صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


port of the Jesuits, and speaking of their intrigues, says:--" Thus, respect for Christianity, and attachment to France, penetrated everywhere. If at a future period political causes were to take us to those shores, we shall gather the fruit of these Evangelical seeds, and obstacles will more easily be overSuch are the agents that Catholicism spreads everywhere, and which it inspires in our favour. The most cunning, the most active, the most extensive diplomacy would not arrive at such results." (Hear, hear.) The reason why Protestant missionaries did not make way among the people so rapidly as the agents of Popery, was thus well stated by Dr. Duff:-" We feel that we can do everything but convert. We can communicate Divine knowledge, silence objections, remove prejudices, produce the clearest intellectual conviction of the truth of Christianity; but, we cannot convert a single heart to God. We can come up so sharply to the very edge of conversion, that it seems as if we were not separated from it by a hair's breadth. And yet, after reaching and touching, as it were, its very border, that apparently infinitesimal line we cannot cross. There we stand still, gazing on helpless-impotent, and consciously incapable of further progress. And standing there, with such consciousness, it is with us not a cold deduction of reason, however valid, or a bare inference from Scripture, however sound, but a positive sensation, that nought but Omnipotent grace can cross the line, and savingly convert a soul to God. Oh! then, let the Church's prayer be offered up unceasingly for the vivid and copious manifestation of Jehovah's grace in the midst of us." (Hear, hear.) The object of the Protestant missionary was to convert the soul; that of the Popish agent to proselyte and bring within the visible pale of his community, without reference to a change of heart. (Hear.)

The Rev. PHILLIPS (Calvinistic minister from Wales) seconded the resolution, which was agreed to.

Major JERVIS moved a vote of thanks to the Hon. Chairman.

Dr. GREVILLE, of Edinburgh, in seconding the resolution, thought at so late an hour of the night, he should have contented himself with merely doing so; yet coming, as he did, from Scotland, and being the only Episcopalian that had addressed them, he could not avoid expressing his heartfelt satisfaction at perceiving the strong feeling of unanimity which pervaded them, and he trusted that it would last long and bless both themselves and their fellow-creatures. He needed hardly to say that it was with the most heartfelt pleasure he seconded the resolution.

The motion having been carried with acclamation,

The CHAIRMAN said, that in return for the cordial thanks so undeservedly showered upon him, he offered them his most sincere and heartfelt acknowledgments for the unmerited distinction they had that night allowed him to enjoy. They owed him no thanks. He had been one of them from the first; he was one of them still; and, till called to his long account, he would continue one of them to the last. (Applause.)

The Rev. J. HAMILTON then dismissed the assembly by pronouncing a benediction.



and deacons and other members, and was
honoured by the presence of Dr. J. R. Brown,
Greek Professor in Marischal College, Aber-
deen, the Rev. David Simpson, also of that expressing himself, How sweet is that word, "The

city, and Dr. Smyttan, from Edinburgh. The
chair was occupied by William Hamilton,
Esq., Convener of the Union, and the meet-
ing was opened by prayer, by the Rev. W.
Chalmers, of Edward-street, Portman-square.
The Chairman having then shortly addressed
the meeting, the Report of the Committee
was read by Mr. David Aitken, the Secretary.
Amongst other matters, it embraced a review
of the past proceedings of the Union, referred
to many important works in which it had
engaged, and to many schemes connected
with the Free Church of Scotland, and the
Presbyterian Church of England, which it had
either originated, or strenuously supported.
Reference was made to the growing conviction
of the important benefits such associations
were fitted to secure to the individual
objects of the visits of its members, and
to the cause of Presbyterianism in England;
and it was stated that similar institutions
were already in operation, and others
about to be formed, within the bounds of
the Synod. The Report closed by an
expression of regret on the part of the
Committee that, notwithstanding all that the
Union had yet done, the inadequacy of its
means had prevented its exertions from being
at all commensurate to the vast field open to
its labours, and by pointing out various modes
through which its benefits might be more
widely and successfully diffused, for the con-
sideration and adoption of which it appealed
earnestly to all who desire to promote the
glory of God on the earth.

The Report was accompanied by a state-
ment of the accounts given in by the
Treasurer, Mr. Nisbet.

The following Resolutions were then unanimously carried :

1. Moved by the Rev. JAMES HAMILTON, Regent-square; and seconded by the Rev. JOSIAS WILSON, River-terrace; - That the Report and statements now read be adopted and printed under the direction of the Committee. 2. Moved by PROFESSOR BROWN, of Aberdeen; and seconded by the Rev. PETER LORIMER; -The re-appointment of the Convener, the Treasurer, and Secretary.

3. Moved by the Rev. WM. CHALMERS; and seconded by the Rev. D. SIMPSON, of Aberdeen; - Appointing the elders and deacons of each Church, with other gentlemen of the congregations, as the General Committee of the Union.

4. Moved by the Rev. JAMES FERGUSON, of John Knox's Church; and seconded by Dr. SMYTTAN, of Edinburgh;-Re-appointing the Auditors, Messrs. Brownley, De Fleury, and Cotes.

5. Moved by Dr. A. P. STEWART; and seconded by the Rev. JOSEPH FISHER; - Vote of thanks to the Chairman.

The thanks of the Union were presented also to Professor Brown, the Rev. D. Simpson, and Dr. Smyttan, for their kindness in attending the meeting; and thereafter the Rev. James Ferguson having pronounced the benediction, the meeting separated.

The best thing yet said to us in the
United States was said to-day by one of the
senators on hearing our story. "Tell Dr.
Chalmers that you should all come out to Ken-
tucky, and we shall vote you a section of land,
500 acres a-piece, and you can make a New
Scotland in the west, as the Puritans made a
New England in the east."-Lewis's America

THE fourth annual meeting of the London
Lay Union was held in Regent-square Church,
on the evening of Tuesday, May 6. It was
attended by several ministers of the Pres-
byterian Churches in London, many elders I and American Churches.

"It was delightful to hear the Rev. J. Angell James thus crown rights of Christ!","*

"The crown rights of Christ!" how sweet is the phrase
What joy to the heart can this, lofty theme bring!
'Tis the bond to unite, in these perilous days;
'Tis the word to inscribe on the banner we raise,-
"The crown rights of Christ," our Redeemer and King

He is Head of his Church, of nations the Head;
His declarative glory in each richly stor'd:
To reign over both, He suffered, He bled!
And now his own people by duty are led,

"The crown rights of Christ" to defend for their Lord.

In Church and in State Christ's sceptre shall sway;
A glad double message the angel-host sing,-
'Tis" Glory to God," in that Church-loyal day,
Good-will reigns on earth, when all men obey

"The crown rights of Christ," their Redeemer and
King !

He is Lord of the earth, - of conscience the Lord,
While at his lov'd "name each creature shall bow;"
And one with the Father, as Scriptures record,
His saints joyful rest on that long-promis'd word:
"The crown rights of Christ" men yet shall allow.

The times are portentous, the battle seems nigh;
They bid us unite in harmonious accord:

May God give us grace, when we hear the war-cry,
To be faithful to Him, our great Captain on high;
And when He hath conquered, to share in the sky

"All the crown rights of Christ," our Redeemer and

A Presbyterian minister of the United States, American by birth, but of Scottish parentage, happening to be in New Orleans, was requested to visit an old Scotch soldier, who had wandered thither, and, having been attacked by the yellow fever, was conveyed to the hospital in a dying state. On announcing his errand, the sick soldier told him in a surly tone that he desired none of his visits; that he knew how to die without a priest. The minister replied that he was no priest, but a Presbyterian clergyman, come to read to him the word of God, and to speak of that eternity to which he seemed to be drawing near. The Scot doggedly refused all conversation, and, after lingering a few minutes, the minister was reluctantly compelled to take his leave. Next day, however, he called again, thinking that the reflections of the man on his own rudeness might secure a better reception on a second visit. But the soldier's tone and manner were equally rude and repulsive. He turned himself in bed, with his face to the wall, as if determined to hear nothing, and relent nothing. As a last effort to gain attention, the minister bethought himself of the hymn, well known in Scotland, the composition, it is supposed, of David Dickson, of Irvine, one of the worthies of Scotland :

Oh, mother dear, Jerusalem,
When shall I come to thee?

When shall my sorrows have an end?
Thy joys when shall I see?

This hymn his Scottish mother had taught
him to sing when a child, to the tune of
"Dundee." He began to hum his mother's
hymn to his mother's tune. The soldier
listened for a few moments in silence, but
gradually turning himself round, his counte-
nance relaxed, and, the tear in his eye, he
inquired, "Wha learned you that?" "My
mother," said the minister. "And so did
mine," replied the now softened and relenting
soldier, whose heart was melted by the recol-
lections of infancy, and who was now prepared
to give a willing ear to the man that found the
key to his Scottish heart.-Lewis's America
and the American Churches.

* Extract from a letter of one of the Deputation of the Free Church of Scotland to England, 1844.

REPORT OF THE TREASURERS OF | therefore depend on the amount of annual

THE following is the Report of the Treasurers of the College, which we were unable to include in our last number, together with the detailed statement of the contributions towards the support of that Institution, received from the various Presbyteries of the Church :

The Treasurers, in presenting to the College Committee their First Annual Report, may be allowed to congratulate the members, and the friends of Presbyterianism in England generally, on the measure of success which, so far, has attended the efforts made to support, and give stability to, the newly instituted Theological College. They have to report, that exclusive of fees from students, the total amount of contributions for the furtherance of this object has been 1,280l. 10s. 1d., of which 468l. 5s. 9d. comprise annual subscriptions, and 8121. 4s. 4d. are donations. Amongst the latter, however, is included a sum of 150l. 8s. 1d., being the amount of congregational collections in various churches, which have fallen very far short of what had been expected: but as the interest these churches take in the welfare of the College will doubtless lead them to make similar and larger collections in future years, the present actual yearly income will be more clearly shown by adding the amount derived from this source to the annual subscriptions, seeing they are, properly speaking, of the same character. Thus divided, the annual subscriptions will amount to 6181. 13s. 10d., and the donations to 661l. 168. 3d.

Inasmuch as the funds thus raised have exceeded the actual expenditure hitherto, the result, as we have already said, is so far satisfactory; but as it is evident that we cannot expect a repetition of such an amount of donations as have been received in the past year,

subscriptions and congregational collections, we recommend to the Committee to use every means in its power, to make known, and to inculcate, the absolute necessity of an increase in these two modes of contribution. Apart from the donations, the funds would have been barely sufficient even for the comparatively small expenses of the past session: but these hereafter will be heavier, and to meet them, every effort on the part of all our Churches must be used, so to increase the amount of annual contributions, that the fixed machinery of the College may be rendered in every branch full and effective, and that they to whom its offices are entrusted may in all cases be sufficiently remunerated. It is only by such increased exertions on the part of the friends of Presbyterianism in England that the solid and permanent prosperity of the College can be secured: and when the great value of this Institution in furthering and advancing the interests of the Presbyterian Church is duly considered, surely its members will feel themselves constrained to adopt, and put in force, all possible means to attain the end in view, and to make the liberality of their contributions commensurate with the growing necessities of the case, and the high importance of the object to be promoted.

From some congregations we regret to state that nothing at all has been received, either in the way of donation, or of annual subscription, and from others the amounts have been much smaller than we had looked for. We mention these things, not in any spirit of complaint, for we well know the embarrassing circumstances in which many Churches have been placed by the effects of the disruption in Scotland; and whilst the occasion requires us thus to refer specially to rural congregations, we would address an equally urgent call to others more favourably situated-our earnest appeal to all being, that they will seriously consider the duty of aiding more liberally than

and establishment of a seminary, which, by the blessing of God, is fitted to rear, for their own spiritual welfare and edification, as also for those of their families, and their successors in the Presbyterian Church of England, a body of faithful and efficient men, who shall proclaim the glad tidings of the Gospel over the length and breadth of our land, which still remains so inadequately provided with the outward means of grace. And in order more effectually to secure this much desired result, we may be permitted to suggest to our friends in town and country districts, the advantagewe would indeed say, the necessity of setting on foot some well organized and efficiently worked agency in each congregation, by which a system of regular contributions in weekly or other periodical payments may be arranged and uninterruptedly carried on, for the furtherance of the object now in view, and of all other objects of Christian charity and benevolence, which they think worthy of their countenance and support.

In making this recommendation to individual congregations, we feel also very strongly, that it is necessary for the due management of the English Presbyterian Church's many and important interests, that an agent should be appointed by the Synod to superintend the superintend operations of this and all other schemes she may undertake; and we venture earnestly to request the Committee's attention to this point, which probably they will take measures to consider in concert with the Committees of other Societies and Institutions in connexion with our Church.

We recommend also to the General Committee, that they should nominate and appoint from the members of their own body, a small Finance Committee, who shall consult with the Treasurers in regard to passing events, and the general management of the funds of the College.


and that the maintenance of the College must | hitherto, towards completing the organization | London, April 10th, 1845.




[blocks in formation]




37 10 0

14 60

606 0 8 287 2 0 893 28


Douglas, Isle of Man
Oldham-street, Liverpool
St. George's, ditto
Woodside, ditto
St. Peter's-square, Manchester

10 5 0






4 11 11


5 16 11



1 10 0
20 11 0
37 10 0

28 10
37 16 9

94 19 6

86 16 0 161 18 3 248 14 3

10 00

5 10 7

1 12 0

20 4 9

20 4 9


4 14 6

14 10 0

9 18 6

20 4 6

9 18 6

30 30

£1280 10

1141 16 11

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

March 15. By Payment of one year's use of Rooms in Exeter Hall, to Midsummer, 1845, including share of Coals, Gas, Attendants, &c.

60 00

215 00

[blocks in formation]

March 28. By Payment to Interim Professors, and Tutor, for half-year's salaries

NOTE. The Rev. James Hamilton declined any remuneration for his valuable services, and has persisted in this determination; but he subsequently yielded to the urgent request of the Committee to lay out the sum of 601. voted to him, in the purchase of books, to be selected by him and presented in his name to the College: the above amount is therefore included in this account.

April 3. By Payment to Wm. Heath, for


[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

to Jas. Russell, for College Album


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

April 5. By Payment to C. J. Stewart, for Books

April 7. to G. J. Pickett, for Engraving
April 10. By Balance at Bank of England this day, per

Bank Book

561 13 0

£1173 15 4


The General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland met on Thursday, the 22nd May, in the Assembly Hall, at Canon Mills, Edinburgh. The Rev. Henry Grey, the Moderator of the previous year, preached an able and appropriate discourse from the eighth verse of the Second Epistle of John. "Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward." The Hall was crowded by a most respectable and attentive audience.

The Assembly having subsequently been constituted with prayer, the roll of members was made up, and the late Moderator, the Rev. Henry Grey, thus addressed them, "Fathers and brethren, one duty more, according to the usual custom, remains for me to perform, to propose a Moderator for the present Assembly: and I have much pleasure in presenting to your choice an esteemed friend of my own, who is well known to all of

pleasure in proposing for the Chair Dr. Patrick M'Farlan.

you, and requiring no recommendation of mine to your favourable opinion, -I mean the Rev. Dr. M'Farlan, of Greenock. (Cheers.) The Mr. Fox MAULE, M.P., who, on rising, eyes of the Church have happily been very was greeted with cordial cheers, said, I have generally directed to him to hold that office much satisfaction in performing the pleasing on this occasion. He is deservedly very high duty that has been devolved on me, of secondin estimation amongst us for his skill and ing the motion which has just been made experience in the laws and practice of the from the chair; and in expressing my own Church, as well as for his sound judgment and opinion, I feel that I express also the opinion moderation in the conduct of affairs. We are of the Church, that there is no one on whom all aware of the distinguished part he we could more justly confer the honour of took in the anxious discussions and negotia- being Moderator of this Assembly. He is tions that preceded our present position; and moderate and temperate in his counsels, calm (which should not, perhaps, be forgotten at this in action, and one who will conduct the time) you are aware that he surrendered larger business of this important Assembly in a emoluments in the form of a church-living, manner satisfactory, I am sure, to us all. His than, I believe, any other individual amongst virtues and merits have been so well prous. (Cheers.) Further, he held the office of nounced from the chair, that I will add no Moderator under other auspices: he is there- more than second the motion that has just fore well acquainted with its duties, and I been made, and which, I trust, will be doubt not he will pass through them, without unanimously adopted by this venerable Asinjury to himself, and to the benefit and satis- sembly. faction of the Church. I have therefore much

The motion being unanimously agreed to,

Dr. M'Farlan was introduced by Dr. Cunningham, and took his seat, the members of Assembly, and the entire audience, rising on his entrance. The Moderator then addressed the Assembly in a speech of considerable length, in which he touched upon a great variety of topics connected with the experience and prospects of the Free Church. He took occasion to state that, instead of 470 congregations, corresponding to the number of out-going ministers at the time of the disruption, there are now 700 congregations, and 625 ordained ministers, and the number of adherents, old and young, may fairly be estimated at one-third part of the population of Scotland. About 500 churches have been built, and the expense of their erection has been entirely defrayed, in many instances, by the congregations. He referred to the necessity of an equal contribution, according to the means of each congregation, for the Sustentation Fund, and to the furtherance of the Church's Missionary Schemes; and afterwards called attention to the subject of Popery, in regard to the support it was receiving from Government, and the duty of resisting the endowment of Maynooth. The Moderator also alluded in affecting terms to the loss which the Church had sustained since last Assembly, by the deaths of Dr. Abercrombie and Dr. Welsh, and announced that M. Merle D'Aubigné would be present in the Assembly next week. On Friday, the Assembly met at one o'clock, and was engaged for some time in devotional exercises, which were conducted by the Moderator, and Dr. Smyth, of Glasgow. The Assembly then called for the Report of the Board of Missions and Education, which was presented by Dr. M'Kellar, in a long and interesting address. We have not space, to give even an outline of the Report, however brief, but may mention that the total contributions during the past year, to the five schemes of the Free Church, and to the College, amounted to the large and very liberal sum of 82,3981. 18. 2d. A Report on the state of Sabbath observance was read by Mr. Fairbairn, of Salton: and on this subject addresses were made by Dr. Stewart, of Broughshain (a member of a Deputation from the Irish Presbyterian Church), Mr. Bell, of Newcastle (one of a Deputation from the Lord'sday Society, of that town), Sir Andrew Agnew, and the Rev. Dr. Candlish, of Edinburgh; Dr. Candlish closing his speech, with a motion to the effect, that considering the prevailing temptation now and increasingly presented by the god of this world, the Church should both take its stand on the truth of God regarding the Lord's-day, and use every lawful means to warn all its members, and the country at large, of the impending danger. They, therefore, re-appoint the Committee, with instructions to follow out these principles in Scotland, and the sister kingdom, and throughout the colonies; to address, and use influence with, shareholders of Railway Companies, from which great injury to the Sabbath has arisen, and may arise, so that these individuals may use their privileges for the protection of the Sabbath. All ministers of the Church were directed (as last year,) to preach on the requirements of the Fourth Commandment, with special reference to existing evils, and to the desecration of the Sabbath by Railway trains and steam-boats, on the first Sabbath of December, 1845. Thanks were voted to the Conveners, and the Committee, as also to Sir Andrew Agnew, and the Gentlemen associated with him, in the struggle to put down Sunday traffic on the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway. (Continued on page 30.)



THE General Assembly of the Established Church of Scotland met also on the 22d May, in their Hall at Edinburgh; the Most Noble the Marquis of BUTE again represented Her Majesty as Lord High Commissioner.

The opening sermon was preached by Dr. John Lee, the late Moderator, who proposed Dr. Alex. Hill, Theological Professor in the University of Glasgow, as his succcessor in the chair. Dr. Ferrie, of Kilconquhar, seconded the motion, which was unanimously agreed to. The Queen's letter, conveying the usual gift of 2,000l., was read; and the Lord High Commissioner addressed the Assembly, as suring them of Her Majesty's determination to support the Church of Scotland.

The Assembly, without transacting any business of importance, adjourned to Friday.


TWEEDMOUTH.-The English Presbyterian Church in Tweedmouth, in connexion with the Presbyterian Church in England, and within the bounds of the Presbytery of Berwick, was opened, for the first time, on Sabbath, 29th December, 1844, by the Rev. Thomas D. Nicholson, of Lowick.

LIVERPOOL. The late Mr. Turner. - Died at Liverpool, on the 5th of April, Mr. John Turner, of Turner, Rose, and Co. Mr. Turner took an interest in the Presbyterian Church in England so deep, and preserved an acquaintance with her ministers so general, that some record will not be unacceptable. Eighteen years ago, he was visited in Scotland with a dangerous illness, from which is dated, if not his reconciliation to God, at least that career of usefulness which has now terminated. Since that time he has laboured assiduously in Sabbath-school teaching, visiting the poor, &c., both in Scotland and England. To the latter he came in 1835, being invited by the session of the Scottish Church in Oldham-street. The lay agency with which he became thus connected, and which was harmoniously carried on soon after his arrival, in the name both of the session of Oldham-street and Rodney-street Scottish Churches, afforded great opportunities of usefulness, and the reports of his labours as an agent, are perhaps the chief records with which his name will be long associated by many friends in Liverpool. As a personal friend, Mr.Turner was much esteemed. Modest and unassuming, he seldom obtruded advice, but when asked, it was given in such a way that it was difficult to say whether his personal kindness to the individual, or his love to the cause of truth, were the most remarkable. As a Christian man, he was remarkable for that quietness and subduedness of spirit that is generally associated with the greatest energy of Christian character. There are some whose zeal is the flame of a newly-kindled fire, and neither should we quarrel with the smoke natural in such a case, nor be taken with the fitfully glancing flames; but there are others, in whom it is a white heat, steady, clear, powerful; and these we value most. Now, the latter seemed to be characteristic of the deceased. Those who knew him best, knew this best, and rejoice in the evidence he gave for many years that, notwithstanding defects, his heart was possessed of glowing love to a Saviour, of whom he felt altogether unworthy. As a public man, he is one that will be missed in Liverpool. His knowledge of, and interest in, the poor-his exertions in promoting the

[ocr errors]

cause of the Church at the north end of the town, are well known. We will venture to say, that, though not a man of wealth or rank, he yet was second to none in influence for good; a proof that the secret of influence is in weight of character. As an office-bearer in that particular congregation where he worshipped, he was greatly respected and beloved. They had in him an "elder that ruled well," and watched as one that must give account. When living, his daily prayer ascended, we believe, for them; and when dying, his wandering mind seemed to seize as its materials the solemnity of the approaching communion. "The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart." "Help, Lord, for the godly man ceaseth, for the faithful fail from among the children of men." His protracted illness afforded much scope for the exercise of patience, and such graces as, after all, are the most difficult, and therefore the most glorifying to God. It is interesting, however, to notice that he did not end his course in continuous sunshine. This is mentioned to show the necessity of looking well, in days of health, to the grounds of our hope, and in being surely established with grace. He felt himself embarrassed, and the external consistency of his life, which to others was evidential of grace in the heart, was to him a ground of suspicion. After being told that it was just as sinners any could be received, and meditating much on this, he assured his minister that he had been enabled to see God, as the God of the Patriarchs, and the Israelites, and the Prophets, and of all his people, and that his character demonstrated thus was one of mercy to such sinners as he was. In this frame he died. "It is not," said Simeon of Cambridge, "on insulated passages that I rest, but on the broad, grand scheme of God, extending from eternity to eternity. I depend not on feelings and impressions, but on Christ thus revealed to me." So must every Christian die so an abundant entrance is ministered into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let us lay to heart such bereavements as these; and as such valued blessings are taken away from the Church below, let us seek that God would raise up many of like spirit. It is men of God, genuine men, that are the horsemen of Israel and the chariots thereof; and God, if recognised and sought, will provide and strengthen our Church with them.

LIVERPOOL.-New Church. - On the 10th of April was laid the foundation-stone of another church in Liverpool, in connexion with the English Presbyterian Synod. The building, which will be in the Transition Gothic style, is designed for the accommodation of Mr. Welsh's congregation, lately assembling in Oldham-street. On the day above-mentioned, amidst a numerous concourse, and after praise and prayer had been offered by the Rev. J. Welsh, Mr. M'Kean, one of the elders, exhibited a bottle hermetically sealed, containing the coins of the realm, two Liverpool newspapers, a printed account of the causes which led to the congregation leaving the church in Oldham-street, and a copy of the declaration of the independence of the Presbyterian Church in England, made at Berwick in April last, and then deposited the bottle in a hole cut for the purpose in the foundationstone. Mr. Miller, another elder of the Church, then held up a massive brass-plate, with an inscription, and deposited this also in the foundation-stone. Dr. Nicol, also an elder, addressed Mr. A. C. Dunlop, and, in the name of the congregation, presented him with a silver trowel, requesting him with the same to lay the foundation of their church. After finishing the

and two elders. The Synod's deliverance on the reference in the Norham case was called for and read. A letter from the Clerk of the Coldstream and Berwick Secession Presbytery was also read, in answer to that which the Berwick Presbytery Clerk had written in the name of the Presbytery, inquiring as to the "points affecting Mr Kidd's moral character," alluded to in a former letter from the Secession

ceremony, Mr. Dunlop addressed the assembly | of Forgan, presided on the occasion, and was
nearly as follows:-" My friends, I have now
been honoured to lay the foundation-stone of
a church, which I do trust and pray our God
will bless as a place where his own people will
be greatly edified, where their faith will be
strengthened, their hopes enlarged, and their
love to their God and Saviour very greatly
increased; where many, many souls shall be
born to God; where, through the instrumen-
tality of the preached word, many shall be
turned from darkness to the marvellous light
of the Gospel; where, in short, the Lord will
lift up the light of his reconciled countenance |
on you, and on your children, and children's
children for many generations. It does, in-
deed, give me heartfelt delight to witness the
growth of the Presbyterian Church in England,
and in these days, whilst God in his myste-
rious providence is permitting the fearful
growth of Popery and Puseyism in this coun-
try, I cannot but feel a persuasion also that
he is raising up this Church, I I was going to
say, as a refuge to his people; but I will say
more properly, as a means of leading them to
the only true refuge for the sinner. And now,
my friends, allow me to say that while I re-
ceived the trowel put into my hands with very
great pleasure, to lay the foundation-stone of
your church, I shall now take it home to my
family, and I trust it may descend for many
generations to my children, to tell them of
your kindness to me, and to tell them what
I do declare makes my heart glad, that their
father has been permitted to do something in
the forwarding of this Church of God." The
Rev. Mr. Arnott, of Glasgow, then offered
up an appropriate prayer for a blessing on
the undertaking; the Rev. D. Ferguson pro-
nounced the blessing, and the meeting sepa-
rated. The congregation, and many of their
friends, met in the evening, with their pastor,
Mr. Welsh, in the Chair, when they were ad-
dressed by the Rev. Mr. Arnott, Rev. Mr. Gar-
diner, Rev. Mr. Salmond, Rev. W. Gardiner,
Mr. Dunlop, &c.

assisted in the services by the Rev. Professor
Lorimer. The attendance on both the diets
of worship on the Sabbath was very encourag-
ing, and nearly forty communicants sat down
at the table of the Lord. The Dowager
Countess of Effingham, so well known as the
benefactress of the Free Church, was one of the
number. The tone of the services, as con-
ducted by Mr. Nairn, was spiritual and devo- | Presbytery Clerk. No new "points" were
tional in an eminent degree; and a stillness
and solemnity pervaded them that was felt by
all to be very impressive. May the little
Church which has thus been gathered in
Brighton have grace to be faithful to the
solemn obligations under which they have
come to their Lord and Master; and, ere long,
may he who holdeth the seven stars in his right
hand, to dispose of them, and bid them shine
wheresoever he pleaseth, appoint one of these
stars to shine with a fixed and steady light in
the midst of them! After the Communion
services, Mr. Lorimer addressed the commu-
nicants on the duties which devolved upon
them, and on the spirit which they should be
careful to cherish, as an infant Church; and
on Monday evening he again addressed the
congregation on the principle and position of
the English Presbyterian Church. Presby-
terianism is little understood in Brighton.
There, as in many other parts of England, it
is confounded with Socinianism. It is ex-
ceedingly needful, therefore, to give to the
English people such explanations as were
offered on this occasion, although the best of
all arguments in our favour will be a faithful
and affectionate ministration of the Gospel by
our Pastors and Evangelists throughout the
land. Brighton is a most important station
for our Church to occupy. May we hope to
see her cause soon represented there by an
able and devoted minister, and a prosperous
and active congregation!

DUDLEY. Ordination of Rev. Geo. Lewis.The ordination of the Rev. G. Lewis, as minister of the Presbyterian Church at Dudley, took place on the evening of Friday, April 18th. This Church is still within the bounds of the Presbytery of London, and the services of this solemnity were conducted by its members. There was a large attendance of elders. The Rev. James Hamilton preached the sermon, the Rev. James Ferguson offered up the Ordination prayer, and the Rev. Josias Wilson addressed the minister and people. The place of worship was completely filled, and amongst those present we rejoiced to recognise some of the respected Dissenting ministers of Dudley, who joined the numerous congregation in giving a hearty welcome to its pastor. We were much gratified with the intelligent and cordial aspect of the assembled worshippers; and now that they have among them minister so able, accomplished, and devoted, we earnestly hope that, by the blessing of God, this long-tried, but leal-hearted, congregation may rapidly augment its numbers, and prove a source of manifold benefit to a most interesting neighbourhood. We cannot help noticing, as a special element of strength and hopefulness, the number of young men whom we observed coming forward to give the right hand of welcome to the minister. Happy is the minister, and happy is the Church, whose quiver is full of such!


BRIGHTON.-On Sabbath, April 20th, the Lord's Supper was dispensed, for the first time, to the new congregation which has begun to be formed in the important town of Brighton. The Rev. Charles Nairn, Free Church Minister

stated; and the Presbytery, finding those already adduced frivolous and unsupported, unanimously agreed, in terms of the remit to them by the Synod, to receive Mr. Kidd as a probationer within the bounds, and under the jurisdiction of the Presbytery. They also received the congregation at Norham, who had applied for admission, as a congregation under the superintendence and care of the Presbytery of Berwick. They further appointed Mr. Watson, of Belford, to preach at Norham on Monday, the 19th, and to dispense baptism to those who may require and be entitled to it for their children. -Commissioners from the congregation at Tweedmouth appeared, who solicited a moderation in the election and call of a minister on Sabbath next, the 18th. Mr. Watson was appointed accordingly to preach, and moderate in a call. Mr. Nicholson, of Lowick, was appointed to preach the same day at Ancroft Moor, and to moderate in the election and call of a minister, in accordance with a petition from that congregation presented by two Commissioners to that effect. The Presbytery resolved to petition the House of Lords against the Maynooth grant-the petition to be intrusted to the Marquis of Breadalbane. Also to petition both Houses of Parliament, that no Railway Bill be passed without a clause being inserted to prohibit the running of trains on the Lord's-day. The Presbytery enjoined upon all their Sessions to have a collection for the Presbytery's Catechist, on the evening of the first Sabbath in June, Adjourned till Monday, 19th May.

LOWICK. The Rev. Thomas D. Nicholson has been, by the Presbytery of Dumfries, declared to be no longer a minister of the Established Church of Scotland. Had the interference of a Scotch Established Presbytery with any of our ministers been competent, in the present instance it was, at least, ultroneous and gratuitous. Neither manager, elder, nor member of Lowick congregation had any cause of complaint against their muchrespected minister, and are neither gratified nor disconcerted by this petty act of busybodyism, which leaves Mr. Nicholson exactly what he was, and which merely declares the disposition of the Presbytery of Dumfries to intermeddle in other people's matters. The sentence, such as it is, is good for nothing. It is not only pronounced by an incompetent tribunal, but is rendered nugatory by the irregularity of the proceedings which resulted in it. We observe that the same venerable court has extended its affectionate solicitude to Berwick-upon-Tweed, and is about to "declare" something regarding Mr. Murdoch. At the same meeting of Presbytery, Dr. Inglis, one of the most zealous in the proceedings against Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Murdoch, undertook to prove from Scripture that Her Majesty's Ministers were right in endowing Popery in Ireland!! The following is Mr. Nicholson's letter to the Clerk of Dumfries Presbytery, declining the jurisdiction of that body:

LANCASHIRE. The Presbytery of Lancashire,
at its meeting on the first Wednesday of May,
was memorialized by the congregation wor-
shipping in St. Peter's Presbyterian Church,
Scotland-road, Liverpool, to appoint a day
for moderating in a call to Mr John Wiseman,
minister of the Gospel. Mr. A. C. Dunlop,
one of the trustees of the church, and, at the
same time, the representative elder of the
congregation, supported the prayer of the
memorial, stating that, though the circum-
stances in which the trustees were placed,
rendered it imperative on them to shut the
doors of the church on the announcement of
a call, yet the congregation had made arrange-
ments, for securing another place wherein they
could meet for worship; and that he (Mr.
Dunlop) thought that the step which they had
taken would in no respect prejudice the
interest of the trustees, while it was the only
course for preserving the congregation to the
Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Mr. Fergusson
having left the chair, entered at some length
into a statement of the peculiar trials that the
congregation had passed through, and moved
that the prayer of the memorial be acceded to,
which motion being seconded by the Rev.
Professor Campbell, was agreed to. For the
purpose of carrying out this resolution, the
Presbytery met, on the 19th May, in the Car-
penters'-hall, Bond-street, Liverpool, when,
after sermon by the Reve Verner M. White,
Moderator pro tempore, a call was most
numerously subscribed by the congregation
in Mr. Wiseman's favour; and we presume
that the Presbytery will take steps towards an
immediate settlement at its meeting in June.
BERWICK. The Presbytery of Berwick met
at Hide-hill Chapel, Berwick-upon-Tweed, on
Tuesday, the 13th May. Present, four ministers | calling upon me to answer as to the truth of

"Lowick, Northumberland, 25th February, 1845.

"Dear Sir, I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated 13th of February,

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