صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger.


PROTESTANT RELIGION IN AMERICA. | knowing. In immediate connexion with the | Evangelical and benevolent institutions of above facts, I would state, that there are in all about one hundred and seventy-three colleges and universities in the United States; and forty-two of this number are strictly under Presbyterian and Congregational influence, and a large proportion of the others are partially so. In addition to these, there are thirty-eight Evangelical Theological Seminaries, having one hundred professors, and eighteen hundred students. These facts, which might be greatly increased in number and interest, will afford you some idea of what is doing in America to prepare a ministry to preach the Gospel to our increasing millions.

REV. AND DEAR SIR,-I regret exceedingly that I was not better prepared to do justice to the subject, when I was so kindly, but unexpectedly requested by your Reverend body, the Presbytery of London, to make a few remarks before them on the present state and progress of religion in America. To make amends for my deficiency on that occasion, I will, in a very brief and condensed form, present a few facts which may enable your readers to form some notion of the state of Protestant religion on the other side of the Atlantic.

In order that due allowance may be made for the apparent deficiency of religious instruction and privileges in America, especially the western and south-western portions of it, | I beg leave to call your attention, for a few moments, to the extent and rapid growth of our country. At the time we became an independent nation, the entire population of the United States did not exceed three millions and a-half of people; whereas, now it is eighteen millions. And according to a well-grounded calculation by one of our most learned and judicious men, the population of the United States, will, within fifty years from this time, have reached one hundred millions; and within fifty years more, or one hundred years from the present, three hundred millions!

The circuit of the organized part of our country, since the annexation of Texas, is upwards of ten thousand miles, and one million four hundred thousand square miles, exclusive of Oregon and the great west, are organized into states and territories, an area, if I recollect correctly, twenty-eight times larger than England. The advance of the "settlements" along the entire western border, from the Gulf of Mexico on the south, to the British possessions on the north, is at the rate of seventeen miles annually. Thus, this tide of civilization, and of Angloinfluence, light, and knowledge, irresistible as an avalanche, is moving onward with amazing rapidity westward, towards the Rocky Mountains and the great Ocean. And if the shores of the Pacific arrest its onward


march, they will prove a greater barrier than did the shores of the Atlantic. Consequently, in view of this amazing growth and rapid extension of our country, English Christians must not expect to find religion and religious privileges anything like as great as they are here. Still there is enough in the operation of American Christianity to cheer the hearts of all who have faith in the glorious promises of the final triumph of the Gospel. For illustration, there are between sixteen and seventeen thousand Evangelical clergy in the United States. Seven thousand of that number are learned men, and out of that number again, five thousand seven hundred and fiftySIX, are substantially Presbyterian ministers, who hold and teach the same blessed faith and doctrines with yourselves. I do not mean that so many belong to the "General Assembly," properly so called. You are doubtless aware that there are divers different branches


As to other means and instrumentalities for diffusing religious instruction and knowledge, I would mention first, the "American Bible Society," which next to your own great Institution of the same kind, has done more than any other Society in the world, in diffusing a knowledge of the Word of God. They print and publish, out and out, thirteen Bibles every minute, seven hundred and eighty every hour, and 671,500 Bibles and Testaments every year!

The "American Tract Society" stands next; it is doing wonders in the great work of evangelizing the world. They publish 1,252 different publications: of which number 212 are volumes. They print in the course of the year upwards of half a million of volumes, in 102 different dialects and languages! Their colporteurs are widely scattered over the vast country in all directions, and exert an untold agency in diffusing religious knowledge.

The "Sunday-school Union" comes third amongst the great bulwarks in propagating Bible truth. They had in their connexion, a few years back as many as 16,000 schools, 140,000 teachers, and 1,000,000 scholars, and published and sold 100,000 dollars, or 20,000l. worth of juvenile books annually.

The General Assembly's "Board of Publication" is engaged in the same great work of diffusing religious knowledge amongst men, by means of printed books and tracts. Their object is to scatter religious books in general, but especially such as explain and defend the great doctrines of the Westminster Assembly of Divines.

The Methodist Episcopal Church," commonly termed in this country "Wesleyans," have also a great "Book Concern," by means of which countless thousands of good books are distributed amongst their churches and societies. The Baptists also have their Society for the publication of tracts, &c. In this way a vast deal is done to supply the deficiency occasioned by the paucity of living teachers in America.

Kindred to this, numerous religious newspapers are published every week, and widely circulated by the various sects and denominations of Christians. Thirty-four years ago, there was no religious newspaper in the United States!-now there are upwards of one hundred-and most of them printed and circulated weekly! The cheapness of these weekly sheets secure them a place in almost every family. Our largest and best weekly papers do not cost more than ten shillings per annum. In addition to these weekly papers, we have several able Quarterly Re

and sects of Presbyterians in America, such
as "Dutch Reformed," "Covenanters," views, all devoted to the advancement of re-
New England Congregationalists," "Ger- ligion and Theology, such as the "Biblical
pan Reformed," &c. &c., all substantially Repertory," "Biblical Repository," "Biblio-
Presbyterians, and all well educated and theca Sacra,"
learned able men.
"Methodist Magazine and
There are also, in all, Quarterly Review," "Baptist Christian Re-
some 1,600 young men who are aided in view," &c., &c.
their preparation for the ministry. How
many others are preparing to preach the Gos-
pel I have not at present any means of

America, such as "The Seaman's Friend Society," Foreign Evangelical Society," "The Jews' Society," "Peace Society," "Home and Foreign Missionary Society," &c., &c. I shall state, however, without going into detail, that we as a Protestant country have about 1,000 missionaries in the foreign field-of which number 400 are ordained ministers of the Gospel-the rest are helpers and assistants-and that we expend in support of the various Evangelical enterprises of the age, one million of dollars, or 200,000l. annually.

As to Roman Catholicism, my own candid opinion is, that its spirit is not gaining ground in America. Such is the influence of the genius and spirit of our Government and institutions upon the minds of Catholic emigrants; and such is the rapid and extensive diffusion of general intelligence amongst the masses, that the Papacy is to a great extent disarmed, and loses in strength as much as it gains in numbers by emigration. I am not one of those who entertain apprehensions that Popery will ever gain the ascendency in America. Such a thing I regard as a moral impossibility: Popery is the product of darkness. It can live and flourish only in the damps and shades of ignorance and despotism. Light and freedom will either wither the plant or change its noxious qualities. Light and freedom are the watch. words of American democracy. Therefore I do not apprehend any danger either to the religious or civil liberties of the United States from the Papacy.

The foregoing brief statement of facts, which might be greatly lengthened, were I not afraid of wearying your patience, may enable your readers to form some conception of the present state and progress of Protestant religion in America.

I remain, your brother in the bonds of the Gospel, very truly and sincerely,

London, Sept. 21, 1847.


STUDY OF PROPHECY: MOST Christians, we fear, content themselves with very vague and general views of prophecy. They have caught up some of the prominent statements of Scripture regarding the future, such as that there will be a millenium, a resurrection, and a judgment day; and with these, or very little more, they are satisfied quite satisfied. Here they consider that their prophetic creed ought to shrink from all minuter investigation, conterminate. They advance no details. They demning it as presumptuous, or at least refusing it, as barren speculation.

"The fact of God having revealed so many particulars regarding the future settles the whole question as to the duty of every believer to examine these. It is as plain as truth can be, that no investigation, however minute, can be called presumptuous, so long

as it restricts itself to what is written; nay,

the more minute, the more accurate it is likely to be, and therefore more accordant with the mind of the Spirit. The presumption is all the other way. It is the presumption of closing the ear against the voice of God, the presumption

of professing to decide how much of God's word may be studied with safety, and how much ought to be neglected as mysterious Bonar's "Prophetical and unprofitable." Landmarks," pp.

25 and 27.

These facts will give you some idea of the
religious machinery at work in America. I
might enumerate a long list of the various laboureth to overcome himself?

WHO hath a sharper conflict than he who


Advertisements, business Letters or Parcels, and Money-orders (payable at Charing-cross Post-office), to be addressed to Mr. JAMES



Amount already advertised
Sabbath-school Missionary Association, Islington
Church, Liverpool, per Mr. John Stephen

674 11


4 0 o

PENNYCOOK BROWN, Agent for the Presbyterian Birmingham Association, per Mr. John Turner 17 10 0

Church in England, 16, Exeter Hall.

The Messenger presents an eligible and suitable medium for Advertisements. Terms-ten lines and under, 5s., and 3d. for each additional line; ll. for a column.

Presbyterian Church in England.


A GENERAL Meeting of the deacons of the London Churches, is to be held at 16, Exeter Hall, on Friday the 8th of this month, at seven P.M. It is much to be regretted, that these meetings have hitherto been not well attended. There is no other opportunity so favourable for the deacons of the several congregations meeting together in deliberation on matters of the highest importance to the welfare of our Church, as well as for uniting in

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£696 1


3 18

8 13 2
0 12

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0 10


........ ...............

WARRENFORD .. .. .. .. .. .. ...................

MANCHESTER, Chalmers' Church



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1 10 0
0 0

Edward-street, to appear for their interests at

a meeting of Presbytery to be held on the 30th September.


A petition was read from a number of individuals, now or lately connected with the Congregation at River Terrace, expressing their desire to form a new congregation in Islington, and requesting to be recognised as in connexion with the Presbytery. The Presbytery having maturely considered the same, and having received explanations from the parties appointed to appear in support of it, agreed to grant the of the petition for their erection into a preaching station. Mr. Nicolson produced and read a letter which he had received from Mr. Simpson, of 1 17 3 Red Lion-square, requesting the consideration of the Presbytery on behalf of the Industrial Institution for the Jews. Several members of Presbytery having expressed their views as to the importance of the institution to which the letter of Mr. Simpson called their attention, a Committee was appointed to make inquiries regarding it, and to report,-the Committee to consist of the Moderator, and Messrs. Nicolson and Cousin, ministers; Messrs. Nisbet, Vertue, and Cotes, elders; the Moderator to be Convener.


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religious worship and Christian fellowship. | MANCHESTER, St. Peter's Church .............. 26 15 0 | Presbytery on the state of religion in the

The affairs of our Church at this moment require prayerful counsel and vigorous action, and while ministers and elders are at their


0 0
SUNDERLAND, St. George's Church ........... 6 13



4 0 0

1 10 0



NEWCASTLE, Groat Market Church


ALEX. MORRISON, Treasurer,

1 0 0

22 3 6

American Churches, and received the thanks of the Presbytery.

The Presbytery then adjourned to Thurs

o o day, the 30th September, at six o'clock in the evening.

101, Upper Thames-street.

posts in the Church Courts, we trust that the LIVERPOOL, St. George's Church
deacons will not fail to attend to the duties
attached to their honourable and responsible
office. We need scarcely remind those who
are much engaged in secular business, that
they ought to deem it a privilege as well as a
duty, to devote some portion of their time to
the advancement of the cause of Christ.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His

To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger.

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THIS Presbytery met at Wolverhampton, on Tuesday the 7th September, at three o'clock. Mackenzie, Speers, Bryson, and Martin, Present, Rev. George Lewis, (Moderator); ministers; and Messrs. Henderson, MCutcheon, and Wills, elders.

The Committee appointed to examine Communion Rolls and Session Records, reported that the records, so far as returned, had been 2 0 1 | regularly kept, and with a few trifling excep tions the business of the respective congrega tions regularly conducted and recorded.


Mr. Mackenzie called the attention of the Presbytery to the desirableness of having 3 16 9 | statistical account of the number of st holders, the average attendance, the number of communicants, and the state of the varie Sabbath-schools connected with congregatic The contributions from River Terrace, John Knox, within the bounds of the Presbytery, &c., &c., will appear next month.

2, Percy Circus, Sept. 20, 1847.

£6 5 4

L. MACKAY, Treasurer.

Presbyteries' Proceedings.


THIS reverend Court held its ordinary
monthly meeting at Exeter Hall, on Tuesday,
the 14th September; the Rev. W. Chalmers,
Moderator, in the chair; who opened the
meeting with praise, the reading of the
Scriptures, and prayer. Mr. Nicolson was
appointed to act as clerk in the absence of

Mr. Ferguson.

The Rev. Messrs. Lyon and Gladney, from the Presbyterian Church in America, being present were associated.

Professor Campbell having applied for a Presbyterial certificate on behalf of Mr. pointed a Committee to examine Mr Fleming, Fleming, a student, the following were apand to report:-viz., The Moderator, Mr. Nicolson, and Mr. Weir,-the Moderator to

be Convener.

Mr. Macaulay intimated his appointment by the Free Church of Scotland to the Presbyterian Congregation at Malta; and it was resolved to summon the Congregation of

moved accordingly, which was unanimously agreed to.

The Moderator having adverted to the Minutes of Council of Education, which ex clude schools held under churches or chapels

from participating in the advantages of the system of education introduced by the prese Government; it was unanimously res that immediate steps be taken to bring the matter before the proper authorities.

The Presbytery, after transacting the or dinary business of the month, adjouted to meet again at Stafford, on the first Tuesday of November, at one o'clock.


THIS Presbytery met at Shelton, by rea of the Synod, on the 26th of April, an gregation to the Rev. J. M. Martyn. moderated in a call from the Shelton coe Rathfriland, Ireland. Thereafter, the s was sustained, and Mr. Speers, of Staffor was appointed Commissioner to prosecute Martyn's translation before the Presbytery Rathfriland.


SALFORD, MANCHESTER, APRIL 27-Nzi by appointment, and moderated in a call fro

the Salford congregation to the Rev. Thomas part of Mr. M'Liesh, they could not in that Robinson, of the Free Mariner's Church, case consent to dissolve the pastoral tie. Dundee; which call was afterwards sustained; Mr. Fergusson gave notice, that at next and Messrs. Gardner and Cowe, were ap-meeting he would bring forward a motion to pointed to prosecute Mr. Robinson's translation consider what steps the Presbytery should before the Free Presbytery of Perth. take in regard to the connexion which the LIVERPOOL, MAY 5.-Mr. Fergusson laid Presbytery has with such buildings as are on the table extract minutes of Synod re- held or may be held by the congregations suscitating the Presbytery, which were within the bounds of the Presbytery. read.

The following members were appointed the representative members of this Presbytery in the ensuing Commission of Synod, viz., Rev. Messrs. Gardner, Cowe, Welsh, and White, ministers; with Messrs. W. Parlane, Thomas R. Arnot, Thomas Greig, and Robert Lamont, elders.

The Presbytery resolved to meet at Ancoats,

on the 20th inst. to moderate in a call.

ANCOATS, MAY 20.-The Presbytery met by appointment, and moderated in a call from the Ancoat's congregation in favour of the Rev. M'Liesh, of Free Methven, Scotland. The call was afterwards sustained, and Mr. Forster was appointed Commissioner to prosecute Mr. M'Liesh's translation before the Free Presbytery of Perth.

MANCHESTER, JUNE 5.-Held its ordinary monthly meeting.

Messrs. Munro, Fergusson, Gardner, White, M'Caw, Forster, Cross, and Magill, intimated that they had made collections for the Foreign Mission. It was also reported, that the Churches of Douglas and Ancoats had done

the same.

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LIVERPOOL, JUNE 22.-Met by appointment. In the absence of Mr. Speers, the Moderator laid on the table an extract minute of the Presbytery of Rathfriland, which was read, and from which it appeared that the steps requisite to Mr. Martyn's translation had been taken by that Presbytery, and that on the fourth of this month, the said Presbytery resolved unanimously to translate Mr. Martyn from Rathfriland. Thereafter, it was agreed to transfer the case to the Birmingham Presbytery, which was appointed by the Synod to meet on the sixth day of the ensuing month, and of which the congregation at Shelton is to form a part, there not being sufficient time for this Presbytery to take the necessary preliminary steps in due order for the induction of Mr. Martyn into Shelton, before the said congregation ceased to be under the jurisdiction of this court. Messrs. Fergusson and Gardner were appointed a deputation, to wait upon the Birmingham Presbytery, in order to express the brotherly feeling of this Presbytery towards them, and to give any explanations that may be required in the case transferred to them.

The Presbytery adjourned to examine St. George's day-school, and after examining the various classes in all the exercises in which they were wont to engage from day to day, the Presbytery expressed their high satisfaction therewith, and desired to record its high estimation of the qualifications of Mr. Gardner as a teacher, and specially of his power in communicating secular and religious instruction to the young under his charge.

LIVERPOOL, JULY 7.-Held its ordinary monthly meeting. The Commissioner appointed to prosecute Mr. M'Liesh's translation, reported, that the Free Presbytery of Perth, without deciding as to the prospects of usefulness at Ancoats and Methven respectively, found, that in the absence of any opinion in favour of the translation on the

Ecclesiastical Notices.


A NEW place of worship was opened on Sabbath, the 19th September, in the large room of Messrs. Baker, Upper-street, Islington, in connexion with the Presbyterian Church in England, under the sanction of the London The Presbytery resolved to meet at Salford Presbytery. The Rev. W. Alexander, of the on the 20th inst., to induct Mr. Robinson; Free Church of Duntocher, preached in the Mr. Foster to preach and preside; Mr. Gard-morning an eloquent discourse from the text, ner to deliver a discourse on Presbyterian By grace are ye saved," to a large and highly polity, and Mr. M'Cleland to address the minis-respectable and attentive audience; and in ter and congregation. The edict was appointed the evening, from "Christ is precious," when to be served on Sabbath the 11th inst. the room was crowded to the door. Committees were appointed to examine the students of the Theological College within the bounds of the Presbytery.

MANCHESTER, AUGUST 4.-Met, and was duly constituted. Rev. A. M'Lean, Moderator, p. t.

The consideration of the memorial from certain parties residing at the North-end, Liverpool, craving the concurrence and sanction of the Presbytery to the memorialists opening a preaching station there, was referred to a Committee, consisting of Rev. Messrs. Welsh, Fergusson, Gardner, and White, ministers; and Messrs, Lamont, Baird, and Arnott, elders; Mr. Welsh, Convener.

Mr. Welsh was appointed to dispense the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, to St. Peter's congregation, Liverpool, on the first Sabbath of September next.

Mr. Robinson, minister at Salford, Manchester, applied to the Presbytery for the appointment of Assessors to form, and do all the duties of a session in his congregation. The application was granted, and the Rev. Messrs. Cowe, and M'Caw, ministers; with Mr. Thomas Greig, elder, were appointed Assessors; closed with prayer. Adjourned, to meet at Liverpool.

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THE Colonial Committee of the Free Church of Scotland having appointed the Rev. Thomas D. Nicholson, of Lowick, as pastor of the congregation at Nelson, in New Zealand, the Presbytery of Berwick met at Lowick, on Tuesday, the 14th September, to determine in the case. Parties being heard, the members of Presbytery then severally addressed the court, and the following deliverance was come to:-" After a patient and prayerful consideration of the whole circumstances of the case, the Presbytery, while regretting exceedingly the loss sustained by the removal of their highly esteemed co-presbyter, and a faithful labourer in his Master's vineyard; agreed, without a division, to loose, and hereby do loose, the Rev. Thomas Dickson Nicholson, from his pastoral charge at Lowick, enjoin him to continue his labours among his present people for a little, and declare that his pastoral relation to the congregation at Lowick shall cease at the time of his departure to New Zealand."

MIND not much who is with thee, or who is against thee; but take care that God may be with thee in everything that thou doest, KEEP a good conscience, and God will keep thee.

IN everything somewhat will be wanting, and in every place there will be some cross. In Christ alone canst thou find perfect peace and a satisfying portion.

As a ship without a rudder is tossed to and fro with the waves; so the man that is negligent is in many ways tempted.


We heartily wish prosperity to this new station, because we believe that in Islington there is ample room for a second congregation, the church of our excellent brother, Mr. Weir, in River-terrace, being at every service crowded to excess. We trust that we shall always have to refer only to the prosperous and growing welfare of this Church; and that no check may be given to their progress, or hindrance to general sympathy with their interest, by their unnecessary interference with any other congregation.

THE LATE REV. JOSIAS WILSON. FROM the affectionate veneration and esteem with which the memory of this lamented minister is cherished by the members of his late charge at River Terrace, Islington, we are not surprised to learn that they have contributed a sum of about sixty pounds for the erection of a suitable monument over his remains, at Highgate Cemetery. It is an interesting proof of the peculiar power of the deceased in attracting the love of young persons, that part of the above sum was a voluntary offering from children in the Sabbath-school, connected with the church. We have seen the design of the monument, which is now being prepared. It is to consist of Sicilian marble, after a very chaste and beautiful design, and will be about ten feet in height. We are happy to find from the success which has already marked the ministry of his successor, that the blessed results of the labours of the departed are likely to be perpetuated in Islington. Since his arrival in London, Mr. Weir has been preaching to crowded congregations, and we learn that the Sabbath-school and Bible classes in connexion with River Terrace, are in a very flourishing state. We pray that an abundant blessing from the great Head of the Church may continue to rest on the minister and people of this important charge.


THE Annual Examination of the Sabbathschools in connexion with St. James's Church, took place here on Sabbath, the 12th September. There were about 250 children present. A large number of their parents and friends attended to witness the refreshing spectacle. The minister, Mr. Thomson, presided; the younger classes were examined on the initiatory catechisms, and the senior ones underwent a close and searching examination on the Shorter Catechism and Scripture history, in all which the children acquitted themselves in a manner most creditable to their teachers, most satisfactory to their pastors, and most delightful to their friends. After the examination, Mr. Thomson affectionately addressed the children and their parents, and teachers; and at the conclusion of the address, the children's missionary box was opened, and its contents, amounting to 27. 10s. 11 d., divided by them between the

Home and Foreign Missionary Schemes. The amount of contributions during this year, is more than treble that of last year, the one being 14s. 2d., the other being as above 27. 10s. 11 d.; of which the sum of 13s. 8d. was contributed by one of the two country schools.

There are three schools in connexion with the church. And while the greatest zeal and patience and attention are exhibited by all the teachers (thirty-one in number), special testimony should be borne to the labours of the young men, Mr. John Appleby, and Mr. Robert Wilkinson, who have undertaken the labour of the country schools. Their stations are distant from Alnwick, each about four miles; thither they cheerfully proceed every Sabbath at the conclusion of the forenoon's

services in the church. Seldom indeed, were they absent from their posts, even during the worst weather of the last winter, and only then when the roads were absolutely impassable. They have laid the Church here under lasting obligations; they have their reward from the "good Shepherd;" and in the glad welcome they receive from their young charge, and in the constant attendance and earnest attention of most of the parents, and in the marked increase of knowledge and desire for spiritual food, they are made to feel that the Lord doth bless their labours, and will make themselves a blessing. The state of the Sabbath-schools here is most satisfactory.


THE Rev. John McMurray, Presbyterian minister, who has been appointed to one of the Free Church Mission Stations, at Kingston, Upper Canada, preached his farewell sermon on the 22d August last, from 2 Cor. xiii. 11, to a full and sorrowing congregation. The minister, as well as the people, secmed deeply affected during the services of the day. At the conclusion of the sermon, Mr. John Mean, one of the elders, at the request and in the name of the session, and other friends, presented to Mr. M'Murray, as a token of their affectionate regard, the works of the late Dr. Chalmers, consisting of twenty-five volumes. -After a suitable reply from Mr. McMurray, the choir sung a few verses of a hymn composed for the occasion, by Mr. R. Waterston, one of the elders. During the service, eight deacons were ordained, and three children baptized. Altogether the services were of a most solemn and interesting character, and will be long remembered by the people. This being the minister's first church, and he the people's first pastor, rendered the separation the more affecting. Mr. M'Murray has occupied this station about two years and a-half.


It will give great pleasure throughout all our Churches to hear that the Rey. J. R. Mackenzie, of Birmingham, has, by the Divine blessing on his labours, already organized a congregation which requires a new and larger place of worship. At a meeting of the congregation held on the 3d of September last, it was resolved, inter alia, "That a new

church be built, to contain not less than 800,

or more than 1,000 sittings for adults; that the property be held under trust for the use of members of the Presbyterian Church in England; that every member and adherent of the Church become a collector for raising the necessary funds; and that the members of other communions, and the public generally, be invited to assist in this undertaking." The following circular has been issued along with the collecting cards :—



own liberality enlarged by the kindly response of sympathy, and the honest welcome you will meet with in every visit. You will find more hearty sympathy amongst the poor than in our wealthier families.

2d. Never discontinue your visits to any in

IN connexion with the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in England, adhering to the Westminster Confession agreed to by the Assembly of Divines, A. D. 1648, and in communion with the Free Church of Scot-your district upon a refusal to contribute, erland. cept the refusal proceed from avowed enmity to your principles, and be obstinately persisted in.-Let your maxim be, Try again, and fortify yourselves with the conviction that your cause demands your utmost perseverance, and that, if you conquer the reluctant, you confer a benefit upon themselves.


The Presbyterian Congregation worshipping in Broad-street Church, built their present place of worship in the year 1834, to contain 274 sittings. While there was no Presbytery lukewarmness prevailed in the Presbyterian nearer than London, and while comparative Church in England, the edifice was amply sufficient for the number of worshippers.

A Presbytery, however, having been recently formed for the Midland District, and the Church having bestirred itself to engage in evangelistic work among the masses that are perishing for lack of knowledge, the old building is inadequate. For this, we ascribe all the praise to God.

3d. Never force any one to contribute to your cause against his will.—Persuade men to give, but let there be no extortion. Plead your cause,-circulate information-spare no pains to change the will, and win, in behalf of your Christian enterprise, the unanimous concurrence of the people of your district; but compelled offerings, like a stream forced from its natural channel, soon dry up, and leave a grudge against you and your cause in the heart of the giver. Convince the will, and the offerings you receive will be both large in amount, and cheerfully given.

In the locality of the present church, no other places of worship exist: so that a wide and daily extending field of usefulness has been left to the Presbyterian congregation 4th. Never yield to the suggestion that any to break up and to cultivate. In these cir-household is too poor to subscribe.-The false cumstances, we may not excuse ourselves, by persuasion-"O, such persons have nothing saying, "The time for the Lord's work is not to give"-will hang as a dead weight and yet come;" but rather, in the spirit of drag upon your efforts, until the deceitful Nehemiah, do we say, "The God of heaven, imagination utterly paralyze you, and drive He will prosper us; therefore we, his ser- you from your post of duty. There is no vants, will arise and build." household but by your friendly and Christian intercourse may be put upon expedients for economising many times the sum you ask for your object,-none to which you might not repay the contribution fourfold.

A resolution to that effect was unanimously adopted, at a congregational meeting, held and William Hamilton, Esq., of London, were on the 3d instant. The Rev. W. Chalmers 5th. Never forget that you are honouring present on the occasion, and aided us by their which sum 1,1007. were subscribed at the tribution to the cause of Christ.-You miscounsel. The estimated cost is 3,000l., of both rich and poor, when you ask their conmeeting by members of the congregation. understand the poor if you suppose you But, in order to uphold Divine ordinances approach them most acceptably in the among themselves, and to extend their in-character of a giver, or that they alone are fluence to missionary and educational enter- strangers to the maxim-" It is more blessed prizes, the congregation are desirous of to give than to receive." Why should not entering their new place of worship free of the widow have an opportunity of giving her mite, and the poor enjoy the luxury, with satisfaction of bestowing their substance for their wealthier brethren, of doing good,--the the Gospel's sake?


gregation for aid, as for an undertaking which We appeal to every individual of our conthey have not always before them.

We appeal to Christians who must have compassion on those children to whom we have been obliged to refuse admittance for want of accommodation.

We appeal also to the friends of the Presbyterian soldiers, who have no Presbyterian place of worship, in Birmingham, wherein to worship the Lord their God, after the manner of their fathers.

We are confident that, with such a cause, and with such a wide field of Christian philanthropy before us, we cannot appeal in vain to the friends of Christ to aid us with their contributions and co-operation, as far as they are responsible to him for the wider extension of his kingdom.

tion, called

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The first number of a periodical paper has been also issued for the use of the congregaThe Remembrancer of the Presbyterian Church, Broad-street, Birmingham.' From this paper we extract some advice to collectors, which may be useful elsewhere as well as at Birmingham:


1st. Never be afraid, in your benevolent Mission, to enter into the houses of the poor.There is an apprehension with many, that they may be repulsed and uncivilly treated. No apprehension can be more unfounded. Your own heart will be benefited and your

If, in addition to the observation of these

simple directions you seek to deepen the impression on your own minds of the sacredness of the work to which the Church has called you, we have no fear that your exertions will slacken, or that you will rest before your work is done. Let the greatness of the issues that are suspended upon your exertions fortify your

minds against impatience, despondency, and repulses, and the languor that follows when the first excitement of a new undertaking is spent. Keep alive the conviction of your individual responsibility for the continued preaching of the Gospel, and with your labours unite daily prayer, that, while you are erecting and upholding God, he would appear in his glory, and build the outward tabernacle for the worship of findeth to do, do it with thy might." (Eccles. "Whatsoever thy hand up a spiritual Zion. ix. 10.) "Work while it is day, the night cometh when no man can work." (John ix. 4.) "When I was an hungered, ye gave me meat; thirsty, and ye gave me drink; when I was a stranger, ye took me in; naked, and ye clothed me; I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me." (Matt. XXV. 35, 36.) “I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first." (Rev. ii. 19.)


ON Tuesday evening, the 31st August, the
Anniversary Meeting of the Brampton Pres-
byterian Missionary Association was held;
T. H. Graham, Esq., of Edmond Castle, in

the chair.

After singing a part of the 72d Psalm, the Rev. Dr. Brown read a portion of Scripture, and the Rev. Richard Hunter, of Carlisle, engaged in prayer.


THE letter of which the following is a copy was sent by an esteemed minister of the Free Church in Edinburgh, the Rev. Francis Gillies, along with the official letter of the General Assembly, on the subject of the Sustentation Fund. The remarks are so very judicious, and are pervaded by so excellent a spirit, that we are tempted to publish the letter, believing that our brother will pardon the liberty thus taken, if thereby haply others may be stirred up to the exercise of that grace of Christian liberality which is so earnestly and affectionately urged :

it been comprised within any reasonable limits. But the MS. sent to us is literally several yards long!-about fifteen feet by five or six inches broad, in close and small writing. No part of our paper is more useful or important than the record of local proceedings, but if the speeches of every missionary or congregational meeting were given at length, little room would remain for anything else. We beg our friends to exercise a little conThe Chairman, who, although a conscien- sideration and compassion, as well as wisdom. tious member of the Church of England, is A brief notice is sure to be inserted; a very ever ready to support the religious institu- long one is either laid aside, or entails much tions of every Evangelical denomination, labour in condensing and arranging. In a opened the proceedings with a suitable ad- publication appearing only once a-month the dress, in which he expressed the pleasure he reading and selecting of the mass of materials had of being present at the second Anniver- contributed is no easy matter, and if ever any "My dear friend in the Lord,-Allow me, sary of this Missionary Association. Refer- thanks are deserved by an Editor, it is far in my own name and in that of our Kirkring to the destitution which prevailed during more for what is not printed than for what is Session, respectfully to solicit that you would the past year in many parts of our country, printed. It will be obvious, from the way in most attentively peruse the accompanying and to the prospect of an abundant harvest, which we have spoken of the Brampton meet-pastoral letter of the General Assembly of which should call forth our gratitude to ing, that no disrespect is meant towards our Almighty God, he was reminded of that pas-minister and the cause there no doubt led to worthy correspondent, whose regard for his sage of Scripture, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few." He employed this as an argument for increased interest in the cause of Missions, and for liberality on the part of Christians of all deno



Dr. Brown was then called on for the
Report of last year's proceedings.
It appeared that the Association

has yielded during the year
The Juvenile Missionary Box in
the Sunday School, and the
Christmas Juvenile Collecting
Cards, yielded .....
Collections, Clonations, and sub-
scriptions, for Home and Foreign
Missions, including the proceeds
from last Anniversary.
Collections and subscriptions for
the College and School Schemes,
and for the Synod Fund
Subscriptions for the destitute
Scotch and Irish . . . .

Making in all, for one year

his zeal, but we have taken this opportunity
of throwing out some hints for the considera-
tion of others.]


WE are glad that this congregation has obtained an able and faithful pastor, the Rev. William Johnstone, of Belfast, who was elected £10 12 2 unanimously, and has been settled in his new charge. Mr. Johnstone was a pupil of Dr. Chalmers, and of the Theological Hall at Edinburgh, and at Belfast has been most 0 13 0 favourably known as a student, and after wards, as a successful and esteemed minister. We congratulate the Townsend-street congregation on this appointment, and our 5 15 10 River-terrace friends especially will in this feeling join us, remembering the generous way in which that congregation has twice consented to the translation of their minister. May God render unto them a fourfold blessing 1 1 0 in their spiritual as well as outward prosperity !



£21 11 0

The subscription for the destitute would have been much larger had not many of our people given their contributions for that object to other parties before it was known that there would be a separate subscription.*

It further appeared from Dr. Brown's Report, that the Sabbath-school, library, and other congregational objects, were in promising condition. A son of Dr. Brown had sent a generous donation of seventy-five volumes to the library.

Resolutions were proposed by the Rev. R. Hunter, of the United Presbyterian Church, Carlisle; Rev. J. M. Dixon, of the Free Church of Scotland; Rev. J. Burns, of Whitehaven; Mr. Armstrong, one of the elders, and superintendent of the Sabbath-school; and Mr. Duncan, teacher of the day-school. A collection for the Foreign and Jewish Missions was then made, amounting to 5l. 2s. Joseph Coulthard, Esq., proprietor of Croft House Academy, after some appropriate remarks, proposed the thanks of the Meeting to their excellent and respected Chairman, and to the reverend gentlemen who had addressed the meeting. The meeting was concluded with a Doxology and Benediction.

[We would gladly have inserted the full Report of this very interesting meeting had


Dr. Chalmers, as he was found on his death-
A LITHOGRAPHIC portrait has appeared of
bed on the morning of his departure. As
far as a representation of the man could
be given under such circumstances, the pre-
sent attempt is successful, and to many it will
be a valued and interesting remembrancer.
been designed as the model for an admirable
It has a statue-like effect, and might have
sculpture. The portrait is on sale by Messrs.
Partridge and Oakey, 34, Paternoster-row.

THE THRONE OF GRACE. The righteous Lord sits upon that throne, but his face has no frown upon it,-his voice has no terror in it. On whatever part of that throne you cast your eye, you see it inscribed with grace in all its variety of application to your circumstances. There is grace to blot out your trespasses, though they be "red like crimson." There is grace to purify your hearts, though they be full of all uncleanness. There is grace to subdue your enemies, though they come | upon you as a flood." There is grace to console you amidst all your sorrows, though they be great, and multiplied, and protracted. There is grace to guide you through life, to cheer you at death, and to carry you to heaven; and, as surely as God sits upon the



our Church.

directing your attention to the scriptural "I have already taken an opportunity of doctrine relative to the maintenance and extension of the Gospel ministry in the land. We have seen that the Lord, who is the Head of the Church, and her Legislator in this, as in everything else spiritual, hath ordained that they which preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel.' (1 Cor. ix. 14.) Similar declarations will be found in Matthew x. 10; Galatians vi. 6; 1 Timothy iv. 17, 18. I rejoice to see, that, in obedience to one part of this command of our Lord, you regularly attend upon the preaching of the Gospel by that ministry, and I fervently pray that He would make it the savour of life unto life' to your soul. I would, however, earnestly solicit you prayerfully to inquire whether, in obedience to the other portion of this ordinance of our Lord, you be doing what in you lies, and what therefore He expects and deserves from you, for the proper support and the progressive extension of that ministry throughout the country. Remember that



this call is that of the Lord himself. It comes
not from the Church merely, but from the
surrendered the endowments of the State
At His call we
Church's glorious Head.
because it would not allow us to retain them
except upon unscriptural conditions.
now, in his providence, calls upon his people
to replace them by an adequate substitute in
the shape of their own free and cordial con-
an efficient ministry. You, as
tributions, unless they mean to dispense with
one of his
people, profess to hope that He hath given
Himself for you and also to you as your own
Saviour. 'How much, then, owest thou to
thy Lord?" and what art thou now giving
and doing for thy Lord in obedience to this
his command, and for this his cause?

"Our Lord might indeed have miraculously maintained his ministering servants as He did Elijah of old; or He might have employed the service of angels who are altogether independent of man's support. But He has chosen to ordain it otherwise. To you and his professing people He hath assigned the duty, given the honour, and granted the privilege, of gratefully acknowledging his goodness and shewing regard to Himself, by thus contributing to the support of his servants, while so engrossed in his work that they cannot and may not maintain themselves and their families by their own

throne of grace, so surely will he listen to the extra-ministerial exertions. He has appointed . The minister, office-bearers, and congregation at Brampton, deserve great credit for their liberality and prayers that you prefer at his footstool, and his people to be his channels for conveying their labours. They raise more, we believe, in proportion uphold the character which he himself has his own provision to his servants. We believe to their number and means, than any congregation in our great and, in actual amount, only about fourteen con- imparting to you whatsoever you ask in will richly provide for us; and since He emenstamped upon it, by freely tendering and that He (whose we are, and whom we serve) sincerity and faith.-Rev. Dr. A. Thompson. I ploys his people as his agents and distributors

gregations exceed the contributions of this, which is one of the humblest of our country Churches.

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