the report of my having seceded from the Church of Scotland. "In answer, then, permit me to say, that I most respectfully, yet firmly, decline the jurisdiction which the Presbytery of Dumfries seeks to exercise over my principles and actions as a minister of the Gospel in England; and in doing so I am acting in strict conformity to ecclesiastical order, and to the law of the land. "The members of the Presbytery of Dumfries are not living in ignorance, that the Presbyterian Church in England to which I exclusively belong, and have belonged since March, 1842, has always claimed and possessed, and does now possess, a perfectly free, full, final, supreme, and uncontrolled power of jurisdiction, over all the ministers, elders, church members and congregations under its care. Neither can they be without the knowledge that the Church of Scotland in General Assembly convened, solemnly declared in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, that, being an Established Church, she neither did possess legally, nor could constitutionally exercise, ecclesiastical jurisdiction in England. "I hope, therefore, that the members of your venerable court will ever bear in mind, that the boundaries assigned to them by law confine their jurisdiction to Scotland; and, may I not also be permitted to hope, that they will continue to allow me in England to exercise my own judgment, and to follow out my own opinions, without the slightest interference on their part. But, if such a hope is not to be realized, then let them be told they are not my spiritual guardians-I can yield no obedience to their injunctions, and to acknowledge their usurped jurisdiction would be to violate my ordination vows. "And now, in conclusion, I would finally say to the members of your Presbytery, under a higher authority than that of man, The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.' "Farewell; and may the words-not of bitter intolerance or priestly exclusiveness but of charity and forbearance, ever be heard among you. "I am, dear Sir, yours faithfully, "THOMAS D. NICHOLSON." EXAMINATION OF LOWICK TOWN SCHOOL.— The pupils attending this school were examined on Monday, 28th April, in accordance with the appointment of the Committee of Management, by the Rev. Thomas D. Nicholson, of the Presbyterian Church, Lowick. The attendance of scholars was about eighty, as great as the accommodation would permit. The branches taught are English reading, writing, arithmetic, grammar, geography, Latin, and religious knowledge. In these branches the scholars in the various classes manifested their diligence and proficiency, and reflected much credit on the talent and zeal of their teacher, Mr. James Stenhouse. Of the children attending this school upwards of sixty belong to Presbyterian parents; and the teacher, Mr. Stenhouse, is a member of our Church. BOLTON. On Friday, 16th May, in the evening, a congregational and Sunday-school teaparty was held in the Town-hall of Bolton. Upwards of 200 sat down to tea, which was furnished gratuitously by a few ladies of the congregation in favour of the funds of the school. As one great object of the meeting was to strengthen the principles of unity and congregational co-operation in the prosecution of various schemes, the chairman (Mr. Magill), took the opportunity of laying before the meeting, for an encouragement, what had been done since he, their minister, had come among them. In a few days it would be one year, and he could not avoid "remembering all the way.' Speaking only of those things that are without, he would first refer to their new church. For nearly seven years had this building been contemplated, and it was very gratifying to him that six months after his arrival among them the corner-stone of St. Andrews was laid by Robert Barbour, Esq., in the presence of the Presbytery of Lancashire. The church and schools being of a very superior design, will be, comparatively, costly; but it was to be hoped that after the church should be opened, about September next, it should be free of debt. After dwelling a little upon the privilege his congregation enjoyed in having an opportunity of putting, should it only be one stone upon a monument to God's mercy, a memorial for ages, of Christ's love, Mr. Magill next referred to the Sabbath-school. When he came to Bolton, there was nothing of the kind connected with the congregation. He soon concluded, that in a congregation situated in such a large manufacturing town as Bolton, it was especially necessary to a Church's usefulness to have a Sabbath-school in vigorous operation. Some months ago one was established; it had flourished apace; there were eighteen of a staff of teachers, and considerably upwards of 100 scholars. Out of these a Bible-class had been selected, which was regularly instructed; and out of these also was in progress of formation a choir of young singers to assist the precentor on the Sabbath. And it might also be added, that a Society for clothing the destitute among the children has been formed; and during the winter months the school was thus kept together, and the children made comfortable. Such, Mr. Magill remarked, was their outside work. He would say little of their internals. One remark would show that there was a growing interest in Divine things. He expected that at their communion, on Sunday, the 25th, their Church members would be worthily and honourably doubled. The Rev. John Dickeson, Manchester, addressed the meeting on the Christian activity which is the duty of all Christians generally, and of all members of congregations in particular. It is to be hoped that his excellent counsel will not suddenly be forgotten. Mr. Bonar (elder), also addressed the meeting at considerable length and with good effect; and after the Rev. Samuel Cathcart, of Wigan, had delivered a very instructive and inspiriting speech, on the religious education of youth, the pleasant party separated after the singing of a hymn, and after prayer. FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. (Continued from page 28.) On Saturday, after arranging the business for the remainder of the session, the Assembly took up the Overtures regarding the new College, and the Divinity Halls at Aberdeen and Glasgow. On this subject an overture was submitted by the Presbytery of Edinburgh, for the appointment of a Committee, to consider the entire subject of the constitution of the new College, with a comprehensive regard to all the circumstances which ought to affect the decision of the Church on this most vital matter, and suggesting particularly the following topics as requiring serious deliberation. 1. The extent of the education to be provided; whether it should be restricted to the institution of Theological Professorships, and such as bear immediately on Theology, or should comprise a full curriculum in languages and philosophy. 2.-The manner of appointing Professors, and the conditions and qualifications that should be insisted on. 3.-The regulation of the curriculum, especially in theology, and the due superintendence of Professors and students. 4.The right ordering of the library, the museum, bursaries, and other appendages of the College. 5.-The arrangement of fees and salaries, as to the amount of the latter and their source; and, 6.-The vesting of the property in such a manner as may best secure it for the objects intended. Dr. Candlish moved the appointment of a special Select Committee to report on these matters, the Moderator to be Convener, which was agreed to. Dr. CUNNINGHAM, of Edinburgh, referring to the formula, respecting which an interim act, passed in last Assembly, had been transmitted to Presbyteries for report, and to negotiations which have been going on with other bodies regarding the Free Church's adherence to the Westminster Confession, some of these bodies requiring a fuller statement than has yet been given as to some points in that confession,-moved the appointment of a Committee to take this subject into deliberate consideration, with the view of seeing whether some preamble might not be prefixed to the formula-not, certainly, to make any change in the language of the formula itself and thus enable other Churches to give, as the Free Church is proposed to do, an unqualified adherence to the Presbyterian standards. The Committee, after some remarks from various members, was unanimously agreed to. Dr. CANDLISH, as one of the deputation who had visited the Irish Presbyterian Assembly in July last, communicated to the Assembly with great pleasure the kind reception the deputation had met. He reminded the Assembly of the services which the Presbyterian Church of Ireland had rendered to the Free Church since the disruption, of the great liberality with which it last contributed to the erection of their places of worship, and to the services which it had rendered to the cause of orthodoxy and evangelical truth. He therefore rejoiced that they were now to have an opportunity of hearing a deputation from their brethren in Ireland, consisting of the Moderator of the Assembly (Dr. John Brown), and other distinguished members. The members of the Deputation were then introduced, and Dr. Brown, Dr. Stewart, of Broughshain, Mr. Johnston, of Tullylish, and Mr. Houston, addressed the Assembly, assuring the members of the continued sympathy and brotherly feeling entertained towards the Free Church by that body which they represented. Dr. Smyth, of Glasgow, proposed a motion to the effect that the Assembly had experienced much satisfaction from the presence of the Deputation, that they renewed their expression of affectionate interest in their Church-that they trusted they would ever continue faithful to Christ, and to his cause--that they would never fail to struggle with the encroachments of the man of sin, and that they would be highly instrumental in advancing the Redeemer's kingdom in the world. This resolution was adopted, and the thanks of the Assembly, for their kindness in attending its meeting, were conveyed to the Deputation by the Moderator. Our space does not permit us to proceed further with this report at present, but we shall resume it in our next number. 1 8 5 0 5. BELIEVE AND LIVE. 1d., or 4s. 6d. per 100. 6. SIN PUT AWAY by CHRIST. ¡d., or 3s. per 100. £2 1 8 0 8 4 2 10 0 1 5 0 08 4 08 4 6 5 0 1 5 0 Mr. Railston. A Friend, per Mr. James Anderson Eneas Macintosh, Esq. of March, 1845, the following subscrip- A. D., per ditto David Roberts, R. A., per Mrs. Milroy, Mr. Orme, per ditto G. Esdaile, per ditto An Episcopalian, per ditto Mrs. Stevens, per ditto Mr. Corrie .............................. Misses Johnstone......................... William Hamilton, Esq. The Earl of Roden... Mrs. J. Williams....................... S. Scott Alison, Esq., M.D.. Mr. H. R. Fletcher................................................ Mr. G. F. Pickett.......................................................... Isabella Sutherland............................................... Miss Hill Mrs. Richardson 2 10 0 0 2.10 0 2 1 8 25 0 0 7. 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THE Committee of the Home Mission, in presenting this, their first report to the Synod, would remind the house of the terms of the resolution under which the Committee was appointed. At its last meeting, the Synod resolved, that an enlarged Committee be appointed, who shall organize a general scheme for carrying out the objects of the Home Mission, and that, in the meantime, they bring it as far as possible into operation, until next meeting of Synod, when its arrangements and results shall be submitted for the consideration of the court, and such alterations and improvements made, as the experience of the year may suggest. In accordance with the terms of this resolution, your Committee assembled immediately after the meeting of Synod, for the purpose of defining their field of operations, and drawing up certain rules, for guiding them in the performance of their duties. It appeared to your Committee, that, while the terms of their appointment were so exceeding broad, as to assign to them the duty of assisting, as far as in their power, to give greater efficiency to the Presbyterian machinery already in operation, they were to direct their special attention to the supply of such localities, as seemed to invite a Presbyterian ministry, where the population was either inadequately supplied, or altogether destitute of such ordinances. Your Committee, therefore, resolved to put themselves in communication with all the Presbyteries of the Church, for the purpose of ascertaining the most promising fields of operation; and they further drew up certain regulations for carrying out the objects of the Mission, which, having been submitted to the Commission of Synod, in August, were printed and circulated throughout the different Presbyteries of the Church. Your Committee also drew up, printed, and distributed a circular, and afterwards an address, explaining the objects of the Mission, and advocating its claims on the liberality of the Church; and further, appointed deputations to visit certain Presbyteries for a like purpose; all which measures have, in the opinion of your Committee, been in some degree instrumental in extending the interest felt in the success of the Mission. The Treasurer's Report, which also will be laid on the table, will show in what manner the exertions of your Committee to raise funds have been responded to by the Church, and the manner in which the funds realized have been expended. The contributions reported up to this date, have amounted to 3231. 3s. 8d.; and the disbursements to 3121. 198. 44d. But your Committee feel it right to state that they have, throughout the season, been grievously trammelled in their operations, owing to the want of available funds, although, within the last few weeks, the Treasurer has had considerable remittances TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1845. made to him, so as to make a small balance appear in favour of the Mission: and, unless the efforts of your Committee are more systematically supported by countenance and contributions, it is vain to expect that the Home Mission can attain to any degree of efficiency, or effect any great amount of good. With such limited resources at their disposal, your Committee are unable to report such results as might have been expected from a field at once so interesting and extensive. At the same time, they rejoice that they have not altogether wanted tokens for good, or laboured fruitlessly; for, although their difficulties have been great, yet are results already apparent, well calculated to awaken joyful anticipations as to the future, inducing them to thank God, and take courage. Passing away altogether from the accessions in London, Manchester, Liverpool, and other places, where new and self-supporting congregations have been organized since the last meeting of Synod, your Committee have to report, that all the stations previously on the roll of the Synod continue to be supplied, and are giving increased promise of permanency, that over many of the vacant charges regular ministers have been appointed,-that several new stations have been opened throughout the country,-that, in several instances, congregations almost extinct have been fostered into fresh energy, and that buildings, ready to pass into other hands, have been preserved to the Presbyterian Church. The Presbytery of Lancashire had, before the institution of the Home Mission, a fund of its own for supporting places and preaching stations within its bounds. Since the appointment of your Committee, the two funds have merged. The two regular congregations to which grants were previously made,-namely, Bolton and Wigan, are still receiving aid. The Home Mission Committee, however, reduced the grant to the former from 1007. to 407. per year; and as a place of worship is now in course of erection, it is fully anticipated that, under the very efficient ministrations of the present pastor, the congregation in a few months will be altogether independent of the grant. To Wigan, owing to a variety of attendant peculiarities, the Committee have made a grant of 501. annually, and they are happy to say that the congregation is rapidly improving. The Committee have also made a small grant to a station recently opened at Crewe, which seemed to have a special claim upon their sympathy, owing to the growing increase of Scottish residents in the locality, and the utter want of Presbyterian ordinances. In the Presbytery of London, the stations opened, and the congregations existing, are all self-supporting, the Committee having only had the burden of providing supplies for the station at Dudley, which is now about to be very efficiently and permanently filled up. In the Northern Presbyteries, your Committee have to report a rapid and growing increase of Presbyterian feeling. A new congregation has been formed at Tweedmouth, No. 3. and a new station opened at Ancroft-moor, both in the Presbytery of Berwick-uponTweed. Within the bounds of the Presbytery of Northumberland, there are no less than five congregations, either newly formed, or brought, through recent exertions, into a state of efficiency, while, from a neighbouring Presbytery, there are notices of further applications. Of these, your Committee would select the case of a new station at Seaton Delaval, as a subject of peculiar encouragement. The station was opened within the last six months. For only two months the services of a regular missionary have been secured, and your Committee would give the following extract from his last communication:-"I am happy to be able to inform you, that all things are appearing to prosper. We have services here twice a-day. The house in which we meet has been crowded at each of the services. The Sabbath-school is increasing too. We have scarcely got a sufficient staff of teachers, but this deficiency will soon be made up. I have also commenced a young men's class, which I expect will be well attended. In addition to this, I have instituted five prayer-meetings, which meet all on the same evening in their respective localities. I visit one of them each week, and hold a lecture in the place. All this, I trust, will be replete with beneficial results; not only as regards the strength, but also the spiritual life and activity, of the congregation." On the same subject, one of the brethren in the north (we allude to Mr. Anderson, of Morpeth, whose judicious exertions your Committee cannot appreciate too highly), writes as follows:-"The missionary at Seaton Delaval cannot get a place to hold his congregation; the school room is overflowing; and cold as last Sabbath night was, when I passed they were hanging outside the door; and, what is very pleasing, there is no clap-trap to attract them-nothing but plain, simple preaching." Of these stations scarcely one will be selfsupporting at the very outset; four or five of them will continue for a considerable time to be a burden on the funds of the Synod's Mission; but your Committee feel convinced that, with some degree of care, not one of them will fail to succeed in the end, and they are sanguine of obtaining the approbation of the Synod to the efforts which have been made to foster the desire for Presbyterian ordinances in these localities, and to the assistance which the Committee have judged it right to administer. Much of the expense this year has arisen from the number of vacancies which have existed within the bounds of the Synod. It is needless for your Committee to tell how many of your congregations were hastily and heartlessly deserted, and the pulpits left vacant; and your Committee, feeling that there was a danger of the people forsaking the Church in disgust, especially when the difficulty of securing adequate supplies was so great, felt it their duty to devote much of their funds and time to the supplying of vacancies; and they are glad to be able now to report, that many of these vacancies have been permanently supplied, and that, in regard to all of them, the crisis of their fate seems surmounted. Your Committee would fail in their duty did they not make reference with gratitude to the assistance which, in their peculiar seasons of trial and destitution, they have received from the sister Churches. The instances have not been many in which Free Church ministers and preachers have permanently crossed the Border; but the instances have been frequent in which most efficient temporary supply has been obtained, and your Committee feel that special thanks are due to the Free Church of Scotland, seeing that, in the midst of her own deep poverty of labourers, she remembered her weaker and still poorer sister. But from Ulster, where Presbyterian labourers are abundant, your Committee have to report that a noble band has joined us-a band of vigorous, zealous men (of whom one great recommendation is, that they are young men, and therefore give promise of longer usefulness), who, through their labours, are well qualified to build up the waste places of our Zion. With such results already attained, your Committee trust that, considerable though this branch of their expenditure has been, the Synod will not question its judiciousness. And your Committee would take leave to notice, to the praise of a man whose liberality the Church has frequently experienced, that the amount charged to the Committee is only a portion of the sum really expended, and that a large additional amount has been paid by the Treasurer himself for supplying vacancies, because your Committee could not venture on making an official grant out of the pittance which the Church had put at their disposal. There is, however, no probability that this branch of the expenditure will ever be so heavy on any future occasion, as the organization of the Church is now so much more complete, and as it must henceforth be an established rule, that congregations during a vacancy must themselves defray the expense of the supplies provided for them. Having thus surveyed that branch of the Report which treats of what has been done during the past year, your Committee would take leave to notice and point out some of the prospects of duty which the future opens up to the Church. These embrace two fields, viz., the maintenance of stations already existing, and the establishment of fresh stations in localities as yet unoccupied. Regarding the former of these objects, your Committee took leave, at a former stage of the Report, to notice that several of these stations in the north would, for a season, require assistance for the sustentation of their ministry. Several of the stations have had new life infused into them. Several new stations have been opened, and in all the people have been interested; but in some places the people are scarcely able to support the ministers, and in others the formation of the congregation is too recent to entitle your Committee to expect that they should be yet able so to do. It therefore appears necessary to establish a fund for supplementing the salaries of ministers in poorer localities, lest any of the weaker congregations should be allowed to retrograde, taking care lest the existence of a supplemental fund should foster the idea, which your Committee regret to see already so prevalent, that the rural districts and less wealthy localities are exempted from exertions, owing to the resources of their | lization. It is true that her members are few. wealthier brethren. Such a fund should also Jacob is small, yea he is a worm; but there be available for the assistance of super- is one who promiseth that the worm Jacob annuated ministers, who have laboured long shall thresh the mountains; and the Church in the service of the Church, and who, though should look not to what she can effect, but anxious for retirement, want the means to what her Lord hath promised. Your Comand opportunities of enjoying it. Your Committee repeat, that this Church, by her prinmittee take leave to say, that little money ciples, polity, and position, is well qualified goes a great length in this object; already to go forth to the work of evangelizing Engthey have to confess, that they have over- land. If, as your Committee believe, the stepped their legitimate bounds, in making standards of the Presbyterian Church be in one annual grant of 10l. to a minister who conformity with God's holy Word, and if the has retired from his charge, the effect of Presbyterian polity be the scriptural form of which has been to save a church and manse, Church government and discipline, then, and in the course of a few months to fill whatever man's wisdom or folly may suggest, a church, which previously had an attendance God's plan will ultimately prevail. Your of about four or five individuals. Unques- Committee say not this in a sectarian spirit, tionably, such a fund as the one proposed further than Scripture is sectarian; they hold would require to be managed with great Presbytery, because they love it; and they circumspection, lest the liberality of the love it, because they believe that Scripture Church should be abused; but while, for enjoins a form, which, while it on the one purposes of safety, your Committee would hand refuses to acknowledge any Diotrephes recommend a sifting examination of every who would have the pre-eminence among his application, either by the Presbytery or a brethren, teaches, on the other hand, to the special Presbyterial Committee, they feel con- members of a Church, submission to authority vinced that such a fund, judiciously adminis- constituted by the Church's Head, enjoining tered, would tend materially to relieve them "to obey those that have rule over ministers from embarrassment, and to increase them, and to submit themselves, because rulers their confidence in the paternal care of the watch for the souls of the flock, as they that Synod. must give account." In regard to the destitute localities, many of them destitute not of Presbyterian ordinances alone, but of an Evangelical ministry altogether, your Committee have to report, that at almost every meeting fresh cases are submitted to their attention. The people tell their tale of want, and desire for supply, and your Committee believe that the Church is bound to hail their applications with joy, and to shew herself no niggard in responding to them. But your Committee would take leave to suggest, that it is not enough for the Church to answer the calls from such districts as have begun to feel their spiritual wants. There are many localities, and these especially in the north, where the genius of Presbytery would be readily appreciated, where the people, though spiritually destitute, are reduced to the yet lower depth of being ignorant of their destitution; and your Committee are impressed with the necessity that is laid upon this Church of assuming an aggressive attitude, of obeying the injunction to go forth in search of starving souls, and not only to invite, but to compel men and women to come in within reach of Gospel ordinances. Your Committee would humbly take leave to press this consideration on the court. If the Synod is really desirous for the growth and stability of our Jerusalem, instant and vigorous exertions must be made for prosecuting this undertaking; nay, it is not only the cause of our Church, but the cause of Christ's Church, which summons this Synod to the work. Ignorance prevails, error prospers, the enemy is coming in like a flood, and the name of Jesus is blasphemed every day and in every form; and does not the Church owe it to those perishing souls to go forth with a tender message to them, longing over them in the bowels of Jesus Christ? And as their Lord and master has put the ministers and elders of this Church in charge of his house, and caused them to fall on days of special promise, and to occupy positions of special opportunity, your Committee feel that they owe it to their Lord, in his name to set up the banner which he has given to them to be displayed because of the truth. Your Committee cannot help expressing their belief, that the principles and present position of this Church are peculiarly calculated to qualify her for the work of evange Your Committee know well that the name of Presbytery hath fallen into disrepute in England, and that the energies of the Presbyterian discipline have been for a long series of years paralyzed by the hands of those who administered it. But there are grounds of gratitude to Almighty God, that he hath himself arisen to plead his own cause, putting it into the hearts of his Presbyterian people to vindicate the truth. Gloriously was it established that Presbyterianism and Socinianism had nothing in common, when Presbyterian Ulster cast Arianism as an accursed thing forth from its bosom: and two years are not passed and gone, since another, the Parent Presbyterian Church in these lands, laid the Christian world under a debt of gratitude, by a testimony to the might of Christian faith, and to the firmness of Christian purpose, to which ecclesiastical history can offer no parallel, except in the annals of our own Presbyterian Church in England, which record the fact, that 2,000 devoted ministers counted their endowments as dross, so that they might not deny Christ,-instances of self-sacrifice on the part of a Christian community, which God hath enabled only Presbyterian Churches to exemplify. Facts like these have tended to exhibit Presbytery in a new light before the world. God has put the Presbyterian Church in a new position. He has conferred upon her present and peculiar privileges; and your Committee apprehend that this fact imposes upon her present and peculiar duties. Specially is the Church called upon to cast forth that leaven of selfishness which would make its congregations live only for themselves, and which has enabled thirty congregations of this Church to remain satisfied with contributing nothing to the funds of this Mission at all. She is specially enjoined to cherish a more enlarged charity, taxing her benevolence at a higher rate than 3201. annually for Home Missionary objects; and generally she is called on to inquire into the circumstances, and to seek to relieve the spiritual wants, of the vast masses of immortal beings that are living without Christ, and dying without Christ, in this land. Your Committee are humbly of opinion, that the Synod would only be doing a duty, calculated to draw down a blessing from on |