drawing up of the Declaration of Principles, and the popular Exposition of Presbyterianism, on both of which a Committee of Synod are laboriously and actively engaged.] ELECTION OF MODERATOR. To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger. DEAR SIR,-In the report given in the last The Presbytery, in deciding in favour of the former mode, in my humble opinion, manifested much wisdom, and were influenced with an earnest desire to prevent unpleasant and painful collison in their ranks at every subsequent election of a Moderator. The report states that the arguments of the majority-who are decidedly in favour of the "rotation system"-are, that it is the law in the Established Church of Scotland, and ought therefore to be adhered to, and that the elective system would give rise to constant animosities and contentions. Now, the person who moved in favour of the "rotation system," is just as little disposed to be servilely attached to any law merely because it may happen to be a law in the Church in Scotland. He is an English Presbyterian, not merely by profession, but also in principle and in heart. But, notwithstanding this, if he find a law in itself most wise, and admirably calculated to have a most salutary effect in the prevention of strife and animosity, and in securing peace and harmony among brethren of the same Presbytery, whose duty it is to "dwell together in unity," he cordially and gratefully embraces it, caring little whether it has come from Scotland or from Rome, provided always it interfere not with a standing rule in his own Church. Own | The language here is strong, and speaks | attacked on the 9th, and that he was to be for itself, and we are fully of opinion, that, compelled on that day to leave Madeira. if vexatious bickerings, and continued alter- Fearful threatenings were sent to the Doccations, are to be avoided, on the occasion of tor and his friends. No secret was made the election of a Moderator, we will require of their intentions by the conspirators. The a similar law for our own guide. And it does assault was openly spoken of as a deterseem strange that, notwithstanding at our mined purpose, which no power would first election of a Moderator in the Presby- prevent them from executing. In consetery of Cumberland some unpleasant alter- quence of the excitement that prevailed, cation was occasioned, that yet, in the very Dr. Kalley felt it to be necessary to acquaint face of this, any member of that Presbytery the local authorities and the British Consul should be opposed to following a rule which with the reports that were in circulation, and would effectually guard against all such un- to demand at their hands the protection to pleasantness in future. which he was entitled. Assistance was promised, and on the evening of Saturday the 8th, a small guard was stationed at his house. Matters had, however, by this time assumed such an alarming aspect, that Dr. Kalley, yielding to the advice of his friends, left his dwelling at a very early hour in the morning, and retired to the house of an acquaintance at some distance. On the Sabbath forenoon, an immense crowd proceeded to his house, where they were met by the Governor of the island, the head of police, and a small body of troops. The British Consul was also soon on the spot. The mob forcibly effected an entrance. They searched every part of the premises, committed various acts of daring outrage in the face of the authorities, and, at last, having collected the whole of Dr. Kalley's books and papers, they burned them in the street, amid yells of exultation as the Bibles were torn and consumed. The obstinacy with which they clung to the impres sion that their intended victim was concealed in the house, afforded time for Dr. Kalley's escape. Disguised in female attire, he was conveyed in a hammock to the beach, and safely put on board the West India Mail steamer, that had just arrived. Mrs. Kalley, with a servant, having joined him shortly after, they set sail from a place where for he had spent his strength and substance years in doing good to the bodies and the souls of his fellow-creatures. Of the six ministers, who, as the report states, were present at the late meeting, only a solitary one voted against the "rotation system," and that person, in opposing it, was voting for himself to be Moderator. The report intimates that the member best qualified should be chosen, and that a brother manifestly incompetent should be rejected. Does not this appear somewhat invidious? and especially when an aged father is chosen, as was the case at the late meeting of Presbytery, is it not very indelicate for any young member, whoever he may be, to set himself in opposition to him, especially when his object in doing so is to get into office himself? As peace cannot be too highly purchased, except at the expense of truth and righteousness, in common with most of my brethren of Presbytery, and I trust of them all, I would rejoice to see every occasion of altercation removed. If you think this will serve any good purpose, please have the goodness to give it an insertion in your next "Messenger."-I am, dear Sir, yours truly, JOHN TURBITT. Workington, September 9th, 1846. Missionary Entelligence. PERSECUTION IN MADEIRA. Madeira, 17th August, 1846. Hill's "Practice of the Church of Scotland," moreover, has been the guide of EngOn the 2d instant, the house of an English lish Presbyterians in time past, and, as our family was beset by a Portuguese mob, head"code" has not yet been issued, to sued by one of the Canons of the Romish persede it, why should we reject any par- Church in his official dress, on the ground ticular rule thereof, so salutary as the one that some of the converts from Popery had referred to? Who could say that it would been allowed to meet there for the purpose of be better to be left without any guide at all, engaging in devotional exercises. and that our ministers should be allowed in- the whole day a crowd continued to surround During dividually, or as Presbyteries, to do what the house, and shortly after midnight the "might seem right" or wrong “ in their own windows were smashed, a large stone nareyes p In addition to this, we strongly anticipate family,—the door was forced rowly missed one of the members of the open, and every that the united wisdom of the English Pres-room was ransacked by the rabble in quest of byterian Synod will be a guarantee that our the objects of their fury. One man was laid own forthcoming "code" will contain a rule hold of by the mob, and most brutally beaten; similar to that referred to. Permit me, for but they were mercifully prevented from fully the sake of those who may not have access effecting their object, by the arrival of some to the "Scotch code," to cite the law in the soldiers and police. Had this assistance been case: page 41, speaking of the election of delayed a few minutes longer, results must Moderator, says," The election is a nomi- have followed which it is fearful to contemnal one; proceeding to what may be called plate. a fixed and invariable rule, that the next in succession on the roll, that is, the next according to the date of his ordination, takes the chair. An attempt to infringe this rule is never made without disturbing the harmony of a Presbytery; and it may be questioned, whether, when consuetude is of such long standing, it is in the power of a Presbytery to elect as Moderator any member out of his order, and without his concurrence.” Such was the commencement of a tumultuous movement that has led to the forcible ejection of Dr. Kalley, and three other British families, from the island. In the course of the week preceding Sabbath the 9th, the streets of Funchal had resounded with cries expressive of malignant hatred to the Calvinists, as they term the friends of Protestant truth; while rumours were industriously propagated that Dr.Kalley's house was to be | | Intoxicated with this measure of success, the mob proceeded to denounce vengeance against others; and in consequence of their threatenings, it became necessary that the Misses Rutherford, the ladies whose house was attacked on the 2d; Dr. Miller, brotherin-law to Dr. Kalley; and Mr. Tate, of the royal navy, should, with their families, take refuge on board a vessel in the harbour, where they intend to remain till an oppor tunity occurs of returning to England. This step was taken by the advice of the British to their persons or property in the existing Consul, who could not guarantee protection state of anarchy, and the avowed powerlessness of the local government to control the mob. In transmitting to you a narrative of events that have occasioned so much alarm and distress, it does not become me to point out the parties on whom the blame in this matter must be charged. I may state, however, that during these riotous proceedings, the troops were not called upon to act as the circumstances required; that two individuals, who were seized during the attack on Miss Rutherford's house, and put in prison, were set at liberty in the course of a few hours; that the ringleaders in the assault on Dr. Kalley, who are well known, have not as yet been arrested; and that nothing has been done by the authorities to divest us of the apprehension that we are exposed to the unbridled ferocity of the populace. The time is surely come when our Government is bound to reconsider the terms of our treaty with Portugal on this subject, and to adopt measures that may effectually secure us in future against such an intolerant and despotic interference with our rights and privileges. But whatever view may be taken of this matter by politicians, the events that have taken place in this island ought to be well pondered by that large class in the religious community who are willing to delude themselves with the imagination that the spirit of Popery in the nineteenth century is changed from what it was in the darker periods of European history; and these events are no less fitted to warn the friends of Bible truth throughout the world that there is a time rapidly approaching when they must be prepared to resist that persecuting power, as those who not only say that they believe in Christ, but who will be ready also to suffer for his sake. I remain, yours truly, CHARLES NAIRN. PERSECUTION AT ATHENS. WHILE the Romish Church is manifesting its intolerant persecuting spirit in Madeira, the sister Greek Church is pursuing the same course at Athens. Dr. King, the American Missionary there, published, some time ago, a book against giving Divine worship to the Virgin Mary. For this he was arraigned before a criminal court, and the trial was fixed to be at Syra, on the 22d of July. Shortly before that day, a violent pamphlet was secretly drawn up by one Callistratus, a priest, and a thousand copies printed by subscription, were industriously circulated in Syra, so as to excite public animosity against the accused, at the time of his trial. The effect of this base manœuvre was, that the mob at Syra, instigated by the priests, anxiously waited the arrival of Dr. King, and there was every appearance of tumultuous violence ensuing. Dr. King's friends, therefore, advised him not to land, as it was evident that his life would be in danger. In a letter to the Secretary of the Board of Missions at Boston, U. S., Dr. King says:"Though disappointed in not having my trial, I thought that it was the part of prudence to listen to their counsel, and so I remained on board the steamer during the day. "My lawyers then went on shore, but all came again on board just before I left for Athens, with the two who had accompanied me from that place. "From them I learned that the danger, had I gone on shore, was quite as great as I had supposed that the priests had assembled in the Court-house waiting for me, that the high priest himself was to have been present, that the multitude surrounded the Court-house, and that when it was said that I had got out at a certain place, some ran in that direction, that when my lawyers went on shore in the morning, they found, at least, a thousand people waiting my arrival. Even one of my lawyers told me that he felt almost afraid to go on shore in the midst of them. "In fact, I have every reason to believe that there was a murderous plan deeply laid by the priesthood at Athens and at Syra, to rid themselves of me at once; and that they thought themselves sure of their prey. But the Lord turned their counsel into foolishness, rendered all their designs vain, and they now feel disappointed and enraged that I am not yet condemned,-that I am still in the land of the living. "Many prayers, I have reason to believe, were offered for me by Christians, in different places, who had learned the day appointed for my trial, and perhaps my deliverance is in answer to their prayers." Dr. King accordingly returned to Athens, to return. I do not know what may happen, but I feel confident that He who has thus far delivered me will still deliver me, and that I shall yet, in some way or other, gain the victory. Yours truly, JONAS KING. where he is surrounded by plots and machina- | Government, I shall feel warranted, by the tions against him. "Since I began this letter," commission of my Master (Matt. x. 23.), he writes, "I have learned, from a source which to leave for a while, hoping in better times I deem worthy of confidence, that there are about fifty persons combined here, who are determined to kill me, and it seems that this is known to the Holy Synod.' A certain person, who is very friendly to my wife, having learned this in a very direct manner, immediately sent his wife to inform my wife of this, namely, that they intended, when I should go out, to kill me, and that if they could not accomplish this in any other way, they would come and burn my house! "His wife came immediately, and with tears told this to my wife, who told me. "The Rev. Mr. Lowndes being accidentally present, I asked him to call on General Church, and request him to call on me, and also to call on Sir Edmund Lyons, the British Ambassador, and inform him of what was passing. "In the meantime, I wrote a note to Mr. John Colletti, the Prime Minister, of which the following is a translation: "VENERABLE SIR,-Called by the civil authority, I went, the day before yesterday, to Syra, to be judged. But on arriving there, I learned that there was so much tumult, and so many plots against my life, that all my lawyers advised me not to leave the boat. "And now I learn that there are also plots against me here in the capital, and I wish to learn from the Government of Greece whether I have safety here or not. "I also inform you, that the books of the Consulate of the United States of America are in my keeping, as also the seal, and the flag, &c., and as a citizen of the United States of America, and as a keeper of the seal, and the books, &c., of the Consulate, I wish to learn whether I have safety in this city or not. "I remain, with all respect, an American citizen, and your friend, "JONAS KING. "Athens, 12th (24th) July, 1846. "To the Venerable Mr. John Colletti, Prime Minister of Greece.' "While writing this, I sent for my two lawyers, one of whom, Mr. Triantaphylles, came, and I requested him to convey this letter to Mr. Colletti, so as to be sure that he received it, which he said he would do, and also take with him the king's attorney Mr. Diomedes. "Colonel Mostras, who was present, sent for a carriage, so that it might not appear that there was any movement from my house. "He is now gone, and I am waiting to learn the result. "About this time, a priest, Chelidon by name, who is a known enemy,-who burnt my book in one of the churches, and anathematized me, and who lives with the priest Callistratus,-who published the pamphlet which awakened so much rage in Syra,passed my book shop, and asked Constantine, a man in my employ, "How is your master to-day? Does he not go out? Why does he not go out ?" "P. S.-Evening of the 24th of July.After I had written the above, Sir Edmund Lyons, the British Ambassador, having learned the danger to which I am exposed, called, and very kindly offered me, in case of need, British protection. This I consider of great importance in my present circumstances, and I beg that you will communicate this to the Government of the United States. "Such acts of kindness tend to unite the two nations, and ought to be publicly noticed. "I must add, also, that the day I went to Syra to be tried, Sir Edmund Lyons wrote, as I was informed, to Mr. Wilkinson, the British Consul there, to lend me his aid, in case of need. This was to me unexpected, and I could not but be grateful for such a mark of kindness. "P.S.—The pamphlet mentioned in this letter, published by Callistratus, the monk of Mount Sinai, about the time appointed for my trial, and distributed at Syra, in order to excite the people, is of the same tenor as the excommunications fulminated against me the last year, by the Greek Synod at Athens, and the Greek Patriarch at Constantinople. "It contains the same accusations, and the same injurious language against me; and, in order to prove the worship of Mary and the Saints, and of images, and the doctrine of transubstantiation, many passages are quoted in it, from the doubtful and spurious writings, falsely attributed to Chrysostom, Basil, and Epiphanius. "Determined to condemn me, they seek false witnesses. "A short answer to it was written by a Greek, but the editor of the most liberal paper in Athens refused to insert it.-Yours, &c., "JONAS KING." When political partisans, and men of latitudinarian principles, try to dupe us in this country, by representing the improved condition and spirit of the Romish and Greek Churches, let us meet their plausibilities by simply pointing to Madeira and Athens. Neither Dr. Kalley nor Dr. King may have in all things acted the most prudent part in these places, and we would avoid indiscriminate praise and blind sympathy. But we know that Dr. King has done in Athens what no other missionary has ventured to do; he built a Church, and preached in it to the Greeks in their own language;it was the pure and simple "good news," and he had not an insignificant number of auditors. This is likely to be now rankling in the minds of the "Holy Synod." We suspect too that the missionaries at Athens have other enemies besides the Greeks. Bishop Southgate, the American Bishop of Constantinople is doing incalculable harm to missionary operations in the East, and, from his excessive high Church notions, it is not uncharitable to suppose that he would frown upon a Presbyterian missionary, whose ordination he refuses to acknowledge. These Protestant My wife thinks that I ought to go away Bishoprics set up in foreign parts by the for a few months to Europe, and perhaps to American and Anglican Church are centres America, till there shall be some change for of mischief, and causes of hindrance to evanthe better. But I do not like much goinggelistic and missionary work. There are one away, because it will be so difficult to get back or two of our own Colonial Bishops that we again. If, however, this conspiracy continues, must watch narrowly, and be ready to note and I find that I cannot be protected by the their proceedings. "I have no doubt they are waiting for me to go out, that they may take away my life. I have all the doors of my garden locked or barred, though I do not much expect an assault to-day. I think it more probable that they will choose next Sunday for the attack, rather than this day. 66 Poetry. "IT IS THE SPIRIT THAT QUICKENETH." When I go to inquire in Thy temple, my Lord, Is He there to convince? Is He there to convert? And with power to apply each truth to the heart, I care not for eloquence tuning the tongue, For words on which thousands enraptured have hung, With it, though nor talent nor fancy be found, Though simple and lowly the mind, Yet, Lord, if Thy Spirit shed glory around, Ah! more than enough do I find. 'Tis manna, rich manna, abundantly given, And food more than angels is here, 'Tis a stream from the fresh living fountain in heaven My languishing spirit to cheer. I drink and the foretaste of glory is mine; I eat -and I hunger no more: This, this the soul's banquet, life-giving, Divine, Notices of Books. M. S. S. Reasons for being a Presbyterian. By Christ's Second Coming: Will it be Pre- The question contained in the title-page Mr. Brown not only answers in the negative, but proves his position by arguments so solid, cogent, and conclusive, as to us appear altogether irrefragable. The research displayed throughout is great. Not a volume, not even a pamphlet, has been written on the other side (and but few of our readers peradventure can have any conception of their numbers) but Mr. Brown seems to have read. His minute familiarity with Millenarian literature indeed can be accounted for only by the fact of his having once been an ardent Millenarian himself, and by a desire (a laudable desire we consider it,) of reading all that had been written in support of that theory before he would yield to the growing convictions of his own mind in favour of the opposite conclusions. The natural convictions of such a man, arrived at after years of deep and prayerful study, and finally issuing in the rejection of his previously-cherished opinions, we consider of great moment. But abstracted from all extrinsic considerations, Mr. Brown's arguments appear to us perfectly conclusive. We would not recommend to our readers to enter very deeply into the Millenarian controversy. But from the multitude of works that have been written on the one | England. There is a fine set of anthems and BIBLICO-PHILOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. The Duties solemnly binding on various Sec- Modern Babylon: or, London. By John pp. 36. London: James Nisbet and Co., IN this tract, the Reverend author treats of Sacred Harmony, in four vocal parts, with much as his classes will be conducted in an apartment immediately adjoining that in which the College-classes meet at Exeter Hall. That opportunity of improvement we trust they will not fail to embrace. THE VEILED SAVIOUR.-Suppose that one to whom you was a stranger was wrapt in a thick veil, so that you could not discern his features. Still, if the lineaments were pointed to you through the folds, you could form some idea of the beauty and form of the veiled one. But suppose that one whom you know and love,-whose features you have often studied face to face, were to be veiled up in this way, how easily you would discern the features and form of this beloved one! Just so the Jews looked upon the veiled Saviour whom they had never seen unveiled. We, under the New Testament, look upon an unveiled Saviour, and going back to the Old, we can see, far better than the Jews could, the features and form of Jesus the beloved under that veil.-M'Cheyne. CHRISTIANS.-God's people are too touchy in looking so much for respect from men. It argues a secret leaven of pride, if they murmur when the world doth not esteem them. A Christian is an unknown man in the world, and therefore should not take it ill if he finds himself slighted.-Manton. FINANCE OF SCOTTISH MISSIONS.-1846. Difference 19,000 £60,000 The attention of Presbyteries and Students is called to the following regulations adopted at last meeting of Synod: 1. That as it is of the last importance, so every effort shall be used to secure, that all parties who are enrolled in the Album of the Theological College, as students for the ministerial office in this Church, shall have previously passed through an undergraduate course at some chartered university. 2. That all such as have passed through such a course shall, before they are enrolled, pass an examination before the Presbytery within the bounds of which they reside; but where any party resides beyond the bounds of any of the Presbyteries of the Church, that he pass such an examination before the Presbytery of London; that a certificate of having passed through such examination must be produced before he be enrolled; and that it be an instruction to Presbyteries, further to examine such students upon the doctrinal standards of the Church. 3. That although in present circumstances, it be not declared indispensable that every candidate for admission shall have passed through such undergraduate course, yet it be required as the minimum of qualification essential to admission, (1) that the candidate be able to read in Greek, the New Testament and Xenophon's Anabasis; and in Latin, the Odes of Horace, and the first five books of Livy, and pass an examination on these books ad aperturam libri; and (2) that he have studied logic, mathematics (viz., the first six books of Euclid, plane trigonometry, and algebra, as far as quadratic equations), and pass an examination in these sciences. 4. That the Senatus, assisted by a Committee of the Presbytery of London, and such others as they may call in as assessors, shall be the examiners upon the subjects prescribed under regulation 3. 5. That as erudition without personal piety can never qualify for the ministry, each student must, as an attestation of his personal religion, before he is enrolled, produce to the Senatus a certificate of Church membership, and a Presbyterial letter, bearing favourable testimony to his personal piety. In accordance with the above_regulations, examinations will be held at 16, Exeter Hall, immediately after the opening of the Session; and students are requested to be in attendance upon them punctually at that time. 20th September, 1846. MORNING ESTABLISHMENT. GREAT CORAM STREET, BRUNSWICK SQUARE. ISS RICHARDS avails herself of this MIS approbation which her plan of EDUCATION has opportunity to express her sense of the kind elicited, and she trusts that by pursuing the same course of systematic Instruction, enlivened and aided by the introduction of the various methods rendered available by modern improvements, to continue to receive assurances of her successful endeavours to promote the intellectual and moral welfare of those entrusted to her guidance. References kindly permitted to the Rev. J. H, Evans, Hampstead; and Rev. J. Hamilton, 7, Lansdowne-place, Brunswick-square. 13, UPPER KING STREET, RUSSELL-SQUARE, September 1st, 1846. TD. THOMSON begs to solicit attention ⚫ to his SELECT CIRCULATING LIBRARY, which he has commenced in the hope of providing good modern and standard reading at a charge which will place it within the reach of nearly every class; and he trusts it will receive such support as will guarantee a great enlargement of the plan. 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A Stamped Edition is prepared to go free by post, which the Publisher will punctually forward for a year, on receipt of a Post-Office Order for 2s. 6d. London: 26, Paternoster-row, (R. Theobald, Manager), and John Johnstone, 15, Princes-street, Edinburgh. JUST PUBLISHED BY JAMES NISBET & CO., LEVITICUS; Expository and Practical. By the Rev. ANDREW A. BONAR, Author of "Memoirs of Rev. Robert M'Cheyne," "Narrative of a Mission of Inquiry to the Jews," &c., &c. Eighth Thousand, in 18mo., price 2s. cloth boards, The NIGHT of WEEPING; or, Words for the suffering family of God. By the Rev. HORATIUS BONAR, Kelso. The Twentieth Thousand, in 18mo., price ls. 6d. cloth boards, The MOUNT of OLIVES, and other Lectures on Prayer. By the Rev. JAMES HAMILTON, National Scotch Church, Regent-square. bon's Rome-Thelwall's Greece-Grote's Greece -Robertson's Works-Hume and SmollettHallam's Constitutional History, &c.-Hetherington-D'Aubigné-Neal's Puritans-Thiers' French Revolution-Strickland's Queens-&c. 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"They were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their deaths they were not divided." In royal 32mo., neatly done up, gilt edges, price 4d., PARTING WORDS on WEIGHTY SUBJECTS: a Dialogue, intended principally for the point to real religion as the only source of real Higher Classes; the chief object of which is to happiness. In 12mo., price 4s., cloth boards. ST. PAUL'S EPISTLES to the THESSALONIANS, TIMOTHY, TITUS, and PHILEMON, Explained in simple and familiar language. **All New Works of general interest will be By G. B. added on the day of Publication. T. D. THOMSON having purchased a number of the two following popular Works, is enabled to offer them at the low prices affixed :CHRISTIAN TREASURY.-Magee on the Atonement -Witherspoon on Regeneration - Boston's Crook in the Lot-Guild's Moses UnveiledGuild's Harmony of the Prophets-Less on the Authenticity Stuart on the Divinity of Christ -Edited by Memes, in one vol. 8vo. 6s. 6d. pub. at 12s. 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The HOPE of the APOSTOLIC CHURCH; Or, the Duties and Privileges of Christians in con G. H. MIDWOOD MIDWOOD, Esq., Oxford Road nexion with the Second Advent; as unfolded in Twist Company, W. H. RICKARDS, ESQ., Calico Printer, J. ORMEROD, Esq., Leather Factor, J. E. MULLINER, ESQ., Manufacturer, D. G. FLEMING, ESQ., Merchant, R. RICHMOND, Esq., Merchant, JAMES P. FALKNER, ESQ., Messrs. Falkner, Agent and Secretary, F. P. RICKARDS, The Directors solicit attention to the principles of this Institution, in the conviction that they offer greater advantages than those of any other office. It is the only office which combines the advantages of Mutual Assurance with moderate Premiums. The Premiums at early and middle ages are about a fourth lower than in other mutual offices, so that the premium usually charged for £400 will secure about £500 in this. 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In this Office, the Surplus, instead of being frittered away among Policies that have subsisted only a few years (and on which there must be a "This is, in our judgment, one of the most able, loss, and not a profit), is reserved entire for those comprehensive, and conclusive of the numerous Members who survive the period at which their Pre-works which the Millenarian controversy has called miums, with accumulated Interest, amount to the sums in their Policies. Being thus divided among a comparatively small number, the share, or Bonus, falling to each, will necessarily be much greater than by the usual mode. forth. His argument has been very carefully prepared; and we do not know any single volume which contains so full and satisfactory a digest of reasonings and interpretations by which the advocates of the side of the question on which Mr. Brown has arrayed himself, are accustomed to defend their position."- Watchman. 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TDAVID KING, L.L.D., Glasgow, Author of [HE LORD'S SUPPER. By the Rev. "The Ruling Eldership of the Christian Church.” "An able, elaborate, and eloquent treatise on an important and interesting topic."-Christiun Examiner. ordinance of our most holy faith. It manifests "A truly valuable treatise on the most delightful throughout clear views and sound judgment, with good taste and right feeling."-Scottish Guardian, "The whole treatise, imbued with the spirit of the theme, is pervaded by pious sentiment, and marked by a strong practical tendency."-Scotsman. "An interesting book, characterized throughout by orthodox theology, sound taste, and creditable acquirement."-Macphail's Magazine. "A volume that will be read and studied with pleasure and profit by all Christendom."-Glasgow Examiner. "A standard work on the subject of which it treats. 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