last, that the amount of intercourse thus By an extract from the Report of the Committee on the public accounts of the Free Church of Scotland, we find the contributions to its various funds in the year, 30th March, 1844 to 31st March, 1845, and in the ten months preceding 30th March, 1844, to have been as follow: 1844-1845. 122,148 11 6 41,540 11 10 78,851 18 3 5 31,790 13 3 68,085 3 0 1,190 5 7 3,285 3 3 1,893 1 ............ 707 16 0 £366,719 14 3 348,733 0 10 45,000 0 0 16,000 0 0 £409,738 0 10 Add ten months 1843-1844 366,719 14 3 Total for one year and ten months...... £776,452 15 1 Subscriptions not yet paid THE AWAKENING IN KNAPDALE. district, where there was hardly a single family in which two or three were not awakened, and so deeply impressed, that it reminded him of what he had read of the awakening long ago at Stewarton. He begged farther to state as a remarkable fact, that the young men, when they became convinced of sin, were fully as much agitated as the females. What might be the result of this work he could not say; it was in the hand of God, to whom the whole glory was due. From what he had read in the Word of God, he was quite prepared to admit that there might be a falling away among those who had been awakened. But hitherto, every thing of this nature had been prevented during the whole of last winter, down to the present time. He confessed he felt highly encouraged by the work so far as it had gone; and he might mention for the encouragement of his brethren whose hearts were failing them for want of success, that he had waited long to see such a manifestation of Divine power in connexion with the preaching of the Gospel. He regarded what had now occurred, however, as a token of encouragement, and as an evidence that the Lord had not forsaken them,-that he was willing to be sought after, and waited to be gracious. WE are sure that many of our readers will peruse with interest the following extract of a letter from the Rev. W. R. Stewart, late of Erskine, addressed to his brother Dr. A. P. Stewart, London :— under serious impressions might be between two and three hundred, and some of these had been brought to peace and comfort in believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. He was happy to observe, that so far as he knew, there had been nothing like wavering in any of the cases, no going back, but, on the contrary, in respect to some of them which he had regarded as doubtful for a season, he had afterwards had the satisfaction of knowing that the impressions had deepened rather than otherwise, and the suspicions which he had at first entertained had been entirely removed. With regard to the character of the work, he admitted that it 75,654 10 84 had been accompanied with outcries and bodily agitation, but remarked that these did not form by any means its leading features. There was weeping, however, to an extent which he had never witnessed before; and he honestly confessed that he had never before imagined that any individual was capable of weeping to the extent which he had recently witnessed, that any one could continue either to weep so long, or to shed tears in such abundance. The cause of this weeping they readily acknowledged to be sin, although they were not more distinguished sinners than their neighbours. He was happy to state also, that since the change the characters of many of them were emerging beautifully. There was a humbleness, a self-abasement, a sense RELIGION ON THE CONTINENT. of personal worthlessness, a love of the Saviour, and a devotedness to the glory of God, which it was delightful to witness. It was with much satisfaction also that he stated that, in regard to the truth, the people were altogether free from extravagance; they had been mercifully prevented from being led away to views of the truth that might be considered contrary to the glorious standards of the Church. With regard to the means the only means he had used was that of used by him in this work, he observed that openly preaching the Gospel, he had used no special means whatever. He had never called the people out from the rest, and seldom spoken with them in private, or taken any notice of the particular circumstances of the work at all. In his addresses he certainly did his best to warn them to flee from the wrath to come, though in this respect he was sensible of much shortcoming, for he felt that if he and his brethren would successfully arouse the sinner, they would require to be anointed anew with the Holy Ghost, so that they might have a tongue of fire in their mouths to express to the sinner the danger under which he lies, and his indispensable need of a Saviour. But he did address the people on this topic to the utmost of his power; and he also took care distinctly to warn them that it was not enough that they were awakened to a sense of their danger, but that, besides being awakened, it was necessary that they should be born again, that they should undergo a change not less than that of a new creation into the image of God, that so they might be brought by the saving influence of the Spirit of God to accept Christ as freely offered to them in the Gospel. This was the manner in which he had addressed them; and he had reason to believe that these were the doctrines which the people had embraced. He did not wish to be understood, however, as saying that all the people in the district to which he had referred, or In the conversation on the state of religion which occupied one Diet of the Free Assembly, the following interesting statements were made by the Rev. Mr. Macbryde of Rothesay. Of all intelligence, such as this is the most important; and amidst our rising sanctuaries and extending efforts, it is for such results as these that we must strive and pray : Mr. Macbryde explained that in the latter end of autumn and the beginning of last winter, he had made a tour of the Western Highlands and Islands, which occupied him about nine weeks, during which time he embraced every opportunity of preaching to the people in the various places he visited, and had the satisfaction of seeing the happy results of former revivals, and in some places a deeper interest awakened in the cause of religion, than he had ever witnessed before. Among the places he had visited were Skye, Uist, Mull, and Morven, in which he was attended by another, Dr. M'Lean, of Tobermory; and Isla, Jura, and Knapdale, in which he was alone. In the latter place, particularly, which he visited, there had been a most remarkable and unexpected awakening; and on his return home to his own parish, he had obtained the consent of his beloved congregation, when they heard what had taken place, to repeat his visits to that district, which he had done, accordingly, almost every week since up till now. He was happy to say, that the impression which had been produced at the beginning had continued up to the present time. He believed that he had not paid a single visit without knowing that some one or more individuals had been awakened during that time. Every time he went he heard of new cases, and those frequently such as he least expected; some of those who scoffed at the beginning, were themselves before long made subjects of the work, and were so at this moment. The number altogether who had been brought even a great majority of them, had been either awakened or converted. On the contrary, there were still many unawakened and hardened sinners; and the people to whom he had referred formed only a sprinkling of the vast amount of population, except in one La Tour by Pinerolo, May 29, 1845. MY DEAR BROTHER,-I suppose you have heard some word of us from M. Monod, on burgh. We found him exceedingly attenhis way to the General Assembly, at Edintive and kind, so far as his time permitted, which you know is very much occupied. From Paris, after seeing M. Roussel, and getting his advice as to which route we should take, we set out for the department of La Charante Inférieure, to make inquiries as to the religious movement which has taken place there, and in the department of La Haute Vienne. We were glad to learn, by the way, that the same movement had also penetrated into the ancient province of Poitou, through the instrumentality of the Count St. George, a native of that province, who, having been brought himself to the knowledge of the truth lately at Paris, has sent four colporteurs and evangelists at his own expense, pour parcourir le Poitou, (to traverse the whole of Poitou,) and that with marked symptoms of success. un On our way between Saintes and Poitou, by Melle, we passed through the town of St. Jean d'Angely, in which but a few months ago the name of Protestantism was known; but where now they have a crowded congregation, and a temple† is being built. A pastor is settled here, and among those who were not many months ago Infidels and Atheists, there are several now who are giving, by their consistent lives, convincing proof that they have been converted, not only to Protestantism, but to God. This little town is the centre of a religious movement, which has extended beyond it north and westward towards Melle *The Rev. W. Makellar, of Pencaitland, accompanied Mr. S. + The French term for a Protestant place of worship. and la Rochelle, though it has not as yet reached either of these towns. It is, for the most part, confined to the peasants, who are in a state of the most deplorable ignorance. I was perfectly aware that, generally speaking, the tendency of the mummeries of Rome is to drive those who are a little enlightened towards Infidelity; but I was not prepared to find any region in France where absolute Atheism reigned. This we found to be the case in the Saintonge. In many of those communes, where Protestantism has now been called for by the people themselves, there has been neither church, priest, nor mass, since the revolution of 1789. Then they cast off the yoke of Rome, and since that time they have been wearing the devil's yoke under a different form-that of absolute Infidelity and Atheism. There were scarcely any schools among them, and the ignorance, you may well conceive, is profound. The pastors of the Société Evangélique of France, who are occupying these stations, are most wisely planting schools, as our early Reformers did, in every commune, where they establish Protestant worship. A similar movement, from Atheism to Protestantism, has manifested itself on the south of Saintes, at a small village called Pons. There is not much manifestation of it, however, in the town of Saintes itself, except in individual cases; but, within the last three or four years, about sixty Papists have joined the Protestant Church in that town. From this eastward, I may almost say from the Bay of Biscay (because there are large congregations of Protestants at Rochefort and la Rochelle), eastward to the Rhone, through the very heart and centre of France, this religious movement is going on-at Cognac, and Jarnac, and Cigogne in the same department, at Angoulême in that of La Charante Inférieure, and at Limoges itself, and in its neighbourhood in the Haute Vienne. Then in Auvergne, particularly in the Puy de Dôme, and in the department of the Rhone, there is a great desire to obtain Protestant ministers. We visited more particularly some of the provinces of the Haute Vienne, and we penetrated through a moorland, bleak, uncultivated country, into a region, where an Englishman had never been known to set foot within the memory of man. At Villefavard, the priest has been left without church and congregation, and was, for a time also, without a house. There never was one here till this Protestant movement began. He arrived, carrying the necessary apparatus for the mass on the back of a mule, and celebrated it under a tree. Now he sings it in his own kitchen to his servant maid alone! The Bishop of Limoges was brought up to hold a confirmation, but not a single person presented himself, and the Bishop made a hasty retreat. In Rancon, out of two thousand inhabitants fifteen hundred are stanch Protestants. At Balledant, the number is not quite so overwhelming, but still it is very large on the side of Protestantism. Here, too, the stable door was shut after the steed was stolen. There had never been a priest here from the time of the Revolution till the people became Protestants, and then one was sent up to annoy the lost sheep. Besides these, there are half-a-dozen other communes in the neighbourhood, who have sent to the Protestant ministers, begging them to commence Protestant worship among them. This they are prevented from doing, solely by the want of funds and men, particularly the latter. The congregation at Limoges already numbers from two to three hundred, although M. Roussel preached here for the first time in the end of last December. At all the stations I have mentioned, there are ministers settled, and M. Pilatt, at Limoges, is a most excellent, indefatigable person. At Lyons, also, the good work is progressing greatly, and M. Fische, the pasteur, and his excellent deacons, make frequent missionary tours into the towns and villages around-in fourteen of which fruit has already begun to manifest itself. Lyons has a Société Evangélique of its own; and any contributions to the Société Evangélique of France, which supplies ministers, teachers, &c., for other parts of the country, or to the one at Lyons for the environs, will do a world of good at the present moment. If they cannot get pastors, they can get colporteurs to distribute and read the Scriptures to them; and this is an invaluable blessing for people feeling unhappy, because they stand in need of some spiritual support, which they cannot find in the Church of Rome. With regard to my poor friends, the Vaudois (Waldenses), among whom I have now been nearly a week, I find that Rome still continues her persecutions against them; and they are now inundating the valleys with missionary priests, who will certainly overpower the ministers unless we can raise funds to increase their number, which they are most anxiously desirous for. At present, there are only fifteen pastors to 26,000 Vaudois, while in several parishes there are two priests to thirty Papists. It would not be a very difficult thing, among the wellwishers of the Vaudois in England and Scotland, to raise 2,000l., which properly invested at five per cent. would support two additional pastors in all time coming among them, 50%. a-year being the sum necessary for the support of each. I understand that Bibles are now becoming more common in Piedmont. How they have got into circulation is not known, but it is certain that several of the Popish Bishops have complained to the Government that they had found Protestant Bibles in circulation among their flocks; and this has been falsely laid to the door of the Vaudois, though they are really not the parties chargeable. On this account, the Government seem disposed to act towards them with increased severity. Excellent as are the other objects, such as repairing churches, &c., for which subscriptions are being raised at home for the Vaudois, I am quite convinced, from the earnest conversations of the pastors, that the greatest benefit that could possibly be conferred upon their Church just now, would be the establishment of some additional clergymen among them, for they are not able, with the amount of population belonging to each parish, and the precipitous mountains they have to climb to visit them, to give so much attention to their flocks as they require, and as they are anxious to bestow, in order to keep them out of the jaws of ravening_wolves who lie in wait for their prey. Ever yours, GENERAL R. W. STEWART. REGULATIONS OF THE ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD, For the organization and consolidation of the energies of the Church, in favour of certain great schemes for home and foreign religious purposes. I.-That, without interfering with subordinate objects, the following be the great Home and Foreign Religious Schemes of the Church : 1. The College; 2. The Home Mission; 3. Elementary and Preparatory Education; 4. Mission to the Jews and Heathen, and to our expatriated countrymen and others in the British Colonies and other lands. II. That Committees be appointed by the Synod to organize, superintend, and work these schemes. III. That annual collections be made in all the churches, and Associations be formed in all the congregations, in aid of the funds of these schemes. IV. That, in connexion with, and under the superintendence of, these Committees, a cheap monthly publication be printed, to diffuse such intelligence as may tend to promote the interests of the Church; to report the proceedings of such Committees and Associations; and to acknowledge the various sums contributed in aid of the funds of these schemes. V. That a paid agent be appointed to edit the said publication, and take an active part in the organization and working of these schemes; and that he be, ex officio, a member of all the Committees. VI. That each of these Committees give in to the Synod a full Annual Report of all their proceedings, receipts, and disbursements. SPECIAL REGULATIONS For forming and working Congregational Associations, and obtaining funds in aid of the schemes of the Church. I.-That Presbyteries shall take special care that Associations be formed in all the Congregations within their bounds, for the purpose of obtaining subscriptions, donations, contributions, or otherwise, in aid of the funds of the Synod's various schemes. II. That Presbyteries shall give diligent heed that such Associations are not only well organized, but in active operation; and for this purpose shall, once a quarter at least, ascertain what sums have, since the preceding inquiry, been contributed by each congregation within their bounds; shall insert the same in their records; and, in the event of the minister and elder of any congregation being absent, shall cause an official letter to be sent to the Session of such congregation, requiring the necessary information on this head; and in case any congregation is vacant, shall obtain the requisite information from the official parties in such congregation. III. That each congregation shall elect the members of its own Association or Associations in aid of the funds of the Synod's schemes. IV. That each Association shall elect its own Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary; shall, on the second Monday of each month, hold a meeting for Associational purposes; and shall at such meeting pay such sums as may have been received during the past month into the hands of its own Treasurer, who shall, without loss of time, remit the same (according as each sum was destined by the donors) to the several general Treasurers of the Synod's schemes; and shall also, by next post, communicate the amount of such sums to the Synod's Superintending Agent, in order to their being announced in the succeeding number of the monthly publication. V. That public collections shall be made in all the churches, for the following objects, and on the following days: 1. For the COLLEGE, on the second Sabbath of November; 2. For the HOME MISSION, on the second Sabbath of February; 3. For Missions to the JEWS, HEATHEN, and FOREIGN LANDS, on the second Sabbath of May; in each year respectively. And that such collections be remitted without loss of time to the general Treasurers of the funds for which they are made; and also intimation thereof given to the Superintending Agent, according to Regulation IV. herein before contained. VI.-That inasmuch as the success of the various schemes must, under God, depend on the manner in which they are organized and worked, it be a special instruction to all Presbyteries and congregations to have such Associations organized without loss of time, and to see to their active and effective operation. NEWCASTLE PRESBYTERY. CASE OF THE REV. W. BLACKWOOD. 4. For SCHOOLS, on the second Sabbath of | two sermons well digested were worth ten Augustsermons undigested. Heads of families were prevented from calling their family and servants around them; but when only two sermons were preached, they had an opportunity of examining them on what they had heard. But there was another reason for the translation of Mr. Blackwood. He had not enjoyed good health since he was settled in this locality, and a medical gentleman had been called upon. What was this world to any person who did not enjoy good health? His children had also suffered in health, and as this was the case the translation would suit his family. At Donoughmore, there was good air, the people enjoyed good health, and the nerves were strengthened. If they did not agree to the translation of the Rev. Gentleman, they would injure the congregation. They would injure it temporarily, for if the congregation continued for one year without a minister, they would be deprived of the Queen's bounty of 2007., not for one year, but for three years. This was a serious matter in Ireland, and that they might know the urgency of the case, he would state that the congregation will have been one year without a minister on the 1st of July. There had been some distraction, but they were now unanimous, and it was very desirable to strengthen their hands and encourage their hearts. If he was rightly informed, circumstances had arisen very considerably to retard Mr. Blackwood's usefulness; but he did not wish to enter on such a subject. There was no doubt about his usefulness at Donoughmore, but there was doubt about it at the Caledonian Church. He might also mention that Mr. Blackwood would be of great assistance in Ireland as an auxiliary in preaching the Gospel to numbers, who, he assured them, were ignorant of the existence of the Son of God, and to the Roman Catholics, who were idolaters. A MEETING of the Newcastle Presbytery was held in the Groat Market Church, on Friday afternoon, June 13, to consider the case of the Rev. W. Blackwood, of the Caledonian Church in this town. Mr. Blackwood had received a call from a large and influential congregation at Donoughmore, in the north of Ireland, and Commissioners were present to support his translation; but his removal was opposed on behalf of the Caledonian congregation, on the ground that his labours have been successful, and that, since he commenced the ministry, the debt on the chapel had been considerably reduced, and a great addition made to the number of members. Commissioners also appeared to support a call to Mr. Blackwood from the High Bridge congregation in this town; and another call to him was made from a very large body of Presbyterians who are anxious to retain him in Newcastle. The Rev. Mr. Duncan, the Moderator, opened the meeting by prayer. The petitions having been read, The Rev. Mr. MACLEAN was heard as one of the Commissioners from Ireland. He had not the slightest intention of doing anything as far as his influence went, to injure the good of religion or true Presbyterianism. He would state the principal arguments why their good friend ought to be translated. The gentleman on his right hand was a member of the Donoughmore congregation, and he himself had been appointed to moderate a call. A good deal of dissension had taken place in the congregation, respecting the choice of a minister, one party being for one person, and another party for some other. Mr. Blackwood preached there on one Sabbath, and on the following Monday, and a just impression was produced on the congregation at large. The congregation was as highly respectable and influential as any in Ireland-at least it was highly influential indeed. It consisted of 400 families and 950 communicants, and no less than 2,000 individuals had been unanimous in calling Mr. Blackwood. Having been present, he might say, he never saw such unanimity. In addition to this, the congregation were extremely anxious that as soon as possible Mr. Blackwood might be installed among them. He (Mr. M.) understood that Mr. Blackwood was at present called upon to preach three sermons every Sunday. He might be wrong, but it was too much when they considered the numerous duties a minister had to perform. At Donoughmore he would not have to preach so often, but he would have to preach in school-rooms during the week, and he would have to superintend the Sabbath-school. Three times preaching was rather too much; and he might say, with all due deference to Christian people, that Mr. NEWBIGGEN appeared on behalf of the Caledonian Church. The Rev. Gentleman from Ireland had stated that two sermons were quite sufficient. Perhaps he might be perfectly of the same opinion, and he might also say that those who attended more than two would admit it. But it must not be forgotten that there were others who could only attend at particular periods of the day. Were the ministrations of the Covenanters of Scotland and the Puritans of England ever restricted? and did not the Apostle Paul preach the Gospel in season and out of season? He did not mean to say that ministers ought to risk their health by doing more than they could, but they ought to do all they could to make known the tidings of the everlasting Gospel. It seemed to him to be out of place to make any such reference to the Caledonian Church; but as the Rev. Gentleman had referred to the subject he had a right to reply. He would be the last to oppose the translation of Mr. Blackwood, if there was a larger field of usefulness, and if his family were injured by their remaining in this town. He should regret if he left the town, but if there was an extended field of usefulness, he would at once say, "God speed to him." But was there not something in the amount of salary? Mention had only been made of the grant from Government, but there was no doubt the actual salary would not be less than 4007. or 5007. Mr. BELL followed in support of the congregation. He said the differences in the congregation had been very trifling, and might easily be removed; and it appeared from the Rev. Gentleman that the congregation in Ireland had also been disturbed. It was a strange thing if Mr. Blackwood had to be removed after the congregation had been at great expense in bringing him to Newcastle. The church had not been built three years, and if the Presbytery allowed Mr. Blackwood to go, they would not be doing what was right. Mr. THORBURN then appeared on behalf of the body of Presbyterians anxious to retain Mr. Blackwood in the town. He said it was with great pain they had heard the proposal to translate Mr. Blackwood, seeing the low state of Presbyterianism in this town. Mr. Blackwood was now the only minister connected with the Presbytery. In former years there had been other ministers, but their places were vacant, and had not been filled up. The document he had presented contained the names of 390 adherents, and only a few days had been allowed for its signature, or it might have been augmented. Besides this, he held a paper in his hand by which a number of individuals agreed to subscribe a certain amount for Mr. Blackwood's maintenance. He could not mention the precise sum which might eventually be raised, but the amount at present would be upwards of 100l. per year. The document did not contain the names of every member in each family, as in the case of Donoughmore; for if they had taken the names of all, they might have had 1,000 signatures, and then the contrast would not have been so great. They would rejoice to have a church in which the Gospel was preached, and to be enabled to rally round it as the Church they had long supported. The short notice they had received accounted for the paucity of names, but the document had received more names than was attached to Mr. Blackwood's original call; and no doubt there would soon be double that number. He did not know the state of Donoughmore, but he thought it would not be a larger town than Newcastle, and that Presbyterianism would not be in so bad a state, as they could supply themselves from head-quarters. In future, young men might be raised for the work of the ministry in England, but it was different at the present time, and if the translation of Mr. Blackwood was agreed to, the petitioners would be as sheep scattered without a shepherd, and many of them might join other Churches. They did not wish ill to any Church, but they preferred the Presbyterian form, and wished to retain Mr. Blackwood, being satisfied with the zeal and faithfulness with which he discharged his duty. Mr. THOMPSON followed on the same side, and strongly supported the prayer of the petition. Mr. BREWIS appeared on behalf of the High Bridge congregation, and stated the circumstances under which it was placed. He need not tell them that the church had become vacant in October, 1843, and from various causes they had not yet got a pastor. A short time ago they had endeavoured to obtain Mr. Gordon, of Hexham, but from reasons with which they were acquainted, the Presbytery had decided they were not to have him. Since then they had been looking out, and had to thank the Presbytery for furnishing them with Mr. Marshall and Mr. Johnson, two very promising young men. They had taken the advice of a high authority on Presbyterianism-Mr. Barbour, of Manchester,-and it was at his suggestion they were led to entertain the idea of soliciting Mr. Blackwood. As a first step they took Mr. Blackwood's opinion, but did not get a definite answer. He supposed that according to the discipline of the Church-it was So. would have been out of order to have done However, as they were now aware, the congregation came to the resolution of presenting a call to Mr. Blackwood. He need not detain them much longer, for they knew the circumstances of the High Bridge Church, the state of the town, and the importance of keeping Presbyterians together. If the translation was not agreed to, the town would be left without a minister, and the members and seat-holders would be scattered. Mr. MACLEAN briefly replied. Undoubtedly, there were many good ministers to be had in Ireland, and the only reason why they wanted Mr. Blackwood was, that the congregation were so unanimous respecting him. He would do all he could to send them ministers, and as he would be a Sabbath in Newcastle, he would be glad to preach in any of their pulpits. (Applause.) The Presbytery then retired, and were absent about half an hour. On their return the Moderator stated that Mr. Blackwood had tendered his resignation of the Caledonian Church, and the Presbytery had found themselves bound to accept it. They had not, however, decided whether he should be translated to Ireland or retained in Newcastle; and, in consequence, the Presbytery would be adjourned until Tuesday forenoon, at half-past ten o'clock. This would give the Presbyterians of Newcastle an opportunity of making every effort to retain Mr. Blackwood. After making arrangements for preaching the Caledonian Church vacant, the Presbytery adjourned. The Presbytery again met on Tuesday, the 17th. In the absence of the Clerk, the minutes of last meeting were read by Mr. Lamb. The Rev. Mr. MACLEAN reported that on Sabbath he had preached the Caledonian Church vacant. Mr. THORBURN and Mr. CHAMBERS, sen., were heard on behalf of the memorialists. They stated that a strong and growing desire existed for retaining Mr. Blackwood in Newcastle; and that, to secure so great a benefit to the cause of Presbyterianism in that town, many were prepared to use their utmost efforts. Mr. BREWIS was again heard on behalf of the HighBridge congregation, and Mr. MACLEAN for Donoughmore. The MODERATOR then announced that all the parties had been heard, and it was desirable to ask Mr. Blackwood if he had anything to state. Mr. BLACKWOOD then rose, and addressed the Presbytery with much feeling. He never felt himself to stand in a situation in which he more needed Divine counsel and Divine aid. He had formerly been called upon to leave a people over whom he had ministered for some years a people who had shown him much attachment, and were much attached to him for the Gospel's sake. He left that church under interesting circumstances, because he considered it his duty to join in furthering the Gospel in Newcastle-uponTyne, where there were many sheep without a shepherd. He did not wish to enter into the various circumstances which had arisen in connexion with the Caledonian Church-he stood in a position in which he was not called upon to advert to them. They were aware that circumstances did occur which brought him to see that it might be advisable for his peace and comfort, and for his success in the ministry, to resign that church. He wished, at present, to say no more than state that fact. At the time his mind was brought to entertain that conviction, God seemed to open a door at Donoughmore. He looked upon it as a door opened by the Lord; and when he considered all the circumstances of the Caledonian Church, and all the circumstances of Donoughmore, he had no difficulty of coming to the conclusion that it would be for his peace-it would be for his success, to retire from the one and accept the other. He believed there was a field in Newcastle, not for one or two, or even for ten ministers to overtake the heathen, but he felt there was something required to enable the minister to occupy the field, and under that impression he felt disposed to retire and enter on the work of the Lord at Donoughmore. He came with great pain to this decision, because his simple desire was to minister to the Lord's people. He did not want the things of this world. He had never made money by preaching, and, without being a prophet, he might say that he never would. As long as the facts lay between the Caledonian Church and the Church at Donoughmore he felt his way was clear. He believed that in leaving the town there would be an expression of feeling. He had seen so much of the people as led him to know that the separation would be painful to many bosoms, but he was not prepared for what had already come before the Presbytery, and for what had been stated that day. He must confess that the more he became acquainted with the movement in the town, the more his mind became puzzled and perplexed. There was no difficulty between the Caledonian Church and Donoughmore; but with regard to the subsequent movement, he had stated to his brethren in the Presbytery on Friday, that it was scarcely possible to come to any conclusion. He knew the matter came before the Court rather irregularly. But they were aware of the facts of the case-they had heard the expressions of kindness and Christian feeling, not for him as a minister, but as a servant of God. This made a great impression on his mind, and left him in great difficulty. There was a large field of usefulness at Donoughmore, and there was a large field at Newcastle. There was attachment in the one, and there was attachment in the other. He felt that he must leave the subject in the hands of the Presbytery, believing that, in the multitude of councillors there was wisdom. stating that the Society had appointed the Rev. William Charteris as its missionary to Corfu, and praying the Presbytery of London to take Mr. Charteris on trial with a view to ordination. The Presbytery, in compliance with the request of the Society, prescribed subjects of sundry discourses to Mr Charteris, to be delivered at the next meeting of the Presbytery. A letter was read from the Rev. Josias Wilson, recalling the Presbytery's attention to Bath and Bristol, and the desire which had been expressed by many for a Presbyterian ministry in these towns. The Presbytery felt that with so many vacant churches and stations within their bounds, which they experienced the utmost difficulty in supplying with ordinances, it would be premature to come under any engagements to their friends in Bath and Bristol; but they requested Mr. Wilson to write to the Presbyterians there, assuring them of the lively interest which the Presbytery felt in their welfare, and their willingness to give occasional supply, and their hope of eventually organizing regular congregations in each of these interesting and important localities. The Rev. Robert Wallace, of Birmingham, stated that his views had undergone a change on the subject of Infant Baptism, and that he felt there was now no course left to him save to resign his charge into the hands of the Presbytery. This announcement was received with much regret, occasioned by the high esteem in which Mr. Wallace is held by all his brethren. The Presbytery appointed a Committee of the whole Court to confer with Mr. Wallace, and report to next meeting. Mr. Henderson delivered a discourse which was sustained as part of his trials for license. NORTHUMBERLAND.-The Presbytery of Northumberland met at Longframlington on the 28th of May; Mr. Huie, of Wooler, Moderator. Present, five ministers and one elder. The Rev. Mr. Dickson, of Manchester, appeared as a Deputation to plead the cause of the Synod's schemes; and, at the request of the Court, addressed the brethren present, and the audience, in a very suitable manner. Arrangements were made for his visiting all the congregations within the bounds of the Presbytery. The Presbytery then proceeded to take the trials of Messrs. Gillespie, and M Murray, which being found. satisfactory, the ordination of the former was appointed to take place, at Longframlington, on the 19th, and of the latter, at Seaton Delaval on the 20th June. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was appointed to take place at Blyth on the fourth Sabbath of June, Mr. James Blythe to preside. The If Court then adjourned. The various members of the Presbytery then proceeded to give their individual opinions upon the question. Dr. PATTERSON, amidst great applause, then gave it as his opinion that the translation ought not to be sanctioned. He entered into a very able review of the various circumstances connected with the case. Mr. Blackwood had expressed any wish to go to Ireland he would not have opposed it; but he thought that he was only doing his duty in moving that he be retained in Newcastle. The Rev. Mr. ANDERSON expressed himself in favour of the translation, which was opposed by the Moderator and other members of the Presbytery. It was agreed that Mr. Blackwood should be retained in connexion with the memorialists. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. PRESBYTERY OF LONDON.-This Presbytery held its ordinary meeting on Tuesday, June 10, the Rev. W. Nicolson, Moderator, in the chair. The Moderator laid on the table a communication from the Ladies' Society in aid of the Missions of the English Presbyterian Church, PRESBYTERY OF LANCASHIRE.-This Presbytery met on the first Wednesday of June. Among other business of a general nature, there was laid upon the table a call, very numerously signed, by the congregation of St. Peter's Presbyterian Church, Scotland-road, Liverpool, to Mr. John Wiseman, Minister of the Gospel, to be their pastor. This congregation was, shortly after the disruption in Scotland, deserted by its former minister: for nearly two years it has been deprived of the services of a stated pastor,-subjected to successive disappointments, -and compelled to struggle against many difficulties; and to the praise of the congregation be it said, that not only have they kept together, so that there is on an average a congregation of about 600 regularly meeting for worship, but that they have organized a system for the sustentation of the ministry amongst them, similar to that established in the Free Church,—that from the first they are able to offer 2007. | a-year to their pastor as a minimum of stipend, and that throughout they have maintained a healthy Presbyterian spirit. The peculiar circumstances of the Church, in which the congregation previously worshipped, were such as to compel the trustees to shut the doors of the building; but the congregation have secured a hall in the neighbourhood, and the Presbytery felt that it was their duty to preserve and support the congregation, come of the stone and lime what may. They therefore sustained the call, and met in Liverpool, on the 19th June, to consummate the act of Mr. Wiseman's induction. There was To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger. SIR,-I beg to correct a misreport, unintentional doubtless, in the first number of the Messenger," of that part of the proceedings of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in England, relative to the overture anent Intemperance from the Berwick Presbytery, which I humbly essayed to support. The following sentence totally misrepresents what I said " He (Mr. Murdoch) was not prepared to advocate total abstinence on Scriptural grounds; but, as Christian expediency, he would press it on his brethren." Now, Sir, I never thought of 66 their own name, to prosecute translations a very full meeting of Presbytery, the mem- It was announced that M. D'Aubigné, and MORPETH. Additional Subscriptions re- : Mrs. Knox, Forth-terrace, Newcastle Robert Barbour, Esq., ditto.................................................... £5 0 0 a matter of pressing it upon my brethren,' nor of adopting it myself, but spoke to the effect, that as a Christian expedient, where it was adopted, I could understand its value. I have to complain farther of this sentence"Some objection was taken to the motion, on the ground that it enjoined the principle of total abstinence on the members." The objection taken, if my memory serves me, was, that the motion seemed to reflect on the members, as if they needed to be cautioned on the ground of temperance. I have only farther to say, that it is encouraging to think that a memorial on the same subject was introduced into the Free General Assembly of the Church of Scotland by such a man as Dr. Cunningham, which leads to the thought that the day is not distant, when, by the grace of God, the Synod will not deem the introduction of many overtures on the subject impertinent, nor yet 66 a Sabbath lost," which is devoted to "cry aloud, and spare not," and to tell the Lord's people their sin in this matter, with a voice like a trumpet. I am, Sir, your very obedient servant, ALEX. MURDOCH. Grove House, near Berwick-upon-Tweed. June 16th, 1845. NEW PUBLICATIONS. The Cross of Christ; The Call of God; Saving Faith. An Inquiry into the Completeness and Extent of the Atonement, with especial Reference to the universal Offer of the Gospel, and the universal Obligation to believe. By ROBERT S. CANDLISH, D.D., Minister of the Gospel, Edinburgh. Edinburgh, John Johnstone. The subject and the author will se- The Bible an Inspired Revelation, and a |