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النشر الإلكتروني
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THE Presbytery of London met at Wolverhampton on Thursday, June 25th, according to appointment and ordained the Rev. J. Bryson to the pastoral charge of the Presbyterian Church there. An account of the proceedings is given in a separate notice.

The Presbytery held its ordinary monthly mecting at Exeter Hall, on the 14th July; the Rev. Josias Wilson, Moderator, the Rev. W. Nicolson, Interim-clerk. After some conversation on Mr. Hunter's case, the Committee was re-appointed, with instructions to report to next meeting of Presbytery. Messrs. Wilson, Nicolson, and Chalmers were appointed a Committee, to gather information concerning new stations which have been brought before the Presbytery. A grant of 201. from the Home Mission was announced for the Hampstead station. Subjects for trials for licence to preach the Gospel were prescribed to Mr. William Hamilton. The charge of the publication of the English Presbyterian Messenger having, by the Commission of Synod, been committed to the Presbytery of London, the Presbytery, feeling that some

one of their number must have the


sible management, appointed one of the brethren to undertake, in the mean time, the duties of Editor. Adjourned, to meet on the second Tuesday of August.


THIS Presbytery held its ordinary monthly meeting at Manchester, on the 1st of July; the Rev. R. Cowe, Moderator, in the chair. After praise and prayer by some of the brethren, Mr. Munro expounded a part of John xv. Mr. Forster was appointed to deliver the address at next meeting.

The Moderator reported, that he had forwarded the Petition in favour of the Right Hon. Fox Maule's Bill, to Mr. Milner Gibson, one of the members for Manchester, who promised to present it at the earliest opportunity.

Mr. Munro reported, that he had not gone to Scotland to prosecute the translation of Mr. Donaldson from Cupar to Ancoats Church, because a letter had been received from Mr. Donaldson, intimating that he wished the matter to be postponed, on account of his ill


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There was laid upon the table of the Presbytery a call from the congregation at Harbottle, in Northumberland, to the Rev. S. Cathcart, minister at Wigan, Lancashire;which call, and other relative documents, the Presbytery directed to lie on their table till next meeting, and instructed the Clerk to cite the congregation at Wigan to appear for their interests at said meeting, with certification, that if none appear, the parties concerned will be held as consenting to said translation. Professor Lorimer, who had previously entered the court, and been requested to sit as a member, submitted to the Presbytery an outline of the Bursaries' scheme to Stu





ON Tuesday evening, June 30th, a meeting of the subscribers and friends of the Juvenile Missionary Society was held in John Knox's Church, Green Street, Stepney; the Rev. James Ferguson in the chair. meeting having been opened with praise and prayer, a report of the proceedings of the Association, drawn up by Mr. Hardie, the Secretary, was read, from which it appeared that the collections had realized the sum of 107. It was unanimously resolved that 57. should be given to the Home Mission of the Presbyterian Church in England, and 51. to the Ladies' Association for the Jewish Mission. The collectors, all of whom are connected with the Sabbath School of John Knox's Church, feel very thankful for the measure of success which has attended their humble endeavours to advance the cause and kingdom of the Divine Redeemer, and left the meeting, we have no doubt, to make still greater efforts to promote this great and good



that his congregation was about to lose their
Mr. Cross, Minister at Crewe, reported,
present place of worship, as the Grand Junc- THE unusual ceremony (in Wolverhampton)
tion Railway Company proposed to take down of a Presbyterian ordination took place at the
the building in which they had been accus- Assembly-rooms, in Queen-street, on Thurs-
tomed to assemble for public worship; and day, the 25th May last. For several years
be presented to-morrow (Thursday) to the mination in this town, owing to their small
that a memorial from the congregation was to past the members of the Presbyterian deno-
Board of Directors in Liverpool, praying number, have been deprived of the privilege
them to grant materials wherewith to erect a of worshiping in conformity with the disci-
tent. Mr. Cross further stated, that the Com-pline of their own Church, and as a conse-
would be a favourable opportunity for com- sorted to places of worship where the doctrines
mittee of management thought that this quence, we understand, have generally re-
at Crewe. The Presbytery, after having ex-formity to those of their own Church. About
mencing subscriptions for erecting a Church preached have presented the closest con-
pressed sympathy with the congregation, twelve months ago, however, a congregation
recommended Mr. Cross to draw up a state-
Committee to wait on the Railway Directors,
ment of the case, and meanwhile appointed a
in order to obtain, if possible, another place
for worship.

Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Welsh, Mr. Gardner, and Mr. Sorley, were appointed a Committee to consider the deliverance of the Synod regarding the powers of the Commission of Synod, and report.

On the motion of the Clerk, members were instructed to furnish him with the number of Elders in their Sessions, of Deacons in their congregations, and of week-day Services in their Churches, that a statement thereof may be sent to the Clerk of Synod.

The Report of the Committee appointed to confer with Mr. James Radcliffe, was then called for. Mr. Gardner read the Report, to the effect, that after a lengthened conference on various points of government, doctrine, and discipline, the Committee were quite satisfied that Mr. Radcliffe holds sound and enlightened views on these points. They also found, on enquiry, that Mr. Radcliffe had been ordained by the imposition of hands, and that he had undergone a course of preparatory study for the work of the ministry. It was moved, seconded, and agreed to, that the Report be received and approved; but that a discussion on the case be postponed till next Meeting.

A letter was read from the Clerk of the United Associate Presbytery of Lancashire, intimating that, in consequence of Mr. M Kerrow's illness, the Associate Presbytery could not meet with this Presbytery to-day, as formerly arranged, for prayer and friendly conference, but they hoped they would be able to do so on the first Wednesday of September

The Report of Committee for securing the more regular attendance of members, was then read by Mr. Gardner. After conversation, the matter was again referred to the next.-Adjourned.

was formed, and assembled at the large room however, so much increased that its removal in the Mechanics' Institution. It has now, to the Assembly-rooms, until a suitable building can be obtained, has been determined


was the

Bryson to the pastorate of this congregation purpose of the meeting on Thursday. The Rev. Josias Wilson, Moderator of the Presbytery of London, presided, the assisting officiating ministers on the occasion being the Revds. W. Nicolson, J. Ferguson, George Lewis (of Dudley), James Speers (of Stafford), and T. S. Anderson, from Scotland. Several ministers of other denominations, among whom were the Rev. Messrs. D. Lewis, Shore, and Jones, of Wolverhampton, and Cleland, from Ireland, were on the platform. The ceremony commenced by the Rev. W. Nicolson entering the room and propounding the interrogatory, "Has any member of the congregation present any objection to make to the life or doctrine of Mr. John Bryson, now about to be ordained; if so, let him come forward, and he will be heard by the Presbytery, now assembled in the adjoining room ?" No objection was made, and in a few minutes afterwards the Rev. Gentlemen took their stations on the platform in the large room. The services were opened by singing the 102d Psalm, which was followed by an appropriate prayer from the Rev. Josias Wilson, after which, a portion of the prophecies of Isaiah was read. A sermon, from a part of the 14th chapter of the Book of Revelation, by the Rev. Moderator, followed, and in it the Rev. Preacher eloquently applied various portions of the vision to the past, present, and future condition of the Christian Church, earnestly urging the need to all Christians of reliance on the atonement of the Lamb. A

The ordination of the Rev. John

"Scripture paraphrase" having been sung, the elegant gown and cassock from the congrega- | and judgment, and great ability, with which Rev. W. Nicolson explained at considerable tion, and a beautiful copy of Bagster's Polyglot the brethren there are promoting our cause length the ecclesiastical polity and discipline Bible, with a Psalm Book for the pulpit, from within their ample bounds, and again rallying of the Presbyterian Church, which he de-a lady of the congregation. At ten, the the affections of the Northumbrians around a scribed as holding an intermediate position meeting was dismissed with the benediction. standard which too long, through the fault of between Episcopacy and Independency, and former standard-bearers, had ceased to put embracing the advantages of both. In docforth a rallying and mustering power. The trine they adhered to the Westminster Conthunder and floods of rain within a few hours neighbourhood was visited with a storm of

fession of Faith. He understood that misconceptions, with regard to their doctrines, were


ON Monday evening, 13th July, a meeting

Iwas held in the Church at Glanton.


and respectable. The object of the meeting
audience, on the occasion, was both numerous
was to procure funds for the establishing of a
congregational library. Though the contri-
butions of the congregation had recently been
required to furnish a library for the benefit of
the Sabbath classes, there was no lack of libe-
rality on the present occasion. It was deemed
a fitting opportunity for giving "Addresses on
important subjects connected with the Pres-
byterian Church in England.". Accordingly,
the following speakers and subjects were pre-
The Rev. James Blyth, of Branton, on Sab-
sented to the attention of the meeting:-
bath Schools; the Rev. Mr. Huie, of Wooler,

on the features of a true Church of Christ;

extensively entertained, that they were by
many supposed to entertain Socinian princi-
ples. No branch of Christ's Church, however,
more emphatically repudiated that heresy: the
Divinity of Christ they entirely believed, and
relied on his merits and atonement for salva-
tion. This part of the services having con-
cluded, the Rev. Josias Wilson proposed to
Mr. Bryson the authorized questions as to his
belief in the doctrines of the Church, his con-
currence with its discipline, and his intention
earnestly and sincerely to fulfil the duties to
which he was about to be appointed, and
these having been satisfactorily answered,
the ceremony of laying on hands (Mr. Bryson
kneeling) took place, accompanied by prayer, Professor Lorimer, of London, on the position
imploring the Divine benediction on the ap- and schemes of the Presbyterian Church in
pointed pastor, the congregation, Christ's
Church in general, and the proceedings of the England; the Rev. Mr. Thomson, of Alnwick,
on the obligation resting on each professing
day. The Rev. James Ferguson then deli- Christian to promote the best interests of his
vered the charge to the newly-appointed fellow-men; and Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Mor-
minister, exhorting him "to take heed" to
himself in conduct and in doctrine, to his peth, on the advantages of a congregational
flock, and to the Church; after which he ad-library. These subjects were illustrated with
a seriousness suited to their importance, and
dressed the congregation, earnestly urging
them to assist in and to lighten the labours of to the character of the place and speakers,
and at the same time with a liveliness that
A Psalm having been sung, continued to interest the audience to a late
this part of the proceedings terminated, the hour. Mr. Lennie, the minister of the con-
newly-ordained minister reciving the congra-
tulations of his congregation as they passed gregation, presided on the occasion.

their minister.

out of the room.

After the service the ministers present and other gentlemen, to the number of between twenty and thirty, dined at the Peacock inn, the Rev. Josias Wilson presiding, and John Henderson, Esq., of the London Works, near Birmingham, occupying the vice-chair; Dr. Mackay, Mr. Wills, Mr. Turner, of Birmingham, and other gentlemen who had attended the ordination being present.

In the evening a soirée and tea party took place at the Assembly-rooms. The company was numerous, and most respectable; Mr. Henderson presided. Several animated speeches, strongly urging the importance of religious duties, the necessity of encouraging a missionary spirit, and especially tolerance towards the different systems of Christian belief―(Puseyism being energetically excepted by the Rev. Josias Wilson) were delivered, and the sentiments expressed were warmly responded to. The meeting separated at about nine o'clock.- Wolverhamp

ton Chronicle.

ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, BOLTON. THIS elegant building was opened for public worship, on Wednesday, the 10th of June last. The Rev. H. Cooke, D.D., LL.D., of Belfast, preached two sermons on the occasion. On the Sabbath following, three services were conducted in the church; that in the morning, by the Rev. Robert Vaughan, D.D., of Manchester Independent College; that in the afternoon, by the Rev. Alex. Munro, of Manchester; and that in the evening, by the Rev. William Magill, Dundrod. On the evening of the intervening Friday, a soiree, in honour of the opening, was held in the Town Hall. After the delivery of addresses by various ministers, the Rev. David Magill, minister of the church, gratefully acknowledged the receipt of certain presents, among others, an

Whilst the success of a valuable Institution in connexion with the congregation has thus been promoted, much valuable information regarding the Presbyterian Church in England be unworthy of notice, that these two objects, has been communicated. And it may not in the present instance, seemed to be best promoted by being presented in combination.


ON Thursday, the 18th of June, a meeting of
a very interesting kind was held in the Pres-
byterian church of this remote and little-fre-
quented place. The Presbytery of Northum-
berland had agreed to meet there on the
afternoon of that day for the dispatch of
ordinary business; and, with the view of
interesting the congregation in the position
and schemes of our church, had arranged to
hold a meeting in the evening, of which inti-
mation had been given from the pulpit on
the two preceding Sabbaths by Mr. Trotter,
the worthy minister, who has now laboured
there for upwards of twenty years. There had
not been a meeting of Presbytery even, far less
a public meeting in the place (so far does it lie
out of the ordinary tracks of ecclesiastical
business and itinerant eloquence) for all that
time, so the present was a great occasion.
Professor Lorimer having occasion to be in
that part of the country visiting the schools,
was invited by the brethren of the Presbytery
to take part in the proceedings of the evening.
He had a good opportunity on that day of judg-
ing of the great fatigue and expense which the
brethren in that quarter incur in performing
their Presbyterial duties. The way was long,
even to those of them who live nearest to the
spot; gigs were in indispensable requisition,
there being no public conveyances to a place
so outlandish; and the heat of the season
was at its hottest. He had also an oppor-
tunity, equally good, of estimating the zeal

of the meeting, which, it was feared, would distant homes among the hills; but the hinder the people from starting from their

interest which had been excited by the announcement of the meeting proved more potent even than the storm, for, at the listeners. Mr. Trotter presided, and introappointed hour, the church was full of eager duced the brethren in succession to the people. Mr. Hoy, of Felton, opened the proceedings with prayer; and, after a brief address, was followed by Mr. Johnstone, of Birdhope Craig, Professor Lorimer, Mr. Lennie, of Gillespie, of Framlington, and Mr. Hood, Glanton, Mr. Anderson, of Morpeth, Mr. elder, from Morpeth. Between the addresses, psalmody, which gave a hallowed and dethe congregation joined in appropriate lightful tone to the whole proceedings. We


close of the services, between ten and eleven
never saw more attentive hearers, even to the
o'clock, although they had many long miles to
travel homeward. It was the first hearing
which the re-organized Presbyterian Church in
England had had at Bavington, in behalf of
her independent position and various schemes
of Christian enterprise, and we feel very sure
that she did not speak within the walls of that
ancient edifice,-venerable in its antique and
rustic plainness, for it has withstood the
not speak there to her children, too long for-
storms of the hills a hundred years,—she did
gotten by her, but now "sought out," and no
longer forsaken,-in vain. The response
to her appeal was most prompt and most ap-
acting upon a hint which had been given
propriate. That very night one of the farmers,
with his characteristic tact and good humour
by the minister of Morpeth, announced his
intention to set apart one of the sheep of
his flock for the especial benefit of the
college, and, the better to distinguish him
from all his less-honoured companions, he
should receive thenceforth the style and title
of "The Professor." Since then we have
heard that another member of the congrega-
tion has devoted one of his sheep in like
manner to the school fund, to be signalised
among his woolly friends by the cognomen
of "The Schoolmaster." And we should not
be at all surprised if the Home Mission and
the Foreign Mission should also find their
special admirers at Bavington; and if the
flocks of those beautiful green hills should
soon number other dignitaries among them,
such as never, we warrant, found a place
among the names of sheep and lambs

WHAT IS OUR DUTY ?-Let us be faithful, and
care for our own part, which is to do and suffer
for Christ. Duties are ours-events are the
Lord's. When our faith goeth to meddle with
events, and to question God's providence, and to
say, "How wilt thou do this and that?" we lose
ground; we have nothing to do there. It is our
part to let the Almighty exercise his own office.
There is nothing left us but to see how we may
be approved of him, and how we may roll the
weight of our weak souls, in well-doing, on Him,
who is God omnipotent. And when what we
thus essay miscarrieth, it shall neither be our sin
nor our cross.-Samuel Rutherford.

Letters to the Editor.


land Presbytery, held at Birdhope-Craig on the 3d of June, that Messrs. Gillespie, Thomson, Johnstone, and Blythe reported, that by them nothing had been done, but expressed their intention of forming Associations speedily. A letter was read from the Kirk Session of Widdrington, intimating their resolution to take immediate steps towards the establishment of an Association. Allowing, therefore, three months for completing the "process of formation," it is only reasonable to expect that we shall receive, in September, the gratifying intelligence that the machinery is fairly in motion in Framlington, Alnwick, Blythe, Branton, and Widdrington. It appears, from the same report, that we need expect nothing from Warrenford, the elders and deacons having pronounced it "inconvenient and unadvisable to form an Association." We have, junction of Synod, issued fifteen months ago, therefore, fourteen compliances with the inhavefice promises, and one decided negative.

To the Editor of the Presbyterian Messenger. MY DEAR SIR,-I had almost determined to write not another word on the important subject referred to in my long letter two months ago; but I find myself irresistibly impelled to take up my pen once more in defence of Presbyterian order and organization. Writing at so late a date, and knowing that your space is limited, I enter at once into the pith and marrow of the question. The Messengers for June and July supply some data, partly negative and partly positive, from which some inferences may be drawn. These data, furnished by the very admirable

and circumstantial balance-sheet of the Trea

surer of the Home Mission Fund, and the reports of Presbytery proceedings,


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It appears, then, that I was not very wide of the mark, when I put the question, two months ago, "Are there yet, at the end of thirteen months, thirteen Associations in active and efficient operation,' throughout the Church?" Having presented this tabular statement to your readers, I might be content to let it tell its own eloquent and impressive story, but I will endeavour, by stating a few facts, and putting a few "leading questions," to make it still more speaking and impressive.

In the Presbytery of London, the congregations which have Associations are Birmingham, London Wall, Regent Square, and Southwark. I am not sure whether Greenwich, Woolwich, and Dudley should not be included in the list. If so, they can supply the information to the Messenger for September. Mr. Cousin, I believe, fully intends to form an Association at Chelsea, at no distant period. In the Presbytery of Lancashire, Douglas, in the Isle of Man, and St. George's, Liverpool, are the only two green spots in the desert, though this, be it remembered, was the Presbytery which overtured the Synod to enjoin the formation of Associations. Mr. Blackwood's congregation is the solitary exception in the Presbytery of Newcastle,Morpeth and Wooler are the two exceptions in the Presbytery of Northumberland-the three in the Presbytery of Berwick are Belford, Berwick, and Lowick-and Brampton and Maryport have set a good example to their recusant brethren in the Presbytery of Cumberland, and throughout the Church.

Before making any remarks on this statement, let me complete the survey, by stating the probabilities of increase. I find, from the report of the meeting of the Northumber

Welsh's than in Wooler-in North Shields than in Belford, Brampton, or Maryport?

In my former letter, I alluded to the hindrances thrown in the way of Presbyterian organization, by those who, at their ordination as office-bearers, had vowed obedience to the commands of the Church. I have heard it whispered of late, that, in some quarters, the necessity or Scriptural warrant for a separate order of deacons, is very doubtful. What is this but sheer independency? Is this the time to debate that question, when it has been settled by the unanimous and unhesitating voice of the Church? Now that we have "put our hand to the plough," are we to be continually "looking back ?" If so, can we ever expect to make progress in our arduous work of cultivating the enormous outfield of practical heathenism that lies before discussing the first principles of our Presbyteus? We cannot afford time to be for ever rian constitution, when we should be diligently This accounts for twenty congregations, but perfecting and working its machinery. Am I where are the FIFTY-EIGHT? I had hoped mistaken in supposing that Presbyteries are that my former letter would have evoked a enjoined by the Synod to make monthly whole host of reclamations and explanations enquiries as to the diligence of congregations and promises, a multitude of protestations of in the election of deacons ? I cannot believe stern adherence to the theory of Presbyterian- that such supervision would be long ineffecism, notwithstanding a profound and system-tual. Believe me, atic contempt for it in practice-if not of Yours most truly, proofs that many congregations, regardless of A. P. STEWART. "the praise of man, which bringeth a snare," were noiselessly at work, intent rather on acting than on talking. But no-"there is silence deep as death ;" and when I turn, with longing eyes, to the reports of Presbyteries, to whom the Synod issued, in April, 1845, “ special instruction to have such Associations organized without loss of time, and to see to their active and efficient operation," in hopes of having the mystery cleared up, I look in vain, except to one district of the North of England. The Presbytery of Northumberland is the only one that seems to be paying any attention to the injunction of the Supreme Court. The Presbytery of Lancashire, the original movers, are quiescent, as also the Presbytery of Newcastle; nor does the equanimity of the "most potent, grave, and reverend seniors" of the London Presbytery, seem to be ever ruffled by a passing allusion to the vulgar and common-place subject of collecting monies.


130, Mount St., Berkeley Square,
July 22, 1846.




To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger.

DEAR SIR,-It was cheering to all who desire the advancement of the Presbyterian cause in England, to observe the statement which Professor Lorimer made in his address, delivered before the last meeting of the Assembly of the Free Church in Scotland. He mentioned not only that we have vacancies for Presbyterian ministers in Newcastle and Brighton and Birmingham, but that "nothing but the want of men prevents us from commencing operations, with the best hope of success, in Bath, and Bristol, and Plymouth, and Hull, and Leeds, and many other great towns of England."

Allow me to offer one or two suggestions, which have occurred to me, with respect to I have asked above, Where are the fifty- the Evangelistic Mission, which is evidently eight? I ask now, What are the fifty-eight? presented to our Church in England, in the all of them, no doubt, poor, insignificant, providence of God, in these eventful times. struggling congregations, that have enough In the absence of a sufficient supply of sta to do to drag on a feeble, precarious, trem- tionary labourers to take possession of the bling existence. The expiring congregations different localities which seem to invite our of River Terrace, Marylebone, and St. Peter's approach, might not an ordained minister Square-how would that look? Or how among ourselves be found, who could be would Dr. Paterson and Mr. White look, if I detached from his present charge, at least for were to put their congregations down as on a certain period, to itinerate in those places the verge of bankruptcy? And I can easily where congregations are most likely to be imagine the praiseworthy indignation of my formed in connexion with our body? By excellent friends, Messrs. Welsh, Gardner, residing for a month in each of the places reDuncan, and James Ferguson, if, with a dole-ferred to, he might be the means of forming ful countenance, I expressed my grief that a nucleus in each of them, which might, in their congregations at Liverpool, Birkenhead, process of time, ripen into a regular congreNorth Shields, and Stepney were on the gation. He might revisit them periodically, point of dissolution! Rowland Hill's witty changing his sphere of labour every month, warning, on a collection day, that "no one and keeping alive, by a variety of moral apwho was in debt should put any thing in pliances, the desire of having stated pastors the plate," is very applicable here. If any of our Church settled among them. In this congregation wish to have the character of way, I will venture to affirm, that in the course being hard up," let them eschew forming an of a single year six different and widely disAssociation. But to be serious. Is River tant localities, might at least be leavened with Terrace worse off than Southwark? Is Presbyterian principles, and what is of vastly Marylebone in greater difficulties than Bir- greater importance, they might be imbued mingham? or John Knox than Morpeth? with the lessons of unadulterated Christithe former returning 247., the latter, 40. Is anity. The incorruptible seed of the kingdom it more impossible to work an Association in might, by the blessing of God, be sown in the St. Peter's Square than in Douglas-in Mr. hearts of hundreds, if not of thousands, and

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many might be added to the Church of such as are saved. There is no utopianism in this proposal; and though I do not deem it necessary at present to enter into details, I may just observe, that the more it is considered, the more practicable it will appear. All that is required, is a man of faith, of acceptable talents as a preacher, and of moral and physical energy, to ensure complete success to this experiment, and to render it a mighty lever for elevating our Presbyterian Church in England, from comparative insignificance, into a position of moral magnitude and importance. Let the excellent laymen, whom Providence has raised up for the defence and protection of our Church in this country, ponder the proposal. I know they have both hearts to devise the means, and heads to arrange the details that may be necessary for carrying it into speedy and successful execution.

I am, &c.,



OUR readers are aware that a deputation was appointed at the late meeting of our Synod to attend the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. The Assembly commenced its sittings, at Belfast, on Tuesday the 7th July last, and on the following day, on the English deputation being introduced, the Rev. James Ferguson of John Knox Church, Stepney, delivered the subjoined excellent address, to which we have much pleasure in giving a place in our columns:

Mr. FERGUSON said-Moderator, fathers, and brethren, after the very able, interesting, and spirit-stirring speeches to which we have been listening with such intense delight, I feel that I am very unequal to the task of addressing this venerable Assembly. But I am encouraged by the consideration that my brethren and I have a very pleasant duty to perform. We feel that it is also a very honourable one. We rejoice in our appointment to convey from our own beloved Church expressions of regard and affection to a Church so deservedly dear to us as the Presbyterian Church in Ireland is, and we would, therefore, crave your indulgence for a little, while we endeavour, in few words, to execute the commission with which wo have been entrusted by the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in England. (Hear, hear.) Our Church, Moderator, both claims and cherishes the honour, the privilege, the pleasure of being very nearly related to the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. They are both sprung from a noble stockbranches from a goodly vinc-the daughters of a most honoured parent. They can both point out many saints, and martyrs, and confessors, among their ancestry. They are thus both compassed about with a great cloud of witnesses, who have laid aside every weight, and the sin that did so easily beset them, and ran with patience the race that was set before them. They are both called upon to be themselves witnesses for Christ's kingdom and crown in a world lying in wickedness. But this, Moderator, is not our only claim upon your indulgence; for the Presbyterian Church of England does not merely ask the privilege of being acknowledged as your sister in Christ, but she also asks the privileges of a weaker sister who stands greatly in need of your aid. She was once strong, but she is not strong now-she was once flourishing, but she has seen evil days

of trial. Her altars have been broken down and their fires extinguished; and, while her tabernacles have, in many instances, been occupied by strangers, she has been long left to mourn that her glory was departed. But, in the kind providence of God, she has now seen the dawn of what she hopes may be better days-she has been encouraged to begin the work of raising up her



former altars-she has set herself to build again pleasure of knowing that a copy of his Commenthe walls of her Jerusalem-she has already had tary is still in the vestry of his Church, bearing a she has commissioned us to convey her annual outrage that has enabled a Socinian to occupy the a very gratifying measure of success; and, while silent but most significant testimony against the message of greeting and congratulation to this place of its godly author. (Cheers.) There is, venerable court, she has also charged us to do however, another difficulty, another discourage our best to awaken, stir up, and secure your best ment, which is still more formidable than all the exertions to advance her future welfare. And rest put together; and it arises from the smallness "What message?" you will ask-"What message of our numbers. We are a happy band; and, has our English sister sent us? Has she any blessed be God, we are a loving and united band; complaints to make?-any coldness to complain but then we are still a little band. The field is a of?-or any charges to prefer against her Irish noble one. It is large and interesting and inviting; sister?" Why, Moderator, it is all the other way; and it is already white unto the harvest; but we for she is exceedingly thankful for your many past have not the labourers to send forth unto the kindnesses. She acknowledges, with the deepest harvest. Still we have much reason to be thankgratitude, that you have indeed most faithfully ful. I think I may safely say that we are at this performed a sister's part to her. She acknow- moment in a far better position than we have been ledges, in particular, that you have already gene- during the last ten years at least. There were in rously sent her three-and-twenty labourers; and the Presbytery of London, prior to the disruption of the Scottish Kirk, just ten congregations, and not a few of them distinguished men, who have cast in their lot with her-who have made com- of these ten, there were six in London itself. mon cause with her, and who are now spending After the disruption, however, there were strange and being spent in the work of the ministry in commotions and heavings amongst us. In short, the midst of her. She acknowledges all this with we too had a disruption on a small scale; and deep and heartfelt gratitude. She has charged when the storm had somewhat subsided about the us to convey an expression of this gratitude to you; time of the Glasgow Assembly, how many minis and, while she confidently calculates on a conti- ters do you think did our Church possess in Lonnuance of all your kindly offices and friendship, don? I do not mean in the Presbytery of London, she most cordially wishes you "Grace, mercy, and but in London itself. Why, we had just two, peace from God the Father, and from the Lord James Hamilton, and the humble individual that Jesus Christ." Such is the message which we addresses you. Indeed, I should not mention myhave been commissioned to bear to this venerable self at all. For though I was ordained and inAssembly. We are glad to have this opportunity ducted, I had no Church, and only a very little of doing so. We hail it as a happy token, in the flock, to whom I was preaching in a temporary midst of all the ominous signs of the present times station; so that at the period of the Glasgow As-we hail it as a happy token that there seems to sembly, James Hamilton himself alone might be be a tendency to union among all those that love said to have been the solitary representative of the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. We would be our Church in the great metropolis. It was a delighted to see a still more close and intimate remark of the celebrated Robert Hall, that he intercourse established between the Presbyterian never could look upon a solitary weeping willow Churches than is yet found to exist; and you will, planted by a river's side, without thinking that it perhaps, forgive me for alluding to a suggestion looked like as if Nature's self was holding out a which was thrown out by Dr. Cunningham, of flag of distress. Dr. Duff appropriated the saying, Edinburgh, in our Synod, which was repeated in and stated that when he thought of himself as the the Free Assembly in May last, which has been solitary missionary of the Church of Scotland to repeated again this evening, and to which we beg the millions of India, he could not help thinking leave heartily to respond-viz., the propriety of that, in his person, the Church of Scotland was having standing committees of correspondence holding out a flag of distress; and when Mr. instituted, whereby the different Churches might Hamilton was left in London almost alone, to communicate officially with one another all the "hang his harp upon the willows," I cannot help year round. If this suggestion should be favour- thinking that it looked very like as if the Presby ably entertained and acted upon, such committees terian Church in England was also holding out a might, by the blessing of God, be the means of flag of distress. But still it was a right noble flag enabling us to strengthen one another's hands and that was thus hoisted to wave in the battle and encourage one another's hearts. (Hear, hear.) the breeze. "The dew of Hermon" fell upon the Will you permit me now to say a few things re- drooping willow. The harper had a great attract garding the present circumstances and prospects ing power. He charmed and drew a goodly band of our Church in England? (Hear.) I need not of right true Scotch and Irish harpers round him tell you that we have had difficulties and discour--and what is the result at this moment? Why, agements to contend with. Our Church has not it is this, that in London itself we have now nine the advantage of possessing a native English mi- ordained ministers with charges. Within the nistry; and, therefore, even if we had no other bounds of the Presbytery of London we have thir difficulty to contend with, we should require time teen ordained ministers with charges; and all before the superiority of our Presbyterian polity these, exclusive of three important congregations, could be fully evinced, in a country where its for whom we have not yet succeeded in getting merits are so little known. But this is not the regular pastors. (Hear, hear.) I am not quite so only obstacle which our system has to surmount; well acquainted with the state of matters in the for it has also to struggle against a most unmerited provinces. My brethren will be able to communiobloquy, under which it has long been its misfor- cate every information on this point. But, I tune to labour. The Socinians of England have believe that, at the period of the disruption, some chosen to call themselves Presbyterians. The of the northern counties of England were almost names of Presbyterian and Socinian are, in many clean swept of our ministers. They seemed to places, convertible terms; and this has done a be in great haste to cross the Borders-(laughter) great amount of injury to our cause in England. -to occupy the vacant posts which the Free miA brother minister told me the other day, that, in nisters had left. The few faithful ministers who the suburbs of London, he observed a Socinian remained in the provinces did not seem to break chapel having this inscription on its front-"The their hearts for the loss of their retiring brethren. Presbyterian Church of England." I lately met a Indeed, there is a whisper sometimes heard that man who was intelligent enough, and well-informed they were very glad to get them away; but, be on many points, but who professed to be, in a great this as it may, they had hard, hard work of it measure, unacquainted with our Presbyterian before they could succeed in getting their vacanprinciples. He spoke about our Scottish Reformer, cies filled up. They toiled night and day, working John Knox, and said that he really did not know double tides; and our Church is under deep oblianything about his opinions, save that he was gations to them. We have, in all, about eighty something of a Socinian. (Laughter.) John Knox congregations, including the vacant stations, which, a Socinian! What would the illustrious Reformer I am sorry to add, amount to some twelve or have said if he had been told that he should ever thirteen. We have opened a Theological College, have been branded, even by ignorance itself, with and last session we had twenty-seven students that execrated name? It is a sad fact that many attending it-all of them respectable, and many of the chapels which by right belonged to Trini- of high attainraents. (Hear.) We have a Home tarians, are now in the hands of Socinians. And Mission, an Education Scheme, and a Foreign it is, perhaps, the saddest of all these sad facts, Mission; and while the whole sum raised by our that the pulpit which was once occupied by the Church in aid of these schemes, in 1844-45 eminently godly Matthew Henry, at Chester, is now amounted only to £1,500, I am happy to be able occupied by a Socinian. But there is at least one to report that this year it has amounted to £3,000. comfort connected with this circumstance-viz., There are symptoms of improvement in our prethat (I believe by the constitution of the Chapel) sent state and prospects; and we are permitted to a copy of Henry's Commentary must be in the hope that, by the blessing of God, we shall yet vestry. I have had the pleasure of standing in more and more increase. But still, it is only yet Matthew Henry's pulpit, and the still greater the day of small things with us. The number

our working ministers is little more than a fourth part of Gideon's little band; and, when we look to ourselves and to the great work that lies before us, we may well say, "Who is sufficient for these things, and what are we in this great country?" But God works by few as well as by many-by feeble instruments as well as by powerful. He giveth power to the faint to them that have no night he increaseth strength; and if he should delight in us, he will yet increase, and strengthen, and multiply, and make us like the handful of corn on the tops of the mountains, whose fruit shall yet shake as Lebanon. We are going on harmoniously together, and we feel that our safety, under God, consists in our unity and union. The conviction is growing, and the fact is manifest, that the man of sin is making mighty efforts to regain the ascendancy, and that corresponding exertions are needful on the other side to oppose him. The conviction is growing, and the fact is manifest, that all circumstantial little differences should be sunk and laid aside by those who can agree and unite in the faith of great and essential principles; and, while this conviction is growingand growing fast-is it not clear that it is the duty, the wisdom, the safety of all faithful Churches to be drawing closer to one another, uniting under some common bond, and preparing to fight the good fight of faith under some common banner? It is impossible not to be struck with the concurrent testimonies that are crowding upon us, from all parts of the world, to establish this fact. We see the progress of the man of sin in England, in the Popish temples that are rising up around us thick as mushrooms. We see it, too, in the more specious but not less malignant form of Puseyism. And when we think of the favour which has already been shown to Romanism in the high places of our land, then, doubtless, the whole is well calculated to startle the most secure, incredulous, and sanguine.--All this is ominous, and had it not been that greater far is he who is on his own people's side than all those that can be against them, it would also be very alarming. But, blessed be God, he is a refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. His way is in the sea, and his path in the great waters; and his footsteps are not known. But yet, though the waters roar and be troubled, and the mountains shake with the swelling thereof, there is still a river whereof the streams shall make glad the city of God-the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved. God shall help her, and that right early. (Mr. Ferguson sat down amid loud cheers.)




Ar the Anniversary Meeting of this Society,
held on Tuesday the 2d of June last, Dr.
Merle D'Aubigne, as President, addressed
the Assembly at considerable length, and
with his usual ability. After prayer, reading
of the Word of God, and praise, he said:-
"I open the fifteenth general meeting
of the Evangelical Society of Geneva. In
whose name? Is it in the name of any
ecclesiastical system, even the most perfect?-
in the name of Episcopacy, of Congrega-
tionalism, or of that Presbyterianism, which,
in the sixteenth century, took its loftiest
bound in this city of Geneva-of that Pres-
byterianism so dear to our fathers, and so dear
to myself? Is it in the name of the broad
or the strict principle in admission to the
Lord's Supper? Is it in the name of Nation-
alism or of Separatism? No, gentlemen;
no. In whose name, then? It is in the
name of the Father, of the Son, and Holy
Spirit, God blessed for ever,-in the name of
Jesus, true man and true God,-in the name
of the blood shed on Golgotha, which speaks
better things than that of Abel, and cleanses
the consciences of the children of God from
all guilt,-in the name of the Eternal Spirit,
by whom we
are anointed, and through
whom we know all things,-in the name of
the invisible Head of the Church, who sits
in this Assembly as on an invisible throne,
under whose presidence we meet together,



THE following is a translation of a declaration which has been put forth by the demissionary pastors and ministers of the Canton

de Vaud. It was communicated to the Free Presbytery of Edinburgh, at the ordinary meeting of that body on the 1st ult., and an address cordially responding to it was unanimously agreed to:

bowing the knee before His ineffable divinity, | dust; but in the nineteenth century, the
casting with joy at his feet the gold, the in-powers of the air, and the powers under
cense, and the myrrh,-all our works, and all ground (les souterraines), have formed a mys-
our praises, which belong to him alone. God terious compact, and at the same moment
is seated on the throne of His holiness. rear their forms on high with a terrific smile,
God has gone up on high with the shout of and breathe forth destruction and death
triumph. Sing unto our King, sing praises."" against the little flock of Jesus Christ."
He then proceeded to point out the dangers
which now threaten the Church. One of
these was the feebleness of the spiritual life.
"Might I set before you," said he, "the
brightest trait in our society, it is, that were
you to seek out a device which would serve
most accurately to characterise it, it would
be this,-The doctrine and the life. The
first of our institutions, the School of Theo-
logy, fixes attention on the doctrine. The
second, the dissemination of the Word of
God, and the preaching of the Gospel,-indi-
cates the life. The union of these two cha-
racteristics is that celestial mark which the
great Head of the Church has engraven upon
the frail edifice of our society. Let us jea-
lously guard both of these. For my own
part, brethren, I will declare it, for an
orthodox institution without Christian life,
or for a so-called Christian life without
orthodoxy,-I would not move a finger. The
guarantee for the School of Theology I look
for, not in itself, but in the work of evan-
gelization. The guarantee for evangeli-
zation,-it is not in itself that I behold it,
but in the doctrine of the School of Theology.
Let us guard the two treasures, and then we
shall continue to prosper."

He then referred to a second danger, viz., that those who have been spiritually awakened walk not more together. Instead of marching in company, as in former days, through the valley of Baca, they are like armies encamped on opposite mountains, launching forth their darts against one another. He then insisted on the evils produced by the exaggeration of the differences between the friends of national religion and of dissent, and invited them all to leave their poor standards, to seize the cross of Christ and lift it up on high, and precipitate themselves into the midst of the opposing parties. He then showed the necessity of placing the Word of God high above the Church. "It is the essence of Popery to place the visible Church above the Word of Godit is the essence of Protestantism to place the Word of God high above the Church. When Protestants say, True, the Word of God is not preached in such a place-Christ is announced as a mere creature, and salvation as the reward of our works, but he who occupies the pulpit is a minister of the Church, one of our colleagues--one should take care not to preach a different doctrine, for that would create confusion'-such Protestants, in saying this, leave the standard of Protestantism, and range themselves under the standard of Popery.

"In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. "The undersigned pastors and ministers of the Gospel in the Canton de Vaud, who have adhered to the Act of Demission of the 12th of November, 1845, and who have renounced by it their official relations with the State, to all the Protestant and Reformed Churches and all the faithful in these Churches, grace and peace be given to you and multiplied, from God our Father, and Jesus Christ our Lord.

"At the moment when, for having wished to remain faithful to our faith, the Church, and our ministry, we have seen broken the ties which united us to the State, it becomes our duty to protest that by the act not only have we not separated ourselves from the communion of the Protestant and Reformed Churches, but that we have more closely united ourselves to them, since we have contended for doctrines which are dear to them all,-for the spiritual supremacy of Jesus Christ over his Church, and for the independence and integrity of the Gospel ministry.

"Wherefore, before God and before the Church, we declare that our faith is the same as that of our fathers :-The faith of the Holy Scriptures and the doctrines contained in them,-doctrines summarily expressed by our Reformers in the dogmatic part, that is to say in the first twenty-one chapters of the Helvetic Confession of Faith, and professed in the Liturgy and practice of our Churches.

"We declare that we are ready, with the assistance of our Lord, to make still every sacrifice to our faith in these doctrines for the maintenance of which we have already separated ourselves from the State; namely—

"1. The Sovereign spiritual authority of Christ and of His word in the Church. "2. The Divine institution of the Gospel ministry.

"We declare that we are, and that we desire to remain, in communion of faith and love with all the Christian Churches, and all the faithful in them, who, without having the same form of faith as we have, yet think with us that they cannot be justified before God and sanctified, except by faith in the infinite efficacy of the sacrifice and whole work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God manifest in the flesh.

"We declare finally, that it is our ardent desire to enter into the most intimate and frequent intercourse with all the Protestant and Reformed Churches, in order to labour in common with them in every thing that may tend to the unity of evangelical Protestantism, and contribute to the advancement of the king

"The third danger arose from this, that
among the spiritual wickednesses in high
places there was a conspiracy and a tumult
against the Church. Rome had anew pre-
pared her chariots, and was rushing with
terrific noise against the Church of God.
But other powers-the principalities of dark-
ness-join hand in hand, roll round their
bloodshot eyes, and, as it were, make the
earth to tremble; while, under the banner of
Infidelity, Socialism, and Pantheism, they
menace the holy life of the Church. Never
were these opposing powers exerting them-dom of God.
selves at the same time with greater energy
than now. When, in the seventeenth cen-
tury, Rome triumphed, Infidelity was without
strength,-when, in the eighteenth century,
Infidelity triumphed, Rome was abased in the

"Drawn up and signed in order to be sent to the Protestant and Reformed Churches of Christendom.


Lausanne, April 22, 1846." (Signed by 128 pastors and ministers.)

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