صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Murdoch, Rev. Mr., letter of, to Presby-
tery of Dumfries, 92
National Scottish Church, collections and
subscriptions of, 108, 159, 200, 264, 440

Neel, Henry, epitaph by, 494

Nicholson, Rev. T. D., presentation to, 157

Negatives, the five, 236

New Zealand, Free Church colony in, 461
-, Presbyterian Church in, 538
Newcastle, High-bridge Church at, 189
-, proceedings of Presbytery of,

42, 77, 124, 142, 187, 315

public meeting at, 384

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

ing at, 331
Mr. Weir in, 473

Mr. Weir in, 490

[merged small][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Committees of, 489

Fund, address by treasurer of,

collections for the, 47,
159, 188, 208, 233, 329, 349, 409, 424,
440, 473
letter from Treasurer of,
Meetings of Commission of, 56,
153, 523


Meetings of the, 1, 10, 162, 177,

209, 425

foundation stone of, 328, 332

Turkey, the Gospel in, 422
Unitarian, the belief of a, 271
United States, Popery in the, 430
Vaudois Church, disruption of the, 125,
134, 136, 154

,Meeting in favour of, 155
constitution of the, 430
Vaud, Canton de, 204, 234, 269
Voluntaries and their ministers, 248
Watchword, the Christian, 187
Welch, John, and the friar, 319
Welsh, Rev. Dr., death of, 17
Wesleyan Methodist conference, 71

Methodists, liberality of, 204
normal school, letter on, 414
Wesleyanism, statistics of, 406
Weir, Rev. John, induction of, 490
Westminster Church, annual soirée of, 458
Wilson, Rev. Josias, death of the, 418
monument in

[blocks in formation]









READER,-Your eye has alighted on the first line of the first periodical of the

Presbyterian Church in England. It is

only now that our Church can be con

sidered as effectively re-organized, and now for the first time, after the supineness of a century, that she is addressing herself to the great work which God has given her to do. Though a day of small things, ours is a day of great opportunities; and the blessing which we feel that

we ourselves have received, we would

thankfully take as a token that God de

signs to make us a blessing to others.

Iron sharpeneth iron, and mutual intercourse is essential to the zeal and suc

cess of Churches. Hitherto we English Presbyterians have not only dwelt alone, and not been numbered among neighbour Churches, but we have been strangely secluded from ourselves. Interesting events have happened in various localities; but, except from a casual paragraph in a Scotch or provincial newspaper, we had no hint of what was

transpiring. It is one symptom of returning vigour that an identity of interest and a community of feeling are spreading through the body, and that our various congregations are more willing to help one another, and more anxious to hear of one another's welfare, than in the days of selfishness and isolation now (we trust) for ever gone. That this growing desire might be gratified, the project of an English Presbyterian Newspaper was started a year ago. The project has been largely encouraged, and will not be

THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1845.

MESSENGER" will be published on the first day of each successive month; and its moderate price induces the hope that it will find its way into every family amongst us, and supply, not only topics of mutual encouragement and reanimation, but suggest frequent themes for prayer and thanksgiving.

Although the first of the series, we are very unwilling that the present should pass for a specimen number. It wants many things which it is intended that future "Messengers" should contain. Not to mention Missionary and Foreign Intelligence, and Notices of the proceedings of Sister Churches, we hope to be able to present our readers with a greater variety of Local News. For a greater variety of Local News. For the completeness of this department, however, we must rely on the kindness and diligence of our Correspondents.

In the meanwhile, it is earnestly hoped that every minister within the bounds of the English Synod will take immediate steps towards securing an extensive list of subscribers in his congregation. Where the Deaconship exists, it is believed that this may be effected with little trouble; and where there are no Deacons, it is


No. 1.

THE English Presbyterian Synod met at Birminghani on Tuesday, April 15, and continued its deliberations during that and the three succeeding days. About sixty members were present, of whom twenty-four were ruling elders. We were never more impressed with the value of this element in our Presbyterian constitution. For the rapidity with which so large an amount of business was transacted, as well as for the previous maturing of important measures, the Synod was greatly indebted to the sagacity, zeal, and practical talents of the Eldership. The fresh appearance of the Synod was a circumstance which must have struck the older members. Many faces were new, but none were strange. There never was a meeting whose proceedings were pervaded by greater corthe utmost freedom of discussion, there diality and brotherly kindness. Amidst was only one predominant desire, to render our Church as efficient as possible for the great end of the Gospel ministry; and one predominant hope, that a new

era has risen on our cause. And as the Synod itself is young, so most of its measures had an inceptive character, and bespoke a Church resuming or commencing its labours. Such measures were the College, the Home Mission, the Financial Scheme, the Manifesto of Presbyterian principle, and, we may add, this Magazine, for, although not a Synodical publi

hoped, that for the sake of those interests cation, it has received the Synod's warm
Ministers and Elders will use their per-union and energy will be characteristics
which this Magazine is designed to serve, encouragement. Should the spirit of the
Birmingham meeting be perpetuated,
sonal exertions to obtain a wide circula- of English Presbyterianism.
tion for it.

Where individuals wish the "Messenger" to be sent by post, a list of such names, with accurate addresses, should be forwarded to Mr. James Stewart, 16, Exeter Hall, London; and, in other cases, it will be the better way to order it through a bookseller: but in either alternative, the number of copies required should be notified not later than the 15th of May.

abandoned. In the meanwhile, it has
been judged expedient to commence a
It is likely to be some time before
publication on a smaller scale; a sheet such a publication do more than cover
like this, containing monthly notices of its own expenses; but should there ever
the most important events transpiring be any profits, they will be devoted to
within our ecclesiastical bounds. "THE the schemes of our Church.

The proceedings of the Synod were delightfully variegated by the deputations from Scotland and Ireland; by a public breakfast, at which the Rev., and much honoured, J. Angel James gave utterance to his warm and generous sentiments of Catholicity and Christian affection towards a body, so small as compared with his large and powerful denomination; and by a Missionary meeting, the most interesting features of which were the address of Dr. Wilson, of Bombay, a name well known to science, and very dear to Missions, and the presence of a son of the late lamented Dr. Milne, of China,

himself a Chinese Missionary, who had come from Manchester on purpose to implore our Church's attention to the case of that most populous of all Pagan lands.


THE establishment of a Theological College for the training of young men for the ministry of our Church, was determined upon at the Synod, which met at Berwick, in April, 1844, and the Institution was opened under the most favourable auspices, on the 5th of November last. For a full view of the success which has attended this interesting and important undertaking, the reader is referred to the Report of the College Committee, recently given in to the Synod at Birmingham, and which will be found in another part of this number. Attention is also specially called to the interesting Financial Report given in by the Treasurers, from which it will appear that an effort must immediately be made to add to the number of the annual subscribers, in order that a steady and a permanent revenue may be secured to the Institution. The necessity and great importance of this point, we hope, will not be lost sight of by our ministers and people during the present summer. In a future number, we mean to communicate in detail to our readers, all the arrangements made by the Synod at its recent meeting, in regard to the constitution of the College, its Rules of admission, and other important particulars. All that we have space for at present, is to say, that the Synod determined that there should not be fewer than three Professorships, and that two of these have already been filled up, the Rev. Hugh Campbell, Moderator of Synod, having been appointed to the chair of Church History and Government, and the Rev. Peter Lorimer to that of Hebrew and Biblical Criticism. The remaining chair, of Systematic and Pastoral Theology, has not yet been supplied, but the College Committee have been authorized to make some interim arrangements for the discharge of its duties next winter.

By Thomas Hartwell Horne.
Edit. London, 1834.


Apparatus Biblicus; or, an Introduc-
tion to the Holy Scriptures. From the
French of Père Lamy. London, 1728.
Second Edition.

A Key to the Old Testament. By
Robert Gray, D.D. London, 1829.

An Introduction to the reading of
the New Testament. By MM. Beau-
sobre and L'Enfant. Cambridge, 1819.
Hug's Introduction to the New Testa-
ment. Translated by Fosdick, of Ame-
rica. London, 1839.

added a promise of £25 per annum for four years, towards the establishment of a school for Jewesses in Corfu, from a lady much interested in that island.

By Mr. Stewart's account it appears there are about 3,000 Jews in the island, and the only school where any Jewish girls are educated, is one supported by the American mission for Greeks, and conducted by Mrs. Dickson. She has under her charge at present twenty-six Jewesses, but can take no more, and is obliged to refuse daily applications for admission from others, as her mission is to the Greeks only. Add to this, there is still so much of the old enmity between Jews and Greeks, that young Jewesses attending a Greek school are exposed to much contempt and mal-treatment, which renders it most desirable to give them a school for themselves. Their anxiety to be admitted by Mrs. Dickson, notwithstanding the unkindness of the Greeks, proves that a Christian mistress would not be objected to. She must at present 2 vols. introduce the New Testament with caution, but the Old Testament they are

Michaelis' Introduction. Translated by Marsh. Cambridge, 1818. Third Edit.

Harwood's Introduction to the New
Testament. 2 vols. London, 1767–

Percy's Key to the New Testament.
Third Edit. London, 1779.

Works Illustrative of the Scriptures.
Harmer's Observations. 4 vols. 8vo.
London, 1816.

Burder's Oriental Customs.
8vo. Sixth Edit., 1822.

Burder's Oriental Literature. 2 vols. permitted to read freely, and from this 8vo. London, 1822. much instruction may be made to bear on that finished work of the Redeemer which the Jews as yet reject.

Paxton's Illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo.
Second Edit. Edinburgh, 1825.
Scripture Antiquities.
Godwin's Moses and Aaron.
London, 1641.

Jenning's Jewish Antiquities.
8vo. London, 1766.
Newman on the Hebrew Ritual. 8vo.
London, 1748.

Newman on the Civil Government of
the Hebrews. 8vo. London, 1740.


Patrick, Lowth, Whitby, Scott, Henry,
Clarke, Stevens' Devotional Comments.
The collected works of Baxter, Owen,
Jeremy Taylor, Robert Hall, Leighton,
Barrow, &c.


Considering these circumstances, the 4to. Association, though quite in its infancy, and with very limited funds, determined, 2 vols. some months ago, to send out to Corfu a pious and well qualified mistress, to take charge of a school for Jewesses only. Since this determination, it has been suggested that a missionary would find ample employment in Corfu, and the neighbouring islands, where there is great destitution of the means of grace; and at a meeting of the Ladies' Committee, which took place on the 23rd April, Mr. Stewart urged that the Association should undertake to send out an ordained minister to labour among Jews or Gentiles as he may find opportunity, while his wife should take charge of the and he school for Jewish girls; announced also that the lady who before promised £25 per annum for four years towards the school would, if a missionary were sent, increase her subscription to the munificent sum of £100 for three years. With this encouragement, but feeling their entire dependence upon the blessing of Him whose cause they wish to serve, the ladies unanimously concluded that this was a call from Providence, which it would be sinful to neglect, and agreed to send out a minister approved by the London Presbytery, and in connexion with it, as soon as the services of one sufficiently qualified could be secured.

THE English Presbyterian Synod has for some time contemplated the establishment of a Foreign Mission. The honour, however, of taking the first step in advance has been reserved for an association of ladies formed in London little more than a year ago, with the primary view of aiding the missions of the Free Church of Scotland.


An energetic effort must be made this summer, not only to improve the funds of the College, but also to enrich its library. We look for many more donations of books than we have hitherto received, and we hope that our brethren in Scotland and Ireland will avail themselves of this way of aiding us. It has also been suggested, that some of our friends might be disposed to make purchases of books for us, if they knew what works were desired. And in case there should be instance, anticipate This Society did not, in the first taking up any inclined to help us in this way, we missions of its own; but soon after its subjoin the names of a few works, beg-formation, the Rev. Mr. Stewart of ging particular attention to the editions Erskine, who had paid a visit during marked, these being the best editions of the preceding summer to the little island of Corfu, brought it to the notice of the ladies as a locality where much good might be done among God's ancient people. He gave an affecting account of the state of the young Jewesses there, desiring the benefits of education, but generally unable to obtain them; and to his own earnest recommendation he

the several works.

Parcels of books to be addressed to
Mr. James Stewart, 16, Exeter Hall,

Introductions to the Study of the

An Introduction to the critical study and knowledge of the Holy Scriptures.



DURING the past winter a series of very delightful Presbyterian re-unions has been held in London. The first took place on

the auspicious occasion of the opening of John Knox Church (Rev. J. Ferguson's), and the next celebrated the no less happy event which placed Mr. Nicolson in London Wall, and Mr. Wilson in River Terrace. The last was held on the evening of Friday, April 11. It originated with the London Lay Union, and was designed to give an impulse to various schemes of Presbyterian enterprise, which have either originated with that Society, or received its vigorous support. The meeting was held in the Hall of the London Tavern, and, like all its predecessors, was crowded. The Right Hon. Fox Maule, M.P., had kindly engaged to preside, but being detained in the House of Commons by the debate on Maynooth, his place was ably supplied by Alexander Gillespie, jun., Esq. As soon as the preliminaries of tea were over, the business of the evening began, and in order to convey to friends at a distance, some idea of these evening Meetings, we have secured by an accurate report, the substance of what was spoken on this occasion.

for example, to London, where we have now a body of ministers that need not shrink from There are still, indeed, some vacant pulpits in comparison with any Church in the world. the North, but these, we rejoice to say, there are good prospects of soon filling up. The Synod is to meet again next week, at Birmingham, where many important objects to which the efforts of the Church are directed, will attention engage the of the members. Amongst these, I may be allowed to refer established, the success of which is indispenspecially to the Theological College recently sable to the continued and growing prosperity of our Church. Hitherto it has met with the most cheering success, both in the number of the students, and in the amount of funds, which altogether have been more than sufficient the least pleasant of the effects of the closer to meet the expenses of the past session. Not union now subsisting amongst us, to which I have already referred, and which reaches to the people, as well as to the office-bearers, are these social meetings, of which this is the third, each, as it took place, surpassing its predecessors in the evidence of a growing cordiality amongst the members of the various congregations. Formerly we kept too much apart-we were too isolated-but now we know each other, face to face, and, better still, we are all prepared to go hand in hand in the many imMR. GILLESPIE.-My Christian friends, portant works in which our Church is engaged. I believe no one to whom I am known will As another instrument for advancing the suspect me of indifference to the cause of Church's cause, I may mention that on the Presbyterianism; for, indeed, I am most 1st May next, it is intended to issue the first anxious to promote and further it, believing it number of a periodical publication (not a newsto be founded on the Word of God, and one of paper), to be continued monthly, and styled the best vehicles for making men acquainted "The Messenger of the Presbyterian Church with the truth as it is in Jesus. Nevertheless, in England," being somewhat on the plan of I never occupied such a position as my present the "Free-Church Record." It will be issued one, with greater reluctance; my being called at a small cost, which will put it within the to the chair was entirely unexpected, and on reach of all, so that I trust its circulation will application being made to me to take it, be wide and general. It will contain reports I pressed hard to be excused. You will be of the proceedings of our own Churches, its aware that Mr. Fox Maule was expected to Presbyteries and Synods, and of those of other preside, but in consequence of Sir Robert Peel Evangelical denominations, and all interesting having obstinately persisted in his resolution intelligence, religious and missionary. With to proceed this evening with the discussion on a few remarks as to the order of the further the Maynooth grant, Mr. Maule feels himself proceedings, the Chairman concluded by callbound to be in his place in the House of Com- ing on the Rev. James Hamilton, of Regent'smons; and however we may regret his absence, square, London, to move the first Resolution. we must all admit that he has done right in MR. HAMILTON read the first Resolution, selecting that, the higher sphere of duty. Had "That this Meeting, in contrasting the prewe not remained in doubt on this point till it sent state and brightening prospects of the Preswas too late to make application to our noble byterian cause in London, with its previous long and excellent friend, the Marquis of Breadal- depression and recent trials, feels itself under bane, we might perhaps have obtained his a strong obligation to render fervent gratitude valuable services, and I can only regret that, and praise to Almighty God, and recognises failing these two gentlemen, the kindness of in these prospects, and in the evident tokens of my friends has devolved on me the duty. the Divine presence and blessing, an urgent I am rejoiced at all times to meet our Pres- call to greatly increased individual exertions, byterian brethren, and all of you must be and to the adoption of combined and sysmuch gratified, I think, by the altered circum- tematic efforts for the advancement of the stances under which we now assemble. How cause of Christ at home and abroad." At great the contrast between them, and those in present our body is perhaps, in numbers, the which we met twelve months ago; and how smallest of Evangelical Churches in England. thankful should we be to Almighty God for It was not always so. Two hundred years the striking change in our position that has ago English Presbyterianism possessed since taken place! I can remember that last a ministry, signalised by a more gigantic year, when going to attend the Synod at Ber- intellect and sound theology and copious learnwick, I did so with great misgiving, not antici-ing, than have ever met in any subsequent pating any very satisfactory result; but my fears were all averted by the good Providence of God, and we had then a better meeting than ever before, more marked by a spirit of mutual confidence and affection, and by united devotion to the cause of God. We felt, indeed, that his Spirit was in the midst of us, and that he blessed our deliberations. Presbyterianism in England, we then feared, was about to be annihilated, but thanks be to God, she has grown and flourished, and the state of our Churches is now very encouraging Look

ministry in any Church,—a ministry composed
of such men as Manton, and Charnock, and
Caryl,-men whose learning did not mar their
spirituality, and whose piety did not extin-
guish their genius. And though Presbyte-
rianism emerged from the long tyranny of the
second Charles, shorn of much strength and
glory, it had still some names of renown; and
so long as it could number a Fleming, a Brad-
bury, a Williams, and a Calamy, among its
preachers and divines, it was neither small nor
despised. The last hundred years, however,

have been days of deadness and decay; scarcely relieved by the rare lights which has come, a time which makes us think again occasionally burned and shone. A better time of the beginning. Our strength now is not in great names, but in our compactness, and cordiality, and hopefulness. Few and feeble as we are, I do not suppose any Church in the kingdom is in better heart, or has a more open door. That door, I trust, God has opened; and if so, our little strength will be no hindera little strength answer well to one another. ance, for in His plans an open door and The ministers of this Presbytery, and I think I may add of this Synod, are joined together as one man. We have a goodly band of willing and working elders. And although as a people we are only beginning to get enough in going out and in your various abodes, acquainted with one another, I have seen enough of well-ordered households, and happy homes-I have seen so much of individual intelligence and domestic piety, that I am sure nothing is wanting but mutual acquaintance to make the members of our Churches love and respect one another. And though it gatherings like this as the means of introwere for nothing else, I should rejoice in ducing our friends of different congregations, and so diffusing that community of sentiment, and that brotherly interest in each other's welfare, without which our Presbyterian polity loses half its efficacy. As I said, our Church is at present in good heart, and full of good purposes; and these I would thankfully accept as indications that the Lord designs to make us a blessing in this great land. As a Church, we possess that which, if sufficiently diffused, would make us a blessing to all around; for the Great Head of all the Churches has distinguished our Church by some good and perfect gifts. He has, first of all, given us a full deposit of Christian doctrine. Our Westminster Standards have, for nearly two centuries, proved the sheet-anchor of British orthodoxy. The sound words of our Catechism, and the scriptural fulness of our Confession


the one among our people, and the other among our office-bearers have preserved a large amount of theological learning, even when the life of religion was lowest. essential Gospel is very simple, and may be put in narrow compass; and it is very desirable that sermons should frequently be preached, and books he published, containing nothing save that essential Gospel. In his lively work on America-a book revealing much of the interior state of its Churches, and full of graphic sketches of its landscape and people-Mr. Lewis tells the origin of an admirable little work, by Dr. Hodge, of Princeton. A book was wanted which should present the Gospel in so plain a form that every reader "could take it up," and so exempt from denominational peculiarities, that all should agree in giving it circulation. "The Way of Life was accordingly prepared, and submitted without the author's name, to ministers of different Churches. All were equally pleased with it. The Methodist found in it nothing contrary to sound Arminianism, and the Presbyterian thought it good Calvinism. The old school Presbyterian found nothing of the new school in it, and the new school found nothing of the old; and after it had received the sanction of all successively, the author's name was divulged, and "The Way of Life" was published. And it is well that the Church universal should possess some such books,— books, embodying nothing beyond the first principles of the oracles of God. But it is also desirable that we should have books and sermons touching on every topic, and ministrations

broad as is the Bible. And this is a distinction which I claim for our Presbyterian It is full and systematic. teaching. The orderly method of our standards is some security for system; and the good old usage of continuous lecturing, which I trust we shall ever retain, lays on ministers a necessity of declaring the whole counsel of God. But whilst I believe there is that in its ample theology and systematic ministrations which may render our Presbyterianism acceptable to many in these lands; and whilst I also believe that the superintendence of an affectionate eldership, watching for the spiritual welfare of the flock; and the assiduities of an intelligent deaconship, ministering to the temporal welfare of the poor, and the comfort of all, may teach the overburdened ministries of existing Churches, a more excellent way; and whilst I recognise in the compact vigour and simultaneous movements of our polity, the organization for doing extensive good, and repelling extensive evils, which the exigencies of these times demand, I would not forget, my friends, that it is to Presbyterians personally that the world will look, to learn what Presbyterianism really is. Let them read your principles in your life and conversation; let them see in your persons and your homes, the sanctity of Presbyterian Sabbaths; the old Presbyterian reverence for the Bible, and relish for good books; the beauty of its domestic piety; its family worship, and household catechising; Presbyterian orthodoxy, and that virtue which the Free Church has added to the catalogue of Presbyterian graces, Presbyterian liberality.

us the more closely to each other's bosoms, and to know that there are hundreds of godly at the same time leads us to cultivate a more men in the Established Church and among implicit reliance on the Great Head of our the various bodies of Dissenters. There Church; and when we feel our own feeble- is M'Neile, and Stowell, and Noel, and ness, we are led to hold closer communion Wilson, the respected Vicar of the parish with the Father, and sweeter fellowship with where I labour, and I love them, and all like the Lord Jesus Christ. The history of our them, as brethren in Christ. And we desire Church should animate us in the great enterto cultivate the closest union with Churches prise on which we have entered in England. that are adorned with the names of Hall, and In my own country, in Ulster, the early Pres- Fuller, and Carey, who are gone to heaven, or byterian Church was planted by five Scotch Raffles, and Jay, and Clayton, and James, ministers. They were driven away by perse- still fighting the good fight on earth. And cution from Scotland, and Ulster, the land of to-night I rejoice to see near me my respected hospitality, opened its arms to receive them; brother Redpath, a worthy successor of the and well it might, for they brought along with sainted and venerable Waugh, who was the them the greatest of all treasures, the unsearch- finest specimen of sanctified humanity these able riches of Christ. Two hundred years ago eyes ever beheld. To all these brethren, we these five noble men, Livingston, and Brice, say, "Go on, in the name of our God, and and Blair, &c., assembled at Carrickfergus, to may the pleasure of the Lord prosper in your hold their first meeting of Presbytery, as it hands!" Surely England is wide enough for were to lay the foundation stone of the Irish us all; and at the present time, when infiPresbyterian Church. And what is the result? delity is abroad, and when Puseyism and Five hundred ministers are now their suc- Popery are encompassing the camp of the cessors, and nearly a million of men profess saints, all these brethren should, and I trust their faith; and though the other parts of will, beckon to us to come with them "to the Ireland are covered with moral desolation, help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord Ulster is blooming, comparatively, like an against the mighty." My dear friends, you Eden of the Lord. Let us imbibe their spirit, will be rejoiced to hear that the Presbytery of and imitate their sacred example. Whilst these London has resolved that their exertions shall men were spared, sacramental seasons in not be limited to this city. They are resolved, Ulster were like great festival occasions. The in the strength of God, to go out as missionpeople used to ride on horseback to the meet- aries to the other great towns and cities of ings ten, twenty, and thirty miles. Every England, where the banner of Evangelical house in the district was like an inn; and the Presbyterianism has not yet been unfurled. ministers had to remain for eight days together And, at the same time, our brethren in the preaching the gospel to hundreds of thirsting north of England are successfully engaged in souls; and the whole country, especially the the same aggressive movement in the towns In a speech of much ability and eloquence, lovely vale of Antrim, was embalmed with the and villages around them. Our cause is yet DR. A. P. STEWART seconded the Resolution. hallowed spirit of their piety: showers of in its infancy, but already it exhibits some of The Rev. JOSIAH WILSON moved the second blessing came down upon them, and their the symptoms of a strong and vigorous manResolution:-"That the destitution of a faith- principles spread rapidly over all the province. hood; and, if we be a united, and prayerful, ful Gospel ministry, and of an efficient pastoral And what was Scotland in by-gone days? and holy people, believe that, under the superintendence, which exists so extensively Three centuries ago, and our Reforming fathers smile of Heaven, we shall break forth on the throughout this great metropolis, is a loud were few in number. I say our fathers, for right hand and on the left, and the boughs call for increasing efforts in the cause of I have Scotch blood flowing in my veins. of this vine that our God hath planted will Church and School extension, and that while Scotland was then one of the most degraded and overshadow all this land. In the accomplishour Presbyterian constitution affords peculiar priest-ridden nations in Europe, when God, ment of this noble object, as far as we, the facilities for the successful prosecution of such in his gracious providence, raised up the im- ministers, are concerned, O, let us remema work, the numerous openings now present-mortal Knox and a few others, who were the ber, that this work cannot be achieved ing themselves hold out strong encouragement by preaching cold metaphysical discourses. to engage in it."-After a few introductory Our people want not your fine philosophical remarks, Mr. Wilson said-It may seem a dry discussions in the pulpit, but plain, warmstrange statement, yet I do rejoice that Mr. hearted, practical instruction, coming home to Fox Maule is not here to night; that he has the conscience and the heart. I am here not gratified himself, and especially gratified reminded of an anecdote of the venerable us, by coming here; but that, from a high sense Rowland Hill. A clergyman from the counof duty, he has gone, with a few others of try, who, I suppose, during the previous six sterling principle, to the House of Commons, months, had been preparing a gorgeous serwhere enlightened principle is so rare, to premon for the metropolis, delivered it at a Misvent a dark deed from being perpetrated (I refer sionary Anniversary, in Surrey Chapel. “Oh," to the endowment of Maynooth), which can only said another clergyman, at the close, to Mr. increase the miseries of my native land. And Hill, "Was it not a beautiful sermon?I do earnestly trust that he, and those with the periods were so exquisitely rounded." whom he is in concert, may be enabled, as true servants of God, to defend the right, and prevent the sinful appropriation of the public money to the upholding of an institution, which has been the seat of rebellion against a Protestant Government, and from which have issued hundreds of clerical agitators, who have been the curse of one of the finest countries on the face of the earth. I was greatly delighted with the observation of my dear brother, Mr. Hamilton, as to the union and cordiality that characterize the ministers of our Presbytery. Five months ago, I came among you as a stranger; but I have forgotten that I was a stranger. The love, the union, the perfect oneness of purpose and sentiment that reign between me and my brethren have long since made me feel quite at home. aware that we are yet but a small body; but the very smallness of our numbers draws

I am

instruments of emancipating their country-
men from the most galling slavery, and setting
a kingdom free. And though Mary, with all
her fascinations and influence, tried to turn
these great men aside from their work of Re-
formation, yet, undeterred by threatening, when
flattery had failed, they, and the people who
flocked in thousands around them, resolved to
continue in the liberty with which Christ makes
his people free. And eating of the manna that
fell on every side, and drinking of the water
of life, of which for ages they had been
deprived, the people of Scotland started up to
the attitude and stature of rational and inde-
pendent men, and ever since have continued
to be the most enlightened, and the most
moral, the most Sabbath-observing nation that
Christendom presents to the world. Ulster
too, as I have said, once degraded by the
"Man of Sin," was rescued by the devotion of
five godly men, who, two hundred years ago,
planted in her soil the principles of Christian
truth and righteousness, and that province,
under the influence of Presbyterianism, pre-
sents a striking contrast to the other provinces
where Popery reigns triumphant. Ulster,
under the influence of our Church, is the
most industrious, and happy, and Sabbath-
honouring province in Ireland, and stands at
this moment a great bulwark, in this United
Kingdom, of civil and religious liberty. This
is what Presbyterianism has done for Scotland
and for Ireland, and why, I ask, should
it not do more for England too? I rejoice

Rounded," said Mr. Hill, "Aye, they were rounded; as round as Satan could wish them; how smoothly they would roll off the sinner's conscience, leaving no impression there!" Let us, in carrying on this work, beware of what is called fine preaching to tickle itching ears, whilst it is not calculated to win the heart to Christ; let our sermons be like arrows and barbed arrows, piercing the hearts of the enemies of the king. The hearts of our people must be warmed, and their understandings enlightened by plain practical discoursesand from what I have seen during the last five months, I am confident the people of England are ready to open their hearts to all such preachers, and to say, "Hail, ye blessed of the Lord, the Lord is with you of a truth." We cannot, however, work alone; you, my brethren, our Church members, must work with us in this mighty enterprise on which we

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