Ecclesiastical Notices. JOHN KNOX CHURCH, STEPNEY. A MEETING of the members of John Knox Church, Green-street, Stepney, was held on Thursday evening, April 8th, for the purpose of forming a Congregational Association, in aid of the Schemes of the Church. After partaking of tea and coffee, which was provided under the superintendence of the ladies of the congregation in the session house, the meeting adjourned to the church, and the chair was taken at seven o'clock by the Rev. James Ferguson, supported by the Rev. Wm. Nicolson, Professor Lorimer, Messrs. Nisbet, Blyth, Brownley, Dr. Stewart, and other friends. Several interesting speeches were made in support of the schemes, which were warmly responded to by the meeting, and it is confidently hoped that the association will be worked with vigour and success. We heartily congratulate the ladies on the excellence of their arrangements, and we feel certain that the whole proceedings of the meeting must have been most gratifying to all that were present, and will be productive of much good to the interests of the congregation at large. SCOTCH CHURCH, SAINT PETER'S-SQUARE, MANCHESTER. THE annual examination of the Sabbath school in connexion with this Church, took place in the school-room, on the evening of Sabbath, 4th April. The Rev. A. Munro, and upwards of 200 of the congregation, mostly the parents or friends of the scholars, were present on the occasion. Eight different sections, comprising twenty-four classes, were examined by several of the teachers, and the scholars, by their prompt and appropriate answers to the various questions put to them, evinced an intimate acquaintance with the subjects of examination, and bore good testimony to the care that had been bestowed upon them by their teachers. They were examined minutely upon the Shorter Catechism, and upon several Scripture characters from the Old and New Testaments. After the examination was concluded, upwards of eighty prizes were distributed amongst the scholars for meritorious conduct and regularity of attendance during the past twelve months. All present appeared much gratified with the evening's proceedings, and it must be matter of great encouragement to the teachers that so great an amount of interest was evinced. While deriving encouragement to perseverance from the experience of past years, let all engaged in this work of faith and labour of love, continue stedfast, humble, and prayerful, that God's blessing, "which maketh rich," may accompany all their endeavours to spread His kingdom among men. BIRMINGHAM.-INDUCTION OF THE REV. J. R. MACKENZIE. FRIDAY, the 16th ult., being the day appointed by the Presbytery of London for the induction of the Rev. J. R. Mackenzie, late of Dumfries, into the charge of the Presbyterian congregation of this town, that reverend body met in the chapel, Broad-street, for the purpose. After engaging in devotions, the Rev. William Chalmers, of London, proceeded to deliver a very appropriate sermon,-John iii. 29, being the text chosen for the occasion. The customary address on Presbyterianism was given by the Rev. James Macaulay, of London, which illustrated its history and peculiar system of polity in a very comprehensive and interesting manner. The Rev. James Hamilton of London, as Moderator of the Presbytery then proceeded to the more immediate business of the induction, and put the usual questions to Mr. Mackenzie as regarded doctrine, &c., which having been all satisfactorily answered, the reverend gentleman was duly declared inducted into the charge, and the right hand of fellowship was given him by his brethren of the Presbytery. Mr. Hamilton then delivered the usual address to pastor and people, which was characterized by the reverend gentleman's usual eloquence and ability. This having concluded the induction services, the congregation dispersed, and on retiring gave their pastor an affectionate welcome. The chapel was completely filled during the whole service, and all seemed to feel the solemnity of the occasion. In the evening, a public meeting in connexion with the proceedings of the day was held in Carr's-lane Chapel (Rev. J. Angell James's), which was kindly granted them on account of its superior accommodation. It was very numerously attended,-John Henderson, Esq., of London Works, in the chair,-and several excellent addresses were delivered on the subject of the duties of churches and individual Christians in reference to home missions, particularly local missionary exertions. In addition to the clergymen who officiated during the day, there were present, the Rev. Mr. Ferguson, of Liverpool, Rev. Mr. Lewis, of Dudley, Rev. Mr. Speers, of Stafford, and Rev. Mr. Bryson, of Wolverhampton. On Sunday, the 18th ult., the Rev. J. Macnaughten introduced Mr. Mackenzie to his people, in an able discourse from Galatians iii. 13. The newly inducted pastor preached in the afternoon; and the Rev. J. Macnaughten again in the evening.-Birmingham Journal.-[Ministers of various denominations were present during part of the proceedings of the day; and it was gratifying to witness the cordial welcome given to Mr. Mackenzie by these Christian brethren and fellow-labourers in his new field of evangelistic work.] WIGAN. there is a rising feeling in England on this subject, and hope that such societies may be formed in all great towns. In the report of the Nottingham Meeting we do not observe the names of ministers of other denominations than the Episcopal Church, although the Chairman is known as a man of the greatest Christian liberality. We hope this did not arise from indifference to the subject among Dissenters, and still more do we hope that it did not arise from the Meeting being in any way made exclusive, or from ground common to all Christians not being occupied. If there be any subject thoroughly Catholic and patriotic, and inviting the united efforts of all denominations, it is this of the observance of the Lord's day, affecting, as it does, both the spiritual and temporal good of men. SUNDAY TRADING. IN the House of Commons, on Thursday, April 15th, Mr. Hindley moved for a Select Committee to inquire into the state of Sunday trading in the metropolis. He did not wish to enter into the general question of Sabbath observance; but in the matter of trading, he wished to see all put on an equal footingSunday traders at present having an unfair advantage over those who desired not to do business on that day. Mr. Hume, Dr. Bowring, and others, opposed the motion. After some discussion, the Motion was carried by 51 to 19. THE RELIGIOUS WORLD. AND let me speak boldly the truth, and faithfully tell you, that there is too much latitude allowed to this flighty fluctuating disposition, in what they call the religious world. For my part, I know no religious world. I know only the Church and the world: but I know no religious world. You might as well speak of a bright darkness, or a bitter sweetness, or a righteous wickedness, as speak of a religious world. Yet so it is, we have such a name; aye, and we have such a thing; where, with devotedness to God's glory and the Church's ON the evening of the 2d April, there was a good, and a great mixture of excellent intenmeeting in the Presbyterian Church here, to tions of love, there are present, at the same encourage the Sabbath School, when upwards time, the love of show, the desire of popular of seventy, including teachers and friends, applause, the love of large assemblies, hunger partook of tea. Afterwards, Mr. Barwise, sur- and thirst for excitement, idle and flourishing geon, was called on to preside, when interest-talk, vapouring and vaunting speeches, idolaing pieces were recited by the scholars, and ad- try, of each other self-complacency, with much dresses delivered by the Chairman, and also by more which belongeth not to the Church of the Rev. James Radcliffe, present minister, and Christ, but is the staple commodity of the the Rev. Mr. Holgate, Independent minister of world. From which intermixture I augur no Orrell. The proceedings of the evening ap- good.-EDWARD IRVING, in Lectures on the peared to be gratifying to all parties. It is Parable of the Sower. hoped this branch of our Church, that has been greatly depressed, from various untoward THEY who reject the divine person of Christ, circumstances, will still maintain a stand who believe it not, who discern not the against Popery, so rampant in the town, as wisdom, grace, love, and power of God therewell as prove the spiritual birth-place of im-in, do constantly reject or corrupt all other mortal souls, through the blessing of the spiritual truths of divine revelation. Nor great Head of the Church. can it otherwise be: for they have a consistency only in their relation unto the mystery of godliness, God manifest in the flesh, and from thence derive their sense and meaning. This being removed, the truth in all other articles of religion immediately falls to the ground.-Owen. SABBATH OBSERVANCE. NOTTINGHAM. ON Monday evening, April 12, a Public Meeting was held in the Exchange Hall, Nottingham, for the purpose of forming a Society for the better observance of the Sabbath. Henry Smith, Esq., occupied the chair, and the Meeting was addressed by the Rev. J. T. Baylee, Secretary to the Lord's Day Society in London, and by other Rev. Gentlemen. The Vicar of Nottingham, the Rev. Mr. Brookes, was unable to attend, but in a letter cordially approved of the object of the Meeting. We rejoice to observe that THE estate of grace, and that of glory, are like one to the other; grace being glory begun, and glory grace completed.--Leighton. PROTESTANTISM is the work of a prophet: the prophct work of that seventeenth cen tury. The first stroke of honest demolition to an ancient thing grown false and idolatrous; preparatory far off to a new thing, which shall be true and authentically divine. -Carlyle's "Hero-Worship." Missionary Entelligence. CORFU. BOMBAY. MR. MURRAY MITCHELL, and Mr. Hunter, missionaries, reached Bombay on the 14th Feb., and Dhanjibhai Nauroji, who had remained for a short time at Malta, was expected soon to arrive in his native land, where we trust his labours may be greatly blessed to his own countrymen. NAGPUR. was 1,044, being 937 in the school, and 107 | in the college department. After an address from Dr. Duff, in which he stated the principles on which the Institution is conducted, LETTERS have been received from Mr. the distribution of prizes commenced, before Charteris to the 9th March. He writes,—"I a large European and native assemblage. At have not much to write you at this time that the close of the examination Mr. Hawkins is different from my usual communications. addressed the pupils, stating that the InstituMy labours are gradually on the increase.tion was designed for one great ultimate obretain my intercourse with those of whom I ject, which there was no desire to conceal, have formerly written, and am not without viz., the conversion of the natives. hopes that some of them are increasing in knowledge and grace; while, after the Passover, we have the full expectation that some of the children may return." After going over the grounds of these expectations, he details numerous interesting conversations with the descendants of Abraham. To one, he relates, who began to speak of the great differences between the Hebrew and the Christian religions, "I said, are you sure there is such a great difference and change? A LETTER from Mr. Hislop gives an inteand immediately turned up the 36th chapter resting account of a journey which he underof Ezekiel, desiring him to read it. I then took, to visit a native who had been impressed referred him to the third chapter of John. In with a desire of knowing the truth as it is in speaking of the most solemn truths arising Jesus. He had learned the elements of our from these chapters, I have scarcely ever faith from a copy of the "First Book for succeeded in commanding a more undivided Children," in Balbooh, which had fallen into attention, and he has returned frequently his hands. He had visited Mr. Hislop, during the last fortnight. I speak to him (and eagerly inquiring for tracts, and on being others) more of the new birth than of any presented with a New Testament, he rose up thing else—a doctrine which he seems to re- from the floor, and looking up to heaven, ceive with simplicity of heart." Mr. C. adds, thanked the invisible God for his invaluable "We are in scarcity here, but are expecting gift. On Mr. Hislop visiting him at his own supplies from the Black Sea. We are, how-village, he found that he had just finished ever, much better off than our poor country-reading his New Testament. He had long men and the Irish, and we ought to be very given up the worship of idols, but now had thankful that food is to be brought to us. I begun to observe the Lord's-day. He was am glad to see the case of the poor High- desirous that the ordinance of baptism should landers so warmly taken up by the Presby- be administered to him, but on being told terians of England. I pray that this true that he must renounce caste, and warned of liberality may be sufficient to meet their the trials and persecutions to which he would be exposed, he requested two days to consider; but at the end of that time he still remained full of doubts and fears, promising, however, that at the end of harvest, he would come to Nagpur, and put on Christ by public pro wants." CONSTANTINOPLE. THE following is an extract of a letter of date the 16th March, received by a friend in London, from the Rev. Alex. Thomson, Free Church Missionary at Constantinople: "Our work in this great city is evidently blessed by the Lord God of Israel. None of the converts in Pesth exhibit more of the spirit of love and humility and faith, than the brethren do here. There are at present, besides a considerable number of general inquirers, four young men under special instruction for baptism, all whose cases we have reason to believe are hopeful. The movement among the Protestant Armenians has also tended in an eminent degree to convince the natives of this city, and even of the empire generally, that there are a set of Christians who are not idolaters, but who, on the other hand, are honest and kind, and who keep fast by the Word of God. This has already exerted a powerful influence upon the Jews and Turks, and who can say, but the Lord means by this instrumentality to bring both within the reach of the Gospel? hope in the course of three months, to remove to the immediate neighbourhood of the Spanish Jews, and open a school among them. What success we may meet with we cannot tell, as the field may be almost said to be as yet untried. We must labour in faith and hope. I am very much interested in the prosperity of the Presbyterian Church in England, which I regard as likely to be one of the chief promoters of the cause of the truth in the southern kingdom." CALCUTTA. THE annual examination of the Free Church Institution took place on the 30th December, at the Town Hall. The number of pupils fession. THOSE of our readers who have taken an interest in the late religious movements in Germany will be pleased with the following extracts from a letter of M. Oncken, of Hamburgh, dated 13th April, 1847: "Ronge and the Friends of Light are now rapidly verging into infidelity. "There has been, perhaps, no time in the history of Germany, since the Reformation, in which there has been such a powerful religious excitement among all classes of our people, as at present. Every one is interested in the great struggle now going on between truth and error. Infidelity is stretching every nerve to undermine the divine origin and authority of the Holy Scriptures; whilst, on the other hand, thanks be to God! the Christians take a more active part in the spread of the Gospel of Christ. A separation between the contending parties in the State Churches must sooner or later take place; and it behoves us, as disciples of the Lord Jesus, to make every effort now, to counteract, by a wide and general circulation of the Word of God, the spreading influence of error. God is, in his gracious providence, opening doors in every direction, and has thus far crowned with much success the feeble efforts made for the spread of his own truth. The King of Prussia, has, within the last few days, issued an Edict, which fills our hearts, as Dissenters, with unspeakable joy and gratitude to God; he has given religious liberty, such as is not enjoyed in any other German state, to all his subjects. Such a measure, by the most powerful state in Germany, must have the most beneficial influence on the lesser states. In the midst of all our conflicts, and surrounded as we are by error and wickedness, God, I believe, is preparing the way for a brighter and purer Reformation than even the first. The Spirit of the Lord constrains us to pray without ceasing, for its speedy realization." Scotland, dated December, 1846:-"I have The following is an extract of a letter from here just now a converted German Jew reformed Jews of the continent, and the teaching the students Hebrew. He says, the rationalist Christians are exactly of one mind in rcligion. The laws that require a profession of Christianity in certain functionaries indignantly, Why insist upon our professing are all that keeps them apart, the Jews asking continue hypocrites as long as you please; what you do not believe yourselves? Do you we will be honest infidels."" 6 THE MISSIONARY BOX. THE following interesting anecdote has been communicated to us by the Rev. Mr. Burns, of Whitehaven : :- Just this moment the mother of a little boy who was one of our Sunday-school children called to give me 1s. as the fruit of his gathering. William Lipsom was only five years of age; his father and mother very poor, having only 8s. in the week for five of a family. He got his mother to give him a little box to put his money in for the missionary cause. Every Saturday night when his father came home with his pay he asked him for a penny to put into his box. The child being very engaging in his manner and disposition his father never refused. Little William took fever and only lasted a few weeks. He was often heard to repeat the texts I preached from, and the statements I made to the children in the Sabbath-school when at any time I addressed them. He spoke to his mother in the following terms: Mother, I am going to die, and don't you be sorry for me, for I am going to be with Jesus in heaven; he loved little children and died to save them. Mother, bring my little missionary box and see how much is in it." The mother did so; it contained 8d. "Now mother," said little William, "will you make it 1s., and give it to Mr. Burns for the mission, to send ministers to tell other little children of Jesus." The mother replied to her beloved boy that she would. Shortly after, this little lamb of the good Shepherd's flock was gathered into his bosom, and the mother has now called as the exccutrix of her child's will, to pay to me his bequest to the mission. All he had he willed on his dying bed to the missionary cause, to send the name of Jesus to those who know it not. What a noble example of Christian benevolence! How powerfully it speaks to the rich, to all who profess the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! May its lesson not be lost on us! Poetry. LINES ON THE FUNERAL OF DR. BREWSTER OF CRAIG, A STRANGELY Solemn and lonely spot THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY. The word we bear seems so divine, That none, unto ourselves we say, But soon a sadder mood comes round, Go weeping, that men will not cease To strive with heaven ;-they weep and mourn, That suffering men will not be blest, That weary men refuse to rest, And wanderers to return. Well is it, if has not ensued Another and a darker mood, When all unfaithful thoughts have way, To seek with toil and fruitless strife, Who has the golden oil divine, REV. R. C. TRENCH. adherents. POPERY IN THE UNITED STATES. CONSTITUTION OF THE FREE CHURCH OF THE CANTON DE VAUD. THE Synod of the Church of the Canton de Vaud, constituting the Free Church, met at Lausanne, Miéville, pastor, and closed in its sittings on the on 25th February, under the presidency of Mons. 12th March. The number of delegates present was eighty-two. The constitution, as drawn up by a Committee of nine members, and transmitted to the churches in January last, laid the foundation of the Free ciples were confirmed at the meeting of Synod. Church on Presbyterian principles. These prinThe liberty of the churches-the voluntary union of churches into one body, represented by a Synod the proclamation of the vital doctrines of the Christ over his Church-brotherly relations with Gospel-the full and entire supremacy of Jesus other Churches, and, if need be, union with them -the necessity of a testimony of adherence to the Church before union with it ;-all these formed the leading principles of the constitution adopted. in seven chapters:-I. The Faith of the Free The constitution of the Free Church is laid down Church; II. Its Members and their Privileges; III. Manner of appointing Office-bearers; IV. The Synod, its Members and Duties; V. The Office-bearers of the Church; VI. The Public Worship of the Free Church; VII. The Discipline of the Church. The Faith of the Church embraces the following articles:-1st. Those Churches formed in the year 1845, in the Canton de Vaud, for the purpose of maintaining the rights of Christ over his Church, liberty, and sound doctrine, are hereby constituted the purity of an Evangelical ministry, religious into one body, under the name of the Free Evangelical Church. 2d. The Free Church adheres to the faith of the Apostolic Church, to the Churches free salvation by the blood of Christ. It adheres, in all ages who have professed the doctrine of a also, to the Evangelical Churches which, in the sixteenth century, expressed their faith so admirably in their symbolical books, more especially in the Helvetic Confession of Faith. With these Confessions, the Synod believes in the Divine inspiof the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. ration, and in the authority and entire sufficiency It professes its faith in one God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and recognises that since the fall of man, the only way in which he can be saved is by in the flesh; truly God and truly man, the only a living faith in Jesus Christ, who is God manifest Mediator between God and man, the great High Priest of the new covenant, who died for our sins, and rose again for our justification, and who is now raised to the right hand of God, where he exerwhich he communicates to the faithful and to the cises all power in heaven and earth, and from Church, by the Holy Spirit, whom he sends from the Father, all necessary grace for regeneration, and for practising good works; and from whence he shall come to raise the dead, to judge the people eternal life; and able, in a word, perfectly world in righteousness, and to confer upon his to save all who draw near unto God by him. These, the Church regards as the centre and foundation of Christian truth. 3d. The Free Church consecrates itself entirely to the service her only head, and to whom alone, whilst render and glory of Jesus Christ, whom she recognises as ing to Cæsar 'the things that are Cæsar's, she is resolved, in dependence on his strength, to be in obedience as a faithful spouse to her husband. 4th. Holding these principles, the Free Church relations, and, if need be, uniting more closely declares her intention of maintaining friendly with all Churches possessing spiritual life, and professing the same faith. 5th. The Free Church regards herself, in so far as she is a portion of the Without, therefore, forgetting that the baptism Universal Church, as a holy convocation of God. which saves us, is not that which removes the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience before God and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, (1st Peter iii. 21,) she recognises that the infants into the visible Church, and that the baptism of of such as are baptized, are thereby introduced water is the outward rite to be employed for that THE happiness of heaven consists in being purpose. The Free Church, consequently, allows with Christ: That they may be with me. the members of other Churches to participate in Thoughts of this are reviving, and should be Lord's Supper, under a sense of their solemn responher acts of religious worship, and in celebrating the improved, as a cordial, to keep from fainting sibility to God. She also offers the means of grace, under any trouble; as a spur, to put us for- with which she is intrusted, to all who may wish to ward in duty; as a bridle, to restrain from avail themselves of her ministrations. She recogsin; and as a loadstone, to draw our affec-nises as her members all those who have been tions upwards.-Philip Henry. baptized, and who, having fulfilled their baptismal Vows, express their desire to be connected with her. The Church intends providing instruction | faithfully obeyed. The captain-honest and Articles 9-13, both inclusive (chap. iii.) refer to the formation of kirk-sessions, mode of choosing elders, their character, their public ordination, and the duties of their office. Articles 14-17 (chap. iv.) refer to the Synod, the number of its members and mode of electing them; the spiritual power intrusted to the Synod, and the Commissions appointed by it, for carrying Articles 18-27 (chap. v.) specify the officebearers of the Church-pastors, elders, deacons, and deaconesses,-and the special duties belonging to these respective offices. Articles 28 and 29 (chap. vi.) refer to the public on the business of the Church. worship of the Church. Articles 30-40 (chap. vii.) have reference to the discipline of the Church-the various methods that must be adopted in regard to those who have fallen, the necessity of being tender, and yet faithfal, in the discharge of the duty, and that, in all things regarding it, prayer be offered up for the guidance and Divine direction. At the conclusion of the labours of the Synod the following Resolution was unanimously approved of, viz.:-"That at the close of its sittings, during which so much of the Divine goodness has been experienced, the Synod would humbly lay at the footstool of Divine grace the result of its deliberations. The Synod recognises with profound gratitude that, but for the blessing of the sovereign Head of the Church, it could not have accomplished its task with so much harmony and kind interchange of brotherly feeling. Whilst the members of the Synod would humble themselves before God, on account of the many imperfections connected with the work, they would, nevertheless, confidently place it in the hands of their Heavenly Father, earnestly praying that he would pardon its defects, and deign to make use of it for his own glory, for the establishment of the kingdom of Jesus Christ in our country, and for the good of the Churches organized on the principles set forth by the Synod." The following declaration was then signed by the eighty-two members of Synod:-"We, the undersigned members of the Synod, delegated from the Churches formed in the Canton de Vaud, for the purpose of maintaining the rights of Jesus Christ over his Church, the purity of the ministry, religious liberty, and sound doctrine, declare, as far as regards us, our acceptance of the above general plan of organization. We present it to the Churches from which we have been sent as delegates, for their acceptance also. May the sovereign Head of His Church condescend to put his seal to the work of this day, and may the Spirit of Wisdom and of Power rest on those called to carry it on; and to His name be all the glory.-Amen. "Lausanne, 12th March, 1847." 66 THE SABBATH CASTAWAY. Ar a meeting of the Lord's-day Society in Newcastle, the Rev. J. Longmuir, of Aberdeen, delivered an address on the evil of Sabbath Sailing." The deep interest manifested, induced the chairman of the meeting to relate some deeply affecting circumstances personally known to himself. This gentle FACTS ABOUT CHINA. on CHINA is about one third larger than all The FAITH AND SIGHT. WE look round about us, and observe the it is strong in the Lord, and presses forward. The heart of Zerubbabel is in it, and it says, "What art thou, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain." O Christian, if you would go forward on your way rejoicing, pray to the Lord that He may increase your faith. That your faith be strong, rest on the may Word of God with confidence. When you rest on His Word, you are leaning on the arm of Omnipotence. There is some portion, which will meet every case of trouble and disquietude. Are you mourning on account of guilt? Then God says, "The blood of Jesus Christ, my Son, cleanseth from all sin," Are you groaning under the burden of indwelling corruption? Then Christ says, "Come unto me, and I will give you rest." You will find a suitable portion in every time of need. Take it, and rest on it with confidence: look not to your trouble, but look to the Word of God. His word is truth, and truth alone is the immediate object of faith. That your faith, then, may be strong and unwavering, look with a stedfast eye to the truth which God has revealed. If we look away from the word of truth, we find no object of faith,-no foundation of confidence, -no sure anchorage of hope. In the word alone do we see God as He is in Christ, reconciling sinners and forgiving sin. Advertisements. This day is published, in post 8vo., price 7s. 6d. cloth, HE PILGRIMAGE: How God was hundred yards. These are in some parts of Rationalism in the Bud, the Blade, and the Ear. STANLEY CARR. Marshall, and Co. man, a few years ago, was owner of a fine At Pekin, the capital of China, in latitude 40 TAgents, ber to state that they supply the vessel which sailed from the port. Her captain had been brought up by him from his youth, and, when sufficiently qualified, had been sent to sea as captain of this vessel, with orders never to sail from port on the Lord'sday. For a long time these orders were deg. while the heat of summer frequently GENERAL NEWSPAPER OFFICE, 15, Coventry-street. Established Thirty Years. HOMAS MUDIE and SONS, News PRESBYTERIAN MESSENGER, and all the other London Newspapers, by Post; and that to ensure the utmost regularity in the delivery, they print the address of their customers on the wrapper when ordered for a year. Stationery of every description at reasonable prices. Office, No. 15, Coventry-street. Just published, PORTRAIT of the late Rev. JOSIAS WILSON, of the Presbyterian Church, Riverterrace, Islington, from Life, by Mons. C. BAUGNIET. India proofs, 7s. 6d. ; plain copics, 5s. Printed and published by Grieve and Rae, lithographers, 6, Wellington-street, Strand; and to be had of Mr. Richard Stobbs, 22, Gerrardstreet, River-terrace, Islington; and of Mr. Cotes, bookseller, 139, Cheapside. Just published, in 12mo., price 14., or 10s. 6d. per 100, THE HE GOOD OLD WAY. An Address on the Principles of the Presbyterian Church, delivered before the Presbytery of London, on the Induction of the Rev. Alexander Ross to the Pastoral Charge of Hanover Presbyterian Church, Brighton, at 17th March, 1847. By the Rev. JAMES MACAULAY, M.A. "Our Presbyterian way is the good middle way between Episcopacy on the one side, and Congregationalism on the other. We combine the two principles that must be maintained in the Church -Order and Liberty: the order of government, and the liberty of the people."-Merls D'Aubigne. James Nisbet and Co., Berners-street. Just published, price 6d., AB HAB'S HUMILIATION; or, Temporal Judgments averted by Temporary Repentance: being the substance of a DISCOURSE preached in St. George's Presbyterian Church, Liverpool, on the day lately observed for NATIONAL HUMILIATION. By the Rev. D. FERGUSSON. London : Hamilton, Adams, and Co. THE GOOD NEWS. 21, Berners-street, May, 1847. AMES NISBET and CO. have just published: JA In foolscap 8vo., price 5s. cloth boards, PROPHETICAL LANDMARKS. Containing Data for helping to determine the Question of CHRIST'S PRE-MILLENNIAL ADVENT. "O, my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?"-Dan. xii. 8. By the Rev. HORATIUS BONAR, Kelso. Also, in one thick vol. 18mo., price 2s., cloth bds., 2. The CHURCH in the HOUSE, and other Tracts. By the Rev. JAMES HAMILTON, National Scotch Church, Regent.square. Also, by the same Author, The Thirtieth Thousand, 18mo., price 1s. 6d. cloth boards, 3. The MOUNT of OLIVES, and other Lectures on Prayer. Fortieth Thousand, 18mo., price ls. 6d. cloth boards, 4. LIFE in EARNEST: Six Lectures on Christian Activity and Ardour. "Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord."-Rom. xii. 11. Second Edition, In post 8vo., cloth, with Illustrations, price 8s. 6d., 5 A COMMENTARY on the BOOK of LEVITI. CUS; Expository and Practical; with_Critical Notes. By the Rev. ANDREW A. BONAR. Collace; Author of "Memoirs of Rev. Robert M'Cheyne," "Narrative of a Mission of Inquiry to the Jews," &c., &c. 6. DERRY. By the late CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH. Tenth Edition. Foolscap 8vo., 5s. cloth boards. 7. The LISTENER. By the late CAROLINE FRY. Tenth Edition. Two vols. foolscap 8vo., 10s, cloth boards. 8. SERMONS. By the Hon. and Rev. H. MON TAGU VILLIERS. M.A. 12mo., 5s. cloth boards. 9. The INFANT BROTHERS. Eighth Edition. 18mo., 3s. cloth boards. the Rev. WILLIAM W. PYM, M.A. 12mo., 5s. 10. The RESTITUTION of ALL THINGS. By cloth boards. 11. CHRISTIAN MISSIONS to the HEATHEN. By the Hon. and Rev. 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