned Zwingle's head in the direction of a fire that had been lighted near the spot. The soldier immediately let him fall to the ground. "I think (said he, surprised and amazed), I think it is Zwingle!" At this moment, Captain Fokinger, of Unterwalden, a veteran and a pensioner, drew near; he had heard the last words of the soldier. "Zwingle! (exclaimed he) that vile heretic, Zwingle! that rascal, that traitor!" Then raising his sword, so long sold to the stranger, he struck the dying Christian on the throat, exclaiming in a violent passion, "Die, obstinate heretic!" Yielding under this last blow, the reformer gave up the ghost--he was doomed to perish by the sword of a mercenary.—D'Aubigné's Fourth Advertisements. D'AUBIGNE-ONLY AUTHENTICATED EDITION. Large Type, with Autograph, Post 8vo., cloth, Vols. 1 to 3, price 3s. each, Vol. 4, 5s., They do not enjoy the peace of God, which OLIVER AND BOYD'S STANDARD passeth all understanding; They are not temples of the Holy Ghost; They are not habitations of God through the Spirit; They have not passed from death unto life; They are not new creatures in Christ Jesus; They have not been translated from the kingdom of darkness? They are not born again; consequently cannot enter into the kingdom of God. O that such would now stop and examine their hearts and their hopes; and let them seek the Lord while he may be found, and call upon him while he is near. THE DEATH OF ZUINGLIUS. ZWINGLE was at the post of danger, the helmet on his head, the sword hanging at his side, the battle-axe in his hand. Scarcely had the action begun, when, stooping to console a dying man, says J. J. Hottinger, a stone hurled by the vigorous arm of a Waldstette struck him on the head, and closed his lips. Yet Zwingle arose, when two other blows, which struck him successively on the legs, threw him down again. Twice more he stands up; but a fourth time he receives a thrust from a lance: he staggers, and, sinking beneath so many wounds, falls on his knees. Does not the darkness that is spreading around him announce a still thicker darkness about to cover the Church? Zwingle turns away from such sad thoughts; once more he uplifts that head which had been so bold, and gazing with a calm eye upon the trickling blood, exclaims, "What evil is this? They can indeed kill the body, but they cannot kill the soul!" These were his last words. He had scarcely uttered them EDITION of D'AUBIGNE'S HISTORY of the REFORMATION. Vols. I. to IV. Being the only English Edition corrected and authenticated by the Author, who has also written a new Preface, and made numerous important Additions not hitherto published. Vols. I. and II. are now ready, Vols. III. and IV. will be published about the end of June. Extract from Dr. D'Aubigné's Preface. "I have revised this translation line by line, and word by word; and I have restored the sense wherever I did not find it clearly rendered. It is the only one which I have. corrected. I declare in consequence, that I acknowledge this translation as the only faithful expression of my thoughts in the English language, and I recommend it as such to all my readers." Lately published, demy 8vo., Vol. IV., OLIVER and BOYD, Edinburgh. WSCHOOL, in one of the densely populated districts in England, where there a good school-room, and where every assistance will be afforded towards promoting educational operations. The school will be placed under the Presbytery of the bounds, in connexion with the Presbyterian Church in England. ANTED.-A TEACHER, for a DAY The PREMIUMS are about a fourth lower than in the other Scottish Mutual Offices, so that the same Premium which, at age 30, is charged by them for an Assurance of 1,000, will secure a Policy in this Office for 1,2301. The WHOLE PROFITS are divisible among the Assured, on a peculiar principle, which is at once more safe, equitable, and favourable to good lives than the one in general use,the surplus being reserved entire for those members who survive the period at which their premiums, with accumulated interest, amount the sums assured, instead of being frittered away among Policies of short duration, on which there is a loss, and not a profit, to the common fund. REPORTS OF THE RECENT INVESTIGATION, EXHIBITING A HIGHLY PROSPEROUS STATE OF THE SOCIETY'S AFFAIRS, MAY BE HAD ON APPLICATION AT THE OFFICES OR ANY OF THE AGENTS. Printed particulars and forms of applicacation can be obtained by applying by letter, Sold by HAMILTON, ADAMS, and Co., Paternoster.row post paid, to "A.B.," care of Mr. John Turner, bookseller and stationer, Temple-row, Birmingham. Applications to be sent in, as directed, on or before 1st July, 1846. Stamped (to go post-free).... Four Shillings. Unstamped Three Shillings. Advertisements received not later than the 20th of each month. CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. Poetry-An Appeal to Memory.... Notices of Books-" Truth and Error" 247 | Mesopotamia - Babylon Foreign and Jewish Missions.-Corfu Mission ib. | Donations to the College Library. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE FREE | There is one item in the statement which I THE proceedings of this reverend body fully evince that the Free Church has lost nothing of her original vigour, enterprise, and zeal. She continues to extend her pale, and to consolidate her interests, with the same enthusiasm and success, as marked her first proceedings. All her undertakings succeed and prosper, and this is the true secret of the envy she has excited, and the hostility with which she is assailed. She is too prosperous not to be envied, too successful, not to be feared, and being envied and feared she is necessarily hated. We do not know that we lament that she has been attacked. We confess we have been occasionally apprehensive of the effects of the praises which have been showered upon her. "Woe unto you, all men speak well of you." We are therefore not inconsolable that she has been maligned and persecuted. We augur well for the result. She will be convinced yet more, that her prosperity must come from her Divine Head, and not from men, who would flatter her in order to make her a tool or an ally in accomplishing their own objects. But our object at present is merely to call the attention of the members of our own Church to the financial affairs of the sister Church, and for when this purpose we give the following abstract account presented by Mr. Jaffray. We mean in a future number to offer some remarks upon this subject with reference to our own finantial affairs. At present, we merely present the statement, which is as follows: "Mr. JAFFRAY said, the sum of 43,3541. 3s. 94d., announced by Dr. Makellar as the amount of contributions for the past year, is composed as follows:Home Mission | Jewish Mission Total ... £69 0 11 339 0 3 | years 1843-44, there was contributed 21,615. 5s. 4d.; in the present year, for these five Schemes, the amount is 31,1167. 11s. 11d.; showing an increase over the year 1843-44, of 9,5011. 6s. 7d. In the year 1844-45, deducting Nagpore, there was received for the five Schemes, 26,3301. 1s. 11d.; which, compared with the receipts of the past year, shows an increase in the latter of 4,7867. 10s. The receipts for the six Schemes of the Church in 1843-44 were 23,8747.; in 1845-46, 43,3547. ; being an increase for the six Schemes of 19,4797. 5s. 10d. In 1844-45, for the six Schemes, deducting, as formerly, Nagpore, 35,5260.; increase for the past year, 7,827. 73 | 7s. 73d. The contributions made altogether for 1843-44 were 31,990.; while for the present year they are 76,000l. and odds, showing an increase of 44,7187. 188. 2d. And for the last year the contributions from all sources were 65,4107. 78. 104d.; while for the present year they are 76,5097. 11s. and 5 d., showing an increase on the year of 11,0997. 38. 7d." £1,002 11 tributed to the New College Ladies' Colonial Association Continental Churches. £0 11 2 3 8 4 48 12 0 2 7 5 27 1 5 25 13 7 3 13 2 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Making a total of . . . . £1,113 18 8 The supplementary contributions of the Church at large stands thus :WE rejoice to observe, from newspapers New College . . £7,792 10 1 lately received by us from distant places, Library 260 5 0 far apart-Port Philip in Australia, and 838 School Building Bursary Fund 9 103 Hamilton in Upper Canada-that the Presby8,441 0 5 terian Church continues to strengthen its Continental Churches 2,633 3 113 | stakes and extend its borders in various Church at Marnoch.. .2,338 8 0 colonies and dependencies abroad; and it Sabbath Observance 207 8 6 | would seem to proceed in these parts with a Ladies' India Female Education steadiness and vigour well calculated to gratify the warmest wishes of its most sanguine friends and supporters, and, at the same time, to cheer the heart of every individual who takes an interest in the widest possible diffusion of a knowledge of Gospel truth and the Association Ladies' Colonial Association Females 832 3 9 247 13 6 Glasgow, ditto ditto Ross and Sutherland sions and Churches, particu- . £5,242 13 10 | Leghorn Church. Educational scheme, including Foreign Missions Total.. 7,345 3 10 4,995 9 8 6,179 19 8 Total.. 08 3 7,913 0 0 . £76,509 11 53 Raised, with exception of Marnoch church fund, regarding which an explanation was given, during last year. I would beg only for one moment longer to compare the receipts of last year with those of the previous year. £43,354 3 9 For the five Schemes of the Church, in the In Upper Canada, the good work goes on most prosperously. A number of Churches have lately been opened in various parts of that important colony; and the organization of congregations and the appointment of mission stations go forward with a degree of spirit and energy which satisfactorily proves the flourishing condition of the Church, and also that the hearts of her office-bearers and members are deeply interested in the success of the laudable work in which they are engaged. It appears from the Ecclesiastical and Missionary Record, published at Hamilton, that there are in active operation, in several Presbyteries, all the appliances necessary for the effectual raising of funds in support of the various schemes and missions of the Church. Associations these admirable mediums for the conveyance of free-will offerings into the treasury of the Church-have been established in a number of different congregations; and it is gratifying to observe that they work equally well abroad as at home. Indeed, their condition, flourishing or otherwise, may justly be regarded as a fair criterion of the extent and prevalence of vital godliness amongst a people. A Church in a spiritually dead, or self-sufficient state, will seldom or never evince a very decided missionary spirit -will never seek to magnify the honour of the Saviour by displaying the banner of truth and salvation, either to idolatrous heathens or to vagrant wanderers from the Christian fold. The Presbyterian Church in Upper Canada exhibits no small degree of activity in both these particulars; but, unfortunately, her means are not equal to her wishes. She, as well as our own Church at home, is sadly hampered in her exertions for want of ministers and missionaries; and the consequence is, that many congregations and stations remain vacant which would most gladly receive regular supply. We fondly hope that the great Head of the Church will soon provide labourers sufficient both for them and for us, so that his vineyard here and elsewhere may speedily become as a well-watered garden and a field which the Lord hath blessed. The Presbyterian Church in Upper Canada occupies a peculiarly interesting position. In the lower province, Popery is rampant in its most alluring form; whilst in the diocese of Toronto, its less obtrusive, perhaps, but not less insidious and pernicious sister-Puseyism-is winning her way among the Episcopalian part of the community. The baneful errors of the Oxford divines are sanctioned and fostered by some of the highest dignitaries of the Episcopal Church in the colony; and, such being the case, the head being thus corrupt, it is but natural to expect that the inferior members will not long remain free from the taint of its iniquity. It were a noble work for an Evangelical Church to stem or turn aside these twin formidable streams of error, and fill their channels with the pure and pellucid waters of the wells of salvation. If honoured with a call to the performance of such a work, sure we are, that our Presbyterian friends in Canada would not shrink from the task, but would go forward in the strength and power of the Divine Master whom they serve, and, bearing witness boldly to the truth, do their utmost speedily to bring to nought the counsel and teaching of those who, in fact if not in motive, substitute another Gospel for that of the New Testament, and declare another way of salvation than that opened up for sinners by the beloved Son of God. The Evangelical Presbyterians in Port Philip are also acting with commendable spirit and decision. Several influential members of the Church in that rising colony, had determined on the publication, on the 1st of January last, of a monthly periodical, to be devoted to the inculcation of evangelical truth and the diffusion of missionary and other religious intelligence. Presbyterians themselves, adhering to the principles of the Scottish Reformation as these are maintained in the present day by our own Church and the Free Church of Scotland, the projectors declare that they will on no occasion conceal those principles; and that, when they deem it necessary, they will expound and enforce them. But we are glad to observe that, whilst they thus disclaim all indifference or neutrality in reference to their own peculiar views, they STATE OF RELIGION IN ITALY. THE Rev. Mr. Grey, of Perth, gave a mourn- Popery still rejoices in its indulgences, its Very little indeed is doing (says the Border Watch) for the evangelization of Italy. The reason, however, is not that the field is in itself altogether unpromising and hopeless. On the contrary, there exists some desire to possess the Scriptures, and in one principal city a prayer meeting was secretly held last winter, by native Italians. The reason is the intolerance of the laws. But whether that intolerance should any longer prevent the British and American Churches from attempting missionary operations, at least in the Papal State, is questionable. The Papal State sends missionaries to America and to Britain, for the conversion of the members of our Churches to Popery. It expends large sums in the maintenance of these missionaries, and in the circulation of books and tracts among our people. A few weeks before Mr. Grey arrived in Rome, the Pope (since dead) had proclaimed what is called a novena, or nine days' prayer, for the success of his missions in our islands. There can be no objection to all this. But surely the Protestants of America and Britain are entitled to say, "We shall send missionaries to you, since you send them to us. The toleration you get at London, Edinburgh, and New York, you must give at Rome. You distribute Dr. Milner's 'End of Religious Controversy among our people,we must be allowed to distribute the Bible among yours." Indeed, it is to be considered whether duty does not require now that the Alps be crossed, and the conflict with Rome carried into Italy. There are two very interesting stations to which the attention of the Free Church of Scotland has been called, and which are under the charge of the Colonial Committee, viz., Leghorn and Malta. At the former place Mr. Stewart, late of Erskine, is now settled as pastor of the Scottish congregation, and four excellent laymen have been appointed and ordained to the office of the Eldership. Besides the usual services, for some time past there has been a service every Sabbath afternoon for the benefit of the British seamen that frequent the port on board one of the vessels lying there. Leghorn is a great entrepot. There are seldom fewer than ten, and often as many as twenty British vessels lying in the harbour, and a considerable number of our countrymen are settled there. Malta is a still more important station, being under British jurisdiction, and at the same time the common resort of traders, labourers, and others, from all parts of Southern Europe. A strong missionary staff, stationed at Malta, might soon render it the Iona of Italy. SPEECH OF PROFESSOR LORIMER IN THE FREE CHURCH ASSEMBLY. THE following is the speech delivered by Professor Lorimer at the Diet of Assembly held on Monday the 25th May last: Moderator, Fathers, and Brethren, we appear before you this day, bearing the annual message of greeting, congratulation, and sympathy, which send to her honoured sister, the Free Church of the Presbyterian Church in England delights to Scotland. (Applause.) We come to assure you, in the name of all our brethren and people in England, of our unabated, our growing esteem and attachment. We come also to congratulate you upon the great and growing prosperity which the tily do we rejoice with you in all the joy which Lord has been pleased to vouchsafe to you. Hear that marvellous prosperity must awaken in your hearts, and fervently do we join with you in thanksgiving and praise to the Lord on account of actions and events with which your history as the it. Indeed, when we think of all the great transFree Church began, and when we think of the wonderful series of successes and triumphs which have crowded the page of your three years' history since, we can find no language so appropriate to conviction, that the Lord's own mighty arm has express our admiration and wonder, and our deep been revealed in these "signs and wonders,"-a the words in which Israel of old celebrated their two great national deliverances," Sing to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously. The Lour salvation. The Lord hath done great things for is our strength and song, and he is become our us, whereof we are glad." Indeed, Fathers and Brethren, it appears to me that the Lord has done greater things, in some respects, for the Chur ancient Church of Israel. When he brought Israel of our fathers at this day, than he did for the ont of the house of bondage, he led them into a wilderness- a waste, howling wilderness,-and we shall still need to draw upon you for ministers adapted to our principal stations,-until our licentiates shall have acquired some experience-in less important and difficult charges. At this moment we have vacancies in three very interesting and influential localities-in Newcastle, and Brighton, and Birmingham, which are all earnestly looking for ministers of the Free Church to settle among them; and nothing but the want of men prevents us from commencing operations with the best hope of success in Bath, and Bristol, and Plymouth, and Hull, and Leeds, and many other great towns of England. (Loud applause.) A wide door of enterprise and of usefulness has been opened up before us, and we only need more ministers to make that door as effectual as it is wide. Listen to the remarkable words of Dr. Merle d'Aubigné (applause), addressed to us in London last summer there they were appointed to wander forty long yet indeed in actual operation, for we have been years before they were allowed to enter into the hitherto disappointed in our efforts to obtain suitland of promise. How different his dealings with ably qualified men to send out on our contemyou as a Church! He has spared you the wilder-plated mission to China; but meanwhile we are ness journey; he has brought you at once into a accumulating a fund to commence the mission so good land and a large-a land flowing with milk soon as missionaries can be found to undertake and with honey. He has made your transition- the work. Our College has prospered beyond all passage brief and rapid--a triumphal march, not expectation. Last session, the second, we had a weary journey; and yet brief as it has been twenty-seven students in attendance (renewed compared with Israel's, he has crowded into it applause), a number which may seem small to many of Israel's mercies in the desert, while he you, but which appears large, very large, to us, has spared you the trials of the desert itself. who know the ground and our peculiar position You, too, have had the bitter waters of Marah better than you can be expected to do. Several made sweet for you; yon, too, have had the quails of these students are native Englishmen-a cirand the manna falling daily around the camp, and cumstance peculiarly gratifying to us, as our great the pillar of cloud by day, and the pillar of fire aim is to make way among that class. We think, by night and for you, too, has been smitten the and I am sure you will think with us, that Engrock-the rock of Scotland's heart-once too hard lish Presbyterianism can never be expected to and stony and the waters of Christian liberality make any general way until it gets into the hands "I believe you, the Presbyterian Church, have have flowed forth like a river-a river that has of Englishmen themselves. (Hear, hear.) The a mission in England. I am sure you are fitted followed you in all your way hitherto-and which, ministry of every country should be a native mi- very much to meet the necessities of the English Itrast, with yet broader and deeper wave, will fol-nistry; and that is the grand aim we have in view people, and I had much joy on coming to England low you still. (Great applause.) It is impossible in regard to the Presbyterian ministry of England, to find the state of the Presbyterian Church in it, to reflect upon these very special and peculiar that its ranks should be filled and extended with and that already it was entering on its mission, dealings of the Lord with the Free Church with- recruits drawn from the goodly soil of England say that the Presbyterian Church, has a mission ont being led to the conclusion that he has some itself. The funds of our young institution are also or duty. It is not only for yourselves, or your special mission for her to execute-some special in a prosperous condition; so much so, that the congregations and people, that you are here, it is work for her to do. It is not for me to suggest Synod, at its late meeting in Manchester, deter- for the whole country." (Renewed applause.) what that work is to be, but most earnestly do mined to proceed without delay to make a perma- Those were remarkable words, and they have sunk we desire and pray that she may have grace nent appointment to the chair of systematic and deep into our hearts. Will they not also impress vouchsafed to her, and wisdom from on high well pastoral theology. (Applause.) You are aware yours, honoured Brethren, and move you, in comto understand it herself. The chief, indeed the that the arrangements made for the occupation of pliance with the calls which we are from time to only anxiety, which your brethren of other that chair last session were of a temporary kind. time addressing to you,-to "come over and help Churches can now feel in regard to the Free Dr. Henderson of Glasgow, and Mr. Hanna of Skir- us?" There is a remarkable preparation in ProviChurch, is upon this point, that she may be true ling, occupied it for two months each; and I can- dence for the spread of a free and pure Presbyto her commission-that she may be preserved not express too strongly the deep obligations of terian Church in England. In almost every large from every false step that might injure her influ- our Church to these honoured brethren, for the city and town of the country is to be found a ence for good-that she may be led in a plain prompt kindness with which they rendered their larger or smaller number of Scottish Presbyterian path-that darkness may be made light before services to us on that occasion, and for the very families, still deeply attached to the Church of her, and crooked paths straight, and rough places able and efficient manner in which they fulfilled their fathers, and ready to rally and act together plain-and that thus all the ends for which the Lord the duties entrusted to them. Their lectures gave so soon as the old blue banner is displayed in the has wrought deliverance for her may be accom- the highest satisfaction to our students, and were midst of them. Already, in this way, the nuplished. May you be gifted with the wisdom of worthy of the theological reputation of the Free cleus of many a congregation is made ready to the men of Issachar, "who had understanding of Church, which numbers among her ministers so our hands, and we have only to go and pluck the the times to know what Israel ought to do"-may many eminent and highly accomplished divines. fruit which offers itself ripe to us from the tree. it be as true of the Free Church and her times, as Still such an arrangement for the chair was at- Now, it is to the Free Church especially that we it was recently so admirably shown in this place tended with inconveniences and disadvantages so must look for assistance in availing ourselves of to have been of John Knox, whose representative obvious that they need not be specified; and the these precious opportunities; it is Scotland, and she is, and his day- (Hear, hear)-that these pre- Synod, as I said before, have determined to make her ministers especially, that are called to the sent times, in the religious history of this land, a permanent appointment. Where their choice great and glorious task of rearing up, or at least, were made ready for her, and that she was made is likely to fall it is not for me to say, but I may of laying the foundations, of a second Presbyterian ready of the Lord for these times. I will now venture to predict, upon my own responsibility, temple in England. We have, indeed, recently proceed to lay before you some facts regarding that it is certain to fall upon one or other of the received invaluable aid from our sister Church in the present state and prospects of our Church theologians of this Church; and I have only to Ireland, and we shall have to look to her for in England, respecting which you will naturally express my earnest hope that whosoever is invited still further assistance in the great work in which expect from us some information. I rejoice to be to occupy this important post, may see it to be we are engaged. Still, I repeat, it is to Scotland, able to bring you good tidings of our affairs-our his duty to accept the call addressed to him; and and her ministers, that we must mainly look in Church, indeed, was never, since the formation of that his Presbytery may throw no obstacles in our present emergency; and my reason for saying the Synod ten years ago, in a condition half so the way of his removal. This, I think, I may ven- this is, that for many years, and up to this day, prosperous or hopeful as it is at present. (Loud ture to assume, will be the mind and wish of the there has been the closest connexion and deapplause.) We date our prosperity and progress whole Assembly. While the Synod is thus pendauce between the Presbyterianism of Scotfrom your great Disruption (renewed applause) wisely providing for the future extension of our land and that of England. We have been closely a convulsion whose vibrations were instantly felt Church, I rejoice to be able to acquaint you, bound up with you in all your later history,-your in England, as they were in other lands. That that we are also endeavouring in the meanwhile former divisions divided us,-your struggles and mighty event did us eminent service in many ways. to consolidate and improve its internal condition. contendings drew us into their vortex,-your DisFirst, it made usa united Church. It made vacancies Here we have found much, very much, to do ruption disrupted us,—and your subsequent triIn the parishes of Scotland, which the very men we -our whole financial arrangements needed to be umphs have given a new stimulus to our proswished, above all things, to lose, hurried over the new modelled-the sustentation of many of our perity; and is not all this a clear indication that Border to occupy; and those of us who remained ministers needed to be put upon a more suitable it is the purpose of Divine Providence that the behind had the joy of finding ourselves perfectly footing, our day schools needed to be improved mission of Presbyterianism in England is to be joined together in one mind and one judgment. in condition and increased in number-the super- carried out very much, at least, in its earlier stages, Hear, hear.) This was a delightful change; it intendence of Presbyteries over congregations by the aid of your sympathies and your co-opera inspired us with new life, and armed us, though needed to be made more efficient-the congrega- tion? We have been bound up with you hitherto, now a little band, with double power. Your tions themselves needed to be organized into and there is everything to indicate that we must Disruption also made us in reality what we were Associations in aid of all the Schemes of the be bound up with you still. We have been able little better than in name before, a distinct and and willing to aid you a little in your struggles, dependent Church. It broke us off, as a branch, and now the time has come for you to aid us in from the Establishment; and not thinking it wise ours. (Applause.) What we earnestly desire is, to become a mere branch Church again, we deterthat ministers of the Free Church who receive miced that we should thenceforward form a stem calls from our people, might see it to be their Church ourselves, having a root and a trunk, and duty, more than hitherto, on public grounds, to branches of our own, and growing up as indeaccept them, and come and settle among us. In pendently upon the English soil as your Church the space of three years, we have only been sucdoes on the soil of Scotland, or our sister Church cessful in seven of these calls,-in three the first on the soil of Ireland. (Applause.) This step has year, in two the second, and in two the third. been of immense advantage to us. It has aniAllow me to say, that this is the only department mated our office-bearers and people with a zeal of your operations in which you have not been and spirit they never felt before. We feel every making progress. We do not blame you for this; day that we have now a Church of our own to how could we blame you for it, considering the maintain and extend, and that, too, in the greatest urgent pressure of your own wants? Still, we country in the world. We feel that we have all naturally wish that the case had been different; the privileges of a pure and free Church to enjoy, and we are very anxious that ministers receiving and all the responsibilities of such a Church to such calls in future, should not reject them save discharge; and this feeling gives a life and an upon the clearest and strongest grounds of duty. energy to our movements and exertions which we We wish them to take into their consideration never felt before. We have now, within the short whether there is not a duty which they owe to the space of two years, most, if not all, of the Institucause of Presbyterianism in England, as well as tions proper to a distinct Church-a Theological a duty which they owe to the same cause in ScotCollege, a Home Mission, an Education Scheme, land? It is true the stronger the Free Church is and a Foreign Mission (applause)-the last not in Scotland, the better will it be in the end for our Church. I rejoice to state, that all these objects دو one for females; also two academies, and 66 "Rev. Dr. Cox moved; Rev. Dr. KING seconded "That, with this view, a correspondence should be opened and maintained with Christian brethren in different parts of the world, especially with those who may be engaged, amidst peculiar difficulties and opposition in the cause of the Gospel, in order to afford them all suitable encouragement and sympathy, and to diffuse an interest in their welfare.-Carried." [Such zeal for the propagation of a corrupt religion need not surprise any one who calls to remembrance who they were who compassed sea and land to make one proselyte;" but it puts to shame the feeble and desultory efforts of Protestants, they who, knowing the truth themselves, ought to be ever on the alert to counteract the baneful doctrines of the Romish Church, and to evince their love of the truth, by a steady" and catholic dissemination of the Gospel of THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE. cause in England. But it is equally true that the THE following are the Resolutions agreed to "PREFATORY RESOLUTION. Rev. Dr. ALDER moved; Rev. Dr. LEIFCHILD seconded; Rev. R. NEWSTEAD supported 66 That, in subserviency to this great object, the expectation is cherished that the Alliance will exert a beneficial influence on the advancement of our common Christianity in various important respects; and that, with this view, it is deemed necessary to obtain correct information on such subjects as the following, viz. :— "1. The facts bearing on the growth of Popery. 2. The state of Infidelity, and the form which it assumes in our day. "3. The amount of the existing means of Christian education. "4. The facts relating to the observance of the Lord's-day. "That, considering that this proposal for union originated, in a great degree, in the sense very generally entertained among Christians of their practical neglect of our Lord's new commandment to His disciples to 'love the Church of Christ, in all of which offences one another,' and the many schisms that rend the members of the Alliance acknowledge, with godly sorrow, their full participation, it "It being understood that, in following ought to form one chief object of the Alli-out the inquiries to be thus made, and in ance to deepen in the minds of its own mempromoting the objects in view, the Alliance bers, and through their influence to extend contemplates chiefly the stimulating of among the disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ Churches and Christian Societies to such generally, that conviction of sin and short- efforts as the exigencies of the case may decomings in this respect which the blessed mand, by giving forth its views on these Spirit of God have awakened gain another victory,-you have laid the founda- his Church, in order that, humbling them- views by an organization of their own. tions of one Free Presbyterian Church in Scotland, ROMANISM IN AMERICA. THE Romish Church has one of its firmest strongholds in Lower Canada. It has an imposing staff of officials there, and pays great attention to the education, or rather perversion, of the young. Besides the clergy, properly so-called, who number one arch bishop, three bishops, and several hundred priests, professors, and curates, there are nuns of various orders, whose schools and convents widely extend over the country, and afford instruction for the higher classes, as well as primary education for the poor. There are, likewise, about thirty brethren of the Christian Schools, as they are called, to whom the Romish hierarchy confides the elementary schools for boys. In addition to eight colleges and theological seminaries, a college is now to be built in Montreal by the Jesuits, whose order was formally re-established there in 1843, and which now contains a large number of novices and members. Like the old guard of Napoleon, the Jesuits are the last reserve of Rome. In Oregon, the British, or rather Canadian, part of the population, is mostly Roman Catholic. The Catholic Almanac," for 1846, says, that in that remote territory, there are already sixteen priests, one religious institution for young men, and Carried." selves more and more before the Lord, they The foregoing Resolution was moved by The Report of the Select Sub-Committee THE OBJECTS. "Rev. J. KELLY moved; Hon. and Rev. "I. That the Alliance shall consist primarily of the members and corresponding members of the four divisions of the Provisional Committee, in all parts of the world.-Carried." "Rev. Dr. Cox moved; Rev. J. JORDAN seconded; Rev. W. W. EWBANK supported Britain and Ireland are concerned, shall act "II. That the Alliance, in so far as Great by an Aggregate Committee, annually chosen, limited, and divided, for the present, into at least four parts: two for England and Wales, one for Scotland, and one for Ireland-say three hundred in all-viz., two hundred for England and Wales, one-half for the southern and western districts of England and Wales, and the other half for the northern districts of England and Wales; and fifty for Scotland, and fifty for Ireland. Meetings of the several divisions of the Aggregate Committee may be held in the principal towns in each division. The divisions of the Aggregate Committee shall interchange copies of their minutes. Fifteen of the hundred members of the Committees for England, and ten of the fifty members of the Committees for Scotland and Ireland, shall constitute in such case a |